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Show of your custom made system
JackDoleDate: Sunday, 20.09.2015, 12:43 | Message # 46
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
...impossible parameters

Something like this?

That must be a gigantic cosmic musical instrument, or the ultimate alien weapon. Possibly both.

Attachments: 8941387.jpg (58.4 Kb) · 9221184.jpg (79.1 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Zaddy23Date: Monday, 21.09.2015, 06:26 | Message # 47
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 129
Status: Offline
Quote JackDole ()
That must be a gigantic cosmic musical instrument, or the ultimate alien weapon. Possibly both.

That's hauntingly beautiful.

Along with fezes and bowties, brown dwarves are cool.
Destructor1701Date: Monday, 21.09.2015, 12:56 | Message # 48
Group: Users
Messages: 533
Status: Offline
Imagine detecting a Kepler signature for something like that!

JackDoleDate: Monday, 21.09.2015, 16:41 | Message # 49
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
I call it Gabrial's harp.

Don't forget to look here.

kham132Date: Thursday, 12.11.2015, 00:59 | Message # 50
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
I'm having a problem with a planet I'm making.

Can you guys find any errors for me? I couldn't find any.
Planet    "Liluna"
    ParentBody     "Aeries"
    Class        "Terra"

    Mass            1.724392
    Radius          7375.545576
    Obliquity    14.0017255
    RotationPeriod  38.54

    Color          (1.000 0.724 0.519)

    Albedo          0.3

    Brightness      2

  Class   "Organic"
  Type    "Multicellular"
  Biome   "Marine/Terrestrial"


  SurfStyle       0.3224832

  OceanStyle      0.6083788

  Randomize      (-0.216, -0.398, 0.436)

  colorDistMagn   0.07016934

  colorDistFreq   778.9991

  detailScale     17180.46

  colorConversion true

  seaLevel        0.06895944

  snowLevel       2

  tropicLatitude  0.6668524

  icecapLatitude  0.963707

  icecapHeight    0.13087

  climatePole     0.9375

  climateTropic   0.3125

  climateEquator  0.6875

  heightTempGrad  0.625

  tropicWidth     0.07

  mainFreq        0.7840844

  venusFreq       0.9152352

  venusMagn       0

  mareFreq        6.528734

  mareDensity     0.05048953

  terraceProb     0.5317025

  erosion         0.1253085

  montesMagn      0.1502778

  montesFreq      351.7925

  montesFraction  -0.02516878

  dunesMagn       0.05734683

  dunesFreq       54.12222

  dunesFraction   0.5574176

  hillsMagn       0.1201071

  hillsFreq       525.3946

  hillsFraction   0.1890544

  hills2Fraction  -0.2101769

  riversMagn       55.87453

  riversFreq       2.194925

  riversSin        6.398016

  riversOctaves    2
  canyonsMagn     0.04674102

  canyonsFreq     176.2473

  canyonFraction  0.2687379

  cracksMagn      0.0982473

  cracksFreq      0.4590643

  cracksOctaves   0

  craterMagn      0.5385517

  craterFreq      19.87215

  craterDensity   0

  craterOctaves   0

  craterRayedFactor 0

  volcanoMagn      0.7664063

  volcanoFreq      3.074251

  volcanoDensity   0.4
  volcanoOctaves   2

  volcanoActivity  2

  volcanoFlows     0.5214695

  volcanoRadius    0.7770401

  volcanoTemp      1696.799

  lavaCoverTidal   0.03349924

  lavaCoverSun     0

  lavaCoverYoung   0

  twistZones      1

  twistMagn       3.5

  cycloneMagn     1.136773

  cycloneDensity  0.3696475

  colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000)

  colorBeach     (0.780, 0.750, 0.740, 0.000)

  colorDesert    (0.270, 0.250, 0.230, 0.000)

  colorLowland   (0.470, 0.420, 0.390, 0.000)

  colorUpland    (0.490, 0.480, 0.460, 0.000)

  colorRock      (0.260, 0.240, 0.230, 0.000)

  colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.308)

  colorLowPlants (0.470, 0.420, 0.390, 0.000)

  colorUpPlants  (0.490, 0.480, 0.460, 0.000)

  BumpHeight      20

  BumpOffset      11.2204
  DiffMapAlpha   "Water"

