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How did you find Space Engine?
Paradox-KittinDate: Thursday, 04.06.2015, 12:42 | Message # 91
Group: Newbies
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I was looking for planetarium software. At first I tried Celestia, and a bunch of other software...but I wasn't impressed. Then I discovered Space Engine! That was years ago. I remember there wasn't any music in the first version I got..and my laptop back then could barely handle anything in 3D so I couldn't fully appreciate the capabilities of Space Engine at all. So I became sad...I couldn't even use the program I got because of my low-end laptop! sad But now, my laptop is pretty okay. It's not a strong, bulky gaming laptop, but it can still handle a lot! I was able to use SpaceEngine a lot now, it's just so beautiful!

I don't remember my very first session, but on the first session on my new laptop (using, SE placed me in front of a very green planet! I miss it a lot, actually..I forgot to mark the location. cry

Attachments: 0483893.jpg (207.4 Kb)
GibLitDate: Saturday, 06.06.2015, 00:39 | Message # 92
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Scott Manley did a video on Space Engine a while ago, that's where I heard about it.
michellebeyer1974Date: Sunday, 18.10.2015, 15:38 | Message # 93
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HamguyDate: Sunday, 08.11.2015, 21:33 | Message # 94
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I cant remember how i discovered it but it was when it was in its infancy. I introduced space engine to some people online and i guess they loved it and it spread to more people form there.
gazelleDate: Friday, 13.11.2015, 16:05 | Message # 95
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I found this program from a note in the celestia addon file. It said; "Space Engine is the best 3D space simulation program in the world!!!"
AgentMulderDate: Sunday, 22.11.2015, 01:15 | Message # 96
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on youtube. an exellent channel called "some ordinary gamers". does a great job showing it off
11ryancDate: Saturday, 28.11.2015, 07:58 | Message # 97
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Came across Space Engine the day I went to see The Martian. Prior, I've been watching loads of space related documentaries on YouTube. Decided to run a search on simulators and stumbled across this video: https://youtu.be/UxEnZ1qVjPc
Needn't say, felt like a child on Christmas morning biggrin Beautiful piece of software. One of the coolest moments for me was visiting Gliese 581. One thing to read about a particular system. But having the ability to fly to it, interact, and land on planets. Very different perspective.

Intel Core i7 4790k, MSI Z97 PC Mate, EVGA GTX 950, 16GB 1600 MHz, SanDisk SSD Plus 120GB, 2 TB WD Green, 2 TB Seagate Barracuda, Cooler Master Elite 350 Mid Tower
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
ZefnolyDate: Thursday, 14.01.2016, 15:11 | Message # 98
Space Tourist
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I'm not really sure when i discovered Space Engine. I remember it was something about it when my friends watched Scott Manley once but i thought you needed to pay for it or something because it looked so awesome and i like forgot about it when i came home. Later someone started mentioning it in the Steam forums of Space Engineers (another game i play) and they talked about it and linked me to this site where i found out it was free! Downloaded it at once and i have been toying around in it when I'm bored or feel for space exploration since then. And now it is even more awesome.

A creature from a planet found far on the other side of Milkyway, found on a planet orbiting a gas giant.
VadaraDate: Monday, 25.01.2016, 02:14 | Message # 99
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United States
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I was and am currently addicted to No Man's Sky. Soon after it was announced, I was anxious to get my hands on anything even remotely like it, which led me to this game. I can definitely say that it has scratched that itch, and I hope to see it even further improved as time goes on.
KermanguyDate: Thursday, 28.01.2016, 00:59 | Message # 100
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I found it on the /g/ board on 4chan.
Lucas0231Date: Saturday, 06.02.2016, 22:54 | Message # 101
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I use Celestia since 2013. I discover Space Engine on an other forum. I downloaded Space Engine. The number of stars, galaxy, planets is awesome ! smile
WatsisnameDate: Saturday, 06.02.2016, 23:38 | Message # 102
Galaxy Architect
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Cool! I was a Celestia user back then, too. smile Welcome to the community!

AlekDate: Sunday, 07.02.2016, 20:58 | Message # 103
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Quote Watsisname ()
I was a Celestia user back then, too

So was I to an extent. Much easier than space engine to install mods, honestly XD

Living among the stars, I find my way. I grow in strength through knowledge of the space I occupy, until I become the ruler of my own interstellar empire of sorts. Though The world was made for the day, I was made for the night, and thus, the universe itself is within my destiny.
AndroverseDate: Tuesday, 09.02.2016, 06:53 | Message # 104
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United States
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One night I was thinking of how awesome it would be to explore the universe and be able to explore the planets and such and if there was a program out there to do that. Started searching, can't quite remember but I think I came here directly from google or maybe a video on Space Engine. I tried using celestia but it wasn't what I was looking for, a little while later I found space engine.

My first session after going from the milky way galaxy to another galaxy, I was like, "Um woah, holy crap". I couldn't stop using it and played for hours with endless exploration.
helmutbuergmannDate: Monday, 15.02.2016, 10:09 | Message # 105
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I stumbled over it in a post on Quora, where someone asked if an image was a real photograph of a black hole, and someone replied that he thought it looked like it might be out of Space Engine. That brought me to this site, and I'm glad it did.