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MOD - Creating a planet 0.980
LeePDate: Thursday, 09.06.2016, 01:51 | Message # 91
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 15
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Quote JackDole ()
LeeP, Maybe you should look at this addon.

That is Crazy Talk !

Very impressive JackDole !
PlutonianEmpireDate: Thursday, 09.06.2016, 06:05 | Message # 92
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Sorry for my late reply.

Yes the script file does work on my system, JackDole. However, I noticed that the Galilean satellites came out buggy. The auroras on the oceanias are either deep under the sea, or deep under the sea *floor*.

And I was able to set BumpMap to "NONE" for a fully procedural surface height for callisto, since the spikes seemed odd lol.

As for Earth, I had two sections for it, and one (the lifeless toxic hothouse version) commented out for simplicity, even though I mindlessly copypasted the "garbage world" parameters with it. But yeah I did notice that the multiple /* */ boxes would cause problems.

I am curious about the cloud parameters for the purely procedural clouds though. The DiffMapAlpha parameter seemed superfluous for some bodies, I think, as the game uses "Transp" by default, no? Or is it helpful for anything I might have missed?

I do like the streamlined look of the remove section, so I do thank you! smile

Attachments: 0960224.jpg (217.2 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Thursday, 09.06.2016, 06:11
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 09.06.2016, 08:12 | Message # 93
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote PlutonianEmpire ()
The DiffMapAlpha parameter seemed superfluous for some bodies, I think, as the game uses "Transp" by default, no? Or is it helpful for anything I might have missed?

If no textures are used, probably. If textures are used with 'alpha channel', I think it must be specified.

The Auroras may need to be adjusted in the editor. Or be completely deactivated.

Don't forget to look here.

simonecinque1992Date: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 12:05 | Message # 94
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
When I add textures on a planet the clouds become completely white sad

Planet Script:



(idk what's the "norm" thing but i added it anyway)

Attachments: 2929545.jpg (155.8 Kb) · 8199245.png (529.6 Kb) · 5864251.png (251.4 Kb) · 6340808.png (241.0 Kb) · 0345096.png (567.6 Kb) · 5059023.png (235.5 Kb) · 7056052.png (230.3 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
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Edited by simonecinque1992 - Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 12:11
MosfetDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 13:01 | Message # 95
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
did you try adding file extensions, like
    {    DiffMap    "Ventaclouds_diff.png"
         BumpMap    "Ventaclouds_bump.png"

and so on?

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
simonecinque1992Date: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 13:28 | Message # 96
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline

did you try adding file extensions, like
    {    DiffMap    "Ventaclouds_diff.png"
         BumpMap    "Ventaclouds_bump.png"

and so on?

Dumb me, I forgot to add the
Thanks anyway!

the ".png" thing isn't essential to add in the script smile

how the planet looks like with textures (with atmosphere too) smile

Attachments: 5788719.jpg (150.1 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
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Edited by simonecinque1992 - Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 13:29
MosfetDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 15:28 | Message # 97
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
... or you could use the jolly character .* as well, right.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
simonecinque1992Date: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 19:23 | Message # 98
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
I have another problem ;|
When I put Eccentricity to 0.650794 or a different number it still keeps going to 0 why??
Star script

Star    "Berno"
    ParentBody     "Coran A"
    Class        "T5.1 V"
    Luminosity      7.91224e-008
    MassSol         0.080768
    RadSol          0.0589486
    Teff            1074

    Age             1.28117

    InertiaMoment   0.231149

    Obliquity       18.3927
    EqAscendNode    65.8278
    TidalLocked     true

    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      2
    Color          (1.000 0.008 0.000)

  SurfStyle       0.585934
  Randomize      (0.126, -0.888, -0.332)
  colorDistMagn   0.540581
  colorDistFreq   8.4622
  detailScale     105527
  colorConversion true
  tropicLatitude  0.8
  icecapLatitude  1.2
  mareFreq        0
  mareDensity     0
  erosion         0
  montesFreq      0
  dunesMagn       5
  hillsMagn       0.03
  hillsFreq       0
  craterOctaves   0
  stripeZones     7.76695
  stripeFluct     0.169465
  stripeTwist     9.40123
  cycloneMagn     13.6056
  cycloneFreq     0.429805
  cycloneDensity  0.387103
  cycloneOctaves  0
  colorLayer0    (0.280, 0.260, 0.250, 1.000)
  colorLayer1    (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.900)
  colorLayer2    (0.100, 0.060, 0.060, 0.600)
  colorLayer3    (0.080, 0.040, 0.040, 0.000)
  colorLayer4    (0.050, 0.020, 0.020, 0.000)
  colorLayer5    (0.080, 0.040, 0.040, 0.600)
  colorLayer6    (0.160, 0.100, 0.060, 0.900)
  colorLayer7    (0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 1.000)
  colorLowPlants (0.050, 0.020, 0.020, 0.000)
  colorUpPlants  (0.080, 0.040, 0.040, 0.600)
  BumpHeight      41.0282
  BumpOffset      41.0282
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1
  ModulateColor  (0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000)

