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Interstellar Addon (Only tested with Patch 7)
quarior14Date: Monday, 08.02.2016, 11:15 | Message # 46
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
For information, the code you copy is outdated, look the file Interstellar.sc for you to update the system and Gargantuas.

SpaceEngineerDate: Monday, 08.02.2016, 13:18 | Message # 47
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote quarior14 ()
Even though I know that it does not work yet, can give more information for this from the hole :

All this are just plsceholders. Length indeed will be a length of the tunnel. Radius is it's 4-dimensional radius, and WarpRadius is a graphics parameter - radius of the gravity lensing effect.

connorneal2005Date: Monday, 08.02.2016, 16:22 | Message # 48
Group: Users
Messages: 46
Status: Offline
Quote quarior14 ()
@connorneal2005For information, the code you copy is outdated, look the file Interstellar.sc for you to update the system and Gargantuas.

It was not outdated. I got the "gargantuas" addon for this mod, broke, and managed to recover the mod. :)

BTW, after this has been post, I am/was checking replies smile

How big is the universe?

Edited by connorneal2005 - Monday, 08.02.2016, 16:23
quarior14Date: Monday, 08.02.2016, 16:58 | Message # 49
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Quote SpaceEngineer ()
All this are just plsceholders. Length indeed will be a length of the tunnel. Radius is it's 4-dimensional radius, and WarpRadius is a graphics parameter - radius of the gravity lensing effect.

Um not really understand for WarpRadius is basically the effect of deformation by gravity when it passes through the wormhole?
Quote connorneal2005 ()
It was not outdated. I got the "gargantuas" addon for this mod, broke, and managed to recover the mod. :)BTW, after this has been post, I am/was checking replies

I have not changed my response code, you should get this (Interstellar.sc) :
Star    "Gargantua"
    ParentBody     "GargaBary"
    Class        "Blackhole"
    Age             12.87
    MassSol         100e6 //100 M mass sol

    Obliquity       10
    EqAscendNode    270

  Radius        33.3  // AU
  AccretionRate 1.0e-23    // Msol/year
  Temperature   5995  // unrealistically cool, but cool-looking :)
  Luminosity    2147    // sol Original : 1000.0
  TwistMagn     50.0
  Brightness      0.0065133963

Planet    "Miller"
    ParentBody     "Gargantua"
    Class        "Oceania"

    Mass            3.33
    Radius          10032.07
    InertiaMoment   0.3266853

    Oblateness      0.02455

    RotationPeriod  183.72    // tidal locked
    Obliquity       12
    AscendingNode   270

    Albedo          0.3789299
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.927 0.843 0.671)

  SurfStyle       0.3088221
  OceanStyle      0.3797475

  Height          6.5209961
  BumpHeight      6.049284
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        0.864125
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.2982165
  twistZones      0.82556
  twistMagn       0.07119744
  Velocity        70.0 // km/h

  Height          7.814453
  BumpHeight      6.928353
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        0.864125
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.2982165
  twistZones      0.82556
  twistMagn       0.07119744
  Velocity        73.0 // km/h

  Height          2.64366
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Earth"
  Height          74.91279
  Density         3.291511
  Pressure        1.589118
  Greenhouse      15.372
  Bright          9.866405
  Opacity         0.9866406
  SkyLight        3.288802

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoCometTail     true

    // Orbit to match visuals with the movie
  SemiMajorAxis   35.285
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination     3.5
  AscendingNode   270
  ArgOfPericenter 0
  MeanAnomaly     0
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

Star    "Pantagruel"
    ParentBody     "Gargantua"
    Class          "Neutron"
    Luminosity      1.464584e-005
    Age             12.87

    Mass            422217.6
    Radius          8.75

    RotationPeriod  2.7778e-006
    Obliquity       44.89208
    EqAscendNode    -4.981658

    NoAccretionDisk true

  Radius      60.4025
  Period      4.040747e-007
  Brightness  1.5
  RayDensity  100
  RayCurv     1000

  SemiMajorAxis   52.34 // hypothetic
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination     11
  AscendingNode   210
  ArgOfPericenter 70
  MeanAnomaly     150
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

Star    "Gargantuas"
    ParentBody     "Gargantua"
    Class        "Blackhole"
    MassSol         436

