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MOD - Creating a planet 0.980
JackDoleDate: Monday, 05.09.2016, 18:53 | Message # 181
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
okay, the whole thing is a bit strange.
I have no idea why this is so. In SE 0.973 RC2 it still works.

It looks as if SpaceEngine does no longer accept impossible density values for Terra planets.

But ...
Make your planet to a moon! Then it works.

You must not really make the planet to a moon. Denote him as a moon, instead of as a planet.

Attachments: 6046541.jpg (246.5 Kb) · 7628935.jpg (246.8 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

quarior14Date: Monday, 05.09.2016, 19:39 | Message # 182
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
JackDole, very strange, I hope this bug will be fixed.

OstariskDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 00:25 | Message # 183
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Any help on making this moon temperate/warm?

Planet code:

Planet    "Albenos"
    ParentBody     "Arkors"
    Class        "GasGiant"

    Mass            1716.5
    Radius          76996.7
    InertiaMoment   0.21895

    RotationPeriod  2422.39
    Obliquity       -2.05104
    EqAscendNode    179.204

    AlbedoBond      0.461599
    AlbedoGeom      0.553919
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.561 0.455 0.466)

  SurfStyle       0.341497
  Randomize      (0.399, -0.035, -0.167)
  detailScale     198040
  colorConversion true
  tropicLatitude  0.000488281
  icecapLatitude  0.900488
  craterOctaves   0
  volcanoActivity 0
  lavaCoverTidal  0.0829289
  lavaCoverSun    0
  lavaCoverYoung  0
  stripeZones     6.92011
  stripeFluct     0.430883
  stripeTwist     11.6721
  cycloneMagn     8.2781
  cycloneFreq     0.6505
  cycloneDensity  0.364547
  cycloneOctaves  5
  colorLayer0    (0.120, 0.200, 0.480, 1.100)
  colorLayer1    (0.330, 0.400, 0.720, 0.600)
  colorLayer2    (0.330, 0.400, 0.720, 0.200)
  colorLayer3    (0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 0.000)
  colorLayer4    (0.350, 0.430, 0.770, 0.000)
  colorLayer5    (0.470, 0.540, 0.850, 0.000)
  colorLayer6    (0.600, 0.650, 0.910, 0.000)
  colorLayer7    (0.990, 0.990, 1.000, 1.000)
  colorLowPlants (0.350, 0.430, 0.770, 0.000)
  colorUpPlants  (0.470, 0.540, 0.850, 0.000)
  BumpHeight      5.82755
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1
  ModulateColor  (0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000)

  Height          24.6641
  Velocity        1030.44
  BumpHeight      18.8345
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.882739
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        0.115988
  stripeZones     6.92011
  stripeFluct     0.430883
  stripeTwist     11.6721

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Earth"
  Height          100
  Density         5464.97
  Pressure        1e+006
  Bright          10
  Opacity         1
  SkyLight        3.33333
  Hue             0.198317
  Saturation      0.64455

   H2     91.6952
   He     7.85819
   CH4    0.358335
   N2     0.03926
   NH3    0.0319321
   O2     0.00900335
   C2H2   0.00342712
   C2H4   0.00135597
   Ne     0.0011378
   Ar     0.000981626
   C2H6   0.000741762
   C3H8   0.000428469

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   9.8934
  //Period          0.137706
  Eccentricity    0.0971805
  Inclination     -2.05104
  AscendingNode   179.204
  ArgOfPericenter 277.167
  MeanAnomaly     128.417

Moon    "Reskara"
    ParentBody     "Albenos"
    Class        "Terra"

    Mass            0.112051
    Radius          3139.76
    InertiaMoment   0.331125

    RotationPeriod  1179.29
    Obliquity       -1.20618
    EqAscendNode    63.2239

    AlbedoBond      0.265628
    AlbedoGeom      0.318753
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.763 0.598 0.452)

  Class   "Organic"
  Type    "Multicellular"
  Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"

