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MOD - Creating a planet 0.980
steeljaw354Date: Sunday, 09.10.2016, 15:55 | Message # 211
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I am having Issues with creating a Barycenter here. I am making Theia as a moon of the Earth is this mod. The Barycenter, orbital periods is flat out wrong, and I need help. The rotation periods is probably wrong also, maybe the masses are wrong also.

Attachments: 3887826.jpg (362.9 Kb) · 7620890.jpg (253.2 Kb) · Star.sc (2.0 Kb) · Theia.sc (1.7 Kb)

Edited by steeljaw354 - Sunday, 09.10.2016, 15:56
quarior14Date: Sunday, 16.10.2016, 10:25 | Message # 212
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
He has not changed a setting to RotationPeriod for Aurora, because Space Engine make a Brown Dwarf in a custom system with a quick rotation period but when I export the script, I don't see the parameters. Also, this aurora is beautiful :

The script when I export Starya B.sc :
Star    "Starya B"
    ParentBody     "Starya system"
    Class        "T8 V"
    Luminosity      2.14783e-008
    MassSol         0.0209336
    RadSol          0.0658201
    Teff            800

    Age             0.672148

    InertiaMoment   0.254051

    Oblateness      0.00323101

    RotationPeriod  4.89077
    Obliquity       -0.232737
    EqAscendNode    183.828

    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      2
    Color          (1.000 0.000 0.000)

  SurfStyle       0.414556
  Randomize      (-0.836, 0.553, -0.524)
  colorDistMagn   0.607288
  colorDistFreq   7.06308
  detailScale     117828
  colorConversion true
  tropicLatitude  0.8
  icecapLatitude  1.2
  mareFreq        0
  mareDensity     0
  erosion         0
  montesFreq      0
  dunesMagn       5
  hillsMagn       0.03
  hillsFreq       0
  craterOctaves   0
  stripeZones     4.93736
  stripeFluct     0.234792
  stripeTwist     12.0675
  cycloneMagn     10.4314
  cycloneFreq     0.760249
  cycloneDensity  0.401763
  cycloneOctaves  1
  colorLayer0    (0.240, 0.220, 0.240, 0.400)
  colorLayer1    (0.220, 0.200, 0.220, 0.200)
  colorLayer2    (0.180, 0.160, 0.180, 0.000)
  colorLayer3    (0.040, 0.040, 0.080, 0.000)
  colorLayer4    (0.020, 0.020, 0.040, 1.100)
  colorLayer5    (0.040, 0.040, 0.080, 0.000)
  colorLayer6    (0.140, 0.140, 0.160, 0.200)
  colorLayer7    (0.190, 0.190, 0.220, 1.000)
  colorLowPlants (0.020, 0.020, 0.040, 1.100)
  colorUpPlants  (0.040, 0.040, 0.080, 0.000)
  BumpHeight      45.8108
  BumpOffset      45.8108
  SpecBrightWater 0
  SpecBrightIce   0
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1
  ModulateColor  (0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000)

  Height          27.4883
  Velocity        895.494
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.500901
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        1
  stripeZones     4.93736
  stripeFluct     0.234792
  stripeTwist     12.0675

  Height          54.9727
  Velocity        -75.9554
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.500901
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        1
  stripeZones     4.93736
  stripeFluct     0.234792
  stripeTwist     12.0675

  Height          82.4609
  Velocity        24.6909
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.500901
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        1
  stripeZones     4.93736
  stripeFluct     0.234792
  stripeTwist     12.0675

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Thick"
  Height          458.108
  Density         0
  Pressure        1
  Bright          10
  Opacity         0.7
  SkyLight        0
  Hue             0.084
  Saturation      1

  Height      1686.88
  NorthLat    85.8966
  NorthLon    -3.98047
  NorthRadius 22500
  NorthWidth  2546.3
  NorthRings  4
  NorthBright 10
  NorthParticles 5000
  SouthLat    -86.6783
  SouthLon    172.617
  SouthRadius 27652.7
  SouthWidth  2937.28
  SouthRings  3
  SouthBright 10
  SouthParticles 5000
  TopColor    (1.000 0.000 0.000)
  BottomColor (1.000 0.000 0.500)

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

  Radius      259956
  Period      0.0036601
  Brightness  0.25
  RayDensity  1.4603
  RayCurv     7.80386

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   274.32
  Period          31402.5
  Eccentricity    0.041
  Inclination     0
  AscendingNode   180
  ArgOfPericenter -180
  MeanAnomaly     180

Attachments: 0027818.jpg (80.3 Kb) · Starya_B.sc (3.6 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Sunday, 16.10.2016, 10:28
MatsoftwareDate: Sunday, 16.10.2016, 11:49 | Message # 213
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 86
Status: Offline
Quote quarior14 ()
He has not changed a setting to RotationPeriod for Aurora, because Space Engine make a Brown Dwarf in a custom system with a quick rotation period but when I export the script, I don't see the parameters. Also, this aurora is beautiful

You was wrote to me?

