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Troubleshooting - SpaceEngine 0.97
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 02:04 | Message # 31
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote (chromatic9)
Performance in general is worse for me in 0.97

That's very strange, for me performance is much better with 0.97...

Quote (chromatic9)
Movement is very laggy even when I've just a got a simple planet on screen, like it goes into heavy loading too often

Is it like this at all times?

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Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Natester2013Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 02:33 | Message # 32
Space Tourist
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United States
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SpaceEngine lags when I run the star broswer. Does that happen to anyone? But other than that, it runs great although it makes my computer fan run very hard. Might need to consider getting an extra computer fan.
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 02:39 | Message # 33
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (Natester2013)
SpaceEngine lags when I run the star broswer.

That's because it has to work to generate all of those hundreds of planetary systems you're asking it to report on.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Natester2013Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 02:43 | Message # 34
Space Tourist
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Quote (HarbingerDawn)
That's because it has to work to generate all of those hundreds of planetary systems you're asking it to report on.

Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying.
Jeroll3dDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 04:15 | Message # 35
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Quote (HarbingerDawn)
That's very strange, for me performance is much better with 0.97...

For me too e very more fast in planet LOD 1. umnik
chromatic9Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 04:43 | Message # 36
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Quote (HarbingerDawn)
That's very strange, for me performance is much better with 0.97...

Quote (chromatic9)
Movement is very laggy even when I've just a got a simple planet on screen, like it goes into heavy loading too often

Is it like this at all times?

Seems so at the moment. Before it would take say 30sec to stop loading and you can move about, now it takes much longer and any movemnt forward will see the fps tank to 10-20 and the whole stressful loading starts again. 0.96 is more seemless effortless. In 0.97 If it stays at 40fps during the loading it still causes huge skipping of frames. All I can say is in general all the frantic loading and longer time its taking means it much worse to use.

I'll see if I can compare in a video.

i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3
DrawninDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 08:06 | Message # 37
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Reading this comments is quite odd.

0.97 performance is also better for me than 0.96 was... I'd even say that it is much better, at least for now. blink

Intel Core i7-3770 - 3.40 GHz @ 8 Gb RAM @ nVidia GeForce GTX 570 1280 Mb
TrulskijDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 09:46 | Message # 38
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Well my Problem is my graphic card (HD 6950 @ hd 6970) is not using more then 30 % of graphics gpu power and i'm getting sometime 9 fps .... Does any1 have the same Problem?(watched it with "msi afterburner" graphics ram is fully loadet at 2 GB)
Version 0.96 used 50 % of the grafikcard ...
Any1 knows why dynamik video detection is disabled?

Number of CPUs: 4
Loader threads: 3
RAM granularty: 4 kb
Total RAM: 4095 Mb // i got 6GB
Available RAM: 3915 Mb
Startup video memory detection disabled, value 2048 Mb from config will be used
Dynamic video memory detection disabled

Edited by Trulskij - Thursday, 02.05.2013, 09:58
jtmedinaDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 10:23 | Message # 39
Space Pilot
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I am getting lower fps with this new version.

In 0.96 I was getting 30fps in average on the surface of most of the planets with lod 1 and everything maxed out. Now I get fps in the 20s even lower in the same situation I described.

This is my hardware configuration.
Quad 2 Core @ 2.50, ATI 5770 1GB(latest drivers), 4GB RAM.

Perhaps it's because I am using ATI gpu?.

Edited by jtmedina - Thursday, 02.05.2013, 10:24
TrulskijDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 11:25 | Message # 40
Space Tourist
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Messages: 28
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Changing some configuration at driver and at space engine got a little imrovement (LOD2 everything maxed out) on planets 30 fps in space 60fps (vertical synchronization) triple buffering gives me like 10 fps more dont know why. Dynamic video memory detection not working (Can't determine available video memory size) mby driver.
Who can say these fps are normal? coz gpu working at maximum 40 % now not going over.

Attachments: 5258900.log (207.2 Kb)
apenpaapDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 12:18 | Message # 41
World Builder
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Even with M42 removed, I still get frequent crashes, which I suspect to be caused by other nebulae that share the same model. I think my model may be corrupted, so I want to ask if anyone with a working M42 can post that model so I can download it. It would be a lot easier than redownloading SE entirely, especially since I'd have to merge my texture addons in again.

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 13:30 | Message # 42
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote (apenpaap)
Even with M42 removed, I still get frequent crashes, which I suspect to be caused by other nebulae that share the same model.

The M42 model is used only by M42, not by any other nebula. Here's the model, drop it in the cache over the current one.

I think the issue may just be that crashes can happen on loading of nebula models, similar to that has happened with galaxy models in the past.

Quote (Trulskij)
Changing some configuration at driver and at space engine got a little imrovement (LOD2 everything maxed out) on planets 30 fps in space 60fps

That framerate is very good considering the settings.

Quote (Trulskij)
Total RAM: 4095 Mb // i got 6GB

SE is a 32-bit application and so can only use up to 4 GB of total memory.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
QuietlyConidentDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 13:38 | Message # 43
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Really weird issue. It was working absolutely fine when I first downloaded 0.97. Didn't have a single crash for hours.

Came back to my computer after a few hours and now I can't go 30 seconds without it crashing. Nothing has changed.

I've deleted my cache to no result.

The log files show that it SEEMS to crash whenever these are loaded:

"Loading model "cache/models/nebulae/Diff0.nm"
Loading model "cache/models/nebulae/M16.nm"
Loading model "cache/models/nebulae/Diff5.nm"
Loading model "cache/models/nebulae/Diff4.nm""

Which is really odd, as nebula were working absolutely fine when I first downloaded it.

I disabled all nebula, and now it crashes upon loading
"Loading image "textures/galaxies/M31.png""

Restarting it, and it didn't crash upon loading. Disabled procedural galaxies and all nebula..and SO FAR no crash.

EDIT: Crashed when I reenabled nebula and galaxies.

Attachments: selog.txt (21.4 Kb)

Edited by QuietlyConident - Thursday, 02.05.2013, 13:40
apenpaapDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 13:56 | Message # 44
World Builder
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Messages: 1063
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Even with your model in the cache, I get instant crashes when I look at M 42. It seems I'll just have to play with nebulae turned off sad

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
DukeDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 14:29 | Message # 45
Space Pilot
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Messages: 88
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Quote (QuietlyConident)
Restarting it, and it didn't crash upon loading. Disabled procedural galaxies and all nebula..and SO FAR no crash.

As I can see in you log you have ERROR: TLoaderThread::ThreadFunction(): Can't set a GL context for a loader thread
This means that SE can't create context for texture loading. Sometimes it happen after video-driver crash. Just reboot computer and problem must be solved.

Sometimes setting Loadermode to 1 in main.cfg can prevent from some crashes. About performance I noted that Aurora Borealis significantly reduce my fps, so for improving performance it must be turned off.