  SurfStyle       0.305172
  OceanStyle      0.417554
  Randomize      (0.414, 0.988, 0.927)
  colorDistMagn   0.0539151
  colorDistFreq   462.54
  detailScale     8075.64
  colorConversion true
  seaLevel        0.661406
  snowLevel       2
  tropicLatitude  0.0358472
  icecapLatitude  0.936292
  icecapHeight    0.664505
  climatePole     0.9375
  climateTropic   0.3125
  climateEquator  0.6875
  heightTempGrad  0.625
  tropicWidth     0.07
  mainFreq        0.927012
  venusFreq       1.28842
  venusMagn       0.357571
  mareFreq        6.51113
  mareDensity     0.0130193
  terraceProb     0.209627
  erosion         0.121897
  montesMagn      0.192235
  montesFreq      123.961
  montesSpiky     0.979766
  montesFraction  0.961399
  dunesMagn       0.0491836
  dunesFreq       36.399
  dunesFraction   0.0273016
  hillsMagn       0.134088
  hillsFreq       284.054
  hillsFraction   0.358511
  hills2Fraction  0.38193
  riversMagn      62.3178
  riversFreq      3.19494
  riversSin       5.92763
  riversOctaves   2
  canyonsMagn     0.0537924
  canyonsFreq     88.3149
  canyonFraction  0.691223
  cracksMagn      0.116436
  cracksFreq      0.290957
  cracksOctaves   0
  craterMagn      0.641219
  craterFreq      11.0564
  craterDensity   0
  craterOctaves   0
  volcanoMagn     0.689708
  volcanoFreq     0.851724
  volcanoDensity  0.32635
  volcanoOctaves  3
  volcanoActivity 1.02063
  volcanoFlows    0.792405
  volcanoRadius   0.451202
  volcanoTemp     1214.67
  lavaCoverTidal  0
  lavaCoverSun    0
  lavaCoverYoung  0
  stripeZones     1.70374
  stripeTwist     1.03375
  cycloneMagn     2.20646
  cycloneFreq     0.869891
  cycloneDensity  0.221552
  cycloneOctaves  3
  colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000)
  colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000)
  colorBeach     (0.740, 0.730, 0.610, 0.000)
  colorDesert    (0.450, 0.420, 0.380, 0.000)
  colorLowland   (0.480, 0.380, 0.280, 0.000)
  colorUpland    (0.600, 0.540, 0.420, 0.000)
  colorRock      (0.170, 0.160, 0.160, 0.000)
  colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.308)
  colorLowPlants (0.144, 0.126, 0.016, 0.000)
  colorUpPlants  (0.313, 0.299, 0.062, 0.000)
  BumpHeight      20
  BumpOffset      13.2281
  DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
  SpecBrightWater 0.65
  SpecBrightIce   0.85
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      0.07

  Height          5.31616
  Velocity        165.645
  BumpHeight      5.31628
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        1.024
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.10938
  stripeZones     1.70374
  stripeTwist     1.03375

  Height          10.6326
  Velocity        48.431
  BumpHeight      5.02507
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        1.024
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.10938
  stripeZones     1.70374
  stripeTwist     1.03375

  Height          13.2281
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Earth"
  Height          84.9195
  Density         0.185104
  Pressure        0.112989
  Greenhouse      1.57532
  Bright          10
  Opacity         1
  SkyLight        3.33333
  Hue             0.0183701
  Saturation      1

   CO2    98.6529
   O2     6.344283
   H2O    0.000001
   SO2    0.00274984
   Ar     5.22007e-005

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   0.00125153
  Period          0.0538133
  Eccentricity    0.0689423
  Inclination     -1.20618
  AscendingNode   63.2239
  ArgOfPericenter 103.085
  MeanAnomaly     307.984

Star code:

Star    "Arkors"
     RA       16 10 45    
     Dec     -25 12 11    
     Dist     33.0       
     Class    "G2V"
     Lum      1.0
     Age      4.57
     FeH      0.0

Attachments: 3063423.jpg (171.2 Kb)

My mods
steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 00:26 | Message # 184
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Try putting it further from the gas giant
OstariskDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 00:45 | Message # 185
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
steeljaw354, No, I want to make the moon orbit close, but still be habitable. that is why I made the gas giant cold.

My mods
HornblowerDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 00:50 | Message # 186
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Quote Ostarisk ()
I want to make the moon orbit close, but still be habitable. that is why I made the gas giant cold.

The temperature of the gas giant has little to no effect on the moon. The reason why it's scorched is because tidal forces bulge the planet making the surface hot
OstariskDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 01:58 | Message # 187
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Ok, but is there a way on which I can decrease the heat from other sources so that tidal heating keeps it temperate?

My mods
HornblowerDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 02:24 | Message # 188
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Quote Ostarisk ()
is there a way on which I can decrease the heat from other sources so that tidal heating keeps it temperate?

Like I said, heat from other sources will have little effect on the temperature of the moon. What if you lowered the mass of the planet but kept the radius (make it less dense). The moon will have a slower orbit, but it should help biggrin
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 09:18 | Message # 189
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Ostarisk, try to put eccentricity for the moon to 0 or inferioty than your eccentricty actual or away from the planet and for the same angular size, enlarge the planet without changing the mass.

JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 14:59 | Message # 190
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
there are multiple possibilities.
Apparently your moon has braking rockets.
In order to decelerate the normal orbital period of 5 1/2 hours to 19.7 days.
So you can also install a cooling system in the moon. Set the greenhouse effect to -910 °.

Or, more realistic, set the greenhouse effect:
        Greenhouse      41.57532

and the eccentricity to:
        Eccentricity    0.00032894

Or you take this script:

Moon "Reskara"
    ParentBody  "Albenos"
    Class       "Terra"

    Mass            0.112051
    Radius          3139.76
    InertiaMoment   0.33222

    Oblateness      0.0698831

    Obliquity       -1.20618
    EqAscendNode    63.2239
    TidalLocked     true

    AlbedoBond      0.265628
    AlbedoGeom      0.318753
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.398 0.500 0.720)

        Class   "Organic"
        Type    "Multicellular"
        Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"

        SurfStyle       0.305172
        OceanStyle      0.417554
        Randomize      (0.414, 0.988, 0.927)
        colorDistMagn   0.0539151
        colorDistFreq   462.54
        detailScale     8075.64
        colorConversion true
        seaLevel        0.661406
        snowLevel       2
        tropicLatitude  0.0358472
        icecapLatitude  0.936292
        icecapHeight    0.664505
        climatePole     0.9375
        climateTropic   0.3125
        climateEquator  0.6875
        heightTempGrad  0.625
        tropicWidth     0.07
        mainFreq        0.927012
        venusFreq       1.28842
        venusMagn       0.357571
        mareFreq        6.51113
        mareDensity     0.0130193
        terraceProb     0.209627
        erosion         0.121897
        montesMagn      0.192235
        montesFreq      123.961
        montesSpiky     0.979766
        montesFraction  0.961399
        dunesMagn       0.0491836
        dunesFreq       36.399
        dunesFraction   0.0273016
        hillsMagn       0.134088
        hillsFreq       284.054
        hillsFraction   0.358511
        hills2Fraction  0.38193
        riversMagn      62.3178
        riversFreq      3.19494
        riversSin       5.92763
        riversOctaves   2
        canyonsMagn     0.0537924
        canyonsFreq     88.3149
        canyonFraction  0.691223
        cracksMagn      0.116436
        cracksFreq      0.290957
        cracksOctaves   0
        craterMagn      0.641219
        craterFreq      11.0564
        craterDensity   0
        craterOctaves   0
        volcanoMagn     0.689708
        volcanoFreq     0.851724
        volcanoDensity  0.32635
        volcanoOctaves  3
        volcanoActivity 1.02063
        volcanoFlows    0.792405
        volcanoRadius   0.451202
        volcanoTemp     1214.67
        lavaCoverTidal  0
        lavaCoverSun    0
        lavaCoverYoung  0
        stripeZones     1.70374
        stripeTwist     1.03375
        cycloneMagn     2.20646
        cycloneFreq     0.869891
        cycloneDensity  0.221552
        cycloneOctaves  3
        colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000)
        colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000)
        colorBeach     (0.740, 0.730, 0.610, 0.000)
        colorDesert    (0.450, 0.420, 0.380, 0.000)
        colorLowland   (0.480, 0.380, 0.280, 0.000)
        colorUpland    (0.600, 0.540, 0.420, 0.000)
        colorRock      (0.170, 0.160, 0.160, 0.000)
        colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.308)
        colorLowPlants (0.144, 0.126, 0.016, 0.000)
        colorUpPlants  (0.313, 0.299, 0.062, 0.000)
        BumpHeight      20
        BumpOffset      13.2281
        DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
        SpecBrightWater 0.65
        SpecBrightIce   0.85
        SpecularPower   55
        Hapke           0
        SpotBright      4
        SpotWidth       0.05
        DayAmbient      0.07

        Height          5.31616
        Velocity        165.645
        BumpHeight      5.31628
        Hapke           0.2
        SpotBright      2
        SpotWidth       0.15
        DayAmbient      2
        mainFreq        1.024
        mainOctaves     10
        Coverage        0.10938
        stripeZones     1.70374
        stripeTwist     1.03375

        Height          10.6326
        Velocity        48.431
        BumpHeight      5.02507
        Hapke           0.2
        SpotBright      2
        SpotWidth       0.15
        DayAmbient      2
        mainFreq        1.024
        mainOctaves     10
        Coverage        0.10938
        stripeZones     1.70374
        stripeTwist     1.03375

