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MOD - Creating a planet 0.980
SpaceEngineerDate: Sunday, 01.02.2015, 17:20 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Last Updated: 2016/09/16 (version

This manual describes how to add a planet to SpaceEngine. Before continuing, it is recommended to read these manuals:
SE folders and pak files
Introduction to SE scripts
Creating a star

Quick start: find a similar planet in SpaceEngine

The easiest way to add a planet is to find a procedural planet in SpaceEngine which you like, duplicate it in your planetary system script, then tweak its parameters a bit as you desire. You can quickly find a planet close to your needs by using the Star browser. Open it by pressing [Shift]+[F3], enter the search radius 100 and press the [Filter settings] button. Then choose the desired filter parameters. In this example, we a looking for a temperate Earth-sized terra near a G class star:

Press the [Ok] button and wait until SpaceEngine finishes the search. Then you may click on each row, open the Solar system browser ([F2] key) and look for the planets SpaceEngine has found. Tip: to know exactly which planets satisfied the filter options, hover mouse cursor on the table cell in the Filter column (last column). A small box will appear with a list of the planets in that system which met the filter options.

So lets look for example at the planet RS 8474-918-7-65905-410 A4. Note: in your SpaceEngine version this planet may not exist or may look different due to installed mods/addons or a different version number.

It looks good enough. Lets copy it into our system. Open the Planet editor ([Shift]+[F2] or Main Menu -> Editor -> Edit planet). Make sure the planet is selected, otherwise the Editor will not open or will open for some other planet. We will talk about Editor options later. Now, press the [Export script] button:

Press the [Export] button, and a file called RS 8474-918-7-65905-410 A4.sc will appear in the export/ directory.

Now we must create a catalog script for our planetary system. Go to the addons/catalogs/planets/ folder (create it if it does not exist) and create a new file named MySystem.sc there. Open it with notepad. Open also our exported script export/RS 8474-918-7-65905-410 A4.sc, copy its content and paste into MySystem.sc. After this, you must made some edits.

First, you must choose a star for your planet to orbit. In current version of SpaceEngine, it is impossible to create a system for a procedural star (procedural stars have a name looking like "RS 123-456-789"), so you must choose a real star from the catalog, or create a new star. So, let's choose for example the star called Chara (beta Canum Venaticorum). This is a Sun-like star of spectral class G0V - a good choice for creating a life-bearing planet near it.

In the MySystem.sc file we must give a good name for our planet. The star we had chosen is called Chara, so a good name for its planet is Char (hello from the Queen of Blades smile ). Look at the very first line and change it from Planet "A4" to Planet "Char". Next, we must tell SpaceEngine that this planet must revolve around the star Chara. Look at the third line, and change it from ParentBody "A" to ParentBody "Chara". Now the planet will revolve around Chara, but it may have the wrong orbit, especially if you had exported a moon and want to make it a planet, or vise versa. Scroll to the end of the script and find the Orbit tag. Change the parameter SemiMajorAxis to 1.0 (this means a distance from the star of 1 astronomical unit) - it's a good start for tweaking an Earth-like planet near a Sun-like star. You may also remove the Period parameter (for SE to calculate it automatically based on the mass of the star), and change the Eccentricity to some small value (so the planet's orbit will be nearly circular). Save your changes and launch SpaceEngine. Hit the [F3] key and enter your planet's name, Char. Then press the [G] key twice and you will see your planet:

It may look a bit different because at first you might choose an imperfect orbital radius (semimajor axis), so the planet may be too hot or too cold. You must adjust some parameters in your planet script. Remember: after editing the script, you must restart SpaceEngine to see the changes.

Using the Planet editor

The easiest way to tweak the planet is using the Planet editor. But it has two main restrictions for now:
1) The Editor does not save changes to the files. You must export the script and manually copy/paste the code from it.
2) The Editor is not finished yet, so it doesn't allow you to edit all parameters, and it may have some glitches.

