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KhadrasDate: Thursday, 05.07.2012, 20:13 | Message # 226
Group: Users
Messages: 19
Status: Offline
Thanks! But if the Cassiopeia dSph is a dwarf galaxy, why it has 649988 pc?

PC1: Intel Core i5-2320 CPU, 3 GHz, 8 GB RAM, AMD ATI Radeon HD 6840, 1024 Gb VRAM, 32 & 64-bit Operating System

Edited by Khadras - Sunday, 20.11.2011, 12:12
SpaceCoreDate: Thursday, 05.07.2012, 20:14 | Message # 227
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 22
Status: Offline
Hell if I know. The size isn't listed here, perhaps it's the volume of all its matter (gas and other garbage) instead of just the stars?

By the way, you helped me find a pretty planet in Andromeda by accident thanks to this thread. Just thought I'd mention it.