Well, you could make a custom system where the dying Solar System is represented, but you couldn't(at least to my knowledge) film the actual transition from the main sequence to the giant phase.
Well, you could make a custom system where the dying Solar System is represented, but you couldn't(at least to my knowledge) film the actual transition from the main sequence to the giant phase.
It's been a long time since I've modded stars/planets into the engine myself, so my experience in this field isn't up to snuff. You have fairly up to date tutorials tutorials here:
If you have any questions(and you probably will, I certainly did when I was learning this for the first time), post them here and I(and hopefully other users too) will try to help you out.
I apologize if this has been suggested or added already, but a Periodic Table of Elements would be nice to have. So that we can understand what chemical compounds are present in each atmosphere. Thanks for reading. Peace and long life \\//,
I want to make a suggestion for modding Dark Orbit ships, because I like the ships models (and I also like a bit the game) and I was thinking the last day that this mod could fit with SE physics and graphics, and it would be so exciting pilot them I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but I want to know if anyone is interested in my suggestion.
Here I'll leave some pics of the DO spaceships, some of them are as small as a single-seat glider, and the others are as huge as the Star Trek's USS Enterprise (or even bigger)...
Spaceship Goliath, almost the third of USS Enterprise size
Spacefighter Liberator, is of the same size as the SE Skylone Spaceship Vengance, the fifth of Goliath size
"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt" -Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"
"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt" -Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"
Pokemon mod: Travel around the universe and visit different worlds to catch them all! Rock/Ground types spawn on Selenas Water types on Oceanas Grass types on Terras Fire types on Hot planets (or Stars?) Flying types on Ice/Gas giants You get the point
Edited by Hornblower - Saturday, 16.07.2016, 19:52
I don't know if this is faux pa or if spaceengineer has plans for this, but I wish someone would make quasars! I can do some research into the specs of some of them, but we could perhaps do some guessing but I know it might be a tall order with the limited amount of info on them. Just an idea as I know all the hardcore modders have been really busy.
It might be easy to model them as gigantic accretion disks with relativistic jets, and a few stars mainly around the outer edges. That way it may be simpler to make them than galaxies.
I'm terrible with computers and impatient to boot, so if this is in the works or just a bad topic, at least I tried