My mods
If I'm not replying to a PM, my account is hacked!
quarior14Date: Sunday, 16.10.2016, 12:00 | Message # 214
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Quote Matsoftware ()
You was wrote to me?

This message has no specific addressee, unless you know smile ?

MatsoftwareDate: Sunday, 16.10.2016, 12:38 | Message # 215
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 86
Status: Offline
Quote quarior14 ()
This message has no specific addressee, unless you know ?


My mods
If I'm not replying to a PM, my account is hacked!
mihaimorar1004Date: Monday, 17.10.2016, 18:33 | Message # 216
Group: Users
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
I've created the Earth after the Theia's collision. The entire planet is full of lava.
Here's the addon. Put the file with the cluster in the folder addon/catalogs/clusters, the Earth BC and the Sun in addon/catalogs/planets and the file with the Sun's BC in the addon/catalogs/stars. Copy the data that are under in a new file and put it in addon/catalogs/planets.

Planet "Young Earth I"
ParentBody "Earth-Moon I BC"
Class "Desert"

Mass 1
Radius 6378.14

Oblateness 0.00335

OblatenessInfo 0.00274481

RotationPeriod 03.13
Obliquity 23.4392911
EqAscendNode 180.0

AlbedoBond 0.306
AlbedoGeom 0.367
Brightness 3.8
Color (1.000 0.974 0.951)

SurfStyle 0.795803
OceanStyle 0.874546
Randomize (0.498, 0.569, 0.466)
colorDistMagn 0.0634374
colorDistFreq 468.993
detailScale 9789.01
colorConversion true
drivenDarkening 0
seaLevel -0.143
snowLevel 1
tropicLatitude 0.717798
icecapLatitude 1
icecapHeight 0.111963
climatePole 0.9375
climateTropic 0.3125
climateEquator 0.6875
heightTempGrad 0.625
tropicWidth 0.07
mainFreq 1.98678
venusFreq 1
venusMagn 0
mareFreq 1.96387
mareDensity 0.0380465
terraceProb 0.348383
erosion 0.746032
montesMagn 0.201475
montesFreq 148.53
montesSpiky 0.87581
montesFraction 0.331573
dunesMagn 0.0318234
dunesFreq 100
dunesFraction 0.558633
hillsMagn 0.140298
hillsFreq 424.456
hillsFraction 0.354183
hills2Fraction 0
riversMagn 63.0987
riversFreq 2.69941
riversSin 8.4081
riversOctaves 0
canyonsMagn 0.34068
canyonsFreq 1.26674
canyonFraction 0.97712
cracksMagn 0.0772788
cracksFreq 1.40667
cracksOctaves 0
craterMagn 0.54698
craterFreq 10.1539
craterDensity 0.994243
craterOctaves 12
craterRayedFactor 0.433872
volcanoMagn 0.701371
volcanoFreq 0.62374
volcanoDensity 0.197049
volcanoOctaves 1
volcanoActivity 1
volcanoFlows 0.192143
volcanoRadius 0.220365
volcanoTemp 2309.52
lavaCoverTidal 1
lavaCoverSun 1
lavaCoverYoung 1
cycloneMagn 0
cycloneFreq 0
cycloneDensity 0
cycloneOctaves 0
colorSea (0.640, 0.620, 0.420, 0.000)
colorShelf (0.680, 0.620, 0.470, 0.000)
colorBeach (0.400, 0.380, 0.270, 0.000)
colorDesert (0.800, 0.680, 0.500, 0.000)
colorLowland (0.670, 0.600, 0.490, 0.000)
colorUpland (0.580, 0.490, 0.350, 0.000)
colorRock (0.220, 0.210, 0.210, 0.000)
colorSnow (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.769)
colorLowPlants (0.670, 0.600, 0.490, 0.000)
colorUpPlants (0.580, 0.490, 0.350, 0.000)
BumpHeight 20
BumpOffset 0.001
SpecBrightWater 0
SpecBrightIce 0.03
SpecularPower 55
Hapke 0.999686
SpotBright 4
SpotWidth 0.05
DayAmbient 0.07

NoClouds true

NoOcean true

Lava true

Model "Saturn"
Height 104.532
Density 3.14451e-005
Pressure 1.66572e-005
Greenhouse 566.667
Bright 1.99301
Opacity 0
SkyLight 0.664338
Hue 0
Saturation 1

