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Interstellar Addon (Only tested with Patch 7)
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 13:16 | Message # 106
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Addons belong now in the folder 'addons'.
In principle, this folder has the same subfolder structure as the 'data' folder.

These subfolders are not present in a new installation, they must be created, if needed.

If in a instruction is written, extract it to the main folder, that means now: Extract in the 'addons' folder. NOT in the 'data' folder.

Also spaceships are now in the 'addons' folder, but the folders:
'models\spacecrafts' and 'textures\spacecrafts' are now:
'models\spacecraft' and 'textures\spacecraft'.
Without an 's' at the end!
That is, everything that was in the folders 'spacecrafts' now belongs in the folders 'spacecraft'!

And if you have any problems with SpaceEngine, you should post the log file. This is the file 'se.log' in the folder 'system' in the SpaceEngine directory.

Don't forget to look here.

MosfetDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 13:17 | Message # 107
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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You missed this post from a week ago.
But I think you should undo what you did when you followed older instructions.
You should also attach your se.log file which is in your SpaceEngine system directory when such things happen.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
Spitfire7Date: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 14:04 | Message # 108
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United States
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Quote Mosfet ()
You missed this post from a week ago.

Were you talking about the "interstellar V1" download? If so, I did download that one and I did undue everything I had before. So I literally took the "catalogs" file from that and just put it straight into my "addons" folder. That worked.

I found out that in the game when I select the black hole graphics settings to be the highest that is when I get the weird border. When I select the settings to be low it works fine without the border. So its a graphic issue with the black hole when settings are on high.

se.log uploaded.

So now what is the best download link to download the latest and best Interstellar spacecraft starting from scratch?

Then, after I have the best spacecraft files where do I put them?

Attachments: 8295019.log (52.6 Kb)
MosfetDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 14:53 | Message # 109
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Quote Spitfire7 ()
I literally took the "catalogs" file from that and just put it straight into my "addons" folder.

there's no need to unpack or extract anything from the .pak file.
I see in your se.log the files:
[MT] Loading script "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarSys.sc"
[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarSys.sc" line 3:    Star "Gargantua"    computing luminosity 0 based on Class "X"
[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarSys.sc" line 147:    Star "Gargantuas"    computing luminosity 0 based on Class "X"
[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarSys.sc" line 336:    Star "Badebec"    computing luminosity 0.340408 based on Class "K2 V"
[MT] Loading script "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarWor.sc"
[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarWor.sc" line 3:    Star "Saturn Wormhole"    computing luminosity 0 based on Class "Z"
[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/InterstellarWor.sc" line 24:    Star "Gargantua Wormhole"    computing luminosity 0 based on Class "Z"

InterstellarSys.sc and InterstellarWor.sc are not from Interstellar V1 pak file.
Apparently another Gargantua ("Gargantuas") is calculated from InterstellarSys.sc, which could explain weird issues you noticed. Also in the pak file there's no sign of the star "Badebec".

If you want to modify the system, you should unzip Interstellar V1 pak, with internal folders exactly as they are, under addons/ folder.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
So now what is the best download link to download the latest and best Interstellar spacecraft starting from scratch?

As far as I know this is the latest converted for SE which is working. There are maybe around the net other sources, surely they need conversion in .obj meshes useful for SE, I'd google it.
There's a thread for converting spaceships in SE. With the exception of the new Addons/ starting point, pretty much everything is the same.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 17:53 | Message # 110
Galaxy Architect
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The ships I have provided are the best you will find.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
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MosfetDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 20:48 | Message # 111
World Builder
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Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
The ships I have provided are the best you will find.

Aye, Captain! biggrin biggrin wink

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
Spitfire7Date: Thursday, 30.06.2016, 01:24 | Message # 112
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 45
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Okay please have a look at my log file now. Is this better. I deleted and overwrote the new files. I then put blackhole effects to the highest and there seems to be no weird frame. This is very cool.

Just a few things now that I am in it. You guys did amazing work on this. I first checked out the water planet and wondering if you can make the water very shallow just like in the movie. This would be cool to be able to land on this planet just like in the movie. When trying this it appears the ocean is miles deep. Any way to get a giant stationary wave for visual effects?

On the ice planet, the clouds are spot on. Great job. When landing there was hardly any snow. Rather the ground was very rock brown with some tiny snow caps. Maybe you can make everything snow and the rock black or grey? As you saw from my pic before the mountains seem to be like sharp spikes. Maybe more level high mountain range would be cool? Other than that, absolutely amazing.

Finally the last livable planet was amazing. Great job on that. I just loved the night warm glow from Gargantua.

In regards to Gargantua, it would be cool to have it spinning. At real time 1x it doesn't move, but to make it similar to the movie I have to speed up time to about 1000x or so. I have seen some black holes at normal speed 1x still move rapidly. Is that possible to fix that? Sill amazing work. I love it.

Did I also see something about being able to go through the worm hole at Saturn to get to this new system with a mod or something?

Please check my log file to make sure everything is work. Thank you guys. Now I am learning how to fly.

Attachments: 6612054.log (61.6 Kb)

Edited by Spitfire7 - Thursday, 30.06.2016, 01:30
MosfetDate: Friday, 01.07.2016, 08:53 | Message # 113
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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Quote Spitfire7 ()
Okay please have a look at my log file now. Is this better. I deleted and overwrote the new files. I then put blackhole effects to the highest and there seems to be no weird frame. This is very cool.

The star "Badebec" it's still there, loaded from the same scripts, which tells me there are probably other modifications done by another interstellar mod, but since you solved your strange issues that's good.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
Did I also see something about being able to go through the worm hole at Saturn to get to this new system with a mod or something?

