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MOD - Creating a Planet 0.95
PlutonianEmpireDate: Thursday, 27.11.2014, 23:18 | Message # 181
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
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Hi there, I'm a long time user of Celestia, and recently decided to try my hand at custom worldbuilding for SpaceEngine, so I got SE, and right now, I am attempting to recreate a circumbinary planet I made for DEL Tri in Celestia. Right now, my issue is, is it possible to set a localized referenceplane, local to the system's Inclination and AscendingNode, since for the 8 Tri stars, the Inclination is 56.714 and AscendingNode is 122.736, so that way for the planet's orbit I can use something like Inclination 1.4662, AscendingNode 313.9975 instead of slightly tweaking the first set of numbers?

EDIT: And as for textures in the current version of SE, is it possible to use an existing, single, 2048x1024 image for a planet instead of going through the entire CubeMap procedure?

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Thursday, 27.11.2014, 23:21
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 28.11.2014, 02:50 | Message # 182
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote PlutonianEmpire ()
is it possible to use an existing, single, 2048x1024 image for a planet instead of going through the entire CubeMap procedure?

Yes. But if you use one cylindrical texture, all textures should be cylindrical, and landscape won't be generated from a height map unless it is cubemapped. But for a 2k texture I doubt you care about that. To use a cylindrical texture, just use DiffMap "texture123.*". And of course you can replace .* with a specific file extension, as in Celestia. File path is relative to /textures/planets.

I'd answer the question regarding reference planes, but sadly I don't know the answer.

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PlutonianEmpireDate: Friday, 05.12.2014, 08:33 | Message # 183
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United States
Messages: 475
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When creating ice and gas giants with procedural surfaces, how do I make sure they don't look lopsided like this:

Here's the code:


Planet "Hadeia"
  ParentBody   "DEL Tri"
  Class        "GasGiant"
  Mass         534.655293
  Radius       75683.6401
  // Oblateness   0.052
  Albedo       0.86
  Color        (0.48 0.84 0.52)
  Obliquity    56.8604
  EqAscendNode 122.736
   TidalLocked True
   SurfStyle       0.091024
   Randomize       (0.68 0.14 0.83)  // Randomize vector
   colorDistMagn   0.039098          // Magnitude of detail textures distortion
   colorDistFreq   0.170154          // Frequency of detail textures distortion
   detailScale     51553.78482       // Scale of detail textures
   colorConversion true              // Perform textures color conversion
   tropicLatitude  8.742278e-008     // Latitude of tropics
   icecapLatitude  0.9               // Latitude of ice caps boundaries
   climatePole     0.819518          // Climate of poles   - index to color table (0...1)
   climateTropic   0.405343          // Climate of tropics - index to color table (0...1)
   climateEquator  0.63142           // Climate of equator - index to color table (0...1)
   tropicWidth     0.483946          // Width of tropics
   mainFreq        0.047371          // Main noise frequency (oceans/continents)
   montesFraction  0                 // Mountains frequency
   hillsFraction   0                 // Hills fraction
   hills2Fraction  0                 // Hills fraction
   canyonFraction  0                 // Canyons frequency
   craterOctaves   0                 // Number of craters octaves
   twistZones      8.321828
   twistMagn       1.836638
   cycloneMagn     17.1756416          // Cyclones magnitude (0...1)
   cycloneFreq     0.0767107         // Cyclones frequency
   cycloneDensity  0.286689        // Cyclones density
   cycloneOctaves  1
   Palette        (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
   colorSea       (0.08, 0.20, 0.38, 1.00)
   colorShelf     (0.08, 0.31, 0.40, 1.00)
   colorBeach     (0.27, 0.38, 0.35, 1.00)
   colorDesert    (0.06, 0.20, 0.35, 1.00)
   colorLowland   (0.06, 0.17, 0.31, 1.00)
   colorUpland    (0.93, 0.92, 0.92, 1.00)
   colorRock      (0.98, 0.99, 0.98, 1.00)
   colorSnow      (0.21, 0.53, 0.89, 1.00)
   BumpHeight      11.185841
   SpecularPower   40
   DayAmbient      1
   Lommel          0
   Exposure        2

  NoOcean         true

   Model          "Jupiter"
   Height          756.836401
   Density         36705.62
   Pressure        573436.3
   Bright          10
   Opacity         1
   SkyLight        3.333333

  NoAurora        true

  NoRings         true

  NoCometTail     true

   SemiMajorAxis   0.37141274602247440096162883415141
   Period          0.1798552373575474
   Eccentricity    0.0044
   Inclination     56.8604
   AscendingNode   122.736
   ArgOfPericenter 63.4593
   MeanAnomaly     75.5441
   RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

Attachments: 4856941.jpg (203.3 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
iTzDate: Tuesday, 16.12.2014, 02:35 | Message # 184
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 49
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I tried giving one of my custom gas giants its own texture, but it ended up having weirdly colored clouds. How can I adjust their color?
TheVino3Date: Friday, 26.12.2014, 03:04 | Message # 185
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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I am having trouble understanding how this procedural generation system is controlled by the variables.

I have two planets with the exact same code. The exact same code. No differences apart from position.

- One is mountainous and covered in quite varied and beautiful terrain.

- The other is almost completely flat with the entire surface being essentially the same.

The exact same code.

I do not understand how this works, can anybody shine some light on this?

Edit: here is the code in case I am missing something. This code is exactly the same for both planets:


Class        "Terra"

Mass            0.2011633
Radius          3364.362
InertiaMoment   0.331985

Oblateness      0.001927424

Obliquity       -0.9671579
EqAscendNode    270.5468

Albedo          0.26
Color          (0.772 0.648 0.678)


SurfStyle       0.9513081
OceanStyle      0.3795429
Randomize      (-0.879, 0.964, -0.714)
colorDistMagn   0.09265263
colorDistFreq   712.3682
detailScale     17306.66
colorConversion true
seaLevel        0.5788051
snowLevel       0.9874336
tropicLatitude  0.2818717
icecapLatitude  1
icecapHeight    0.5788051
climatePole     0.9375
climateTropic   0.4330723
climateEquator  0.6875
tropicWidth     0.1700192
mainFreq        0.9827119
venusFreq       0.7191915
venusMagn       0.4331018
mareFreq        5.985742
mareDensity     0.0320335
terraceProb     0.1850343
erosion         0.1255542
montesMagn      0.1773556
montesFreq      260.1876
montesFraction  -0.115678
dunesMagn       0.04681588
dunesFreq       51.22874
dunesFraction   0.9061258
hillsMagn       0.1396057
hillsFreq       862.8954
hillsFraction   -0.5650915
hills2Fraction  0.04567376
riversMagn       60.85188
riversFreq       2.250887
riversSin        6.330604
riversOctaves    2
canyonsMagn     0.05215559
canyonsFreq     155.1875
canyonFraction  0.1283527
cracksMagn      0.06516881
cracksFreq      0.5730901
cracksOctaves   0
craterMagn      0.5849573
craterFreq      14.31067
craterDensity   0
craterOctaves   0
craterRayedFactor 0
twistZones      3.396874
twistMagn       0.199742
cycloneMagn     2.048595
cycloneFreq     0.5545068
cycloneDensity  0.04503527
colorSea       (0.170, 0.020, 0.170, 1.000)
colorShelf     (0.320, 0.110, 0.160, 1.000)
colorBeach     (0.780, 0.750, 0.740, 0.000)
colorDesert    (0.270, 0.250, 0.230, 0.000)
colorLowland   (0.470, 0.420, 0.390, 0.000)
colorUpland    (0.490, 0.480, 0.460, 0.000)
colorRock      (0.260, 0.240, 0.230, 0.000)

colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.200)
colorLowPlants (0.470, 0.420, 0.390, 0.000)
colorUpPlants  (0.490, 0.480, 0.460, 0.000)
BumpHeight      20
BumpOffset      11.5761
DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
SpecularBright  1.5
SpecularPower   40
DayAmbient      0.07
Lommel          0
Exposure        1

I should also add that this doesn't always happen. Sometimes if I have two planets with the same code, they will look exactly the same. But sometimes Space Engine just seems to ignore the code and generate its own terrain. The odd thing is that I can make changes on one, and they will be recognized, so it isn't ignoring the code, its just interpreting it differently sometimes - or so it seems.

