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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 26.12.2014, 20:29 | Message # 1
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure you make a clean install of SpaceEngine and update your video card drivers. This may solve 99% of all isues.
  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help us to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing videocard-specific issues

    If you do not know which videocard do you have, open the system/se.log file in the text editor and read the Vendor information in the beginning:

    [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Then look for a solution for you:

    Nvidia: Major lag spikes

    ATI/AMD: Transparent or invisible planets, no landscape

    ATI/AMD: Crash on approaching to the black hole, neutron star or white dwarf, on using ship's hyperdrive, or when enabling the Oculus Rift mode or the Fish Eye mode

    Intel HD: Glitchy landscape and textures on planets

    Intel HD: Crash near planets

    Intel HD: Red clouds on Earth

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers or strange error message "(NULL) 2.1 (NULL)"

    2) Weak system

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)

    4) Artifacts on procedural planets

    5) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface

    6) Spaceship disappears when far from a star

    7) Blurry textures on Solar system planets

    8) Crash on entering the Display menu

    9) Problems with very high resolution displays

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:

    Real bugs:
    TheVino3Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 15:15 | Message # 76
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    Messages: 22
    Status: Offline
    Ok a good few bugs, also listed here: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/17-73-13#46936

    -Albedo variation sometimes causes horrendous pitch-black spots on bodies. Not realistic or good looking at all. (I personally think the albedo variation should be made optional, as I think it looks hideous in general. I think it is very poorly implemented.)

    -Not sure if its a bug or not, but planet and moon colours all seem very desaturated now. I think this might be due to the albedo variation (yet another strike against it.)

    -Many body parameters seem to have no relevance to the game. For instance, there is no telling whether increasing the frequency value of volcanoes on a body will make thousands upon thousands, or remove any volcanoes that were already there.

    On top of this, statements like "NoOcean true" seem to be ignored sometimes now. I created a moon, with the statement NoOcean true, and in game it had a planet-wide ocean.

    -Often on startup, all catalog galaxies, stars and planets will be disabled.

    There seems to be a tremendous number of bugs with this patch. Not entirely sure why it was released, there was really no need to rush. I think it would have been better to withhold it.
    HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 15:28 | Message # 77
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote TheVino3 ()
    planet and moon colours all seem very desaturated now. I think this might be due to the albedo variation

    Planet palettes were changed, this has nothing to do with albedo variations.

    Quote TheVino3 ()
    Often on startup, all catalog galaxies, stars and planets will be disabled.

    I have never encountered this, and no one else has reported it either. Please post your log, as requested in the OP.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    TheVino3Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 16:05 | Message # 78
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    Messages: 22
    Status: Offline
    Planet palettes were changed, this has nothing to do with albedo variations.

    My bad, must have missed that in the changelog.

    se.log is attached.

    Attachments: 1493765.log (34.7 Kb)
    HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 16:08 | Message # 79
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote TheVino3 ()
    must have missed that in the changelog.

    That and a few other things didn't make it into the changelog.

    Quote TheVino3 ()
    se.log is attached.

    It doesn't seem to show any problems, so I'm not sure what's causing your issues.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    chromatic9Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 17:26 | Message # 80
    Group: Users
    United Kingdom
    Messages: 166
    Status: Offline
    9.7.2 works reasonably well at least

    The bizarre behavior of 0.97 in general is still there that I've talked about before. 0.96 is so much better at rendering and loading.
    0.97 is very busy loading stuff, even though its suppose to be GPU procedural based.

    For example a simple procedural planet in front of you can take much longer to render than 0.96, frame rate drops down 15-25-35fps, hard drive is very busy, chugging and stuttering frame rate on a simple task. Once its done I have like 300fps, if you move around the planet a little not even fast then its like the program tries to reload/re-render the whole lot and sends the frame rate crashing down, skipping and chugging.

    In 0.96 while rendering even a more detailed planet in front of you, it does this very easily, very quickly, frame rate is very high and more importantly its consistent, no hard drive chugging for ages. You can zip around the planet while its rendering without large drops in frames. Once its done rendering in 0.96 you're free to move around very fast, there's no reloading or crazy hard drive activity because you decided to move to the right a bit. In 0.97 I can be running 80fps then a slight move can cause a large skip down to single digit frames then the next moment its up in the 40-50s seemingly reloading/re-rendering.

    Next example is say you're on the surface, stationary looking at the mountain range in 0.97. You can leave it for any amount of time, you think its done but it can go from staying at 50fps down to 30fps while stuff seems to be reloading, hard drive can be heard not major activity though. Then it can go back to 50, then drop again down 30 while it starts doing whatever in the background. In 0.96 in the same situation once its done its done, no more endlessly doing little bits of loading, frame rate is fixed. It won't do anything much until you move quite far but even then its more than up to the task of loading on the fly. In my old videos I'm able to circle around a insanely detailed mountain while its rendering on the fly. This is not worth trying in 0.97, not a chance of keeping up.

    0.97 is like some constant micromanaging, never happy, unnecessarily loading and rendering. I find it annoying and cumbersome to use how it just craps a brick when you decide to move.

    i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3

    Edited by chromatic9 - Sunday, 28.12.2014, 18:00
    kaleidonkep99Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 18:15 | Message # 81
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    I got an annoying problem with SE.
    It doesn't want to start on my PC, even with compatibility mode.

    I can run a lot of games such BF3/4, CS:GO and other but SE doesn't want to start.

