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MOD - Creating a Planet 0.95
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 08.01.2013, 18:05 | Message # 91
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Exospace, the DiffMapAlpha parameter in the script is case-sensitive, you should type "Water" with capital first letter.

ExospaceDate: Sunday, 13.01.2013, 18:59 | Message # 92
Group: Users
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
Thank you very much smile

Added (13.01.2013, 21:59)
Hello again smile
I have a question, is there any way to change the look of a real planet without changing the code in the file "ExoPlanets.sc"?
I mean if with independent SC file, I can customize real exoplanets.
Here's an example of Celestia:

Modify  "b" "HD 93083"
   Texture "GasGian-1.png"
    Height 500
    Lower [ 0.66 0.85 0.89 ]
    Upper [ 0.20 0.22 0.22 ]
    Sky [ 0.43 0.54 0.56 ]
    Mie 0.001
    MieAsymmetry -0.25
    Rayleigh [ 0.0019 0.0023 0.0023 ]
    MieScaleHeight 12

Edited by Exospace - Sunday, 13.01.2013, 19:01
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 13.01.2013, 19:32 | Message # 93
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote (Exospace)
I have a question, is there any way to change the look of a real planet without changing the code in the file "ExoPlanets.sc"?

I don't know if a modify function is implemented, but I don't think it is. You may have to alter the exoplanets catalog, or comment out the planet in that catalog and put your version in a different catalog.

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ExospaceDate: Sunday, 13.01.2013, 19:50 | Message # 94
Group: Users
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
Ok, thanks smile
Buster89Date: Thursday, 24.01.2013, 04:31 | Message # 95
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 73
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So I made a Star Called "Hydraxia" and i wanted to keep things simple when creating a planet so i created a very small code based off the ExoPlanet codes, if i'm correct this kind of code is suppose to randomly generate a planet (will paste the code) but the problem is i try to do this and the planets only show up as gas giants not matter what i do. if there is a solution to this i would like to know smile

Planet    "Planet A"
  ParentBody     "Hydraxia"
  Mass            59.08
   Epoch          2452899.6
   Period         0.8926405795
   SemiMajorAxis  1.29
   Eccentricity   0.231
   ArgOfPericen   94.8
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 24.01.2013, 10:29 | Message # 96
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Buster89)
Mass 59.08

You create the planet of mass of 59.08 Earth's masses - this is obiously a gas gaint.

HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 24.01.2013, 13:04 | Message # 97
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Buster89, a thread for discussing the creation of custom planets already exists here.

Any world exceeding 10 Earth masses will automatically be a gas world, there is nothing that can be done about it. If you want a terrestrial world, you will have to lower the mass below that threshold.

SpaceEngineer, if possible it would be nice to modify the engine to allow gas giants smaller than mass 10, etc, if forced in the catalog script. It may be unlikely or even impossible, but people should be allowed to make them for their own fantasy systems if they wish.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
apenpaapDate: Thursday, 24.01.2013, 16:38 | Message # 98
World Builder
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Messages: 1063
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Yeah, I think it would be better to allow that. A chthonian planet (the core of a gas giant stripped away of its gaseous layers) could end up heavier than 10 Earth masses with a solid surface, for example.

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
Rtyh-12Date: Monday, 04.02.2013, 17:52 | Message # 99
Group: Newbies
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
(Is this the right place to post problems we've encountered while trying to make planets? If not, please tell me if I am allowed to move it. Otherwise, could an admin please put it in the right place?)

I am trying to make a solar system. I seem to have encountered a strange problem, however. The star (called Trollstar [still just testing things out, hence the not-so-inspired name]) is where I put it, and all parameters seem to be in order. The first planet I've tried to make (called, you guessed it, Trollplanet) simply won't appear, however. It seems to me to be a problem with the planet catalogs, but I've checked my entry in universe.cfg lots and lots of times, and nothing seems wrong there.

