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MOD - Creating a Planet 0.95
Chris94Date: Wednesday, 22.01.2014, 21:26 | Message # 136
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 118
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Quote HarbingerDawn ()
Just specify ParentBody "Betelgeuse", like with adding planets to any other star.

That didn't worked. I don't know why. Betelgeuse has automatically generated planets. How do i remove them?

Attachments: 3717918.jpg (217.8 Kb)

Edited by Chris94 - Wednesday, 22.01.2014, 21:26
HarbingerDawnDate: Wednesday, 22.01.2014, 21:41 | Message # 137
Cosmic Curator
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United States
Messages: 8717
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Quote Chris94 ()
How do i remove them?

Simply by adding planets to it. Maybe there's some bug and you have to remove the star and make it again yourself to add planets to it. See the creating a star tutorial if you need help on that.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Chris94Date: Friday, 24.01.2014, 17:29 | Message # 138
Space Pilot
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Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Can someone tell me what i have done wrong with this planet?

Here are the parameters
Planet "Eridania IV"  
     ParentBody "Eridania"  
     Class "Terra"  

     Radius 7700.0
     Mass            1.1        // Mass in Earth's masses  
     Oblateness 0.0  
     Albedo 0.30  
     RotationPeriod 24.0

   Class   "Organic"
   Type    "Multicellular"
   Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"

     Surface         // Surface tag  
          BumpHeight      6.8     // Max height of landscape in km  
          BumpOffset      0.3     // Offset of zero height level   
          SpecularBright  20.0    // Brightness of specular spot  
          SpecularPower   150.0   // Size of specular spot  
          DayAmbient      0.1     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light  
          Lommel          0.0     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio  
          Exposure        2.0     // Global surface brighness   
    Style           0.16            // Default color scheme  
    Randomize      (0.911, 0.373, 0.204) // Randomize vector  
    colorDistMagn   0.09464233  // Magnitude of detail textures distortion  
    colorDistFreq   945.9523    // Frequency of detail textures distortion  
    detailScale     53000.0    // Scale of detail textures  
    colorConversion true        // Perform textures color conversion  
    seaLevel        0.68   // Sea level height (0...1)   
    tropicLatitude  0.54   // Latitude of tropics  
    climatePole     1.000       // Climate of poles   - index to color table (0...1)  
    climateTropic   0.6      // Climate of tropics - index to color table (0...1)  
    climateEquator  0.42       // Climate of equator - index to color table (0...1)  
    tropicWidth     0.75        // Width of tropics  
    mainFreq        0.8642751   // Main noise frequency (oceans/continents)    
    montesMagn      0.46   // Mountains magnitude (0...1)  
    montesFreq      412.9121    // Mountains frequency  
    montesDensity   0.5    // Mountains density  
    dunesMagn       0.1  // Dunes magnitude (0...1)  
    dunesFreq       57.8876     // Dunes frequency  
    dunesDensity    0.13   // Dunes density  
    hillsMagn       0.1289276   // Hills magnitude (0...1)  
    hillsFreq       503.3618    // Hills frequency  
    hillsDensity    0.8554457   // Hills density  
    canyonMagn      0.0341905   // Canyons magnitude (0...1)  
    canyonFreq      43.0    // Canyons frequency  
    canyonDensity   0.23   // Canyons density  
    cracksMagn      0.0002  // Ice cracks magnitude (0...1)  
    cracksFreq      0.0002   // Ice cracks frequency  
    cracksOctaves   0           // Number of ice cracks octaves
    craterMagn      0.1   // Craters magnitude  
    craterFreq      0.0    // Craters frequency  
    craterDensity   0.0  // Craters density  
    craterOctaves   0.0    // Number of craters octaves  
    craterRayedFactor 0.0           // Number of rayed craters relative to usual craters     
    cycloneMagn     0.5    // Cyclones magnitude (0...1)  
    cycloneFreq     0.7   // Cyclones frequency  
    cycloneDensity  0.8  // Cyclones density  
    colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000) // Color of seas  
    colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000) // Color of shelf areas  
    colorBeach     (0.850, 0.740, 0.550, 0.000) // Color of beach lines  
    colorDesert    (0.770, 0.670, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of deserts  
    colorLowland   (0.440, 0.290, 0.170, 0.000) // Color of lower lands  
    colorUpland    (0.640, 0.570, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of upper lands  
    colorRock      (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.000) // Color of rocks  
    colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016) // Color of snow  
    colorLowPlants (0.100, 0.160, 0.070, 0.000) // Color of lower vegetation  
    colorUpPlants  (0.090, 0.110, 0.040, 0.000) // Color of upper vegetation  