  SpecBrightWater  0.85

  SpecBrightIce  0.85

  SpecularPower   55

  Hapke           0

  SpotBright      4

  SpotWidth       0.05

  DayAmbient      0.07




  Height          2.178223

  BumpHeight      6.308528

  Hapke           0.2

  SpotBright      2

  SpotWidth       0.15

  DayAmbient      2

  mainFreq        0.9861044

  mainOctaves     10

  Coverage        0.2712743

  twistZones      1

  twistMagn       3.5




  Height          4.355957

  BumpHeight      6.973166

  Hapke           0.2

  SpotBright      2

  SpotWidth       0.15

  DayAmbient      2

  mainFreq        0.9861044

  mainOctaves     10

  Coverage        0.2712743

  twistZones      1

  twistMagn       3.5



  Height          6.53418

  BumpHeight      6.546556

  Hapke           0.2

  SpotBright      2

  SpotWidth       0.15

  DayAmbient      2

  mainFreq        0.9861044

  mainOctaves     10

  Coverage        0.2712743

  twistZones      1

  twistMagn       3.5


    NoOcean  true      

    NoLava          true



  Model          "Earth"

  Height          69.67569240  
  Density         0.9484076

  Pressure        0.9127594
  Greenhouse   13.0645343
  Bright          1
  Opacity         1
  SkyLight        1



    NoRings  true    
    NoCometTail     true



  SemiMajorAxis   0.776645892
  Period          0.7593284676
  Eccentricity    0

  Inclination     0

  AscendingNode   3.816739

  ArgOfPericenter 0

  MeanAnomaly     0



"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person

Edited by kham132 - Thursday, 12.11.2015, 01:01
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 12.11.2015, 10:50 | Message # 51
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote kham132 ()
I'm having a problem with a planet I'm making.

I do not know what the problem is, this is what I get with your script unaltered.

Maybe there's something wrong in the script for the Star Aeries.

However, it is a small mistake in the script, the 'true' for 'NoAurora' is in the wrong line. It should also not be a blank line between the name of a group and the brace, like this:




However, this has no effect on the result.

To get a reasonable Terra planet should also 'NoOcean true' be removed. Even 'NoAurora true' should be removed, I think, a real Terra planet must have an aurora! biggrin

I have made some small changes:
'SurfStyle' 'sealevel' and 'Greenhouse' I have something changed. The other changes makes spaceengine himself, while saving the script.

I have the Ambient light slightly increased for the images.

Attachments: 5947188.jpg (130.7 Kb) · 3321131.jpg (124.8 Kb) · 4069390.jpg (127.0 Kb) · Liluna.zip (1.9 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

kham132Date: Friday, 13.11.2015, 03:32 | Message # 52
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
JackDole, thanks!
I just copied your script onto mine, and edited Aeries a bit, and it works!

Time for more planets!

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
kham132Date: Wednesday, 23.12.2015, 05:29 | Message # 53
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
Huh, okay.
On the first page of this thread, you can see that I added city lights to a custom planet, with the help of RockoRocks.
That was in I've tried it again in patch 7, and it doesn't work.
No textures, no cities, just the bump and specular maps work.

To help, I've added my log file, the planet textures, and the planet files.

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 23.12.2015, 10:06 | Message # 54
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
I can be found, you put :
  DiffMap        "Vern 3/Surface-PBC"
  DiffTileSize    258
  DiffTileBorder  1
  DiffMapAlpha   "Water"

  BumpMap        "Vern 3/Bump-PBC"
  BumpTileSize    258
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight      19.475
  BumpOffset      10.896

  GlowMap        "Vern 3/Lights-HD/"
  GlowTileSize    258
  GlowTileBorder  1
  GlowMode       "Night"
  GlowColor      (1.00 0.90 0.66)
  GlowBright      1.0

  SpecBrightIce   0.0
  SpecBrightWater 0.35
  colorSea       (0.04 0.10 0.20 1.00)
  colorShelf     (0.15 0.48 0.46 1.00)

instead of :
               DiffMap        "Vern 3/Surface-PBC"
  DiffTileSize    1024
  DiffTileBorder  1
  DiffMapAlpha   "Water"

  BumpMap        "Vern 3/Bump-PBC"
  BumpTileSize    1024
  BumpTileBorder  1
  BumpHeight      19.475
  BumpOffset      10.896

  GlowMap        "Vern 3/Lights-HD"
  GlowTileSize    1024
  GlowTileBorder  1
  GlowMode       "Night"
  GlowColor      (1.00 0.90 0.66)
  GlowBright      1.0

  SpecBrightIce   0.0
  SpecBrightWater 0.35
  colorSea       (0.04 0.10 0.20 1.00)
  colorShelf     (0.15 0.48 0.46 1.00)

Also your texture of your lights is incomplete, there is the base.jpg for your cities lights and it is inconsistent if you put cubemap textures with texture "simple" ( .jpg, .png, ...) .
I also found a great mistake you have made in Vern.sc (the star), you put :
Star    "Vern"


    ParentBody     "Vern"