Here are the codes I'm using:

In data/catalogs/stars/trollstar.sc:
Star "Trollstar"
   RA 16 54 35
   Dec -42 21 40
   Dist 2042
   Class "M0V"
   Lum 0.00017
   NoPlanets true

In data/catalogs/planets/TrollPlans.sc (yes, this is SpaceEngineer's example planet from the planet tutorial, with only the name having been changed):

Planet    "Trollplanet"    // Type of object ant it's name   
       ParentBody      "Trollstar"    // The body, around wich this planet orbits   
       Class           "Terra"     // Class of a planet   

       Radius          5098.3      // Radius in km   
       Mass            0.76        // Mass in Earth's masses   
       Oblateness      0.0         // Oblataness   

       Albedo          0.32                   // Albedo   
       Color          (0.768, 0.898, 1.000 )  // Color of a particle   

       RotationPeriod  27.8        // Rotation period in hours   
       RotationOffset  18.6        // Rotation phase in degrees   
       RotationEpoch   2451545.0   // Epoch of rotatoin elements, Julian date   
       Obliquity       16.58       // Obliquity of rotation axis in degrees   
       EqAscendNode    28.16       // Longitude of ascenging node of rotation axis in degrees   
       Precession      12500       // Precession period in years   
       Surface         // Surface tag   
           // These parameters describes a texture pack stored on the disk.   
           // I comment it out because this planet uses a procedural generation of surface.   
           //DiffMap        "Icarus/Surface"   // Surface (color) texture   
           //DiffTileSize    512               // Surface texture tile resolution   
           //DiffTileBorder  1                 // Surface texture tile border width   
           //BumpMap        "Icarus/Bump"      // Bump (heightmap) texture   
           //BumpTileSize    512               // Bump texture tile resolution   
           //BumpTileBorder  1                 // Bump texture tile border width   

           BumpHeight      9.3     // Max height of landscape in km   
           BumpOffset      0.3     // Offset of zero height level   
           DiffMapAlpha   "Water"  // Mode of specular effect (flecks of sunlight)   
           SpecularBright  20.0    // Brightness of specular spot   
           SpecularPower   150.0   // Size of specular spot   
           DayAmbient      0.1     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light   
           Lommel          0.0     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio   
           Exposure        2.0     // Global surface brighness   
           Life            true    // true, if there is life on the planet   

           // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation   
     Style           0.1600855            // Default color scheme   
     Randomize      (0.911, 0.373, 0.204) // Randomize vector   
     colorDistMagn   0.09464233  // Magnitude of detail textures distortion   
     colorDistFreq   945.9523    // Frequency of detail textures distortion   
     detailScale     42684.58    // Scale of detail textures   
     colorConversion true        // Perform textures color conversion   
     seaLevel        0.3133697   // Sea level height (0...1)   
     snowLevel       0.9892518   // Snow line level (0...1)   
     tropicLatitude  0.8670503   // Latitude of tropics   
     icecapLatitude  1.0000000   // Latitude of ice caps boundaries   
     icecapHeight    0.3133697   // Height of ice caps   
     climatePole     1.000       // Climate of poles   - index to color table (0...1)   
     climateTropic   0.450       // Climate of tropics - index to color table (0...1)   
     climateEquator  0.625       // Climate of equator - index to color table (0...1)   
     tropicWidth     0.07        // Width of tropics   
     mainFreq        0.8642751   // Main noise frequency (oceans/continents)   
     venusFreq       0.6955331   // Venus-like global structures frequency   
     venusMagn       0.3008256   // Venus-like global structures magnitude   
     mareFreq        0.9387382   // Lunar mare frequency   
     mareDensity     0.06008458  // Lunar mare density   
     montesMagn      0.2209584   // Mountains magnitude (0...1)   
     montesFreq      412.9121    // Mountains frequency   
     montesDensity   0.108095    // Mountains density   
     dunesMagn       0.04444444  // Dunes magnitude (0...1)   
     dunesFreq       57.8876     // Dunes frequency   
     dunesDensity    0.5669919   // Dunes density   
     hillsMagn       0.1289276   // Hills magnitude (0...1)   
     hillsFreq       503.3618    // Hills frequency   
     hillsDensity    0.8554457   // Hills density   
     canyonMagn      0.0341905   // Canyons magnitude (0...1)   
     canyonFreq      163.7023    // Canyons frequency   
     canyonDensity   0.4370083   // Canyons density   
     cracksMagn      0.07983515  // Ice cracks magnitude (0...1)   
     cracksFreq      0.6574386   // Ice cracks frequency   
     cracksOctaves   0           // Number of ice cracks octaves   
     craterMagn      0.9358109   // Craters magnitude   
     craterFreq      24.14884    // Craters frequency   
     craterDensity   0.05892152  // Craters density   
     craterOctaves   4.606928    // Number of craters octaves   
     craterRayedFactor 0           // Number of rayed craters relative to usual craters   
     cycloneMagn     1.905298    // Cyclones magnitude (0...1)   
     cycloneFreq     0.7607107   // Cyclones frequency   
     cycloneDensity  0.04127789  // Cyclones density   
     colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000) // Color of seas   
     colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000) // Color of shelf areas   
     colorBeach     (0.850, 0.740, 0.550, 0.000) // Color of beach lines   
     colorDesert    (0.770, 0.670, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of deserts   
     colorLowland   (0.440, 0.290, 0.170, 0.000) // Color of lower lands   
     colorUpland    (0.640, 0.570, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of upper lands   
     colorRock      (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.000) // Color of rocks   
     colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016) // Color of snow   
     colorLowPlants (0.100, 0.160, 0.070, 0.000) // Color of lower vegetation   
     colorUpPlants  (0.090, 0.110, 0.040, 0.000) // Color of upper vegetation   

       Clouds      // Clouds layer tag   
           // These parameters describes a texture pack stored on the disk.   
           // I comment it out because this planet uses a procedural generation of surface.   
           //DiffMap        "Icarus/Clouds"    // Color texture   
           //DiffTileSize    512               // Color texture tile resolution   
           //DiffTileBorder  1                 // Color texture tile border width   
           //BumpMap        "Icarus/CloudsBump"// Bump (heightmap) texture   
           //BumpTileSize    512               // Bump texture tile resolution   
           //BumpTileBorder  1                 // Bump texture tile border width   

           BumpHeight      0.5     // Max height of "cloud landscape" in km   
           BumpOffset      0.0     // Offset of zero height level   
           DayAmbient      2.0     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light   
           Lommel          0.2     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio   
           Exposure        2.0     // Global clouds brighness   
           Height          6.3     // Height of cloud layer in km   
           Velocity        75.0    // Velosity of clouds layer   
           Color          (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  // Global color of clouds layer   

           // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation   
           mainFreq        0.9     // Main noise frequency   
           mainOctaves     10      // Number of octaves of main noise   
           Coverage        0.1     // Clouds coverage (0...1)   
           twistZones      2.68    // Number of Jupiter-like zones or strips   
           twistMagn       2.53    // Strength of twist   

     Height          6.009521   
     DayAmbient      2.0   
     Lommel          0.0   
     Exposure        2.0   
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)   

       Atmosphere      // Atmosphere tag   
           Model          "Earth"  // Model of the atmosphere   
           Height          80.0    // Height of the top boundary in km   
           Pressure        1.2     // Surface pressure in bars   
           Density         1.83    // Surface density in kg/m^3   
           Greenhouse      18.0    // Greenhouse effect in degrees   
           Bright          10.0    // Brightness (rendering parameter)   
           Opacity         1.0     // Opacity (rendering parameter)   
           SkyLight        1.0     // Brightness of skylight on terrain   
           EclipseBright   250.0               // Brightness of solar eclipse shadow   
           EclipseColor   (1.000 0.600 0.200)  // Color of solar eclipse shadow   