But you still may quickly adjust the main parameters such as orbit radius (SemiMajorAxis), planet Albedo and atmosphere Greenhouse effect to achieve the desired temperature on the planet; change its radius and mass to adjust surface gravity; change atmosphere model, and change some procedural landscape forms (read the next chapter for more details).

Almost all changes require pressing the [Update] button to apply. Pressing the [Reset] button will return the settings to those the planet had before you opened the Editor. This means that if you made some changes and closed the editor, you wouldn't be able to reset them back anymore. Only restarting SpaceEngine will reset them (remember, Editor does not save the changes to the file). So if you want to achieve good results, or if you want to be more skilled in creating planets, read the next chapter of this tutorial.

Let's consider the parameters of our planet Char that we changed while playing with the Editor. We changed its atmospheric greenhouse effect to make it warmer, changed snow caps altitude, atmosphere model and color hue, and played with procedural surface parameter. We could also make it ringless by deleting the Rings tag from the script and adding NoRings true (see below for details). Finally, our planet script should look like this:

Planet    "Char"
    ParentBody     "Chara"
    Class          "Terra"

    Mass            1.72541
    Radius          7262.85
    InertiaMoment   0.332483

    Oblateness      0.00446722

    RotationPeriod  19.2199
    Obliquity       4.6793
    EqAscendNode   -35.5612

    AlbedoBond      0.437803
    AlbedoGeom      0.525363
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.775 0.780 0.782)

        Class   "Organic"
        Type    "Multicellular"
        Biome   "Terrestrial"

        SurfStyle       0.024245
        OceanStyle      0.62373
        Randomize      (-0.485, 0.692, -0.399)
        colorDistMagn   0.0445073
        colorDistFreq   794.398
        detailScale     18680.5
        colorConversion true
        drivenDarkening -1
        seaLevel        0.533667
        snowLevel       0.865079
        tropicLatitude  0.0819224
        icecapLatitude  0.758483
        icecapHeight    0.545793
        climatePole     0.9375
        climateTropic   0.522706
        climateEquator  0.6875
        heightTempGrad  0.414794
        tropicWidth     0.374003
        mainFreq        1.0687
        venusFreq       0.653746
        venusMagn       0
        mareFreq        3.10486
        mareDensity     0.060662
        terraceProb     0.253474
        erosion         0.11918
        montesMagn      0.150631
        montesFreq      345.084
        montesSpiky     0.894682
        montesFraction  0.519249
        dunesMagn       0.0468856
        dunesFreq       54.408
        dunesFraction   0.942635
        hillsMagn       0.130191
        hillsFreq       980.783
        hillsFraction   0.0357427
        hills2Fraction  0.817134
        riversMagn      58.1157
        riversFreq      2.85878
        riversSin       7.62415
        riversOctaves   2
        canyonsMagn     0.0632909
        canyonsFreq     100
        canyonFraction  0.0454924
        cracksMagn      0.0824855
        cracksFreq      0.811998
        cracksOctaves   0
        craterMagn      0.752975
        craterFreq      25.728
        craterDensity   0
        craterOctaves   0
        craterRayedFactor 0
        volcanoMagn     0.712696
        volcanoFreq     0.703719
        volcanoDensity  0.275554
        volcanoOctaves  3
        volcanoActivity 0.334258
        volcanoFlows    0.479296
        volcanoRadius   0.552217
        volcanoTemp     1460.56
        lavaCoverTidal  0
        lavaCoverSun    0
        lavaCoverYoung  0
        stripeZones     1.14778
        stripeFluct     0
        stripeTwist     0
        cycloneMagn     2.40332
        cycloneFreq     0.639954
        cycloneDensity  0.419004
        cycloneOctaves  2
        colorSea       (0.040, 0.200, 0.200, 1.000)
        colorShelf     (0.150, 0.370, 0.370, 1.000)
        colorBeach     (0.820, 0.730, 0.570, 0.000)
        colorDesert    (0.420, 0.360, 0.220, 0.000)
        colorLowland   (0.220, 0.230, 0.220, 0.000)
        colorUpland    (0.570, 0.540, 0.420, 0.000)
        colorRock      (0.100, 0.100, 0.100, 0.000)
        colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.308)
        colorLowPlants (0.117, 0.154, 0.084, 0.000)
        colorUpPlants  (0.097, 0.106, 0.056, 0.000)
        BumpHeight      17.3379
        BumpOffset      9.25266
        DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
        SpecBrightWater 0.65
        SpecBrightIce   0.85
        SpecularPower   55
        Hapke           0
        SpotBright      4
        SpotWidth       0.05
        DayAmbient      0.07

