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General suggestions
HornblowerDate: Monday, 31.10.2016, 23:36 | Message # 1006
World Builder
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United States
Messages: 714
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Ok, I've been thinking about this for a while, but have never actually said anything about it. It would be really cool to be able to take samples from a planet. When on a planet's surface, you can take a same of the ground. Then a window would pop-up similar to the Wiki and would have information about the same such as chemical composition, temperature, density, and conductivity just to name a few I would imagine planets with life would have more frequent organic compounds. You could also do this for atmospheric samples and if you're underwater, liquid samples. This could add a new layer of complexity to planets and would be a major step to making a space adventure/science game. Further down the road, you could have conditions in outer space based on simulated space weather.
hunterbickel2003Date: Monday, 31.10.2016, 23:50 | Message # 1007
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline
how do you take a sample?
HornblowerDate: Monday, 31.10.2016, 23:59 | Message # 1008
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
hunterbickel2003, Well when you toggle your sample tool, it gives you a sphere that stays about 20 meters in front of you Depending on what that sphere is contacting, it takes a sample. If the surface is contacting the sphere, it takes a surface sample, if its water, then a water/methane sample, and if air, then just air. Of course, many times the sphere would be in contact with 2 types of areas, so here's my proposed order of importance. If it's touching ground, take a ground sample. Else, take water sample, else take air.
So if the orb is touching ground and water at the same time, it would just take a sample of ground and not water.
hunterbickel2003Date: Tuesday, 01.11.2016, 03:19 | Message # 1009
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline
yeah but what button is it or how do you activate it?

Edited by hunterbickel2003 - Tuesday, 01.11.2016, 03:39
HornblowerDate: Tuesday, 01.11.2016, 04:28 | Message # 1010
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
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hunterbickel2003, IDK, it was just a suggestion
hunterbickel2003Date: Tuesday, 01.11.2016, 04:46 | Message # 1011
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline
oooooh, i misread it. so sorry
arturuniverseDate: Tuesday, 01.11.2016, 22:34 | Message # 1012
Group: Users
Messages: 60
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Add an bigger effect of LOd blending on the rendering of the terrain using geomorphing, to get rid out of those popping meshes.
Check out Dexyfex galaxia engine, it's a prettyf well done engine (In development yfet), and uses this technique to minimalize this popping problem.

Attachments: 0194935.jpg (4.4 Kb)

We all have an end, but we choose and create that end by ourselves.

Edited by arturuniverse - Tuesday, 01.11.2016, 22:35
hunterbickel2003Date: Thursday, 03.11.2016, 01:27 | Message # 1013
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline
how bout a button that show the entire planet on a map? like this http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped...._SW.jpg
HornblowerDate: Thursday, 03.11.2016, 01:32 | Message # 1014
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
hunterbickel2003, great idea! And in addition, have different layers that highlight/label different things like mountains or canyons or different biomes across its surface
hunterbickel2003Date: Thursday, 03.11.2016, 01:39 | Message # 1015
Group: Users
Messages: 43
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Quote Hornblower ()
hunterbickel2003, great idea! And in addition, have different layers that highlight/label different thingtes like mountains or canyons or different biomes across its surface

I would really like to use it on terra or titan planets. That way you dont have to scroll around it all the time
OstariskDate: Monday, 07.11.2016, 00:48 | Message # 1016
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Messages: 451
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I don't know if this would be good, but how about adding ocean composition, so that if you visit a planet with oceans (Oceania, Terra, Titan) it will tell you what the ocean is made of. This could eliminate the need for the Oceanstyle Tag and instead use the ocean composition tag. For example, A planet's ocean could have a high salinity, So that it adds a blue tinge to the water, and if a planet has oceans of mostly chlorine, the oceans would be somewhat green. You could also visit deserts/selenas with vapor/gas clouds and find the composition of the materials in the clouds. You can also specify the composition in the code like this:

  Height          10.037
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2

                    N2     20
                    Cl      50
                    Na     9.9
                    H20   20.1

And then use a parameter like Nocomposition true If you want dust clouds. This composition tag will go in the clouds parameter if you want to add a composition to a desert/selena world's clouds.

My mods

Edited by Ostarisk - Monday, 07.11.2016, 00:50
HornblowerDate: Monday, 07.11.2016, 02:08 | Message # 1017
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Ostarisk, I posted about this earlier. It would be cool to fly down to the coast of a titan and see the concentration of methane in the liquid.
OstariskDate: Monday, 07.11.2016, 04:15 | Message # 1018
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Hornblower, Oops, didn't think twice before posting.

My mods
HornblowerDate: Monday, 07.11.2016, 04:24 | Message # 1019
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Ostarisk, It's totally cool; if anything you added to my idea!
HornblowerDate: Monday, 07.11.2016, 04:30 | Message # 1020
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
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I really hope to see more Planetary Science in the future of SE