       Rings       // Rings tag   
           // Texture parameter is commented out, becuase   
           // this planet use procrdural generation of texture   
           //Texture         "Icarus-rings.*"  // Rings texture   
           InnerRadius      8318.5  // Inner raduis of rings system in km   
           OuterRadius      12438.3 // Outer radius of rings system in km   
           RotationPeriod   43.3    // Rings rotation period in hours   
           RotationOffset   60.0    // Rings rotation phase in degrees   
           FrontBright      1.0     // Direct lighting brightness   
           BackBright       5.0     // Back lighting brightness (scattering)   
           Density          1.0     // Density (opacity)   
           Exposure         2.0     // Global brightness   

       Orbit       // Orbit tag   
           //Type            "Static"  // This is for non-moving bodies like suns   
           RefPlane        "Ecliptic"  // Orbit reference plane   
           Epoch           2451545.0   // Orbital parameters epoch, Julian date   
           Period          0.91458     // Orbital period in years   
           Eccentricity    0.01265     // Eccentricity   
           Inclination     0.51346     // Inclination in degrees   
           AscendingNode   39.31601    // Longitude of ascending node in degrees   

           // Next two are interchangeable: SemiMajorAxis = PericenterDist / (1.0 - Eccentricity)   
           SemiMajorAxis   0.958       // Semimajor axis in astronomical units   
           PericenterDist  0.9458813   // Pericentric distanse in astronomical units   

           // Next two are interchangeable: ArgOfPericen = LongOfPericen - AscendingNode   
           ArgOfPericen    268.7741    // (or ArgOfPericenter) Argument of pericenter in degrees   
           LongOfPericen   308.09011   // (or LongOfPericenter) Longitude of pericenter in degrees   

           // Next two are interchangeable: MeanAnomaly = MeanLongitude - LongOfPericen   
           MeanAnomaly     348.84963   // Mean anomaly in degrees   
           MeanLongitude   296.93974   // Mean longitude in degrees   

           AscNodePreces   131795.3    // Ascending node precession period in years   
           ArgOfPeriPreces 26799.51    // Argument of pericenter precession period in years   

[Here was universe.cfg, but apparently the message became to long. Well, wasn't really needed, anyway.]

In particular, I do have these in universe.cfg:

StarsCatalogs     // stars catalogs



PlanetsCatalogs    // planets catalogs

Could anyone tell me what stupid mistake I've made? smile Thanks in advance.

Edited by Rtyh-12 - Monday, 04.02.2013, 17:53
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 04.02.2013, 18:33 | Message # 100
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Welcome to the forum Rtyh-12. It's probably best to discuss issues with custom planets in this thread.

First, you should take two steps to make the star:

1) Make the StarBarycenter in a star catalog (name it something like Trollsystem).
2) Then in a planet catalog, you make the star itself, and set its ParentBody as the barycenter, and give it a static orbit (see the star tutorial here, the last part is the relevant bit).

Also, don't use the NoPlanets parameter since disabling objects in your system will defeat the purpose of making it.

Fixing those issues will probably solve your problem.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
SpaceEngineerDate: Monday, 04.02.2013, 19:17 | Message # 101
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Rtyh-12)
  NoPlanets true

Simply remove this from your star script.

Rtyh-12Date: Monday, 04.02.2013, 19:36 | Message # 102
Group: Newbies
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
Thanks for your help! Unfortunately, though, it still doesn't seem to work. The barycenter shows up as a blue hypergiant (!) of mass 0.08 solar masses (!!) and zero radius (!!!). Neither the planet I've defined previously nor the star shows up now.