  Height          24.6172
  Velocity        840.29
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.784403
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        1
  stripeZones     7.76695
  stripeFluct     0.169465
  stripeTwist     9.40123

  Height          49.2344
  Velocity        722.429
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.784403
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        1
  stripeZones     7.76695
  stripeFluct     0.169465
  stripeTwist     9.40123

  Height          73.8516
  Velocity        918.029
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      1
  mainFreq        0.784403
  mainOctaves     12
  Coverage        1
  stripeZones     7.76695
  stripeFluct     0.169465
  stripeTwist     9.40123

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Thick"
  Height          410.282
  Density         0
  Pressure        1
  Bright          10
  Opacity         0.7
  SkyLight        0
  Hue             0.1043
  Saturation      1

  Height      1293.05
  NorthLat    84.9455
  NorthLon    167.49
  NorthRadius 29414.8
  NorthWidth  3785.81
  NorthRings  5
  NorthBright 10
  NorthParticles 5000
  SouthLat    -84.1481
  SouthLon    347.175
  SouthRadius 19751.3
  SouthWidth  3091.77
  SouthRings  4
  SouthBright 10
  SouthParticles 5000
  TopColor    (1.000 0.000 0.000)
  BottomColor (1.000 0.000 0.500)

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

  Radius      216970
  Period      0.0032424
  Brightness  0.25
  RayDensity  1.88026
  RayCurv     3.08376

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Equator"
  SemiMajorAxis   18.61
  Period          8.962
  Eccentricity    0
.650794  Inclination     18.3927
  AscendingNode   65.8278
  ArgOfPericenter 136.118
  MeanAnomaly     3.51422

Berno is a Brown Dwarf that orbits that Yellow Dwarf

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
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Edited by simonecinque1992 - Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 19:24
MosfetDate: Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 20:44 | Message # 99
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
Judging by your code after "Eccentricity 0" you applied a return, so it should be:
Eccentricity    0.650794
  Inclination     18.3927

instead of
Eccentricity    0
.650794  Inclination     18.3927

There was a similar problem in the planet script you posted before.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram

Edited by Mosfet - Wednesday, 29.06.2016, 20:59
simonecinque1992Date: Thursday, 30.06.2016, 11:01 | Message # 100
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline

Judging by your code after "Eccentricity 0" you applied a return, so it should be:
Eccentricity    0.650794
  Inclination     18.3927

instead of
Eccentricity    0
.650794  Inclination     18.3927

Thanks! now it works! :3

[Orbits Spoiler..]

Attachments: 1709999.jpg (173.7 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
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64 bit Operative System
OstariskDate: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 01:11 | Message # 101
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Question, where can I find a good calculator or algorithm to calculate all the orbital parameters for a binary? (Sorry if this was mentioned already, but I haven,t read the whole thread yet.)

My mods
MosfetDate: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 22:29 | Message # 102
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
Ostarisk, formulae are described in message #2, where it says "Orbit"

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
simonecinque1992Date: Friday, 15.07.2016, 14:36 | Message # 103
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
I have a serious (idk if it's really serious) problem...
Why are all my planets and moons scorched?

Coran BC goes to: addons > catalogs > stars
And the rest goes to: addons > catalogs > planets

Is it possible to solve it?
Meanwhile I'll work in my other custom systems..

Attachments: Coran_BC.sc (0.1 Kb) · Coran_A_Moons.sc (111.2 Kb) · Coran_A_Planets.sc (52.1 Kb) · Coran_B_Moons.sc (80.6 Kb) · Coran_B_Planets.sc (32.5 Kb) · Coran_Binary_Pl.sc (18.9 Kb) · Coran_Stars.sc (21.7 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System

Edited by simonecinque1992 - Friday, 15.07.2016, 21:08
JackDoleDate: Friday, 15.07.2016, 21:17 | Message # 104
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
I have looked at your scripts and a few bugs fixed that were displayed in the log file.


[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/Coran_Stars.sc" line 780:    ERROR: Syntax error '.02994'
[MT] "addons/catalogs/planets/Coran_Stars.sc" line 1061:    ERROR: Syntax error '.365'

Errors in Coran_Stars.sc:
Line 779 and the following:
  Period          0
.02994  Eccentricity    0.349
  Inclination     44.5311

Line 1060 and the following:
  SemiMajorAxis   4475  Period          2.404  Eccentricity    0
.365  Inclination     -17.143  AscendingNode   277.194
  ArgOfPericenter 0

And even if it is possible to write multiple parameters in a row, this should not be done. It is confusing and bad style.

Because of your scorched planets:
Set 'Eccentricity' to '0', for all planets and moons that are scorched.
The closer a moon is his planet, the stronger the influence of the eccentricity onto the tidal heating.

Attachments: simonecinque199.zip (58.9 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

simonecinque1992Date: Friday, 15.07.2016, 22:10 | Message # 105
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
JackDole, I used your modified files but planets and moons were still scorched so i did the things you did with my actual scripts but still scorched sad

And I don't think moons would make other moons that hot because all the times i saw the planets and moons they weren't even scorched (except Uncino and Scorch) dry

I'm using 0.974 RC3

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System

Edited by simonecinque1992 - Friday, 15.07.2016, 22:16