        Height          4.36572
        Velocity        117.481
        BumpHeight      4.36566
        Hapke           0.2
        SpotBright      2
        SpotWidth       0.15
        DayAmbient      2
        mainFreq        1.11873
        mainOctaves     10
        Coverage        0.396338
        stripeZones     1.14778
        stripeFluct     0
        stripeTwist     0

        Height          9.25266
        Hapke           0
        SpotBright      2
        SpotWidth       0.15
        DayAmbient      2

    NoLava          true

        Model          "Thick"
        Height          124.52
        Density         4.88424
        Pressure        2.63276
        Greenhouse      57.1429
        Bright          10
        Opacity         1
        SkyLight        3.33333
        Hue             0.428571
        Saturation      1

            CO2       94.3917
            O2        5.53639
            N2        0.0530705
            SO2       0.0153837
            Ar        0.00293737
            Ne        0.000270165
            H2O       0.000267185
            Kr        1.95886e-005

        Height      53.3841
        NorthLat    57.4894
        NorthLon    88.7206
        NorthRadius 1455.88
        NorthWidth  284.757
        NorthRings  4
        NorthBright 0.3
        NorthParticles 0
        SouthLat    -57.5165
        SouthLon    273.482
        SouthRadius 1342.38
        SouthWidth  384.318
        SouthRings  3
        SouthBright 0.3
        SouthParticles 0
        TopColor    (1.000 1.000 1.000)
        BottomColor (0.000 1.000 0.000)

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

    NoCometTail     true

        RefPlane        "Equator"
        SemiMajorAxis   1
        Period          0.959885
        Eccentricity    0.01
        Inclination     0.0246517
        AscendingNode   -36.7804
        ArgOfPericenter 280.426
        MeanAnomaly     264.157

And the planet itself appears in the game like this:

You may make any type of planet/moon/asteroid in the same way (find with Star browser and export with the Planet editor). You may add code for other objects to the same script file (actually, it's recommended to have a single script file for your whole planetary system). It is also useful to let SpaceEngine generate some parameters automatically, like cloud layers for gas giants. This is also described in the next chapter.

Planet script details

First, make sure you are familiar with the basics of SE scripts.

The full structure of the planet script is the following:

Planet "Name"
    <Main planet parameters>

        <Life tag parameters>

        <Surface tag parameters>

        <Ocean tag parameters>

        <Clouds tag parameters>

        <Atmosphere tag parameters>

        <Aurora tag parameters>

        <Rings tag parameters, non-stars only>

        <Accretion disk tag parameters, stars only>

        <CometTail tag parameters, non-stars only>

        <Corona tag parameters, stars only>

        <Orbit tag parameters>

The planet must have at least the ParentBody and Mass or Radius parameters, and the Orbit tag with at least SemiMajorAxis or Period. Additionally, it and may have or may not have some other parameters and tags described below (Surface, Clouds, etc.). If some parameter or tag is not specified, it may be initialized with the default value, or computed or procedurally generated by SpaceEngine. Example of minimal planet script:

Planet    "Minimus"
    ParentBody "Vega"
    Radius     7200   // or Mass 1.5
        SemiMajorAxis  2.5 // or Period 2.2

In this example we specified only the planet's name, its parent, its physical size or mass and its orbit size or period. SpaceEngine will compute or generate the rest of data procedurally. You may find a lot of such "poor data planets" in SpaceEngine's exoplanets catalog, because often mass or radius and period is all data known to modern astronomy.