Here's my trollstar.sc:

StarBarycenter "Trollsystem"
   RA 16 54 35
   Dec -42 21 40
   Dist 2042
   Class "M0V"
   Lum 0.00017
   //NoPlanets true

And the TrollPlans.sc:

Star    "Trollstar"   
                         ParentBody "Trollsystem"   
                         Class      "M0 V"
                         AbsMagn 15.49
                         Radius      200000
                         Mass        0.123
                          Type   "Static"   

Planet    "Trollplanet"    // Type of object ant it's name   
       ParentBody      "Trollsystem"    // The body, around wich this planet orbits   
       Class           "Terra"     // Class of a planet   

       Radius          5098.3      // Radius in km   
       Mass            0.76        // Mass in Earth's masses   
       Oblateness      0.0         // Oblataness   

       Albedo          0.32                   // Albedo   
       Color          (0.768, 0.898, 1.000 )  // Color of a particle   

       RotationPeriod  27.8        // Rotation period in hours   
       RotationOffset  18.6        // Rotation phase in degrees   
       RotationEpoch   2451545.0   // Epoch of rotatoin elements, Julian date   
       Obliquity       16.58       // Obliquity of rotation axis in degrees   
       EqAscendNode    28.16       // Longitude of ascenging node of rotation axis in degrees   
       Precession      12500       // Precession period in years   
       Surface         // Surface tag   
           // These parameters describes a texture pack stored on the disk.   
           // I comment it out because this planet uses a procedural generation of surface.   
           //DiffMap        "Icarus/Surface"   // Surface (color) texture   
           //DiffTileSize    512               // Surface texture tile resolution   
           //DiffTileBorder  1                 // Surface texture tile border width   
           //BumpMap        "Icarus/Bump"      // Bump (heightmap) texture   
           //BumpTileSize    512               // Bump texture tile resolution   
           //BumpTileBorder  1                 // Bump texture tile border width   

           BumpHeight      9.3     // Max height of landscape in km   
           BumpOffset      0.3     // Offset of zero height level   
           DiffMapAlpha   "Water"  // Mode of specular effect (flecks of sunlight)   
           SpecularBright  20.0    // Brightness of specular spot   
           SpecularPower   150.0   // Size of specular spot   
           DayAmbient      0.1     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light   
           Lommel          0.0     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio   
           Exposure        2.0     // Global surface brighness   
           Life            true    // true, if there is life on the planet   

           // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation   
     Style           0.1600855            // Default color scheme   
     Randomize      (0.911, 0.373, 0.204) // Randomize vector   
     colorDistMagn   0.09464233  // Magnitude of detail textures distortion   
     colorDistFreq   945.9523    // Frequency of detail textures distortion   
     detailScale     42684.58    // Scale of detail textures   
     colorConversion true        // Perform textures color conversion   
     seaLevel        0.3133697   // Sea level height (0...1)   
     snowLevel       0.9892518   // Snow line level (0...1)   
     tropicLatitude  0.8670503   // Latitude of tropics   
     icecapLatitude  1.0000000   // Latitude of ice caps boundaries   
     icecapHeight    0.3133697   // Height of ice caps   
     climatePole     1.000       // Climate of poles   - index to color table (0...1)   
     climateTropic   0.450       // Climate of tropics - index to color table (0...1)   
     climateEquator  0.625       // Climate of equator - index to color table (0...1)   
     tropicWidth     0.07        // Width of tropics   
     mainFreq        0.8642751   // Main noise frequency (oceans/continents)   
     venusFreq       0.6955331   // Venus-like global structures frequency   
     venusMagn       0.3008256   // Venus-like global structures magnitude   
     mareFreq        0.9387382   // Lunar mare frequency   
     mareDensity     0.06008458  // Lunar mare density   
     montesMagn      0.2209584   // Mountains magnitude (0...1)   
     montesFreq      412.9121    // Mountains frequency   
     montesDensity   0.108095    // Mountains density   
     dunesMagn       0.04444444  // Dunes magnitude (0...1)   
     dunesFreq       57.8876     // Dunes frequency   
     dunesDensity    0.5669919   // Dunes density   
     hillsMagn       0.1289276   // Hills magnitude (0...1)   
     hillsFreq       503.3618    // Hills frequency   
     hillsDensity    0.8554457   // Hills density   
     canyonMagn      0.0341905   // Canyons magnitude (0...1)   
     canyonFreq      163.7023    // Canyons frequency   
     canyonDensity   0.4370083   // Canyons density   
     cracksMagn      0.07983515  // Ice cracks magnitude (0...1)   
     cracksFreq      0.6574386   // Ice cracks frequency   
     cracksOctaves   0           // Number of ice cracks octaves   
     craterMagn      0.9358109   // Craters magnitude   
     craterFreq      24.14884    // Craters frequency   
     craterDensity   0.05892152  // Craters density   
     craterOctaves   4.606928    // Number of craters octaves   
     craterRayedFactor 0           // Number of rayed craters relative to usual craters   
     cycloneMagn     1.905298    // Cyclones magnitude (0...1)   
     cycloneFreq     0.7607107   // Cyclones frequency   
     cycloneDensity  0.04127789  // Cyclones density   
     colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000) // Color of seas   
     colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000) // Color of shelf areas   
     colorBeach     (0.850, 0.740, 0.550, 0.000) // Color of beach lines   
     colorDesert    (0.770, 0.670, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of deserts   
     colorLowland   (0.440, 0.290, 0.170, 0.000) // Color of lower lands   
     colorUpland    (0.640, 0.570, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of upper lands   
     colorRock      (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.000) // Color of rocks   
     colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016) // Color of snow   
     colorLowPlants (0.100, 0.160, 0.070, 0.000) // Color of lower vegetation   
     colorUpPlants  (0.090, 0.110, 0.040, 0.000) // Color of upper vegetation   