        Height          13.2281
        Hapke           0
        SpotBright      2
        SpotWidth       0.15
        DayAmbient      2

        Model          "Earth"
        Height          84.9195
        Density         1.85104
        Pressure        1.12989
        Greenhouse      41.57532
        Bright          10
        Opacity         1
        SkyLight        3.33333
        Hue             0.0183701
        Saturation      1

            N2  76.0544102727
            O2  21.3002244336
            Ar  0.688546376862
            H2O 0.511614679038
            CO2 1.44520423779

    NoRings         true

        RefPlane        "Equator"
        SemiMajorAxis   0.00125153
        Period          0.000618024
        Eccentricity    0.00032894
        Inclination     -1.20618
        AscendingNode   63.2239
        ArgOfPericenter 103.085
        MeanAnomaly     307.984
(This is only the moon.)

I have adapted the atmosphere (to somewhat Earth-like values), and I made the orbital and rotational periods a little more realistic.

Attachments: 2090910.jpg (189.1 Kb) · 6577847.jpg (192.6 Kb) · 4428253.jpg (220.6 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

OstariskDate: Friday, 09.09.2016, 04:02 | Message # 191
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
quarior14, JackDole, Thanks!

Hornblower, That didn't work.

My mods
steeljaw354Date: Saturday, 10.09.2016, 19:49 | Message # 192
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I need help with making a proper Barycenter for my system and adding planets in the Zolar system which would actually be realistic. Basically I made the Earth and moon swap roles and changed the names. Zon.sc goes in stars and Tyran.sc goes in planets.

Attachments: Tyran.sc (4.2 Kb) · Zon.sc (1.6 Kb) · 2399410.jpg (230.1 Kb) · 9779679.jpg (250.2 Kb)

Edited by steeljaw354 - Saturday, 10.09.2016, 19:50
OstariskDate: Sunday, 11.09.2016, 22:04 | Message # 193
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
steeljaw354, Did you want to make Tyran-Mynoa barycenter or a barycenter for your star?

If you wanted to make a Tyran-Mynoa barycenter (make them binary)

you can use this code:

Barycenter "Tyran-Mynoa"
    ParentBody  "Zon"
   RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   1.0
  Eccentricity    0.01
  Inclination     0.0
  AscendingNode   100.47
  ArgOfPericenter 159.774
  MeanAnomaly     315.298

Planet    "Tyran"
    ParentBody     "Tyran-Mynoa"
    Class        "IceGiant"

    Mass            24.9227
    Radius          23206.2
    InertiaMoment   0.209058

    Oblateness      0.0307462

    RotationPeriod  8.88722
    Obliquity       30.324
    EqAscendNode    92.586

    AlbedoBond      0.482214
    AlbedoGeom      0.578656
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.701 0.472 0.247)

  SurfStyle       0.418129
  Randomize      (0.964, 0.648, 0.420)
  detailScale     59687.7
  colorConversion true
  tropicLatitude  0.501775
  icecapLatitude  1
  craterOctaves   0
  volcanoActivity 0
  lavaCoverTidal  0
  lavaCoverSun    0
  lavaCoverYoung  0.673104
  stripeZones     4.71005
  stripeFluct     0.305587
  stripeTwist     10.186
  cycloneMagn     11.9886
  cycloneFreq     0.909651
  cycloneDensity  0.441406
  cycloneOctaves  0
  colorLayer0    (0.120, 0.200, 0.480, 1.000)
  colorLayer1    (0.330, 0.400, 0.720, 1.000)
  colorLayer2    (0.330, 0.400, 0.720, 1.000)
  colorLayer3    (0.600, 0.600, 0.600, 1.000)
  colorLayer4    (0.350, 0.430, 0.770, 1.000)
  colorLayer5    (0.470, 0.540, 0.850, 1.000)
  colorLayer6    (0.600, 0.650, 0.910, 1.000)
  colorLayer7    (0.990, 0.990, 1.000, 1.000)
  colorLowPlants (0.350, 0.430, 0.770, 1.000)
  colorUpPlants  (0.470, 0.540, 0.850, 1.000)
  BumpHeight      14.5762
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1
  ModulateColor  (0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000)

  Height          58.0742
  Velocity        -291.283
  BumpHeight      43.4972
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        1.233
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        0.411068
  stripeZones     4.71005
  stripeFluct     0.305587
  stripeTwist     10.186

  Height          101.57
  Velocity        1508.24
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  ModulateColor  (1.000 1.000 1.000 0.303)
  mainFreq        1.233
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        0.411068
  stripeZones     4.71005
  stripeFluct     0.305587
  stripeTwist     10.186

