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MOD - Creating a planet 0.980
quarior14Date: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 17:23 | Message # 166
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
I have a problem, Space Engine does not read the masses and atmosphere that I put, I do not see the problem and says he has a symbol to the line where I put Period. I hope someone has a solution.
addons/stars/SpaceEngineers.sc :
StarBarycenter "Space Engineers System"
    RA 74.24
    Dec -85.42
    Dist 834.87

addons/planets/SpaceEngineers.sc :
Star    "Sun Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Space Engineers System"

    Class      "G2V"
    Luminosity  9.295e-5
    Temperature 5778
    Age         4.57
    FeH         0.0

    Mass  29.44369053
    Radius  6540.5
    Oblateness  9e-6
    PoleRA          12.075
    PoleDec        -63.87
    ZeroMeridian    0.0
    RotationPeriod  609.12

Barycenter "Planets Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Sun Space Engineers"
  Period 1
  Inclination 0
  Eccentricity 0
  RefPlane "Ecliptic"

Planet "Alien Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"
    Class "Titan"
    Radius 60
    Mass 9.73436214e-05
    //Gravity 1.1
  Class   "Exotic"
  Type    "Multicellular"
  Biome   "Terrestrial"
  BumpMap        "Space_Engineers/Alien"
  BumpTileSize    2048
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight 0.432
  BumpOffset 0.036
  Height 0
    NoAurora true
  Model "Chlorine"
  Height 7.2
  Density 1.2
   O2 0
  SemiMajorAxis 4.088204043e-5
  Eccentricity 0
  MeanAnomaly 0
  Period 0.112137‬
    //StaticPosXYZ   (2000000 0 5600000)

Moon "Titan Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Alien Space Engineers"
    //ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"
    Class "Titan"
    Radius 9.5
    Mass 5.546251156e-07
    //Gravity 0.25
  Class   "Exotic"
  Type    "Multicellular"
  Biome   "Terrestrial"
  BumpMap        "Space_Engineers/Titan"
  BumpTileSize    2048
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight 0.0171
  BumpOffset 0.0171
  Height 0
    NoAurora true
  Model "Titan"
  Height 0.7
  Density 0.01
   O2 0
    Orbit //If ParentBody "Alien Space Engineers"
  SemiMajorAxis 3.681380504e-6
  Eccentricity 0
    //StaticPosXYZ   (2430000 200000 5880000) //If ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"

Planet "EarthLike Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"
    Class "Terra"
    Radius 60
    Mass 8.849420128e-05
    //Gravity 1
  Class   "Organic"
  Type    "Multicellular"
  Biome   "Terrestrial"
  BumpMap        "Space_Engineers/EarthLike"
  BumpTileSize    2048
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight 0.432
  BumpOffset 0.036
  Height 0
    NoAurora true
  Model "Earth"
  Height 7.2
  Density 1
   O2 0.9
  SemiMajorAxis 4.088204043e-5
  Eccentricity 0
  MeanAnomaly 120
  Period 0.112137‬
    //StaticPosXYZ   (-131072 -131072 -131072)

Moon "Moon Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "EarthLike Space Engineers"
    //ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"
    Class "Selena"
    Radius 60
    Mass 4.437000925e-07
    //Gravity 0.20
    NoLife true
  BumpMap        "Space_Engineers/Moon"
  BumpTileSize    2048
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight 0.0171
  BumpOffset 0.0171
    NoOcean true
    NoAurora true
    NoAtmosphere true
    Orbit //If ParentBody "EarthLike Space Engineers"
  SemiMajorAxis 2.313575299e-6
  Eccentricity 0
    //StaticPosXYZ   (4000000 0 -5000000) //If ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"

Planet "Mars Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"
    Class "Desert"
    Radius 60
    Mass 3.929142537e-05
    //Gravity 0.444
    NoLife true
  BumpMap        "Space_Engineers/Mars"
  BumpTileSize    2048
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight 0.432
  BumpOffset 0.036
    NoOcean true
    NoAurora true
  Model "Mars"
  Height 7.2
  Density 1
   O2 0
  SemiMajorAxis 4.088204043e-5
  Eccentricity 0
  MeanAnomaly 240
  Period 0.112137‬
    //StaticPosXYZ   (4000000 0 -5000000)

Moon "Europa Space Engineers"
    ParentBody "Mars Space Engineers"
    //ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"
    Radius 60
    Class "IceWorld"
    Mass 2.218500463e-07
    //Gravity 0.10
    NoLife true
  BumpMap        "Space_Engineers/Europa"
  BumpTileSize    2048
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight 0.0342
  BumpOffset 0.0171
    NoOcean true
    NoAurora true
  Model "Earth"
  Height 0.399
  Density 0.01
   O2 0
    Orbit //If ParentBody "Mars Space Engineers"
  SemiMajorAxis 1.441454636e-6
  Eccentricity 0
    //StaticPosXYZ   (3930000 40000 -4800000) //If ParentBody "Planets Space Engineers"

I join also my se.log.

