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Work progress -
richardreis111Date: Wednesday, 19.10.2016, 19:25 | Message # 211
Group: Users
Messages: 15
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we are waiting for two months dry
parameciumkidDate: Wednesday, 19.10.2016, 20:18 | Message # 212
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United States
Messages: 277
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YES. You ARE waiting for two months. And it's going to be longer.
But you know what really gets game developers like me and SpaceEngineer going? What we just LOVE to hear over and over, fueling our creative processes? You see we simply crave people repeating over and over "when is the update going to be?" and "how long until the next patch?" and "it's been forever, update plz."
It fills us with so much joy and gives us the superhuman ability to spend 72 hours coding in a 24-hour day, because everyone knows being annoying is the way to get what you want done.

Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P
EliamDate: Wednesday, 19.10.2016, 21:25 | Message # 213
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Quote NikolaAnicic007 ()
I was thinking "Yea, that sounds really awesome" but then I imagined speeding up time and watching clouds form, dissipate, and just move around... And it got me even more excited.

Assuming the clouds will even be remotely like that, of course smile

Honestly, I'd even be happy with fixed volumetric cloud structures. Asking for active generation and large scale atmosphere evolution is a bit too much for now, at least in my opinion. Having three dimensional clouds and, by extension, nebulae filaments (I hope!) would be fantastic.

Seeing a tidally locked world with volumetric, rotating clouds would truly be a sight to behold. The colors and contrast it would entail would be truly wondrous.

It may be possible smile I don't know SpaceEngine enough to know if this is relevant but here :

Paper : Lagrangian Texture Advection: Preserving both Spectrum and Velocity Field
For this one you still need to create a procedural velocity field, which is hard.

Other interesting papers/video concerning clouds or not
RESET incredible animated atmospheric effects

Video : Earth atmospheric scattering
Video : Titan atmospheric scattering
Paper : Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering (may be already impremented)

Video : Animated rivers (with shi*** textures but it can be improved)
Paper : Scalable Real-Time Animation of Rivers

Video : Ocean reflections
Paper : Real-time Realistic Ocean Lighting using Seamless Transitions from Geometry to BRDF
richardreis111Date: Wednesday, 19.10.2016, 23:23 | Message # 214
Group: Users
Messages: 15
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parameciumkid, Geez you are ****king angry calm down dude wacko
arturuniverseDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 02:09 | Message # 215
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It may be possible smile I don't know SpaceEngine enough to know if this is relevant but here :

Paper : Lagrangian Texture Advection: Preserving both Spectrum and Velocity Field
For this one you still need to create a procedural velocity field, which is hard.

Other interesting papers/video concerning clouds or not
RESET incredible animated atmospheric effects

Video : Earth atmospheric scattering
Video : Titan atmospheric scattering
Paper : Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering (may be already impremented)

Video : Animated rivers (with shi*** textures but it can be improved)
Paper : Scalable Real-Time Animation of Rivers

Video : Ocean reflections
Paper : Real-time Realistic Ocean Lighting using Seamless Transitions from Geometry to BRDF

M8, check out the work of afluby, a computer genius basically, that is working on an procedural clouds and water generation tech-demo, completely open-source. I contacted him, and he agreed to help if he gets some time, it could work, since Space Engineer is working with Duke, then they could work together, as a team.
His YT channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/afluby

Also, as an good example, see the work of dexyfex on the galaxia tech-demo, he started working out hard on the program on the start of this years, and it's already pretty advances. It's free and you can download it here:
His site: https://dexyfex.com/
Download link for version 09: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Arp4D6YSlcg0jGFY1hZ2Wr-E7gWB

I know some other guys, for example, one ex-developer at Ubisoft that is working on an open-source procedural terrain with plants and stuff, pretty simpathic, and one that just rocks at this kind of stuff, I didn't contacted them because I thought that Space Engineer wouldn't make a use out of it, so, yeah.

