I have found that not putting my stuff from system/shaders/ and models/atmospheres/ into the pak file doesn't work so put them in the pak file.
Do not do this!
QuoteSpaceEngineer ()
8) Never touch the default pak files Just like in all other game, changing the default game resources is a bad idea. In future, the game client will check the default files for changing and will kick you from server if they are changed. So remember a simple rules: 1) If you want to add something, create your own pak file (or simply store files in the folders, non-packed). 2) If you want to modify something, extract the file from the default pak and modify it.
Best not use these shaders. 'tg_selena_height.glsl' and 'tg_terra_height.glsl' are outdated shaders that does not belong to 'Space Engine 0.974 RC1'!
If you want to use this shaders, open it in an editor, make a blank line at the end and save it. Then the date is updated and SE will use these files.
Best not use these shaders. 'tg_selena_height.glsl' and 'tg_terra_height.glsl' are outdated shaders that does not belong to 'Space Engine 0.974 RC1'!
If you want to use this shaders, open it in an editor, make a blank line at the end and save it. Then the date is updated and SE will use these files.
QuoteJackDole ()
I found two errors in the script 'MySystem.sc'.
Thanks! I will fix these errors. Btw what program are you using? Notepad++? Wordpad acts weird when I try to change the parentheses.
The height shaders work fine and do have a big difference. I have no skill in coding I just mess around until it looks right. They may be outdated but they work. I will put the blank line at the end and take them out of the pak file. Hopefully it will work.
Edit: I fixed the script file. There were two asteroid codes merged together and I updated the Gergasi atmosphere.
"Its impossible" - CASE "No, It's necessary" - Cooper
It need not necessarily be a blank line. It is important that the files have a more recent date than the original. This was in 'tg_selena_height.glsl' and 'tg_terra_height.glsl' not the case. The best method for this is: Make a small change. Save. Undo the change. Save. Then, the files have a new date.
Edit: also, how do you install it? I have never installed an addon for SE before.
Step 1: Open the .zip file. Congragulatations you have done step one.
Step2: Move the files from catalogs/plants/ in this .zip to the catalogs/planets/ folder in your Space Engine directory.
Step 3(If you have no other addons.): Move you the universe.cfg file from the config/ folder in the .zip to the config/ folder in your Space Engine directory.
Step 3(If you have other addons installed.): In the "PlanetsCatalogs // planets catalogs" secton of the universe.cfg file in the config/ folder of your Space Engine directory put "catalogs/planets/MySystem.sc" in the bottom line like the other entries. Be sure to include the quotes. BE SURE TO BACK UP ANY FILES YOU REPLACE!!!
Step 4: Move the files from the models/atmospheres/ folder in the .zip file to the models/atmospheres/ folder in your Space Engine directory. If that does not work (Test it by opening the game and looking at Manova. If the atmosphere looks super weird then it didn't work.) put the files into the models/atmospheres/Atmospheres094.pak file with 7zip or winrar. It should work after this.
Step 5: Move everything from the system/ folder in the .zip folder to the system/ folder in your Space Engine directory. If that fails (I probably won't fail. Test this by looking at Palmyra. If it has mares on it and brown blotches then it did not work.) then move all the files from system/shaders/ in the .zip to the system to the system/shaders.pak file with 7zip or winrar. It should work after this. BE SURE TO BACK UP ANY FILES YOU REPLACE!!!
Step 6: Move all the stuff in the textures/planets/ folder in the .zip to the textures/planets/ folder in your Space Engine directory.
Step 7: Open Space Engine and have fun!
"Its impossible" - CASE "No, It's necessary" - Cooper
I made my custom system in the Delta Triangulum System (a binary system), you can find the system as DEL Tri, or 8 Tri. I made it like that because i dindn't know how to create stars before :P (Noob detected) So, here is my custom system:
DEL Tri 9, a warm desert like Venus but less hostile, you can actually land there and nothing would happen Cx
Ivory, also named DEL Tri 1. A temperate Terra with life, with a twin moon (Pegasus), also habitable. I nammed it "Ivory" because it weird amount of snow in it's surface and its white aurora
Gigantion, also named DEL Tri 2. A temperate selena with life. People who like Transformers Cybertron/Galaxy Force will recognize this planet <3 Not accurate as I wanted to, but I like it...
DEL Tri 3 (yet unnamed), a cold gas giant, more massive and a little bit bigger than Jupiter. It have a thiny ring system, like Uranus and Neptune
DEL tri 5, a destroyed planet (I don't have enought imagination for this stuff, but I made my best)
DEL Tri 6, nothing to say about it XD
Kyojin, a.k.a. DEL Tri 7, a lonely frozen gas giant, even massive than DEL Tri 3 but a little smaller :p
And finally, DEL Tri 8, a bynary planetary system, the first one I've ever made. They're too similar in mass and diameter, so it was a perfect opportunity to make it with a Barycenter :D
"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt" -Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"
Now I know how to do it now, but thanks bro. And I even made my first star a few days ago, it took so long because I couldn't decide where to put it, but I was working on it since January Cx Here it is, in the open star cluster Berkeley 83
"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt" -Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"
I made my custom system in the Delta Triangulum System
There goes my plans to release my own Delta Trianguli system. :lol:
Regardless, yours looks fantastic! Keep it up!
Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Monday, 14.03.2016, 19:57
There goes my plans to release my own Delta Trianguli system. :lol:
Regardless, yours looks fantastic! Keep it up!
Thanks bro, really appreciate it. You should release it anyway
QuoteBridgetten ()
I made another custom system a green gas giant with four terra life
It looks awesome
"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt" -Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"
really like that sun flare kinda makes it seem more.. what is the word... fantastic.
Should I also post my system in the official mods section or is this what this thread is for.
Yes it's like JackDole: Mega structures and quarior14's mod thread have lots custom systems
You can post on both but the better is to make your mod page as with other systems custom here, it is likely that your fall into oblivion because the most part of people does read not entirely all the thread.