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Suggestions for the Name of the SE Game
MrZombieBiscuitDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 04:01 | Message # 76
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There is one called celestia already, unfortunately. And "uni" means singular in Portuguese biggrin

On a completely unrelated note, continuing with the exploration thing, some food for thought:

Rui (Ruy) Faleiro was a Portuguese cosmographer, astrologer, and astronomer who was the principal scientific organizer behind Magellan's circumnavigation of the world.
Born in Covilhã, Kingdom of Portugal, at the end of the fifteenth century, Faleiro and his brother Francisco Faleiro, also a cosmographer, served the Spanish king Charles I in Seville. Faleiro, one of the first to apply the most rigorously scientific method of determining latitude and longitude, had earlier served John II of Portugal and his successor, Manuel I of Portugal.
Faleiro was certain that south of the "Terras de Vera Cruz" (i.e. Brazil), at 40 degrees latitude, there was an Atlantic passage that led to the South Seas. The sought-after Spice Islands would, by Faleiro's calculations, fall on the Spanish side of the line of Tordesillas.
The merchant Christopher de Haro helped Faleiro and Magellan present their proposal before the Spanish royal counselors.
Faleiro planned to accompany Magellan on his voyage around the world. However, it is said that on the evening prior to embarkation, Faleiro worked out his own horoscope for the voyage. The stars predicted a violent death. Consequently, he remained behind. Other sources claim he went mad before the voyage, and thus did not join the expedition.
werdnaforeverDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 04:06 | Message # 77
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There is one called celestia already, unfortunately

Yes, I know that. My point was that Unisim is as suitable a name as Celestia.
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 04:54 | Message # 78
Cosmic Curator
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"Uni" means "Dream" in my language, so it sounds kinda silly to me.

Dreamsim sounds cool smile

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werdnaforeverDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 06:36 | Message # 79
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Antza2Date: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 13:37 | Message # 80
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Dreamsim sounds cool

But that would not really suit SE.

Go to antza2.deviantart.com for cool photos!
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 13:48 | Message # 81
Cosmic Curator
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But that would not really suit SE

Of course not (I'm still partial to my suggestion of "Uncharted Worlds"). But it does sound cool. Maybe a real-life version of the Recall service from Total Recall could use that name smile

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Antza2Date: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 15:10 | Message # 82
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Maybe a real-life version of the Recall service from Total Recall could use that name

Now that would be cool.

Go to antza2.deviantart.com for cool photos!
MrZombieBiscuitDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 15:37 | Message # 83
Space Tourist
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My vote still goes to "Deep Black Infinity with cool spheres in it". The motto should be "Sometimes cool spheres can have plants on them!"
werdnaforeverDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 18:16 | Message # 84
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Here's a better image:

Attachments: 2220185.jpg (550.1 Kb)
anonymousgamerDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 19:34 | Message # 85
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Here's the best name that SE could possible have.


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werdnaforeverDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 21:21 | Message # 86
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Here's the best name that SE could possible have.

Antza2Date: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 23:22 | Message # 87
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Why not. cool

Go to antza2.deviantart.com for cool photos!
werdnaforeverDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 23:27 | Message # 88
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Why not.

Because lets be honest, space engine is billions of times more amazing than its name, which sounds like a working title.
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 07.01.2013, 03:20 | Message # 89
Cosmic Curator
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I agree with werdnaforever and SpaceEngineer, SE needs a new name when it is finished and developed into a commercial product. Space Engine is a pretty lousy name considering the wonderfulness of the program, and as Vladimir said it was just a name he assigned to this project when he started it without giving it much thought, and without any plans for it to become as public and successful as it has. It does deserve a name worthy of it.

The planetarium version (the final development of the current program) could probably just be called "Space Engine: Planetarium" or "Space Engine: Tour the Universe", etc. But derived commercial products deserve a unique name.

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vosk01Date: Monday, 07.01.2013, 20:12 | Message # 90
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Space Engine - a game engine
UniSim1 - a planetarium created by Space Engine
?2 - a video game created by Space Engine

1 UniSim means Universe Simulator
2 ? - name is unknown