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Bug Reports for Version 0.96
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 05.07.2012, 19:52 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the "se.log" and is located in the SpaceEngine's directory). Only the log file will help me to understand your problem and find a solution.

JLDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 00:41 | Message # 16
Group: Users
Messages: 14
Status: Offline
Hi there,

For some reason, stars do not render properly when the camera is brought close enough. sad
Since i have only seen a few complaining about this same issue, i take it this glitch only occurs on some computers.

Asides, i must congratulate you for this new release, Version 0.96 is simply astounding. Keep up the great work. smile

Attachments: 1281306.png (341.1 Kb)

Edited by JL - Friday, 06.07.2012, 00:45
SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 00:49 | Message # 17
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Freak2121)
Spaceships aren't rendering for me and the movement of any object in fast forward is jittery/choppy. Log: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32146097/se.log Edit: I noticed that if I record with F9 the movements aren't jittery or anything. :/

Then try to use Frame Time mode - Shift-\

j0KeRDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 01:02 | Message # 18
Group: Users
Messages: 178
Status: Offline
Quote (SpaceEngineer)
Yes, ships don't render in interstellar space. It is not a bug, just incompleteness.

Aha. ok thanks for clarifying that ;p

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"

Intel Core(E6850) 2 Duo 3.00 GHz \ Geforce GTX560 1024MB \ 4GB 667(MHz) 2 Channel RAM \ Windows 7 (32bit) \ Samsung SA700D 120hz (3D)
Freak2121Date: Friday, 06.07.2012, 01:27 | Message # 19
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
Quote (SpaceEngineer)
Then try to use Frame Time mode - Shift-\

Ah! Thank you, that fixed it, I can put up with occasional framerate dips for a smoother experience overall.
My spaceships still don't render though. They get placed but they're invisible.

Intel Core i5 @ 4.534GHz
8GBs of DDR3 RAM @ 1600mhz
Windows 7 64-bit

Edited by Freak2121 - Friday, 06.07.2012, 05:02
j0KeRDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 09:11 | Message # 20
Group: Users
Messages: 178
Status: Offline
Freak2121, see the above comment its not a bug its just incompleteness as SE would put it you must be close to a planetary system if you move far away from it ships stop rendering wink

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"

Intel Core(E6850) 2 Duo 3.00 GHz \ Geforce GTX560 1024MB \ 4GB 667(MHz) 2 Channel RAM \ Windows 7 (32bit) \ Samsung SA700D 120hz (3D)

Edited by j0KeR - Friday, 06.07.2012, 09:11
DoctorDukeDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 10:20 | Message # 21
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Quote (JL)
For some reason, stars do not render properly when the camera is brought close enough.

I got this too, but also from a normal distance (like when I'm at a terra).

Attachments: 9752642.jpg (114.5 Kb) · 1569963.log (23.0 Kb)
neutronium76Date: Friday, 06.07.2012, 11:49 | Message # 22
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
Quote (SpaceEngineer)
Yes, ships don't render in interstellar space. It is not a bug, just incompleteness.

Although I am not a programmer or expert in this field but is this related somehow to the fact that when an object is very far away from a light source (i.e. a star) and doesn't emit light itself, it can not be rendered? But I am probably wrong. Someone would expect that the ships should render with a black/dark color in interstellar space but somehow it doesn't happen unsure

PC1:Core i7 970@3.34GHz, 6 cores/12 threads, 12GB DDR3 RAM@1.34GHz, 2x(SLI) GTX-580 GPUs 3GB VRAM(GDDR5)@1GHz, OS:Win7x64SP1
PC2:Core2Quad X9770@3.2GHz, 2 cores/4 threads 4GB DDR2 RAM@1GHz, GTX-285 GPU 1GB VRAM(DDR3)@1.24GHz, OS:WinVistax64SP2
j0KeRDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 12:50 | Message # 23
Group: Users
Messages: 178
Status: Offline
Quote (neutronium76)
Although I am not a programmer or expert in this field but is this related somehow to the fact that when an object is very far away from a light source (i.e. a star) and doesn't emit light itself, it can not be rendered? But I am probably wrong. Someone would expect that the ships should render with a black/dark color in interstellar space but somehow it doesn't happen unsure

Yep , that's what i thought, propably has something to do with Lightning source , only Vova can let us know for sure though

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"

Intel Core(E6850) 2 Duo 3.00 GHz \ Geforce GTX560 1024MB \ 4GB 667(MHz) 2 Channel RAM \ Windows 7 (32bit) \ Samsung SA700D 120hz (3D)
apenpaapDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 12:52 | Message # 24
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 1063
Status: Offline
Maybe it's to prevent the game from rendering planets while flying around in interstellar space, which might take a lot of video memory...

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
DrawninDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 15:16 | Message # 25
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 37
Status: Offline
First of all, congratulations on this new release. It is quite amazing. =)

However, I can't seem to run the program properly when I approach to the surface of a planet. Every time I get close to an object, I get an error and crash to desktop. I think my PC perfectly fits the requeriments, and I've tried everything that's suggested in the troubleshooting, but... it keeps happening. I don't know what else to try. =(

As I can see, I'm not the only one reporting this issue. Could it be some trouble related to the program as it was released just a couple of days ago? I'm including my se.log report.