    I can't upload the se.log, since it doesn't create anything with that name.

    I tried opening the program multiple times, but it appears on the Task Manager, then disappears, doing nothing.

    Windows 8.1 Pro (Update 2, x64)
    4 GB RAM DDR3
    AMD Radeon HD 5450 (Same problem with the 7770)
    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (OC to 3.5 GHz)
    HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 18:27 | Message # 82
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    kaleidonkep99, try running as administrator, some other Win 8 users have said they had to do that. If you still have problems, read the OP for AMD card issues.

    chromatic9, there is no "0.97" family of releases. was just as different from as was from The version numbering system just changed, that's all. I don't have time at the moment, but I'll look into the things you reported later.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    benwesorickDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 18:32 | Message # 83
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    When I tried to install the game, the default install location was a "games" folder which I do not have, so I chose to install it in my Program Files (x86) folder. Upon instillation, the game will not launch. I have a fairly new PC that I built under a year ago, so I'm fairly certain I meet the specs.

    I'm running a i7 processor with 16 gb of ram. Here is my graphics card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133470

    Do I just need to change the installation location or is it another problem?
    n0b0dyDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 18:41 | Message # 84
    Group: Users
    Messages: 297
    Status: Offline
    I managed to download all of the sol system'shigh res texture packs from the add-ons page of the site but the 64k Mars elevation map pak files keep
    Not Found
    The requested URL /addons/Mars/Bump-PBC-16k.pak was not found on this server.
    The requested URL /addons/Mars/Bump-PBC-32k.pak was not found on this server.
    The requested URL /addons/Mars/Bump-PBC-64k.pak was not found on this server.

    All of them (3)

    So I guess it is not a matter of server beeing busy but maybe the links are broken maby?
    HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 18:51 | Message # 85
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
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    Status: Offline
    Quote n0b0dy ()
    Not Found

    Links should be fixed now.

    Quote benwesorick ()
    Do I just need to change the installation location or is it another problem?

    Sometimes people report weird things happening when you put some programs in Program Files. Move the SE folder to some other place and see if it works then.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    Joey_PenguinDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 19:53 | Message # 86
    Group: Users
    United States
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    Status: Offline
    I approached an asteroid moon with Normal autoexposure, interleaved loading mode, when suddenly:

    And when I went back, the game crashed.

    Attachments: 6519553.jpg (156.5 Kb) · 7189652.jpg (163.4 Kb) · 5615983.jpg (103.1 Kb) · 8472892.jpg (132.8 Kb)

    Careful. The PLATT Collective has spurs.
    MdRDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 20:35 | Message # 87
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 4
    Status: Offline
    Something strange is happening with galaxies, textures are changing colours gradually when i move camera. Can it be caused by ATI Drivers?

    Attachments: 3179642.jpg (101.5 Kb) · 6424589.jpg (80.1 Kb) · 3466529.jpg (73.7 Kb) · 0093308.jpg (37.3 Kb)
    chromatic9Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 21:34 | Message # 88
    Group: Users
    United Kingdom
    Messages: 166
    Status: Offline
    Quote HarbingerDawn ()
    chromatic9, there is no "0.97" family of releases. was just as different from as was from The version numbering system just changed, that's all. I don't have time at the moment, but I'll look into the things you reported later.

    Yes I understand. I get the same performance issue since 0.97.0. If you remember we had comets, aurora's and maybe some other fundamental changes introduced. I could try to dig up Space Engineers posts, I'm sure he said some important things changed for .97 and these have stayed with the subsequent releases.

    i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3

    Edited by chromatic9 - Sunday, 28.12.2014, 21:36
    The_BlazerDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 21:50 | Message # 89
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    Messages: 34
    Status: Offline
    All my galaxies and some stars have this weird "boxed" appearance when viewed from very far (Galaxies) or very close (stars), as if the sprite is not loading properly; the artifact tends to slightly change appearance and shade as the camera moves around. It also happens with things like nebulas and some lens flare types.

    Running nVidia 347 drivers (latest), GTX 770, i5-4570 and Windows 7 x64.

    Log file attached.

    Attachments: 7508902.log (36.9 Kb)

    Born too early to explore space... But just in time for Space Engine.

    PC Specs:
    GTX 770 (2GB VRAM) - i5 4570 - 8GB RAM

    Edited by The_Blazer - Sunday, 28.12.2014, 21:52
    HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 22:34 | Message # 90
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    MdR, please read the opening post, you need to attach your log.

    chromatic9, yes, I see what you mean about 0.96 being smooth. Though I can't say I observe the magnitude of difference that you describe. And after doing some testing in 0.962, 0.970, and 0.972, I can say that, for me, 0.972 actually has the best performance of the three (30-40 fps when generating a terra), followed by 0.962 (30-35 fps), and then 0.970 (~25 fps), though performance decreases after a while. 0.972 performs especially well considering that the average amount of generation required per planet has increased by approximately a factor of two since 0.96.

    I also don't observe the phenomenon you report about crazy hard drive activity. I didn't use any diagnostic tools to measure this, but my HDD light on my case behaved no differently when generating a planet than it is right now while I type this. And the only thing SE regularly writes to disk are the log file and cached shaders, so there shouldn't be much to write in the first place.

    With your system specs, you really should be seeing better results than you are. Doc has a GTX 760, and he has told me that everything is fast and smooth even while generating terrain (usually 50+ fps). So this seems to be something that is specific to you, rather than being an issue with the program that affects all users.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM