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fbDate: Sunday, 12.04.2015, 15:28 | Message # 166
Group: Newbies
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Quote SpaceEngineer ()
Automatic change of the stereobase will look strange when you trying to zoom between planets or galaxies. And this is not easy to decide the needed value of the stereobase in the code.

Zoom could (and should) be ignored, as it's known that telescope does not provide 3D view of distant objects.
The active stereobase could be a selectable 'percentage' of distance between viewer and currently selected object.

I bet also O'Rifters would benefit from this !

Edited by fb - Sunday, 12.04.2015, 15:31
Destructor1701Date: Wednesday, 15.04.2015, 11:38 | Message # 167
Group: Users
Messages: 533
Status: Offline
Quote fb ()
The active stereobase could be a selectable 'percentage' of distance between viewer and currently selected object.

That sounds like a reasonable approach, though it could get very weird when you approach a planet and it seems to grow before you, or when you change selection and the universe crunks to a different scale suddenly.

Still, with some finessing - perhaps a transition of a few seconds between scales, and a cut-off at human scale - I think that would be neat.

I don't think the static human option should be removed, though - sometimes you want to just feel the distance.

Quote fb ()
Zoom could (and should) be ignored

I don't think Space Engineer meant "zoom" in the optical sense - just as a synonym for "travel".

Edited by Destructor1701 - Wednesday, 15.04.2015, 11:40