You may disable the procedural generation of some tags, except for Surface and Orbit. For example, if you are creating a planet with no life and no rings, you must not type the Life and Rings tags in the code. But SpaceEngine may generate them procedurally. In this case you may use these parameters (in the Planet tag) to prevent the procedural generation:
NoLife true
NoOcean true
NoLava true
NoClouds true
NoAtmo true
NoAtmosphere true
NoAurora true
NoRings true
NoAccretionDisk true
NoCometTail true
NoCorona true

There is a special "No" parameter:
NoLighting true
If specified, lighting will be disabled for that object. Can be used to create a fake demo systems like Hertzsprung–Russell star diagram, using fixed positions in space (see Orbit tag description).

Now let's look at all planet script tags and parameters.


Attachments: 8786899.jpg (238.8 Kb) · 2949639.jpg (188.7 Kb) · 8986405.jpg (229.2 Kb) · 8043054.jpg (183.2 Kb) · 0849295.jpg (180.6 Kb)
SpaceEngineerDate: Sunday, 01.02.2015, 17:22 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline

Surface, Ocean, Lava, Clouds







PlutonianEmpireDate: Friday, 06.02.2015, 04:10 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
What are the bare minimum parameters that Space Engine will accept if I want to make a moon and have Space Engine to do most of the moon procedurally? The same as the planet?

Later Edit: Regardless, I'm having an issue with one of them not showing up. The code seems good, so I don't know why it's not showing up. I'm using 0.971. Planet shows fine, moon won't load at all.


Planet "Kore"
   ParentBody      "DEL Tri"
   // Class           "GasGiant"
   Mass            535.564165
   Radius          86022.7468
   Albedo          0.47
   Color           ( 0.57, 0.31, 0.63 )
       RotationPeriod  11.8505
       RotationOffset  108.9874
   Obliquity       73.2704
   EqAscendNode    122.736
    SurfStyle       0.091024
    Randomize       (0.88, 0.89, 0.54)  // Randomize vector
    colorDistMagn   0.0362925          // Magnitude of detail textures distortion
    colorDistFreq   0.675493          // Frequency of detail textures distortion
    detailScale     11735.646954      // Scale of detail textures
    colorConversion true              // Perform textures color conversion
    tropicLatitude  8.742278e-008     // Latitude of tropics
    icecapLatitude  0.9               // Latitude of ice caps boundaries
    climatePole     0.8125
    climateTropic   0.5625
    climateEquator  0.6875
    tropicWidth     0.5               // Width of tropics
    mainFreq        0.0277034         // Main noise frequency (oceans/continents)
    montesFraction  0                 // Mountains frequency
    hillsFraction   0                 // Hills fraction
    hills2Fraction  0                 // Hills fraction
    canyonFraction  0                 // Canyons frequency
    craterOctaves   0                 // Number of craters octaves
    twistZones      7.451721
    twistMagn       1.1977524
    cycloneMagn     16.221517          // Cyclones magnitude (0...1)
    cycloneFreq     0.081764         // Cyclones frequency
    cycloneDensity  0.141677        // Cyclones density
    cycloneOctaves  2
    // Palette        (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
    colorSea       (0.30, 0.29, 0.45, 1.00)
    colorShelf     (0.36, 0.33, 0.45, 1.00)
    colorBeach     (0.14, 0.14, 0.23, 1.00)
    colorDesert    (0.18, 0.20, 0.41, 1.00)
    colorLowland   (0.23, 0.29, 0.43, 1.00)
    colorUpland    (0.36, 0.33, 0.45, 1.00)
    colorRock      (0.20, 0.28, 0.45, 1.00)
    colorSnow      (0.36, 0.33, 0.45, 1.00)
    BumpHeight      21.204340
    SpecularPower   40
    DayAmbient      1
    Lommel          0
    Exposure        2
   // Comment out or delete as necessary
   // NoClouds true
   NoOcean true
   // NoAtmosphere true
    Model          "Pinkworld"
    Height          860.227468
    Density         86203.876444
    Pressure        103628.551176
    Bright          10
    Opacity         1
    SkyLight        3.333333
   // NoAurora true
   NoRings true
   // NoCometTail true
    SemiMajorAxis   0.63133908375021100936043689672188
    Period          0.3985950462176128
    Eccentricity    0.0131
    Inclination     57.6125
    AscendingNode   122.736
    ArgOfPericenter 48.3661
    MeanAnomaly     55.7877