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Jupiter"
  Height          232.062
  Density         2676.75
  Pressure        488884
  Bright          10
  Opacity         1
  SkyLight        3.33333
  Hue             -0.0138537
  Saturation      0.803785

   H2     91.5662
   He     7.97634
   CH4    0.369148
   N2     0.0434048
   NH3    0.0281098
   O2     0.00801153
   C2H2   0.00418718
   C2H4   0.00140382
   Ne     0.00125177
   Ar     0.000881065
   C2H6   0.000688482
   C3H8   0.000373605

  Height      507.511
  NorthLat    87.5929
  NorthLon    82.1422
  NorthRadius 5568.6
  NorthWidth  1573.78
  NorthRings  3
  NorthBright 1
  NorthParticles 10000
  SouthLat    -84.4019
  SouthLon    272.411
  SouthRadius 5082.29
  SouthWidth  1116.9
  SouthRings  2
  SouthBright 1
  SouthParticles 10000
  TopColor    (1.000 1.000 1.000)
  BottomColor (1.000 0.000 0.500)

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   0.0000991409
  Period          0.00195562829
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination     0.0
  AscendingNode   100.47
  ArgOfPericenter 180
  MeanAnomaly     315.298

Moon "Mynoa"
    ParentBody     "Tyran-Mynoa"
    Class          "Terra"

    Mass            1.0
    Radius          6378.14
    Oblateness      0.00335

    Age             4.54

    Precession      25592
    EqAscendNode    180.0   
        Class   "Organic"
        Type    "Multicellular"
        Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"
        Height      60
        Greenhouse  32
        Pressure    1.0
        Density     1.2929
        Adiabat     0.28
        Model      "Earth"
        Bright      10.0
        Opacity     1.0
        SkyLight    3.0
            N2  77.7729
            O2  20.8625
            Ar  0.9303
            H2O 0.4000
            CO2 0.0398
  RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   0.00247085909
  Period          0.00195562829
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination     0.0
  AscendingNode   100.47
  ArgOfPericenter 360
  MeanAnomaly     315.298

You may overwrite your old code with this code.

or, if you wanted to make a barycenter for your star, like this:

use this code:

StarBarycenter "Zon system"
    RA      54.267571
    Dec     -12.903437
    Dist    30

Star    "Zon"
    ParentBody     "Zon system"
    Class        "G2 V"
    Luminosity      1
    MassSol         1
    RadSol          1
    Teff            5778

    Age             4.57

    InertiaMoment   0.0534429

    Oblateness      9e-006

    RotationPeriod  609.12
    Obliquity       47.8823
    EqAscendNode    80.6507

    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      2
    Color          (1.000 0.867 0.815)

  Randomize      (0.647, -0.213, -0.353)
  colorDistMagn   0.498222
  colorDistFreq   11.7314
  detailScale     1.79015e+006
  colorConversion true
  tropicLatitude  0.5
  icecapLatitude  1
  mareFreq        47.0639
  mareDensity     0.0108637
  erosion         1
  montesFreq      537
  dunesMagn       0.5
  hillsMagn       0.03
  hillsFreq       4726.69
  craterOctaves   0
  BumpHeight      599.055
  BumpOffset      599.055
  SpecBrightWater 0
  SpecBrightIce   0
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           1
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1

    NoClouds        true

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Sun"
  Height          6960
  Density         0
  Pressure        1
  Bright          10
  Opacity         0
  SkyLight        0
  Hue             0
  Saturation      1

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

  Radius      3.74729e+006
  Period      0.0322656
  Brightness  0.5
  RayDensity  3.73626
  RayCurv     14.7723

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Static"
  SemiMajorAxis   0
  Period          0
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination     0
  AscendingNode   0
  ArgOfPericenter 0
  MeanAnomaly     0

Just overwrite your star code with this code.

If you want to have some realistic planets, you can just export some procedural planets. (Start of the thread tells you how to do it.)

Edit: You classified Mynoa as a planet! it should be a moon.

Attachments: 7030469.jpg (103.7 Kb) · 9870349.jpg (154.6 Kb)

My mods

Edited by Ostarisk - Sunday, 11.09.2016, 23:36
steeljaw354Date: Sunday, 11.09.2016, 22:17 | Message # 194
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline

Edited by steeljaw354 - Sunday, 11.09.2016, 22:18
SpaceEngineerDate: Wednesday, 14.09.2016, 18:21 | Message # 195
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
The manual has been updated.