       Clouds      // Clouds layer tag   
           // These parameters describes a texture pack stored on the disk.   
           // I comment it out because this planet uses a procedural generation of surface.   
           //DiffMap        "Icarus/Clouds"    // Color texture   
           //DiffTileSize    512               // Color texture tile resolution   
           //DiffTileBorder  1                 // Color texture tile border width   
           //BumpMap        "Icarus/CloudsBump"// Bump (heightmap) texture   
           //BumpTileSize    512               // Bump texture tile resolution   
           //BumpTileBorder  1                 // Bump texture tile border width   

           BumpHeight      0.5     // Max height of "cloud landscape" in km   
           BumpOffset      0.0     // Offset of zero height level   
           DayAmbient      2.0     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light   
           Lommel          0.2     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio   
           Exposure        2.0     // Global clouds brighness   
           Height          6.3     // Height of cloud layer in km   
           Velocity        75.0    // Velosity of clouds layer   
           Color          (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  // Global color of clouds layer   

           // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation   
           mainFreq        0.9     // Main noise frequency   
           mainOctaves     10      // Number of octaves of main noise   
           Coverage        0.1     // Clouds coverage (0...1)   
           twistZones      2.68    // Number of Jupiter-like zones or strips   
           twistMagn       2.53    // Strength of twist   

     Height          6.009521   
     DayAmbient      2.0   
     Lommel          0.0   
     Exposure        2.0   
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)   

       Atmosphere      // Atmosphere tag   
           Model          "Earth"  // Model of the atmosphere   
           Height          80.0    // Height of the top boundary in km   
           Pressure        1.2     // Surface pressure in bars   
           Density         1.83    // Surface density in kg/m^3   
           Greenhouse      18.0    // Greenhouse effect in degrees   
           Bright          10.0    // Brightness (rendering parameter)   
           Opacity         1.0     // Opacity (rendering parameter)   
           SkyLight        1.0     // Brightness of skylight on terrain   
           EclipseBright   250.0               // Brightness of solar eclipse shadow   
           EclipseColor   (1.000 0.600 0.200)  // Color of solar eclipse shadow   