DwarfMoon "Egestes"
   ParentBody "Kore"
   Class "Asteroid"
   // Mass
   Radius 17.45
   Albedo 0.29
   Color ( 0.78, 0.88, 0.26 )
   // Comment out for Tide-locking
   // Comment out or delete as necessary
   NoClouds true
   NoOcean true
   NoAtmosphere true
   NoAurora true
   NoRings true
   NoCometTail true
    Period            0.0005237915661326069557295422069379
    SemiMajorAxis     0.00076133436570364233132096311314677
    Eccentricity      0.0091
    Inclination       0.6949
    AscendingNode     298.5133
    ArgOfPericen      235.1712
    MeanAnomaly       56.0095
    RefPlane       "Equator"

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Friday, 06.02.2015, 06:03
sykesDate: Saturday, 14.02.2015, 22:12 | Message # 4
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
Still have issues creating the .sc file. I have an unzipper programme that i use to archive MySystem.sc Once then it converts it from a .txt file to a .sc file but SE has trouble opening this file - in the SE log it turns up an error. Also I cannot find the planets created procedurally when i made my own star. SE can find my star - I've made three separate single stars all with procedural planets- but I cannot search the individual planets which I have given names I have to go to the star system if i want to find them. Is this normal for SE to do this? Any help please with the issue of creating a .sc file and SE being unable to open it although i have linked it to the universe.cfg file. Many thanks
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 15.02.2015, 03:31 | Message # 5
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
sykes, why are you archiving anything? .sc is just a plain text file, not an archive.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
sykesDate: Sunday, 15.02.2015, 21:34 | Message # 6
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
So once I create the file just rename it a .sc file as opposed to a .txt file think im getting a little confused when I save the text file under SAVE AS
IktomiDate: Sunday, 15.03.2015, 20:03 | Message # 7
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
Can you put a comment about tidal heating causing glowing and putting eccentricity to 0 will stop it? Because I found that to be the cause of an issue in my custom system.

Additionally, if this is the right place to put it, will there be a tidal heating no tag in later versions? Or atleast putting type/mass restrictions on it? A sub 100km captured asteroid shouldnt experience enough tidal heating to melt rock.

Currently cant run Space Engine so has to rely on others to test/view his creations. In the process of fixing that however!
RedRuinDate: Saturday, 04.04.2015, 20:49 | Message # 8
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 34
Status: Offline
Quote PlutonianEmpire ()
Later Edit: Regardless, I'm having an issue with one of them not showing up. The code seems good, so I don't know why it's not showing up. I'm using 0.971. Planet shows fine, moon won't load at all.

This is probably a really late response, but I'm pretty sure I figured it out. The name "Kore" is already the name of one of the moons of Jupiter. If you search for it, you might find it orbiting there. Try changing the name.

Edited by RedRuin - Saturday, 04.04.2015, 20:50
quarior14Date: Sunday, 14.06.2015, 12:36 | Message # 9
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
You can specify the code for the clouds for color because with Color (x, y, z) where 0 = <x, y, z = <1 I have the impression that the clouds are always white.

Quote PlutonianEmpire
What are the bare minimum parameters that Space Engine will accept if I want to make a moon and have Space Engine to do most of the moon procedurally? The same as the planet?

Later Edit: Regardless, I'm having an issue with one of them not showing up. The code seems good, so I don't know why it's not showing up. I'm using 0.971. Planet shows fine, moon won't load at all.