    Class        "G1 V"
    Dist  5.69

    Age             4.820899

    Mass            0.9514612
    RadiusSol       0.9614545

    InertiaMoment   0.07636131

    RotationPeriod  200.4109

    Obliquity       128.8506

    EqAscendNode    65.76235

    Albedo          0.3

    Brightness      2

    Color          (1.000 0.788 0.640)


  Randomize      (0.172, 0.513, -0.973)

  colorDistMagn   0.5178861

  colorDistFreq   0.05019233

  detailScale     1657228

  colorConversion true

  venusFreq       0.5

  mareFreq        19.83282

  mareDensity     0.01620186

  montesFraction  0

  hillsMagn       0.03

  hillsFreq       50.29518

  hillsFraction   0

  hills2Fraction  0

  canyonFraction  0

  craterOctaves   0

  BumpHeight      619.9446

  BumpOffset      619.9446

  SpecularPower   55

  Hapke           1

  SpotBright      4

  SpotWidth       0.05

  DayAmbient      1


    NoClouds        true

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true



  Model          "Sun"

  Height          6443.204

  Density         0

  Pressure        1

  Bright          10

  Opacity         0

  SkyLight        0


    NoAurora        true



  Radius      7473460

  Period      0.03412526

  Brightness  0.5

  RayDensity  2.664878

  RayCurv     13.2074


    NoCometTail     true



  Type           "STATIC"

  SemiMajorAxis   0

  Period          0

  Eccentricity    0

  Inclination     128.8506

  AscendingNode   65.76235

  ArgOfPericenter 0

  MeanAnomaly     0

  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"


instead of
Star    "Vern"


    Class        "G1 V"
    Dist  5.69

    Age             4.820899

    Mass            0.9514612
    RadiusSol       0.9614545

    InertiaMoment   0.07636131

    RotationPeriod  200.4109

    Obliquity       128.8506

    EqAscendNode    65.76235

    Albedo          0.3

    Brightness      2

    Color          (1.000 0.788 0.640)


  Randomize      (0.172, 0.513, -0.973)

  colorDistMagn   0.5178861

  colorDistFreq   0.05019233

  detailScale     1657228

  colorConversion true

  venusFreq       0.5

  mareFreq        19.83282

  mareDensity     0.01620186

  montesFraction  0

  hillsMagn       0.03

  hillsFreq       50.29518

  hillsFraction   0

  hills2Fraction  0

  canyonFraction  0

  craterOctaves   0

  BumpHeight      619.9446

  BumpOffset      619.9446

  SpecularPower   55

  Hapke           1

  SpotBright      4

  SpotWidth       0.05

  DayAmbient      1


    NoClouds        true

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true



  Model          "Sun"

  Height          6443.204

  Density         0

  Pressure        1

  Bright          10

  Opacity         0

  SkyLight        0


    NoAurora        true



  Radius      7473460

  Period      0.03412526

  Brightness  0.5

  RayDensity  2.664878

  RayCurv     13.2074


    NoCometTail     true

Vern 3 and Vern 3.1 :

I hope I have helped you.

Attachments: 9623141.jpg (73.7 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Wednesday, 23.12.2015, 10:54
kham132Date: Wednesday, 23.12.2015, 19:28 | Message # 55
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
quarior14, thanks for the help! It looks amazing!

Also, that isn't a comet.

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
PlutonianEmpireDate: Wednesday, 30.12.2015, 08:31 | Message # 56
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Nvm. dry

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Monday, 22.02.2016, 06:18
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 30.12.2015, 10:02 | Message # 57
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
kham132, anything more I love your system, I kept it. (If you upgrade your system, feel free to put it here.)

kham132Date: Monday, 04.01.2016, 04:54 | Message # 58
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
quarior14, I'm not planning on adding anything else, but I am making another custom system for patch 8!

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
sinsforealDate: Monday, 04.01.2016, 05:29 | Message # 59
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 129
Status: Offline
Would it be possible to make a "city lights generator" that automatically makes the lights based on the terrain patterns.

"Man once looked up at the stars and wondered, Now all we do is look at our hands and hesitate"
dudefinalDate: Friday, 08.01.2016, 00:27 | Message # 60
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 37
Status: Offline
I have made a beautiful system. The planet is called Joolean Prime :P. Not sure if its very realistic probably not. I couldn't figure out how to do night lights :(. The moon is a warm desert with organic unicellular sub-glacial life. The Terra is earth but better and with rings. Get The System Here
Attachments: 8821689.jpg (359.3 Kb) · 3602260.jpg (567.1 Kb)

"Its impossible" - CASE "No, It's necessary" - Cooper

Piece of crap Toshiba AIO...

Edited by dudefinal - Friday, 08.01.2016, 04:50