CO2 84.5090
SO2 10.5008
Ar 0.0002
CO 6

NoAurora false

NoRings true

NoAccretionDisk true

NoCometTail true

RefPlane "Ecliptic"
Period 0.0003728 // years
SemiMajorAxis 0.000031610219244232 // a.u.
Eccentricity 0.0549
Inclination 5.15 // deg
MeanAnomaly 135.27 // deg
AscendingNode 125.08 // deg
ArgOfPericen 138.15 // deg
//AscNodePreces 18.6 // years
//ArgOfPeriPreces 5.997 // years

Moon "Young Moon I"
ParentBody "Earth-Moon I BC"
Class "Desert"

Mass 0.012302
Radius 1737.4
Oblateness 0.002

Obliquity 5.15
EqAscendNode 125.08
TidalLocked true

AlbedoBond 0.11
AlbedoGeom 0.12
Brightness 3.8
Color (1.000 0.966 0.938)

SurfStyle 0.124235
OceanStyle 0.179978
Randomize (0.988, 0.000, 0.145)
colorDistMagn 0.0629464
colorDistFreq 316.536
detailScale 6440.78
colorConversion true
drivenDarkening 0
seaLevel -0.270
snowLevel 1
tropicLatitude 0.0172731
icecapLatitude 1
icecapHeight 0.111859
climatePole 0.4375
climateTropic 0.3125
climateEquator 0.6875
heightTempGrad 0.625
tropicWidth 0.07
mainFreq 1.96712
venusFreq 1
venusMagn 0
mareFreq 1.46738
mareDensity 0.00589717
terraceProb 0.338381
erosion 1
montesMagn 0.124545
montesFreq 155.24
montesSpiky 0.934506
montesFraction 0.85337
dunesMagn 0.0507285
dunesFreq 100
dunesFraction 0.0572468
hillsMagn 0.144426
hillsFreq 275.68
hillsFraction 0.970953
hills2Fraction 0
riversMagn 64.1089
riversFreq 3.40444
riversSin 6.39506
riversOctaves 0
canyonsMagn 0.35816
canyonsFreq 0.687955
canyonFraction 0
cracksMagn 0.0500252
cracksFreq 1.63787
cracksOctaves 0
craterMagn 0.523874
craterFreq 9.24694
craterDensity 0.962979
craterOctaves 12
craterRayedFactor 0.0816485
volcanoMagn 0.505264
volcanoFreq 0.940519
volcanoDensity 0.0655163
volcanoOctaves 2
volcanoActivity 0.285714
volcanoFlows 0.368823
volcanoRadius 0.479452
volcanoTemp 1232.86
lavaCoverTidal 1
lavaCoverSun 1
lavaCoverYoung 0.97619
twistZones 0
twistMagn 0
cycloneMagn 0
cycloneFreq 0
cycloneDensity 0
cycloneOctaves 0
colorSea (0.240, 0.230, 0.230, 0.000)
colorShelf (0.380, 0.360, 0.350, 0.000)
colorBeach (0.550, 0.520, 0.480, 0.000)
colorDesert (0.520, 0.490, 0.470, 0.000)
colorLowland (0.460, 0.440, 0.410, 0.000)
colorUpland (0.390, 0.360, 0.330, 0.000)
colorRock (0.170, 0.160, 0.160, 0.000)
colorSnow (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.769)
colorLowPlants (0.460, 0.440, 0.410, 0.000)
colorUpPlants (0.390, 0.360, 0.330, 0.000)
BumpHeight 20
BumpOffset 0.001
DiffMapAlpha "Ice"
SpecBrightWater 0
SpecBrightIce 0.03
SpecularPower 55
Hapke 1
SpotBright 4
SpotWidth 0.05
DayAmbient 0.07

NoClouds true

NoOcean true

Lava true

Model "Sun"
Height 97.5689
Density 1.22323e-008
Pressure 2.71149e-009
Greenhouse 600
Bright 0.5
Opacity 0
SkyLight 0.166667
Hue 0.0485782
Saturation 1

Xe 100

NoAurora true

NoRings true

NoAccretionDisk true

NoCometTail true

RefPlane "Ecliptic"
Period 0.0003728
SemiMajorAxis 0.0001551
Eccentricity 0.0549
Inclination 5.15
MeanAnomaly 135.27
AscendingNode 125.08
ArgOfPericen 318.15
//AscNodePreces 18.6 // years
//ArgOfPeriPreces 5.997 // years

Attachments: Young_Sun_Clust.sc (0.2 Kb) · Young_Sun_I.sc (0.5 Kb) · Earth-Moon_I_BC.sc (0.6 Kb) · Young_Sun_I_BC.sc (0.4 Kb) · 8704313.jpg (182.1 Kb) · 0495871.jpg (356.5 Kb) · 9114277.jpg (404.2 Kb)
FastFourierTransformDate: Tuesday, 18.10.2016, 11:03 | Message # 217
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 542
Status: Offline

Can you show us some screenshots please? smile
mihaimorar1004Date: Tuesday, 18.10.2016, 14:02 | Message # 218
Group: Users
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
Yes, I can.
Attachments: 2972629.jpg (379.7 Kb) · 0208319.jpg (356.5 Kb)
steeljaw354Date: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 16:36 | Message # 219
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I have a few issues with my System I am making. 1) I want Vault to be sort of Pinkish Purple, no clue how to do that. 2) Can someone tell me if the system is stable or not? 3) Other errors, like Vault would take seconds to go around Kali, but it's orbital period is 20 days or so. 4) I need Minor moons, but I don't want to go through the trouble making them 1 by 1. So I need a script or something that makes them for me. Or just make another sc file for the minor moons.