The current way of defining the snow level:

   snowLevel       0.9785647   // Snow line level (0...1)

I think it would be much better if the snow level was defined in meters above the sea level, rather than this seemingly arbitrary 0-1 value.

Just a suggestion, cheers

Edited by TheVino3 - Friday, 26.12.2014, 03:24
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 26.12.2014, 03:38 | Message # 186
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
TheVino3, I merged your posts here. There were several existing threads where you could have made those posts, including this one. Making new threads was unnecessary.

Also, the snowLevel value is not arbitrary. It's the fraction of the total height of the landscape at which the snow will be at. 1 = top of landscape (no snow possible), 0 = bottom of landscape (snow would be everywhere).

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TheVino3Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 14:54 | Message # 187
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
Then you've got a lot of threads to move... (also, forgive me for not going to the "mods and addons" section of the forum to post about a bug with the core game...how silly of me haha )

Anyway, thanks for explaining the roll of the number. However, I have set the snow level to 1.0 and there is still snow caps on high mountains. Not sure what the problem is there.

In any case, I feel that setting it in meters above sea level would be more user friendly. Although I can imagine it might be harder to implement?

Added (28.12.2014, 07:55)
We are going to need an updated version of this tutorial thread for The patch has changed a lot of things that need explaining, for instance, why planet surface colours are all really desaturated now, and how to get them back to normal.

Also, is there a way to limit the extent of the albedo variation? Many of my custom made planets are covered in huge black areas now that just look ridiculous. Great feature, but it needs explaining.

Added (28.12.2014, 08:08)
Another question, to do with clouds: Why do twistzones no longer work on non-gas giants? I have set twistzones to 1, and yet I get a completely random distribution of clouds with no discernable "twist" around the planet. This is not how clouds work.

We have gone from this: http://i.imgur.com/6XHhk1I.jpg

To this: http://i.imgur.com/JKZu8N3.jpg


Added (28.12.2014, 11:59)
Example of what I mean: http://i.imgur.com/Q9vTUrZ.jpg

what the actual **** is that? Just no. The rest of the moon is overexposed and this area is still pitch black. Just awful.

And it doesn't seem to have an associated parameter that I can find. If there is some way of stopping these hideous features from forming please, PLEASE tell me. Otherwise we need a hotfix to add one. Its just hideous and in no way realistic at all.

Frankly, I'm surprised that this wasn't picked up in testing.

Added (28.12.2014, 12:22)
The more I see this albedo variation feature the less I like it. Closeups of planet surfaces are ruined: http://i.imgur.com/0HebxjT.jpg

It looks like a really low quality texture overlaying the surface. It really looks horrible compared to the rest of the engine. Is there a way to tone it down or turn it off? It really doesn't add anything that you couldn't do manually, and looks worse anyway. We really really really need a way of turning this feature off.

On the off chance anyone actually reads this, any help would be appreciated.

Added (28.12.2014, 13:27)
Yet another problem.

The volcano parameters behave completely irrationally. A 0.1 difference in some of the parameters is the difference between no volcanoes and an the entire planet being covered in lava. I certainly can't figure out any relationship between the parameters and the result in-game.

If there is one, it desperately needs to be explained.

The last time this thread was updated was 3 years ago. There are way too many new additions to be left unexplained. Please, for the love of god, update this thread with some explanation of each parameter.

Added (28.12.2014, 13:43)
Yet another problem.

I put this statement in the code for a moon:

NoOcean   true

I open up the game and the moon is covered in an ocean.

I think this patch might have some bugs.

Added (28.12.2014, 13:54)
Oh boy another problem.

The catalog stars, planets and galaxies are often randomly turned off on startup.

Edited by TheVino3 - Sunday, 28.12.2014, 14:55
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 15:28 | Message # 188
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote TheVino3 ()
Example of what I mean:

That looks like a bug, I'm pretty sure the default albedo variations cannot produce anything like that. In general, all of the things you're showing don't look right.