PlutonianEmpire, Kore is an object that already exists is a minor satellite of Jupiter, you must change the name of your planet.

Attachments: 6567744.png (99.6 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Monday, 15.06.2015, 13:52
Thomas988Date: Monday, 15.06.2015, 13:09 | Message # 10
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 125
Status: Offline
I have a new problem. I am adding some planets on the outer edge of a star, but they keep flickering when viewed from a certain angle. This only seems to be occurring with outer planets, as all of the warmer planets do not have this problem. What is causing this, and how can I fix it?

Never mind, I found the solution! All I did was move the orbit around. smile

All you need in life are space games and typhlosions.

Edited by Thomas988 - Saturday, 20.06.2015, 12:00
ibuckshot5Date: Sunday, 28.06.2015, 21:56 | Message # 11
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
So, I tried to make a version of Nemesis. I failed miserably. Does anyone mind telling me what is wrong?


Star    "Urthonic"
  ParentBody     "Sol"
  Class        "M3 V"
  Luminosity      0.0066427
  Age             3.14

  Mass            0.2141419
  Radius          264799.1
  InertiaMoment   0.05722278

  RotationPeriod  652.772
  Obliquity       308.6191
  EqAscendNode    162.594

  Albedo          0.3
  Brightness      2
  Color          (1.000 0.544 0.247)

   TidalLocked     true
   Randomize      (-0.379, 0.477, -0.079)
   colorDistMagn   0.5770769
   colorDistFreq   0.2200235
   detailScale     681078.1
   colorConversion true
   venusFreq       0.5
   mareFreq        18.40382
   mareDensity     0.05140182
   montesFraction  0
   hillsMagn       0.03
   hillsFreq       55.2909
   hillsFraction   0
   hills2Fraction  0
   canyonFraction  0
   craterOctaves   0
   BumpHeight      492.5188
   BumpOffset      492.5188
   SpecularPower   55
   Hapke           1
   SpotBright      4
   SpotWidth       0.05
   DayAmbient      1

  NoClouds        true

  NoOcean         true

  NoLava          true

   Model          "Sun"
   Height          2647.99
   Density         0
   Pressure        1
   Bright          10
   Opacity         0
   SkyLight        0

  NoAurora        true

  NoRings         true

   Radius      1589782
   Period      0.0240929
   Brightness  0.5
   RayDensity  2.97624
   RayCurv     10.81315

  NoCometTail     true

   SemiMajorAxis   794.14
   Period          22376
   Eccentricity    0
   Inclination     308.6191
   AscendingNode   162.594
   ArgOfPericenter 418.7728
   MeanAnomaly     212.5258
   RefPlane       "Ecliptic"
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.06.2015, 23:35 | Message # 12
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote ibuckshot5 ()
Does anyone mind telling me what is wrong?

For one, you have two orbit tags. There's also a lot of other unnecessary stuff in there, like NoLava true, that you could get rid of.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
superpeanut9Date: Monday, 13.07.2015, 16:30 | Message # 13
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 20
Status: Offline
Why does my moons I created look like this ?
Attachments: 7826582.png (501.6 Kb)


Edited by superpeanut9 - Monday, 13.07.2015, 16:31
apenpaapDate: Monday, 13.07.2015, 20:03 | Message # 14
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 1063
Status: Offline
It looks like you might have the bump map set far (100s of times) too high.

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
sent808Date: Tuesday, 14.07.2015, 07:03 | Message # 15
Group: Users
Messages: 55
Status: Offline
Hi i notice that for some reason doesnt mutter some categories in planet creation when is too big (radius). Like i set a planet to be an IceWorld with certain Surface indicators and if i set the radius high then it turns into a gas gigant and of course changes all the surface values i gave him in my txt file.

The same seems to happend with the rings, Atmosphere ...ect

Is there a way around it? I hate gas gigants and would like to have a Terra or Iceworld or what ever is not a gas thing.

Here do you have the code for one of my planets that turns into a gas gigant.

Edited by sent808 - Tuesday, 14.07.2015, 07:05