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Bug Reports for Version 0.96
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 05.07.2012, 19:52 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the "se.log" and is located in the SpaceEngine's directory). Only the log file will help me to understand your problem and find a solution.

HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 03:28 | Message # 601
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
I have a few interesting new bugs today:

1) A dwarf planet not inside of an asteroid belt. By definition, this should be categorized as a planet, not a dwarf planet.

2) A neutron star was given a surface temperature of less than 2000 K. This seems pretty unlikely, to say the least.

3) In a close binary, when two stars are of different color (makes it noticeable), the smaller star will flicker from its own color to the color of its companion star depending on viewing angle when far enough away (several AU). This animation shows the same system from almost the same angle with the bug in evidence:

4) When editing a planet with a surface texture stored in a file, and when that texture has an alpha channel, and when that planet has a CubeMap bump height map or using Alpha for Water (not ice)*, changing any parameter in the editor results in the following (looks similar in appearance to corrupt atmosphere model):

One of my custom planets:


Why they react differently is unknown to me. They both use cubemap textures, both have moons, both orbit a single sun, both have the same clouds, both have the same atmosphere model. The only difference is that Earth orbits a barycenter while my planet orbits the star directly.

* I tested another world with an RGBA file diffmap that had a cylindrical bump map and was using its alpha for ice instead of water, and it didn't have the bug (it was also a moon, which might be significant). So one of those three things might be a critical factor.

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smjjamesDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:20 | Message # 602
World Builder
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United States
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2) A neutron star was given a surface temperature of less than 2000 K. This seems pretty unlikely, to say the least.

Not within the current age of the universe, but even neutron stars cool down eventually, right? it just takes trillions of years before it would reach that point.

As an aside, aren't magnetars (a variant of neutron stars with immensely powerful magnetic fields) also somewhat cooler? Not to the 2,000 K point anyway.

Edited by smjjames - Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:27
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:25 | Message # 603
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Not within the current age of the universe, but even neutron stars cool down eventually, right? it just takes trillions of years before it would reach that point.

Since the universe is the age that it is, and since SE simulates the present universe, that is a moot point with regards to the bug. But yes, I'm sure it would cool down eventually.

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smjjamesDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:29 | Message # 604
World Builder
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United States
Messages: 913
Status: Offline
3) In a close binary, when two stars are of different color (makes it noticeable), the smaller star will flicker from its own color to the color of its companion star depending on viewing angle when far enough away (several AU). This animation shows the same system from almost the same angle with the bug in evidence:

I assume that animation is a triple star system with the blinking one being the close binary? I' know of two similar looking effects like that, but not sure which one is being mentioned here. Could you link the system itself?

RodrigoDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:31 | Message # 605
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 285
Status: Offline
Can anyone find canyons on desert planets? I coudn´t find any, so I guess it´s a bug.
Or maybe this is intentional, I dunno
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:33 | Message # 606
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Can anyone find canyons on desert planets?

I'm pretty sure I've found some. I'll try to go hunt for some right now so I can give you a place code.

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Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
smjjamesDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 04:39 | Message # 607
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 913
Status: Offline
Can anyone find canyons on desert planets?

I'm pretty sure I've found some. I'll try to go hunt for some right now so I can give you a place code.

I think I've found a few myself. They aren't real easy to find

DisasterpieceDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 06:19 | Message # 608
World Builder
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United States
Messages: 640
Status: Offline
Don't have my SE log computer with me, but as terrain loads liquid will disappear for a couple seconds.

I play teh spase engien
apenpaapDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 11:50 | Message # 609
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 1063
Status: Offline
That cold neutron star looks very cool with real sun brightness turned on. It's very dark with a reddish glow, yet SE says it's magnitude -49.7 up close. surprised

Attachments: 7381209.jpg (124.2 Kb)

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.

Edited by apenpaap - Sunday, 23.12.2012, 11:53
smjjamesDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 23:27 | Message # 610
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 913
Status: Offline
While attempting to edit a desert planet to produce canyons (none found so far), I noticed an oddity with the distance calculation. When going past 5600 jilometers, it suddendly skips down to the 900's. Same for going up from the surface, it skips 1,000 kilometers and starts at 5600.

Edit: whoop, meant kilometers not meters.

Place "distance oddity"
Body "RS 7446-3193-7-456314-364 3"
Parent ""
Pos (-1.994827713387368e-011, -2.013745230679612e-011, 1.79489137040658e-010)
Rot (-0.3028820914460031, 0.03556964271221419, 0.06968055621956698, -0.9498114861821541)
Date "2012.12.24 00:17:29.18"
Vel 3.2407765e-013
Mode 1

Edited by smjjames - Monday, 24.12.2012, 01:06
TimDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 23:31 | Message # 611
Group: Users
Messages: 296
Status: Offline
Ah yes, this also happened to me with Earth. It suddenly skips a few thousand meters when slowly approaching it.
But that was probably already reported.

Edited by Tim - Sunday, 23.12.2012, 23:37
smjjamesDate: Sunday, 23.12.2012, 23:35 | Message # 612
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 913
Status: Offline
I don't think it matters how fast you approach it, anyways, checked a normal unedited planet and same thing.

HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 24.12.2012, 00:21 | Message # 613
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Same for going up from the surface, it skips 1,000 meters and starts at 5600.

Is this meters or kilometers?

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smjjamesDate: Monday, 24.12.2012, 01:04 | Message # 614
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 913
Status: Offline
Same for going up from the surface, it skips 1,000 meters and starts at 5600.

Is this meters or kilometers?

I meant kilometers, my bad.

Anyways, in my investigation about canyons on desert worlds, I've figured out why. It turns out that desert worlds have canyon fraction set to 0 for some reason, which keeps them from generating canyons.

Edit: I just noticed in the screenshots that the cracks octaves is in the negative for some reason.

Edited desert planet.

Unedited desert world (different world than the first one, although same system).

Terran world (with life, incidentially) for comparison.

Attachments: 9864338.jpg (320.1 Kb) · 3330530.jpg (361.8 Kb) · 9898835.jpg (333.4 Kb)

Edited by smjjames - Monday, 24.12.2012, 07:54
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 24.12.2012, 01:10 | Message # 615
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
I meant kilometers, my bad.

That's not a bug, it's a feature; at 1000 km from the surface of a planet it switches from measuring height above the surface to measuring distance from the center, as the HUD clearly states. This has also been discussed on the forum before.

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