    Clouds      // Clouds layer tag  
          BumpHeight      7.9     // Max height of "cloud landscape" in km  
          BumpOffset      0.2     // Offset of zero height level  
          DayAmbient      2.0     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light  
          Lommel          0.2     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio  
          Exposure        2.0     // Global clouds brighness  
          Height          4.2     // Height of cloud layer in km  
          Velocity        75.0    // Velosity of clouds layer  
          Color          (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  // Global color of clouds layer  
          mainFreq        0.9     // Main noise frequency  
          mainOctaves     10      // Number of octaves of main noise  
          Coverage        0.12     // Clouds coverage (0...1)  
          twistZones      0.1    // Number of Jupiter-like zones or strips  
          twistMagn       0.35    // Strength of twist  

    Height          6.2  
    DayAmbient      2.0  
    Lommel          0.0  
    Exposure        2.0  
    Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)  
        Model "Earth"  
        Height 150.0
        Pressure 1.0
        Greenhouse      15.0    // Greenhouse effect in degrees
        Bright          10.0    // Brightness (rendering parameter)  
        Opacity         1.0     // Opacity (rendering parameter)  
        SkyLight        1.0     // Brightness of skylight on terrain  
        Density 1.0  

        //Type "Static"  
        RefPlane "Ecliptic"  
        Period 1.3
        Eccentricity 0.013

        SemiMajorAxis 1.35
JCandeiasDate: Friday, 24.01.2014, 17:45 | Message # 139
Group: Translators
Messages: 387
Status: Offline
Do you have a star called "Eridania" somewhere?

If not, then that's your problem right there.

They let me use this!
Chris94Date: Friday, 24.01.2014, 17:47 | Message # 140
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Quote JCandeias ()
Do you have a star called "Eridania" somewhere?

If not, then that's your problem right there.

Nevermind, i found the problem. And it was not that.

Edited by Chris94 - Friday, 24.01.2014, 17:48
davtk8Date: Tuesday, 28.01.2014, 21:18 | Message # 141
Group: Newbies
United Kingdom
Messages: 3
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I just don't like the fact I have to keep restarting Space Engine to apply new effects.
bgremanDate: Thursday, 10.04.2014, 22:24 | Message # 142
Group: Newbies
United States
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Is there a guide to the options available for the Life parameter block now? I'd like to know what options I have for creating life-bearing planets.
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 11.04.2014, 19:07 | Message # 143
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote bgreman ()
Is there a guide to the options available for the Life parameter block now? I'd like to know what options I have for creating life-bearing planets.


   Class   "Organic"
   Type    "Multicellular"
   Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"

Class options are "Organic" and "Exotic". Type options are "Unicellular" and "Multicellular". Biome options are "Marine", "Terrestrial", "Subglacial", and "Floaters". You can have more than one life tag per planet, so you can have separate types and classes of life in separate biomes.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Bill3000Date: Saturday, 14.06.2014, 20:02 | Message # 144
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United States
Messages: 3
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Are ice caps on terra worlds supposed to be on land only? One of my planets has this and I'm wondering if it's possible to extend this to the polar oceans.
VoekoevakaDate: Friday, 20.06.2014, 17:49 | Message # 145
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
Status: Offline
I was trying to add a cloud layer to Io but it is not appearing. Do I miss something ?

   DiffMap        "Io/Clouds"
   DiffTileSize    256
   DiffTileBorder  0
   BumpMap        "Io/Clouds-bump"
   BumpTileSize    256
   BumpTileBorder  0
   BumpHeight      99.0
   BumpOffset      0.0
   Exposure        1.0
   DayAmbient      3.0
   Lommel          0.1
   Height          6.0
   Velocity        0.0 // km/h

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

apenpaapDate: Friday, 20.06.2014, 18:14 | Message # 146
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Messages: 1063
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I'm not sure if Selenas can have clouds at all. Maybe try changing its class to desert to see if that changes anything.

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
VoekoevakaDate: Friday, 20.06.2014, 18:58 | Message # 147
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
Status: Offline
I already did. I checked too if there's a "NoClouds true", but there's no.

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 20.06.2014, 23:43 | Message # 148
Author of Space Engine
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Voekoevaka, what log says?

VoekoevakaDate: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 04:46 | Message # 149
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
Status: Offline
I don't see nothing wrong with the log :

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

IktomiDate: Friday, 18.07.2014, 06:46 | Message # 150
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
What does the main tag 'Dwarfmoon' do compared to others, especially compared wiith Moon and asteroid?

And as a note for anyone using them, it seems you need to add the following tags:
NoClouds true
    NoOcean true
    NoAtmosphere true
    NoAurora true
    NoRings true
    NoCometTail true

Or else they will look like this:

And heres the code for anyone curious

Currently cant run Space Engine so has to rely on others to test/view his creations. In the process of fixing that however!

Edited by Iktomi - Friday, 18.07.2014, 07:31