       Rings       // Rings tag   
           // Texture parameter is commented out, becuase   
           // this planet use procrdural generation of texture   
           //Texture         "Icarus-rings.*"  // Rings texture   
           InnerRadius      8318.5  // Inner raduis of rings system in km   
           OuterRadius      12438.3 // Outer radius of rings system in km   
           RotationPeriod   43.3    // Rings rotation period in hours   
           RotationOffset   60.0    // Rings rotation phase in degrees   
           FrontBright      1.0     // Direct lighting brightness   
           BackBright       5.0     // Back lighting brightness (scattering)   
           Density          1.0     // Density (opacity)   
           Exposure         2.0     // Global brightness   

       Orbit       // Orbit tag   
           //Type            "Static"  // This is for non-moving bodies like suns   
           RefPlane        "Ecliptic"  // Orbit reference plane   
           Epoch           2451545.0   // Orbital parameters epoch, Julian date   
           Period          0.91458     // Orbital period in years   
           Eccentricity    0.01265     // Eccentricity   
           Inclination     0.51346     // Inclination in degrees   
           AscendingNode   39.31601    // Longitude of ascending node in degrees   

           // Next two are interchangeable: SemiMajorAxis = PericenterDist / (1.0 - Eccentricity)   
           SemiMajorAxis   0.958       // Semimajor axis in astronomical units   
           PericenterDist  0.9458813   // Pericentric distanse in astronomical units   

           // Next two are interchangeable: ArgOfPericen = LongOfPericen - AscendingNode   
           ArgOfPericen    268.7741    // (or ArgOfPericenter) Argument of pericenter in degrees   
           LongOfPericen   308.09011   // (or LongOfPericenter) Longitude of pericenter in degrees   

           // Next two are interchangeable: MeanAnomaly = MeanLongitude - LongOfPericen   
           MeanAnomaly     348.84963   // Mean anomaly in degrees   
           MeanLongitude   296.93974   // Mean longitude in degrees   

           AscNodePreces   131795.3    // Ascending node precession period in years   
           ArgOfPeriPreces 26799.51    // Argument of pericenter precession period in years   

I've changed nothing here except for adding the star and changing the planet to orbit "Trollsystem" (the barycenter). As a side note, should the planet orbit the star (defined in the planets catalog) or the barycenter (defined in the stars catalog)? This is mainly for the future, since I've tried both, and it didn't make any difference.

Also, don't use the NoPlanets parameter since disabling objects in your system will defeat the purpose of making it.

For some reason, I thought it just disabled procedural planets. Thanks for the heads up!

Edited by Rtyh-12 - Monday, 04.02.2013, 19:37
SpaceEngineerDate: Monday, 04.02.2013, 19:44 | Message # 103
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Rtyh-12)
 AbsMagn 15.49

Change this to Lum 0.00017, like in the star script. You may also remove Class and Lum from the star script, because they are already defined in the planets script.

Quote (Rtyh-12)
For some reason, I thought it just disabled procedural planets. Thanks for the heads up!

By the way, check out checkboxes in the F4 menu, maybe you've simply disable planets smile Toggle orbits - did you see the proper planet's orbit? And what did you see in the solar system browser (F2) ?


Rtyh-12Date: Monday, 04.02.2013, 20:23 | Message # 104
Group: Newbies
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
Change this to Lum 0.00017, like in the star script. You may also remove Class and Lum from the star script, because they are already defined in the planets script.

Thank you for this info, I did what you advised me.
By the way, check out checkboxes in the F4 menu, maybe you've simply disable planets smile Toggle orbits - did you see the proper planet's orbit?

Sorry, but it's not that. Here's how my options look like. Also visible is the search for the star, which doesn't show any result (though the barycenter "Trollsystem", defined in the stars catalog, works).

Toggle orbits - did you see the proper planet's orbit? Ans what did you see in the solar system browser (F2)

Nothing much. Procedural planets were there, as well as a procedural brown dwarf. But my star isn't there and neither is my planet.

Thanks for the help so far!
ConquestiDate: Friday, 01.03.2013, 04:10 | Message # 105
Group: Users
Messages: 53
Status: Offline
How I can create a planet´s Moon of the catalogue Exoplanets.sc