Attachments: 5551438.log (28.0 Kb)

Intel Core i7-3770 - 3.40 GHz @ 8 Gb RAM @ nVidia GeForce GTX 570 1280 Mb
KvikiDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 16:48 | Message # 26
Group: SE team
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
1. Planet editor: Sometimes I get spikes on terrain after editing a bit, and those don't dissapear with updating the planet. I have to restart SE.

-Question: After we edit a planet with some certain paremeters, is it possible to somehow make spaceengine generate some of such planets types with the parameters configured? (so if you edited a desert planet in some specific way, is it possible that SE renders some other desert planets with the edited paremeters)

2. Texture export: SpaceEngine crashes after trying to export a high resolution texture, (eg 15000x7500).

-Question: Is it possible to make spaceengine export the textures with water?

That's all from me so far!

Edited by Kviki - Friday, 06.07.2012, 16:51
Freak2121Date: Friday, 06.07.2012, 18:22 | Message # 27
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 89
Status: Offline
Quote (j0KeR)
Freak2121, see the above comment its not a bug its just incompleteness as SE would put it you must be close to a planetary system if you move far away from it ships stop rendering wink

I have seen the above comments and that's why I'm mentioning it here. They just won't render no matter how close I am to a light source, I could be 3 meters off of a planet and they still won't render.
Edit: Oops. I just realized I had the game paused when I tried to spawn ships and that's why they wouldn't render.

Intel Core i5 @ 4.534GHz
8GBs of DDR3 RAM @ 1600mhz
Windows 7 64-bit

Edited by Freak2121 - Friday, 06.07.2012, 19:53
Joey_PenguinDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 18:45 | Message # 28
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 311
Status: Offline
Sometimes, when I drag with the left mouse button, It forces me to land right on the selected star/planet/moon. It's extremely annoying, and it's happening more and more randomly, until now I'm not even pressing anything! I'm quite flattered that it wants me on its surface so badly, but I need to land on my own terms. mad

Careful. The PLATT Collective has spurs.

Edited by Joey_Penguin - Saturday, 07.07.2012, 03:24
Hasforjs97Date: Friday, 06.07.2012, 19:19 | Message # 29
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 107
Status: Offline
Quote (Kviki)

I don't know if this has something to do with SE, but try to use 2-based-powers as texture dimensions (like 16384x8192 or 4096x2048), because In many other games when I create or import texturesthey need to use these kind of dimensions


Another thing..
I know I'm posting lots of messages today, but I have spent whole day in SE .96 and I want to share my suggestions and problems.
Well the bug I have is the following: When I'm on my ship and I pass in front of a rings, I see the rings through the ship, also when I go underwater with the ship, the blue (or sometimes green...) layer doesn't affect the ship and I see it like if it was over the water.

I don't know if it's a problem with the engine because the ships are too experimental or the problem is with my Radeon 5570, so I post it anyway because, surprisingly, I haven't seen anyone complaining about this (unlike another problem I had -spaceships not rendering far away from stars- that has yet been posted and answered).

My desktop:
Pentium G3260 @ 3.30GHz
8.0 GB DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 5570 1GB

Edited by Hasforjs97 - Friday, 06.07.2012, 19:22
SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 06.07.2012, 19:42 | Message # 30
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (neutronium76)
Although I am not a programmer or expert in this field but is this related somehow to the fact that when an object is very far away from a light source (i.e. a star) and doesn't emit light itself, it can not be rendered? But I am probably wrong. Someone would expect that the ships should render with a black/dark color in interstellar space but somehow it doesn't happen

No. Any mesh (planetary body or ship) is placed in a special render-list, related to the planetary system. If there is no planetary system to render, there is no render-list, so there is nowhere to place the ship, thus the ship won't render in interstellar space. I'll going to do a new system in the next version (or in next patch).

Quote (Kviki)
-Question: After we edit a planet with some certain paremeters, is it possible to somehow make spaceengine generate some of such planets types with the parameters configured? (so if you edited a desert planet in some specific way, is it possible that SE renders some other desert planets with the edited paremeters)

No, this is impossible. Planet editor is a debug feature created to debug landscape generator shaders, however it may be useful to create a script for custom planet.

Quote (Kviki)
2. Texture export: SpaceEngine crashes after trying to export a high resolution texture, (eg 15000x7500).

SE can't render textures where dimensions exceed maximum supported by hardware (you can see it in the se.log: Maximum texture size: 8192). For my PC, even setting a 8192*4096 leads to the driver's crashing!.

Quote (Hasforjs97)
Well the bug I have is the following: When I'm on my ship and I pass in front of a rings, I see the rings through the ship, also when I go underwater with the ship, the blue (or sometimes green...) layer doesn't affect the ship and I see it like if it was over the water.

Yes, this is because ships are very experimental smile