Zoonsys.sc and Moons.sc goes in planets Agg.sc goes in stars.

Attachments: Agg.sc (0.1 Kb) · Zoonsys.sc (5.9 Kb) · Moons.sc (12.4 Kb)

Edited by steeljaw354 - Sunday, 23.10.2016, 16:38
JackDoleDate: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 21:03 | Message # 220
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
as I mentioned elsewhere, my computer is currently not fully functional.
I can therefore only test scripts with older SE versions. Which of course does not always work.

You have some syntax errors.
At Planet 'Onas' and Planet 'Vulkan':
'Tidalocked' must be 'TidalLocked'.

At Planet 'Deid':
'Iceworld' must be 'IceWorld'.
Make sure you are case-sensitive!

At DwarfMoon 'Areas':
'Radus' must be 'Radius'.

Quote steeljaw354 ()
3) Other errors, like Vault would take seconds to go around Kali, but it's orbital period is 20 days or so.

The problem is 'ArgOfPeriPreces'.
The value is much too low.
I am not an astronomer, so I can not describe it correctly, but the value describes the change of the orbital plane in years.
See here for more info: Apsidal precession

I have disabled it in the script.

Pinkish moon.

The image is from Space Engine 0.971. In SE 0.980 it will look different.

The script is a simplified version without 'Surface' tag.
If you want a modified surface, you have to adjust it in the editor.

The important parameter is 'Color (1.0 0.078 0.365)'.
This determines the main color of a planetary body.
Of course the colors can also be manipulated in the 'Surface' tag.


// PinkVault.sc

Moon "Vault"
    ParentBody     "Kali"
    Class        "Selena"

    Mass            0.01
    Radius          1633.92
    InertiaMoment   0.376575

    Obliquity       0.01
    EqAscendNode    48.3317
    TidalLocked     true

    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      3.5
    Color          (1.0 0.078 0.365)
        RefPlane        "Equator"
        SemiMajorAxis   0.00216335
        Eccentricity    0
        Inclination     0.01
        AscendingNode   48.3317
        ArgOfPericenter 29.1243
        MeanAnomaly     174.795
        //ArgOfPeriPreces 1.30368e-009

Attachments: 9343727.jpg (178.4 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Sunday, 23.10.2016, 21:04
TheSpaceLeviathanDate: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 21:44 | Message # 221
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 18
Status: Offline
Ok, I seriously need help with this. I didn't even have any folders in the addons directory, so I had to create a catalogs folder. From there, I created the planets folder and went into it to create a text document that I renamed to "MySystem.sc. I then went into it, and started looking through mods on the forum. When I found a mod that i liked, I copied and pasted the script into "MySystem.sc." I then went to play the game, but there was nothing from the mod appearing when searched for the planet name, it wasn't there. I've tried everything, even creating my own planet using the same steps that you showed here, but I've had no luck.
JackDoleDate: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 22:10 | Message # 222
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
apart from a script in the 'addons\catalogs\planets' folder, you usually also need a script in the 'addons\catalogs\stars' folder.

In the 'stars' folder, belongs the script for the 'Star' of the system, if it is a single-star script.
If it is a system with more than one sun, then belongs the script for the 'StarBarycenter' in this folder.

In the 'planets' folder belongs the scripts for planets, moons, asteroids, and so on.
In a multiple sun system, the different suns also belong in this directory!

With a new installation of Space Engine, there are no subfolders in the 'addons' directory. They must be created if necessary.

Don't forget to look here.

OstariskDate: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 22:10 | Message # 223
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
TheSpaceLeviathan, Have you made sure that the sc file is in addons/catalogs/planets? Also, do you have a star for your system?

When making a planet, you cannot make your custom planets orbit a generated star (Stars with names like RS 0-11-33344-744).

My mods
steeljaw354Date: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 22:29 | Message # 224
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
JackDole, Thanks, the errors are now fixed and we have a nice pink moon around Kali.
PlutonianEmpireDate: Sunday, 23.10.2016, 23:33 | Message # 225
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
JackDole, I'm curious, how were you able to make some of your planets partially transparent?

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )