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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 26.12.2014, 20:29 | Message # 1
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure you make a clean install of SpaceEngine and update your video card drivers. This may solve 99% of all isues.
  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help us to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing videocard-specific issues

    If you do not know which videocard do you have, open the system/se.log file in the text editor and read the Vendor information in the beginning:

    [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Then look for a solution for you:

    Nvidia: Major lag spikes

    ATI/AMD: Transparent or invisible planets, no landscape

    ATI/AMD: Crash on approaching to the black hole, neutron star or white dwarf, on using ship's hyperdrive, or when enabling the Oculus Rift mode or the Fish Eye mode

    Intel HD: Glitchy landscape and textures on planets

    Intel HD: Crash near planets

    Intel HD: Red clouds on Earth

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers or strange error message "(NULL) 2.1 (NULL)"

    2) Weak system

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)

    4) Artifacts on procedural planets

    5) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface

    6) Spaceship disappears when far from a star

    7) Blurry textures on Solar system planets

    8) Crash on entering the Display menu

    9) Problems with very high resolution displays

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:

    Real bugs:
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 05:29 | Message # 31
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
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    Quote Rhalph ()
    Yeah I read that post, didn't see anything related to "transparent" planets...

    Did you read all the posts? Even the ones where Doc and SpaceEngineer made suggestions about how to edit the config files?

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    RhalphDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 05:32 | Message # 32
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    I read the "Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine" post. Maybe I missed something (insomnia, sorry -_-), I'm going to search for SpaceEngineer posts and will come back... If there is such important info for AMD users, I suggest editing this post to link to the thread smile

    Edit : ah, I saw these posts. No change when setting MipmapsMode to 1 or 0 or setting EnableMipmapsWarp to false...

    Edited by Rhalph - Saturday, 27.12.2014, 05:37
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 05:40 | Message # 33
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    I don't think that there's anything that I personally can do to help, I don't know much about issues like this. Hopefully someone else can help.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    Donatelo200Date: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 05:58 | Message # 34
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 261
    Status: Offline
    Yo I am having major issues close to the surface of planets. They render fine from afar but are broken up close. I have an integrated graphics card which i know cause issues but i didn't expect it to be this bad.

    Attachments: 8200441.jpg (274.2 Kb) · 6009121.jpg (280.2 Kb) · 4433750.log (27.0 Kb)

    CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080
    SSD: Samsung 850 Evo 250GB
    HDD: Toshiba DT01ACA200 2TB
    HDD: WD Blue 1TB (2012)
    RAM: Unknown 16G-D3-1600-MR 2x8GB
    MBD: MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition (MS-7922)
    mirek4365rmDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 10:30 | Message # 35
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    I have AMD Radeon 6800 series and I just want to report same issues Ive tried with EnableMipmapsWarp false and MipmapsMode set to 0. Nothing worked. I also tried different driver versions. With 13.9 I had textures but they were buggy and SE was constantly crushing especially when I was getting close to nutron stars, blackholes, and globular clusters. With 14.12 I had transparent planets and also crushing when close to nutron stars, black holes, and globular clusters. With both driver versions there were instances where SE crushed my whole system and I had to restart my computer At this moment SE is in unplayable state for me. I am new to the forums so if you want me to upload some files, please let me know.

    Added (27.12.2014, 09:30)
    I also want to add that on my laptopwuthIntel HD Graphics 4600 I have the same issues as Donatelo200. I also want to add that I did not have these complications with previeous version of SE on my laptop.

    DJ_SkrillexDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 10:33 | Message # 36
    Group: Newbies
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    Every planet with an atmosphere outside of our solar system is transparent. You can see clouds and the outline of the planet, but it's completely transparent. If you turn clouds and atmosphere off the planet will be invisible. I never downloaded mods, I never messed around with the files and options and my drivers are up to date. The problem started appearing like a month ago.
    n0b0dyDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 10:33 | Message # 37
    Group: Users
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    Quote Donatelo200 ()
    Yo I am having major issues close to the surface of planets. They render fine from afar but are broken up close. I have an integrated graphics card which i know cause issues but i didn't expect it to be this bad.

    Quote mirek4365rm ()
    Added (27.12.2014, 09:30)
    I also want to add that on my laptopwuthIntel HD Graphics 4600 I have the same issues as Donatelo200. I also want to add that I did not have these complications with previeous version of SE on my laptop.

    Donatelo & mirek4365rm :

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)
    If you're running SE on a laptop with dual graphics, make sure SE runs on NVidia or ATI chip instead of Intel HD. You may see it in the beginning of "SpaceEngine/system/se.log" file. If it says:

    Vendor: Intel
    Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 4000

    then you should open NVidia Control Panel or ATI Catalyst and force SpaceEngine.exe run on NVidia/ATI graphics card. If you do not found SpaceEngine profile there, create a new one.

    Edited by n0b0dy - Saturday, 27.12.2014, 10:35
    mirek4365rmDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 10:52 | Message # 38
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    N0body I do not have hybrid graphics on my laptop. I only have Intel so unfortunately for me your suggestion will not help me.
    NewWayDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 11:58 | Message # 39
    Group: Newbies
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    Same problem here. sad
    A similar problem appears in the with landscapes not visibile.

    The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone.
    ~ Thane
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 11:58 | Message # 40
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote mirek4365rm ()
    I am new to the forums so if you want me to upload some files, please let me know.

    Read the very beginning of the OP.

    Quote Donatelo200 ()
    I am having major issues close to the surface of planets. They render fine from afar but are broken up close. I have an integrated graphics card which i know cause issues but i didn't expect it to be this bad.

    Yes, those look like classic Intel bugs. Whether SE will work on Intel graphics is pretty much just a roll of the dice. Intel hardware and drivers just aren't very good for things like this, that's why only AMD and Nvidia are fully supported. He keeps trying to make changes to minimize problems on Intel, but ultimately Intel just isn't cut out for this sort of work.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 12:09 | Message # 41
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
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    Status: Offline
    Quote DJ_Skrillex ()
    Every planet with an atmosphere outside of our solar system is transparent.

    This is an issue with AMD graphics drivers. Most likely the only solution is to revert to driver version 14.4, as others have reported.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    RobertJDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 12:44 | Message # 42
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    Everything works fine, except planets and stars. Completely invisible. You can see the atmosphere, aurora, corona´s and such, but no surfaces.

    I have a GeForce GT 230 with 340.52 drivers (latest, checked a few days ago), I am guessing that this is getting a bit old at just over 4 years.
    apenpaapDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 12:56 | Message # 43
    World Builder
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    This ice giant is lit more by one of its moons than its sun. Said moon is an asteroid 50 km in size and 8500 K hot. A remnant of an interstellar war, or maybe an attempt at terraforming the other moons?

    Attachments: 7592302.jpg (159.7 Kb)

    I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 14:41 | Message # 44
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote apenpaap ()
    This ice giant is lit more by one of its moons than its sun. Said moon is an asteroid 50 km in size and 8500 K hot

    Looks like a bug with tidal heating.

    RobertJ, I'm not sure what the issue is in your case. No other Nvidia users have reported this issue that I know of. But as you pointed out, your card is old and low-spec, and doesn't support the latest drivers, so that may be a factor. And as stated in the OP, please include your log file when posting about issues.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    bzzommboDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 16:03 | Message # 45
    Group: Users
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    I downloaded it, then installed and that's what comes when launching Space Engine

    Didn't find procedure InitializeCriticalSectionEx in KERNEL32.dll

    Can someone help me?