    Obliquity       10
    EqAscendNode    270

    NoAccretionDisk true
  SemiMajorAxis   63.27 // hypothetic
  Eccentricity    0
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"


Planet    "Mann"
    ParentBody     "Gargantua"
    Class        "IceWorld"

    Mass            1.570815
    Radius          8961.509
    InertiaMoment   0.3251604

    RotationPeriod  134.236    // 67 hours long day and 67 hours long night
    Obliquity       0.365501
    EqAscendNode    218.2272

    Albedo          0.5    // realistic for ice world
    Brightness      0.675
    Color          ( 0.850 0.850 1.000 )

  SurfStyle       0.1040778
  OceanStyle      0.2728491
  Randomize      (0.650, 0.895, -0.331)
  colorDistMagn   0.07017921
  colorDistFreq   654.4116
  detailScale     19445.32
  colorConversion true
  drivenDarkening 0
  seaLevel        0.1680157
  snowLevel       1
  tropicLatitude  3.894144e-007
  icecapLatitude  1
  icecapHeight    0.2228948
  climatePole     0.4375
  climateTropic   0.3125
  climateEquator  0.6875
  heightTempGrad  0.625
  tropicWidth     0.07
  mainFreq        1.603716
  venusFreq       1
  venusMagn       0.2454901
  mareFreq        1.462809
  mareDensity     0.1687174
  terraceProb     0.2940096
  erosion         0
  montesMagn      0.1749268
  montesFreq      196.8737
  montesFraction  -0.4612286
  dunesMagn       0.03713732
  dunesFreq       63.60536
  dunesFraction   0.01083087
  hillsMagn       0.1289859
  hillsFreq       636.0536
  hillsFraction   0.452642
  hills2Fraction  -0.4416544
  riversMagn       58.56165
  riversFreq       3.037932
  riversSin        7.099253
  riversOctaves    0
  canyonsMagn     0.01841579
  canyonsFreq     63.60536
  canyonFraction  0.4394101
  cracksMagn      0.04705799
  cracksFreq      1.615374
  cracksOctaves   6
  craterMagn      0.149581
  craterFreq      1.617788
  craterDensity   0.025
  craterOctaves   13
  craterRayedFactor 0.05531579
  volcanoMagn      0.7803017
  volcanoFreq      0.3057371
  volcanoDensity   0.06871539
  volcanoOctaves   0
  volcanoActivity  0
  volcanoFlows     0.1801893
  volcanoRadius    0.2545999
  volcanoTemp      1629.912
  lavaCoverTidal   0
  lavaCoverSun     0
  lavaCoverYoung   0
  twistZones      1.405513
  twistMagn       0.3350224
  cycloneMagn     1.066009
  cycloneFreq     0
  cycloneDensity  0.3616912
  cycloneOctaves  0
  colorSea       (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.500)
  colorShelf     (0.950, 0.950, 0.950, 0.500)
  colorBeach     (0.700, 0.700, 0.700, 0.750)
  colorDesert    (0.850, 0.850, 0.850, 1.000)
  colorLowland   (0.880, 0.880, 0.880, 1.000)
  colorUpland    (0.930, 0.930, 0.930, 1.000)
  colorRock      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
  colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
  BumpHeight      20
  BumpOffset      0.001
  DiffMapAlpha   "Ice"
  SpecBrightWater 0.3
  SpecBrightIce   0.3
  SpecularPower   54.99999
  Hapke           0.9988008
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      0.2

  Height          42.81445
  Velocity        0.14
  BumpHeight      6.353
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        0.864125
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.142
  twistZones      1
  twistMagn       1.5
  Height          34.81445
  Velocity        0.12
  BumpHeight      6.353
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        0.864125
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.2684
  twistZones      1
  twistMagn       1.5
    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Earth"
  Height          216.1921
  Density         0.01199209
  Pressure        0.6449463
  Greenhouse      3.27 // to make surface temperature in (-78 to 0°C)
  Bright          16
  Opacity         0.006
  SkyLight        1

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoCometTail     true

  Period          0.1095    // 40 days according to the book
  Eccentricity    0.3341
  Inclination     60
  AscendingNode   220
  ArgOfPericenter 300
  AscNodePreces   1.2  // full 360° precession period in years
  MeanAnomaly     0
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