As far as I know, wormholes do not actually work right now.

For the giant stationary wave I think it's impossible, as for the rest of the questions I'll pass to someone else with experience in "planet building".

No, not you Slartibartfast.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 01.07.2016, 17:13 | Message # 114
Galaxy Architect
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Quote Spitfire7 ()
Any way to get a giant stationary wave for visual effects?

Don't think so, it might be possible if you messed with clouds but it wouldn't look very good.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Spitfire7Date: Saturday, 02.07.2016, 08:42 | Message # 115
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 45
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Thanks guys,

So what about these questions and comments?

-Can you can make the water on the water planet very shallow just like in the movie? This would be cool to be able to land on this planet just like in the movie. When trying this it appears the ocean is miles deep.

-On the ice planet, when landing there was hardly any snow. Rather the ground was very rock brown with some tiny snow caps. Maybe you can make everything snow and the rock black or grey? Is must mine this way or are others also seeing that? As you saw from my pic before the mountains seem to be like sharp spikes. Maybe more level high mountain range would be cool? Other than that, absolutely amazing.

-In regards to Gargantua, it would be cool to have it spinning. At real time 1x it doesn't move, but to make it similar to the movie I have to speed up time to about 1000x or so. I have seen some black holes at normal speed 1x still move rapidly. Is that possible to fix that? Sill amazing work. I love it.
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Saturday, 02.07.2016, 19:03 | Message # 116
Galaxy Architect
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Quote Spitfire7 ()
Can you can make the water on the water planet very shallow just like in the movie? This would be cool to be able to land on this planet just like in the movie. When trying this it appears the ocean is miles deep.

Haven't tried, I suspect it may be possible and I will look into it when the program is updated.

Still would like others to modify it and supply updates as the V1 pak I shared is not visually that great.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
On the ice planet, when landing there was hardly any snow. Rather the ground was very rock brown with some tiny snow caps. Maybe you can make everything snow and the rock black or grey? Is must mine this way or are others also seeing that? As you saw from my pic before the mountains seem to be like sharp spikes. Maybe more level high mountain range would be cool? Other than that, absolutely amazing.

There is a system file somewhere in this thread, I think, where someone matched the planets better. I never merged it with my own, but that should be possible to some extent.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
At real time 1x it doesn't move

It does, it is just really slow.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
Is that possible to fix that?

Yes, just need to change one variable in the catalog. I will look into doing that as well.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Spitfire7Date: Tuesday, 05.07.2016, 00:03 | Message # 117
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 45
Status: Offline

I am very excited to see what you come up with.

So the weird issues with the frame thing came up again. @Mosfet, I think you are right, I must have something conflicting. The thing is, all I did was installed the V1 pack. I have nothing else. So to make this even easier, I will remove all my Interstellar files and can you literally link in your reply exactly the files you have that work and that I need? Sorry to make you do that extra work, but I thought I did exactly what you said two times now and I am still seeing the weird issues and you are too in my log files. So maybe you can post the files needed in response. Then I will install then and sow you my log file again. Thank you guys.

@DoctorofSpace, if you know where that file for the ice planet is, please also link that.

Thanks guys.

Edit: I think where the issue stems from is that I have downloded first the "Intrstr974z" zip file that has all the ships, etc and is recommended to install by you DoctorofSpace, then I installed the "Interstellar_V1" overwriting any old files. This is what we are suppose to do if we want the latest updates and the ships right?

Edited by Spitfire7 - Tuesday, 05.07.2016, 02:45
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Tuesday, 05.07.2016, 00:47 | Message # 118
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
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Quote Spitfire7 ()
I will remove all my Interstellar files and can you literally link in your reply exactly the files you have that work and that I need?

Just that V1 pak I linked, but I think there was another update before that someone else posted that had some better planetary visuals.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
if you know where that file for the ice planet is, please also link that.

I do not.

Quote Spitfire7 ()
This is what we are suppose to do if we want the latest updates and the ships right?

For the ships yes.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
kham132Date: Tuesday, 05.07.2016, 21:35 | Message # 119
Space Pilot
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United States
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Spitfire7, done.
Miller's Oceans - Oceans are now about a meter high, but I changed the color of the sea floor so it wouldn't look strange from space.

Mann's Planet - Tried to change the pallete so it looks like it has more snow cover.

For Gargantua, it isn't the accretion disc that's moving fast, but the camera following the ship. It had to slingshot around a black hole, imagine how fast it had to go!
If you really wanted to make it spin faster, I'm no sure how. Maybe try editing Gargantua's rotational speed?
Heres the download with the new edits.

Attachments: 7892736.sc (11.7 Kb)

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person

Edited by kham132 - Tuesday, 05.07.2016, 21:49
Spitfire7Date: Wednesday, 06.07.2016, 00:28 | Message # 120
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 45
Status: Offline
@Kham that is awesome. I will check that out very soon.

@DoctorofSpace and Mosfet, did I find an error? I deleted everything from the interstellar mod. I went into the game and everything deleted correctly. I then ONLY placed the Interstellar V1 "catelog" file into the addon folder. When in game, all things seemed to be working nicely. Is there suppose to be two black holes next to each other? See picture, but I have Gargantua and then Gargantuas. Mosfet, I believe you have mentioned this to me before as this is not suppose to be there or this is something that could be causing an error. This layout in the picture comes ONLY from the Interstellar V1 pack. Is this an error? In the pic where my pointer is, is the small Gargantuas black hole. Is that suppose to be there? I have also uploaded my log file. Please check, thanks.

Attachments: 0996660.log (57.0 Kb)

Edited by Spitfire7 - Wednesday, 06.07.2016, 01:09