Attachments: SpaceEngineers.sc (4.4 Kb) · 8575713.sc (0.1 Kb) · 5144683.log (133.9 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Thursday, 01.09.2016, 17:24
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 21:08 | Message # 167
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
the problem with the 'Mass', is because it does not fit to 'SemiMajorAxis' and 'Period'.
If you want, that SpaceEngine the mass takes into account, you must omit the 'SemiMajorAxis'.
SE calculates the 'SemiMajorAxis' slightly higher than you've, and the orbits are then slightly different, and but it works.

For the 'Atmosphere' you must at least also specify the 'Pressure'.

Oh, and also, when I look at the many error messages in your log file, I always wonder that SpaceEngine works for you at all.
You should remove these erroneous addons, or try to repair them. Some are simply outdated.

Attachments: 0390572.jpg (213.8 Kb) · 6747970.jpg (227.5 Kb) · SpaceEngineersS.sc (5.7 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

quarior14Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 08:51 | Message # 168
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
JackDole, I did copy paste your script, the mass is still not taken into account, and also the atmosphere has an infinite size, scientifically, a stable atmosphere needs a severity by how much ? Because for Space Engine, I think it is not at all realistic (already a very small planet, yet with more than I did for Spacyas (Seres System) and Pirate Galaxy (Terasa), it is stable).
Space Engineers system :

Terasa :

Seres 1.1.D1.D1 :

If the problem persists, I will put on hold the system even if it is private, unless I could get to a more realistic level.

Attachments: 2589867.jpg (143.7 Kb) · 0309851.jpg (178.2 Kb) · 4115875.jpg (216.2 Kb) · 7328401.jpg (216.2 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Friday, 02.09.2016, 08:57
JackDoleDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 14:59 | Message # 169
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
maybe it is because of the many faulty add-ons that you have in your installation. Perhaps these add-ons confuse SpaceEngine.

Furthermore, your text editor produces invisible errors in your scripts.

This is from your log file.

[2016/09/01 19:16:11.123 MT] Loading script "addons/Space Engineers System/catalogs/planets/SpaceEngineers.sc"
[2016/09/01 19:16:11.125 MT] "addons/Space Engineers System/catalogs/planets/SpaceEngineers.sc" line 78:    ERROR: Syntax error '‬'
[2016/09/01 19:16:11.126 MT] "addons/Space Engineers System/catalogs/planets/SpaceEngineers.sc" line 176:    ERROR: Syntax error '‬'
[2016/09/01 19:16:11.127 MT] "addons/Space Engineers System/catalogs/planets/SpaceEngineers.sc" line 248:    ERROR: Syntax error '‬'
[2016/09/01 19:16:11.130 MT] Loading script "addons/Splendor system/catalogs/planets/Splendor_planet.sc"

I suspect in any case, that it is the fault of your text editor.
Since these are not normal text characters, these errors are only visible in some text editors, not in every text editors.

I have seen this error several times in your scripts.

Use instead of your script, my script, exactly as I posted it.

Don't forget to look here.

quarior14Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 20:30 | Message # 170
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Quote JackDole ()
Furthermore, your text editor produces invisible errors in your scripts.

You use what text editor ? I use Notepad ++ for me and select activities Notepad.

JackDoleDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 21:19 | Message # 171
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote quarior14 ()
You use what text editor ? I use Notepad ++ for me and select activities Notepad.

The editor I usually use is called SciTE. But it is not an easy to use editor. You have to make almost all settings manually.

Of course, I do not know if the editor creates this error. Actually, I can not imagine that, if you use Notepad ++.

I only know that some of your scripts contain these errors.

But you can make this error visible in Notepad ++, when you set the character encoding to 'Ansi'.

Attachments: 5597287.jpg (161.6 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 21:22 | Message # 172
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Jackdole, do you have the script/program to make moons for catalog exoplanets?
JackDoleDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 21:32 | Message # 173
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote steeljaw354 ()
Jackdole, do you have the script/program to make moons for catalog exoplanets?

I am working on such a script, but it is not finished and I can not yet publish it.

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 21:56 | Message # 174
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
When you publish the script, it needs to be implemented into the actual game itself. It would be awesome.
quarior14Date: Saturday, 03.09.2016, 16:56 | Message # 175
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
JackDole, OK, I'm using Unicode, thank you, I would think now... and you made a custom language sc (in left bottom for your screen), can you share your config Space Engine for Notepad ++ ?