We all have an end, but we choose and create that end by ourselves.
parameciumkidDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 02:16 | Message # 216
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 277
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Quote richardreis111 ()
parameciumkid, Geez you are ****king angry calm down dude wacko

It's okay, I'm done now. I just wanted to vent on behalf of myself and anyone else annoyed about the repetitive posts ;P

Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P
spacerDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 03:01 | Message # 217
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1258
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can everyone stay polite please? and follow the rules.
richardreis111, the version will be ready when its be ready, it takes time to create such things and work on it with all of your heart.
if you want you can try to do it yourself in 2 months.

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
Ettore_bilboDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 09:48 | Message # 218
Space Pilot
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Only one question: I did not understand if the progress versions of SE 0.978 they will be released exclusively on steam, or if we will see some updates also on this thread...

In every case, good work to SpaceEngineer ;-)
spacerDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 10:02 | Message # 219
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1258
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Ettore_bilbo, the new updates and beta will be released here and on steam.
sometimes steam get updates earlier for testing in small group before releasing to public i guess

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
MosfetDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 14:24 | Message # 220
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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Well, if I were SpaceEngineer I think right now I would work very hard in polishing/updating the Steam version, simply because it could lead to quite some visibility and what it matters the most, some money.
Tasks are pretty huge I think, and what has started as a pet project done in spare time, sometimes becomes a huge pain when you see some goal approaching, and the fun fades away wink
How much this version will be polished only SpaceEngineer can tell, personally I guess he's somehow a perfectionist, the "what do you want, LOL I'm working on it" type of guy biggrin biggrin
If you people wanna really see something new, learn some how-to from the specific forum section and add missing objects for the exoplanets addon, by the way, or write some good description in missing info pages of real objects in your language tongue tongue

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
NahorDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 15:42 | Message # 221
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United States
Messages: 10
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Quote Mosfet ()
simply because it could lead to quite some visibility

I'm not sure that's a good thing. Too many people losing patience in this community, this will not go well with a flood of new people making new/repetitive comparisons to must-no-be-named games, demands and other complaints
MosfetDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 17:00 | Message # 222
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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Nahor, that's precisely the reason why Steam version must be carefully prepared, along with accessory "items", like the new website SpaceEngineer posted about in this thread. Judging by what he's telling us, he's spending quite some time to be ready.
Also, the actual visibility level pulled the money counter where it is now, I'm pretty sure SpaceEngineer is trying to reach the goals he declared. All the goals if possible. So, unless he wins the Lottery...
As for the patience, well usually it comes with the age of reason, which is known it's fairly stretched on the Internet.
For the complaints, I think they're originated by the Big Bang. Soon someone will elaborate a new theory which will include them in the fabric of the universe.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram

Edited by Mosfet - Thursday, 20.10.2016, 17:08
richardreis111Date: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 20:38 | Message # 223
Group: Users
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
spacer, explain his commentary of paramecium

he is 10 year old kid rage

b1tch cool no
richardreis111Date: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 20:40 | Message # 224
Group: Users
Messages: 15
Status: Offline
i was playing version only in week the was been launched

so the gonna be special
JCandeiasDate: Thursday, 20.10.2016, 21:25 | Message # 225
Group: Translators
Messages: 387
Status: Offline
Quote richardreis111 ()
spacer, explain his commentary of paramecium

he is 10 year old kid rage

b1tch cool no

OK, this calls for an intervention in Portuguese.

Rapaz, estás a ser um chato. Tem calma e usa o SE que tens. Um dia terás outro melhor, mas nem sequer o SpaceEngineer sabe em que dia será. Andamos aqui há 5 anos ou mais e tem havido updates com alguns meses de diferença, outros demoram mais que um ano. Se não tens paciência para esperar, vai jogar outra coisa qualquer. Andar a chatear não ajuda a ter o programa pronto mais depressa, e andar a arranjar conflitos com os outros membros do fórum só te deixa mal visto a ti. Portanto relaxa, OK?

They let me use this!