Quote TheVino3 ()
Is there a way to tone it down or turn it off?

I just added a shader mod to turn it off in my modding thread: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/17-2613-1

Quote TheVino3 ()
I put this statement in the code for a moon:

NoOcean true

I open up the game and the moon is covered in an ocean.

Cannot reproduce. I put that code in for a moon, opened up SE, and it got rid of the ocean.

Quote TheVino3 ()
Yet another problem.

You not understanding how something works does not constitute a problem with the software.

Anyway, all the parameters I tested responded in a very sensible and intuitive way, so unless you can give more details then this is probably another issue specific to you, rather than a problem that affects all users.

Quote TheVino3 ()
I think this patch might have some bugs.

Really? An unfinished program running on an unfinished custom-built engine being run by hundreds of different hardware and driver combinations being developed by a single person might have some bugs? You don't say!

I understand your frustration, and appreciate you reporting issues that you find, but it might behoove you to get some perspective and adjust your attitude.

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TheVino3Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 15:44 | Message # 189
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
In general, all of the things you're showing don't look right.

You don't say wink

Thats why I am posting them, I have also posted the things I actually think could be a bug in the bug thread.

I just added a shader mod to turn it off in my modding thread

Noticed this. You are my hero.

Anyway, all the parameters I tested responded in a very sensible and intuitive way, so unless you can give more details then this is probably another issue specific to you, rather than a problem that affects all users.

Well there's no way for me to find this out unless I post about it, is there?

I will test the volcanoes further, but I was not getting anything close to intuitive out of the parameters. I could increase the volcano frequency only to see them all disappear. If no one else is reporting this, then yes it may just be my system.

Really? An unfinished program running on an unfinished custom-built engine being run by hundreds of different hardware and driver combinations being developed by a single person might have some bugs? You don't say!

I understand your frustration, and appreciate you reporting issues that you find, but it might behoove you to get some perspective and adjust your attitude.

I was just having a little jab, don't take it too seriously. Of course it has bugs, I understand software development. Ever heard of sarcasm? Maybe a smiley would have helped...
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 15:52 | Message # 190
Cosmic Curator
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United States
Messages: 8717
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Quote TheVino3 ()
Ever heard of sarcasm? Maybe a smiley would have helped...

Yes... when being sarcastic through text, you either need to be exceedingly obvious about it, or use emoticons, otherwise people will think you're being serious.

Quote TheVino3 ()
I could increase the volcano frequency only to see them all disappear.

Freq does not equal how frequently they appear; that parameter would be Density. Freq is a mathematical thing related to how they are arranged. I don't know the details, and I don't think it affects volcanoes in a very useful way. The effect of freq changes are much more apparent on things like craters and clouds.

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TheVino3Date: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 16:07 | Message # 191
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 22
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Freq does not equal how frequently they appear; that parameter would be Density. Freq is a mathematical thing related to how they are arranged. I don't know the details, and I don't think it affects volcanoes in a very useful way. The effect of freq changes are much more apparent on things like craters and clouds.

Very useful information. A good example of why this thread needs to be updated.
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 16:10 | Message # 192
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote TheVino3 ()
A good example of why this thread needs to be updated.

I agree, it really does, but the only person who has enough information to update it thoroughly is SpaceEngineer, and he typically doesn't have enough time.

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RockoRocksDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 23:10 | Message # 193
World Builder
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I'm trying to remake Tatooine from Star Wars in SpaceEngine. It looks very good, but unfortunately, it automatically seems to generate rings around the planet, although I do not want that.

The planet's code already has
    Norings         true

in it, so it's very weird rings generate anyways. Is there a new ring removal string for this version? Can anyone help me with this?

Attachments: 5890821.jpg (168.2 Kb)

I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 23:38 | Message # 194
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
RockoRocks, if you give me the system code I can test it. Otherwise I'm not sure what to say, since NoRings true should work.

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My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
iTzDate: Monday, 29.12.2014, 00:22 | Message # 195
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 49
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You need to capitalize rings in NoRings true.