Quote JackDole ()

I just noticed that you as the mass is not taken into account...

JackDoleDate: Saturday, 03.09.2016, 18:25 | Message # 176
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote quarior14 ()
I just noticed that you as the mass is not taken into account...

You're right. But it works at the moons. Oddly enough.

I have no idea what's going on.

I have a .sc language definition for Notepad ++.
But it is by far not complete, and not up to date, because I usually do not use Notepad ++.

Must be inserted in 'userDefineLang.xml'.

Attachments: 2375683.jpg (124.9 Kb) · 9169112.jpg (143.2 Kb) · sc-Lang.xml (10.2 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Saturday, 03.09.2016, 18:26
quarior14Date: Saturday, 03.09.2016, 18:42 | Message # 177
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
JackDole, oh yes, else planets :(
Quote JackDole ()
I have a .sc language definition for Notepad ++.But it is by far not complete, and not up to date, because I usually do not use Notepad ++.Must be inserted in 'userDefineLang.xml'.


Edit : Where it is userDefineLang.xml ? I don't find on C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++ and sub-folders.


Edited by quarior14 - Saturday, 03.09.2016, 18:56
JackDoleDate: Saturday, 03.09.2016, 19:57 | Message # 178
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
then maybe you do not have any user-defined languages, or the file is in:

If you have no user-defined languages, use the attached file. Copy it to your Notepad ++ folder.
Or in: 'C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Roaming\Notpad++\'

That depends on where Notepad++ saves the settings files.
(This depends on whether you use a portable version, or not.)

Attachments: userDefineLang.xml (10.2 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

quarior14Date: Sunday, 04.09.2016, 08:24 | Message # 179
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
JackDole, thanks, I found on AppData\Roaming\Notepad++. It's work, I use import your language sc.


Edited by quarior14 - Sunday, 04.09.2016, 08:29
quarior14Date: Monday, 05.09.2016, 16:25 | Message # 180
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
JackDole, I have corrected all errors (except for the robotic) and it still does not, have you any idea ?
I also saw that Azeroth in my pak in World of Warcraft is also affected.

The gravity of Azeroth is supposed to be 1 g for the mass I put :
Planet    "Azeroth"
    ParentBody     "Azesun"
    Class        "Terra"
    Mass 0.023961
    Radius          1000
    InertiaMoment   0.3305233

    Oblateness      0.007005362

    RotationPeriod  23.9344694  // hours
    RotationOffset -79.5        // degrees
    Obliquity       23.4392911  // degrees
    EqAscendNode    -140.0  // degrees

    Albedo          0.306
    Brightness      1.4
    Color          (0.628 0.770 0.965)

  Class   "Organic"
  Type    "Multicellular"
  Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"

  DiffMap        "World_of_Warcraft/Azeras/Azeroth/Azeroth/Surface"
  DiffTileSize    128
  DiffTileBorder    1
  BumpMap        "World_of_Warcraft/Azeras/Azeroth/Azeroth/Bump"
  BumpTileSize    128
  BumpTileBorder    1
  BumpHeight      1.754
  BumpOffset      0.250523
  GlowMap        "World_of_Warcraft/Azeras/Azeroth/Azeroth/Lights"
  GlowTileSize    128
  GlowTileBorder  1
  GlowMode       "Night"
  GlowColor      (1.00 0.90 0.75)
  GlowBright      1.0
  DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
  SpecBrightWater 0.65
  SpecBrightIce   0.85
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      0.07
  colorSea  (0.00, 0.043, 0.063, 0.00)

  Height          0.250523
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2

  DiffMap        "World_of_Warcraft/Azeras/Azeroth/Azeroth/Clouds.*"
  DiffMapAlpha   "Transp"
  GlowMap   "World_of_Warcraft/Azeras/Azeroth/Azeroth/Clouds_Lights.*"
  GlowMode       "Permanent"
  Height          3.27
  Velocity        0  //km/h
  //Height          5.824219
  Coverage 0.142

  //Height          7.648438
  Coverage 0.103

  //Height          14.47266
  Coverage 0.092


    NoLava          true

  Model          "Earth"
  Pressure        1
  Greenhouse      9.5238
  Composition // values in percent
   N2  77.7729
   O2  20.8625
   Ar  0.9303
   H2O 0.4000
   CO2 0.0398


    NoRings         true

    NoCometTail     true

  SemiMajorAxis   1
  Eccentricity    0.02051206
  Inclination     0.88393
  AscendingNode   235.7359
  ArgOfPericenter 17.83281
  MeanAnomaly     288.614
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

I attach my se.log if necessary.

Attachments: 5095644.jpg (115.4 Kb) · 3033712.log (0.0 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Monday, 05.09.2016, 16:26