Star    "Badebec"
    ParentBody     "Gargantua"
    Class          "G2 V"
    Age             12.87

    NoAccretionDisk true

  SemiMajorAxis   719.7 // hypothetic
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination     11
  AscendingNode   210
  ArgOfPericenter 70
  MeanAnomaly     150
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

Planet    "Edmund"
    ParentBody     "Badebec"
    Class        "Desert"

    Mass            2.563895
    Radius          9256.842
    InertiaMoment   0.328977

    Oblateness      0.0115385

    RotationPeriod  24.02636
    Obliquity       166.14
    EqAscendNode    350.9256

    Albedo          0.3734568
    Brightness      1.2
    Color          (0.838 0.639 0.419)

  SurfStyle       0.5065848
  OceanStyle      0.190746
  Randomize      (-0.707, 0.196, 0.179)
  colorDistMagn   0.05801226
  colorDistFreq   736.6572
  detailScale     23809.12
  colorConversion true
  drivenDarkening -1
  seaLevel        0.09668309
  snowLevel       1
  tropicLatitude  0.3019376
  icecapLatitude  1
  icecapHeight    0.1702749
  climatePole     0.4375
  climateTropic   0.5625
  climateEquator  0.6875
  heightTempGrad  0.375
  tropicWidth     0.1036553
  mainFreq        0.6007787
  venusFreq       1
  venusMagn       0.4178547
  mareFreq        2.485723
  mareDensity     0.2055016
  terraceProb     0.3074763
  erosion         0
  montesMagn      0.3809524
  montesFreq      283.4454
  montesFraction  0.08173393
  dunesMagn       0.04696528
  dunesFreq       32.74283
  dunesFraction   0.4096513
  hillsMagn       0.1098037
  hillsFreq       180.8186
  hillsFraction   -0.4096513
  hills2Fraction  0
  riversMagn       51.61304
  riversFreq       2.238932
  riversSin        6.831513
  riversOctaves    0
  canyonsMagn     0.0561104
  canyonsFreq     61.57608
  canyonFraction  0
  cracksMagn      0.07526116
  cracksFreq      0.5650644
  cracksOctaves   0
  craterMagn      0.03822585
  craterFreq      60
  craterDensity   0
  craterOctaves   0
  craterRayedFactor 0
  volcanoMagn      0.6712536
  volcanoFreq      0.1826681
  volcanoDensity   0.4
  volcanoOctaves   2
  volcanoActivity  0.4603175
  volcanoFlows     0.1904762
  volcanoRadius    0.780557
  volcanoTemp      1571.256
  lavaCoverTidal   0
  lavaCoverSun     0
  lavaCoverYoung   0
  twistZones      1.720746
  twistMagn       0.0006485428
  cycloneMagn     0
  cycloneFreq     0
  cycloneDensity  0.0004284
  cycloneOctaves  0
  //colorSea       (0.640, 0.620, 0.420, 0.000)
  colorShelf     (0.680, 0.620, 0.470, 0.000)
  colorBeach     (0.400, 0.380, 0.270, 0.000)
  colorDesert    (0.800, 0.680, 0.500, 0.000)
  colorLowland   (0.670, 0.600, 0.490, 0.000)
  colorUpland    (0.580, 0.490, 0.350, 0.000)
  colorRock      (0.220, 0.210, 0.210, 0.000)
  colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
  colorLowPlants (0.670, 0.600, 0.490, 0.000)
  colorUpPlants  (0.580, 0.490, 0.350, 0.000)
  BumpHeight      18.12795
  BumpOffset      4.0285
  DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
  SpecBrightWater 0.85
  SpecBrightIce   0.85
  SpecularPower   54.99999
  Hapke           0
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      0.07

  Height          18.22266
  Velocity        2
  BumpHeight      5.078882
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        0.9104631
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.1346
  twistZones      1.349206
  twistMagn       0.0002301448

  Height          27.38184
  Velocity        2
  BumpHeight      5.078882
  Hapke           0.2
  SpotBright      2
  SpotWidth       0.15
  DayAmbient      2
  mainFreq        0.9104631
  mainOctaves     10
  Coverage        0.1346
  twistZones      1.349206
  twistMagn       0.0002301448

    //NoOcean         true
  Height     4.0285

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Earth"
  Height          125.21
  Density         1.290835
  Pressure        1.38001
  Greenhouse      19.841
  Bright          10
  Opacity         1
  SkyLight        3.333333

  Height      199.9
  NorthLat    82
  NorthLon    -113
  NorthRadius 6295.182
  NorthWidth  6466.657
  NorthRings  7
  NorthBright 2
  NorthParticles 50000
  SouthLat    -71.42857
  SouthLon    28.57143
  SouthRadius 5381.323
  SouthWidth  6716.299
  SouthRings  7
  SouthBright 2
  SouthParticles 50000
        TopColor    (0.75 0.85 0.5)    // multiplier
        BottomColor (0.75 0.95 0.6)    // color

    NoRings         true

    NoCometTail     true

  SemiMajorAxis   1.107 // hypothetic
  Eccentricity    0.0007
  Inclination     3.714
  AscendingNode   348.3819
  ArgOfPericenter 95.98627
  MeanAnomaly     40.81749
  RefPlane       "Ecliptic"


Edited by quarior14 - Monday, 08.02.2016, 16:59
kham132Date: Saturday, 20.02.2016, 22:10 | Message # 50
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
I edited this so that the planets more closely resemble the planets in the movie, including the surfaces and the atmospheres.
Recommended in the release candidate 1.
Miller's in the movie

Miller's in SE

Mann's in the movie

Mann's in SE

Edmund's in the movie

Edmund's in SE

vv Rename to Interstellar.sc vv

Attachments: 2408716.sc (12.2 Kb)

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person

Edited by kham132 - Saturday, 20.02.2016, 22:13
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Saturday, 20.02.2016, 22:48 | Message # 51
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Nice edits. smile

I think Mann's should have more cracks and spiky mountains across it's surface instead of those hills or whatever they are called.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
kham132Date: Saturday, 20.02.2016, 23:19 | Message # 52
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
I'll be working on it :)
I'll also be working on making the colors even more like the ones on the movies.
Although, I do hope that caves are added in a future update for Mann's.

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
gazelleDate: Monday, 22.02.2016, 15:12 | Message # 53
Group: Users
Messages: 51
Status: Offline
When will be the endurance update?? rolleyes
Tangle10Date: Tuesday, 23.02.2016, 11:01 | Message # 54
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 129
Status: Offline
gazelle, it'll happen in late 2072

Tips for finding Earth-Like planets: Look for F, G, or K Class stars. M class habitables will almost always be tidelocked. Oceanias can, of course, also be habitable, they just have tiny amounts of land.
gazelleDate: Tuesday, 23.02.2016, 11:11 | Message # 55
Group: Users
Messages: 51
Status: Offline
Quote Tangle10 ()
gazelle, it'll happen in late 2072

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Tuesday, 23.02.2016, 14:08 | Message # 56
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
I am in the middle of a few things and have a ton of addons that need to be updated. If someone else wants to update it, feel free.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
kham132Date: Wednesday, 24.02.2016, 04:55 | Message # 57
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
This place is looking a lot...

Mann-lyer cool
... i'll log off now

I added hurricanes to make it seem like the layers of Mann's surface are connecting.

Looks pretty neat from up here.

I also edited Edmund's atmosphere a bit more.

This place looks like something from No Man's Sky.

vv Rename to Interstellar.sc vv

Attachments: 6504564.sc (11.8 Kb)

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
gazelleDate: Wednesday, 24.02.2016, 10:35 | Message # 58
Group: Users
Messages: 51
Status: Offline
The Enduarance doesn't work well with the RC1 version... cry I can see thruster effect in front of the ship.
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 24.02.2016, 15:52 | Message # 59
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Good job, can I use (surface and atmosphere) them with my mod custom Interstellar ?

In fact, I just look at the code and in fact, you have edit mine but is that at least I can display on my mod page (and I would also put your nickname for the surfaces and atmospheres) ?


Edited by quarior14 - Wednesday, 24.02.2016, 16:00
kham132Date: Thursday, 25.02.2016, 01:38 | Message # 60
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 114
Status: Offline
quarior14, that'd be okay. I will be updating this maybe once or two more times.

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person

Edited by kham132 - Thursday, 25.02.2016, 03:15