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JackDole: Mega structures ...
JackDoleDate: Monday, 30.05.2016, 13:18 | Message # 136
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Darwin IV system

I was wondering if I'm doing a separate thread, but I think the system is not interesting enough for this.

The book and the documentation seem to be interesting, but I have not the book, have therefore not read it, and do not understand the documentaion because it is in English.

Thus, the planet looks like in the book or in the documentation, textures should be used.
But planets with textures are boring when you land on them to explore. I also have no textures.
So I made the planet procedurally.

But I made textures for the 'Amoebic Sea'. It is a 'Clouds' layer.

According to this wiki, the system has, besides the planet Darwin IV only five gas giants without known moons.

What I find totally unlikely.
First, that there are only gas giants, secondly, that they should have no moons.
So I made the two innermost planets ice giants.
I have also provided these five planets with moons.
But they are in a separate script, and could be left off. Also could be omitted the script with the comets.

For SE 0.974 RC2:
Unzip the zip file in the 'addons' directory.

For SE 0.972/0.973:
Unzip the zip file in the SpaceEngine folder
Insert in the 'universe.cfg':
Under 'Star Catalogs':

Under 'Planet Catalogs':

I have not tested it with SE 0.972/0.973.

Small correction in the 'DarwinIVSys.sc'.
The rings of two of the planets were wrong. Replace the originally provided file by the attached file.

Attachments: 0212022.jpg (267.1 Kb) · 4482704.jpg (232.1 Kb) · 3968400.jpg (258.3 Kb) · 2887182.jpg (155.0 Kb) · DarwinIVp.zip (222.8 Kb) · DarwinIVSys.sc (27.4 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 22:26
steeljaw354Date: Monday, 30.05.2016, 13:26 | Message # 137
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I remember watching the show that showed the probes sent there and the life that was their. Was very interesting
ZackGDate: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 19:39 | Message # 138
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 113
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I read that Darwin IV was situated at Luhman 16. problem was that they are both brown dwarfs

MOBO:ASUS Sabertooth Mark I
CPU:Intel I7 4790 3.6Ghz
Memory:32GB 1600Mhz (Corsair 4x8GB)
steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 19:52 | Message # 139
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
I have an issue, the clouds on darwin IV rotate against the rotation of the planet and the "sea" isn't purple in the daylight and it is a cloud layer
Attachments: 1103843.log (129.6 Kb)
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 20:50 | Message # 140
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote steeljaw354 ()
the "sea" isn't purple in the daylight
That's 'bioluminescence', that should light only on the night side. I think this does not exist in the book. That's my own invention. In the pictures from the book, there is no purple.

Quote steeljaw354 ()
it is a cloud layer
As I said here:
Quote JackDole ()
But I made textures for the 'Amoebic Sea'. It is a 'Clouds' layer.

Quote steeljaw354 ()
the clouds on darwin IV rotate against the rotation of the planet
I do not know, I've never been on Darwin IV. Perhaps it is there that way. dry

But if you do not like this, you can use this 'patch'.

// DarwinIVPatch.sc

Planet "Darwin IV"
    ParentBody  "Darwin"
    Class       "Terra"
        Height          12.7168
        Velocity        1000
        BumpHeight      5.97498
        Hapke           0.2
        SpotBright      2
        SpotWidth       0.15
        DayAmbient      2
        mainFreq        0.642857
        mainOctaves     9
        Coverage        0.293651
        twistZones      1.81266
        twistMagn       0.0552939
        Height          5
        DiffMap         "DarwinIV/AmoebicusB.*"
        BumpMap         "DarwinIV/AmoebicusBBump.*"
        BumpHeight      10
        BumpOffset      5
        GlowMap         "DarwinIV/AmoebicusBGlow.*"
        GlowMode        "Night"
        GlowColor       (0.20 0.10 0.50)
        GlowBright      2.5
        Velocity        0
        DiffMapAlpha    "Transp"

Just do it in 'addons\catalogs\planets'.

Attachments: DarwinIVPatch.sc (0.9 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 20:59 | Message # 141
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Well the patch made it even worse.
Attachments: 0011899.jpg (359.1 Kb) · 4161143.jpg (202.3 Kb) · 8030507.jpg (235.4 Kb) · 3099422.log (125.7 Kb)
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 22:33 | Message # 142
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
With the rings you're right. This is my mistake. I changed the sizes of the planets, when I added the moons, and forgot to change the rings. Use this new file. The patch file is then no longer necessary.

Moreover, you should delete the 'PurgatorBelt_1000.sc' from the 'addons/catalogs/planets' directory. It is pointless to use these asteroids without the associated system. This only creates a lot of error messages in the log file.

As for the problem in the first picture: I have no idea what caused this. In none of my three 0.974 RC2 installations I have this problem.

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 22:55 | Message # 143
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Fixed all issues, much better. Thanks.
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 23:49 | Message # 144
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
At the end of time ...
The time of the red giant sun.
(Work in Process)

It is not finished, but who wants can test it. Maybe it has glitches.

It is ONLY for SE 0.974 RC2

The idea I have from that thread: The Sun as a Red Giant by Voekoevaka!

Attachments: 2625461.jpg (262.4 Kb) · 7770820.jpg (257.7 Kb) · RedGiantSun.zip (5.3 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Thursday, 02.06.2016, 00:25
OstariskDate: Wednesday, 01.06.2016, 23:56 | Message # 145
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
JackDole, Well done for another great addon. also, congrats for your 1000th post!

My mods
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 02.06.2016, 00:11 | Message # 146
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Thank you!

Have you now upgraded to SE 0.974 RC2?

Don't forget to look here.

OstariskDate: Thursday, 02.06.2016, 00:14 | Message # 147
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Quote JackDole ()
Have you now upgraded to SE 0.974 RC2?

Uhh.. Err.. wacko

Nah, I prefer to wait for the fully stable installable download... crazy

My mods
funsihd4392Date: Saturday, 04.06.2016, 17:20 | Message # 148
Group: Newbies
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Ich habe dich ja neulich gefragt, ob du den Darwin IV machen könntest. Und netterweise hast du es getan! :D:D:D
Ich hätte da aber noch eine Idee den Planeten zu verschönern... Du hast die Surface-Textur von dem Buch genommen... Am besten wäre es wenn du die Textur des Planeten aus der Dokumentation nehmen würdest. Ansonsten ist das extrem geil! :-D

Habe ein Bild mit Photoshop gemacht:

Added (04.06.2016, 17:20)
Wenn ich das installiere sehe ich nicht den Surface wie auf den Bildern :/

JackDoleDate: Saturday, 04.06.2016, 17:23 | Message # 149
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Texturen habe ich nur für den 'Amoebic Sea' gemacht, ansonsten ist die Planetenoberflache prozedural generiert.

(In English: Textures I have made only for the 'Amoebic Sea'. The planet surface is procedurally generated.)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Saturday, 04.06.2016, 17:30
funsihd4392Date: Saturday, 04.06.2016, 17:31 | Message # 150
Group: Newbies
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Könntest du eigendlich auch See'n erstellen?