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Show of your custom made system
BridgettenDate: Wednesday, 16.03.2016, 14:15 | Message # 91
Space Tourist
Group: Banned
United States
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
Zeta Reticuli System from Xenomorph movie

Calpamos: is a gas giant with 3 moons and two named moons with life and unnamed moon without life. the planet around Zeta Reticuli binary star system

Acheron: The home of Xenomorph is the Acheron only exotic terrestrial with life not marine because there no sea creatures on the Acheron moon of Xenomorph movie

LV-223: There no Xenomorphs on the LV-223 moon but other exotic creature species

Calpamos III: 3rd unnamed moon without life

Edited by Bridgetten - Wednesday, 16.03.2016, 14:41
PanMDate: Thursday, 04.08.2016, 09:51 | Message # 92
Group: Users
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
Here is my little addon with some new galaxies. This version is "BETA" because i don't know to using quat. and i don't know that i make it perfectly. Please rate it and tell me mistakes what i make in this.
Attachments: MoreGalaxies.pak (1.6 Kb)
MosfetDate: Thursday, 04.08.2016, 10:02 | Message # 93
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
PanM, I think you need to comment first 22 rows by placing // first, like this:
// ==============================================================
// Created by Micha³ B. "PanM"
// This is BETA TEST version, cointains a small number of galaxies. I don't use "Quat." because i don't know this function.
// Galaxies:
// -2 nearby
// -4 huge
// -5 far away
// -2 quasars
// Known issues:
// -CMa Dwarf and NGC 262 Halo can be invisible, so we must raise visible magnitude. This galaxies don't shining up gradually but just appear immediately.
// -In NGC 262 Halo has red and green bars when magnitude is low, in i don't see that problem
// -Some objects don't have a real radius, because in information about size I searched only "dwarf galaxy" or "huge galaxy" (quasars and far away)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// It can be modifited by proffesionals and SpaceEngine administrators.
// If my work is good I will introduce new galaxies.
// ==============================================================
// http://www.icosmos.co.uk/index.html
// Om-m: 0,266
// Om-lam: 0,732
// Om-r: 0,00007701
// H0: 72
// ==============================================================

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
quarior14Date: Thursday, 04.08.2016, 10:04 | Message # 94
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
PanM, or quite simply :
Created by Micha³ B. "PanM"
This is BETA TEST version, cointains a small number of galaxies. I don't use "Quat." because i don't know this function.
-2 nearby
-4 huge
-5 far away
-2 quasars
Known issues:
-CMa Dwarf and NGC 262 Halo can be invisible, so we must raise visible magnitude. This galaxies don't shining up gradually but just appear immediately.
-In NGC 262 Halo has red and green bars when magnitude is low, in i don't see that problem
-Some objects don't have a real radius, because in information about size I searched only "dwarf galaxy" or "huge galaxy" (quasars and far away)
It can be modifited by proffesionals and SpaceEngine administrators.
If my work is good I will introduce new galaxies.
Om-m: 0,266
Om-lam: 0,732
Om-r: 0,00007701
H0: 72


Edited by quarior14 - Thursday, 04.08.2016, 10:05
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 31.08.2016, 18:56 | Message # 95
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Some moons for the unconfirmed planet of Teegarden's Star.

Of course, completely fictional.

The planet is here.

Attachments: 4350292.jpg (257.1 Kb) · TeeBMoons.sc (4.3 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 31.08.2016, 19:02 | Message # 96
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I don't think a Terra moon of Teegarden B is possible, or is it?
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 13:31 | Message # 97
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote steeljaw354 ()
I don't think a Terra moon of Teegarden B is possible, or is it?

I have in the script no 'Class' defined, but leave this to SpaceEngine.

But of course you can change the script, and use for the first moon 'Class "Terra"', and see what makes SpaceEngine of it.


Moon "Teegarden's Star b.1"
    ParentBody  "Teegarden's Star b"
    Class       "Terra"
    Radius      1764.5687734611
        SemiMajorAxis   0.00072927023755872
        Eccentricity    0.008525390625
        Inclination     -0.85906982421875
        AscendingNode   339.08203125
        ArgOfPericen    98.338623046875

And you could also make the 'Radius' of the moon greater. But not too much, otherwise it collides with the moon, on which I am in the picture.

Attachments: 8830884.jpg (207.8 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 13:47 | Message # 98
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I made the moon more habitable, but it is completely unrealistic, maybe a separate planet? Would a planet in the habitable zone of Teegarden's star be affected by the gravity of the inner gas giant? Is it realistic?

Heres what I did with the moon.

Attachments: 6954593.jpg (246.6 Kb)
quarior14Date: Saturday, 22.10.2016, 12:59 | Message # 99
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
I made procedural Solar System (it's not 100% procedural). In the pak, you a two different versions in a another location.
  • Search D P Solar System for the same solar system, but the textures (DiffMap, Clouds) are procedurals
  • Search P Solar System for the same solar system, but the textures and bump maps are procedurals

Download Procedural Solar System (Diff Procedural and Procedural).pak

D P Earth and TARDIS (no include, see here) :

Attachments: Procedural_Sola.pak (213.3 Kb) · 6814594.jpg (151.2 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Saturday, 05.11.2016, 14:35
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