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DoctorOfSpace's Mod Emporium v2
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 26.12.2014, 21:03 | Message # 1
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Current Version:


Although I have posted pictures and video of ships using features added in more recent patches they have not been uploaded yet.

Remember to uncheck this box before downloading.

Milky Way tweak

This code goes in the models\galaxies\models.cfg
Always make a backup. You will need to delete the cache folder or the Milky Way model

I highly recommend going into main.cfg and changing
GlowMagnLimit 4.0 // galaxies and nebulae sprites limiting magnitude
GlowMagnLimit 3.5 // galaxies and nebulae sprites limiting magnitude

GalaxyModel    "MilkyWay"
                      UseForObject    "Milky Way"
                      UseForType      "SBb"

                        Method      "SpiralGalaxy"
                       Position    (0, 0, 0)
                       Radius      (1.1, 0.15, 0.07)    // (disk radius, bulge radius, bulge thickness)
                       BBoxRes     (8, 8, 8)

                       floatLOD    0    // 0 = false
                       LODbase     1

                       FrontTexture    "MilkyWay.*"
                       SysTexture      "MilkyWay_sys.*"
                      FrontImage      "MilkyWay_small.*"
                       SideImage       "Sc_side.*"

                       emParticleColor  (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
                      absParticleColor    (0.08, 0.24, 0.48)
                      bParticleColor  (1.0, 0.9, 0.7)
                      BulgeRadius   (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

                       emDetailR    1.0
                       emDetailZ    0.5
                       absDetailR   1.25
                       absDetailZ   0.0
                       bDetailR     1.0
                       bDetailZ     1.0

                       emParticleDispR     0.3
                       emParticleDispZ     0.3
                       absParticleDispR    0.0
                       absParticleDispZ    0.25
                       bParticleDispR      0.3
                       bParticleDispZ      0.3

                      emParticleSizeCenter    1.2
                       emParticleSizeEdge      1.1
                       absParticleSizeCenter   1.1
                       absParticleSizeEdge     1.2
                      bParticleSizeCenter     1.7
                       bParticleSizeEdge       1.7

                      emParticleMinBrightCenter   0.001
                      emParticleMinBrightEdge     0.001
                      absParticleMinBrightCenter  0.03
                      absParticleMinBrightEdge    0.075
                      bParticleMinBrightCenter    0.05
                      bParticleMinBrightEdge      0.05

                      emParticleBrightnessCenter  0.1
                        emParticleBrightnessEdge    0.3
                        absParticleBrightnessCenter 8.0
                        absParticleBrightnessEdge   5.0
                        bParticleBrightnessCenter   0.3
                       bParticleBrightnessEdge     0.0

Star Trek Pack


1. More realistic thrust
2. Added camera views (Only the JJprise has more than two at this time)
3. All previously available Trek ships are now in one package
4. Uses new PAK system

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                     

And delete the StarTrekModels and StarTrekTextures pak files


All models ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace with help and input from Destructor1701, WileyCoyote, and HarbingerDawn

Deep Space Nine

Ported from Celestia

Copyright Info

Original design and name copyright by Paramount Communications/Viacom.
Mesh and texture copyright by Joerg Gerlach 1999.
Distribution of the mesh or the textures only with this README.TXT included.
All contents of this zip file copyrighted under german law.
You are allowed to change, rework or reassemble the mesh or the textures if you                       
include a copyright link to Joerg Gerlach, Germany 1999.
ANY commercial use is NOT allowed!!!

Joerg Gerlach
Member of the WolfPak359


XCV - 330 Declaration Class Enterprise

Created by Luis Picolo and Raul Mamoru.


The following meshes were created by WileyCoyote                     

1. JJprise
2. Koerner Enterprise
3. USS Kelvin
4. USS Enterprise(ProtoJJ)
5. USS Constitution
6. USS Mayflower
7. USS Walcott
8. USS Truman
9. USS Farragut
10. USS Hood
11. TOS Enterprise
12. Enterprise-D
13. Enterprise-E (Nemesis)
14. NX-01 Enterprise
15. NX-01 Refit
16. NX-02 Columbia
17. Enterprise TMP (The Motion Picture)
18. Enterprise Refit (Enterprise-A)

Download Part 1
Download Part 2

Astronaut Pack


1. Adjusted thrust
2. Uses new PAK system
3. Both previously available astronaut packs are combined

Known issue:

Console gives error for For the 4 UMmu astronauts
ERROR: TMesh::SaveScript(): Can't create the file "models/spacecrafts/Addons/Real/X.cfg

If this annoys you then extract the models pak file.


Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace with minor texture and mesh adjustments

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                     

And delete the AstronautModels and AstronautTextures pak files                           


Michael Carbajal
NASA Headquarters

UMmu pack

To install drop the 2 folders in main SpaceEngine directory

From UMmu 2.5 Gold release by Daniel Polli (aka Dansteph)  




1. Added 3 alternative cameras
2. Uses new PAK system


Model by christophert of the Orbiter mod community

Texture/mesh adjustments and porting done by DoctorOfSpace for SpaceEngine v0.9.7.2

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                            

And delete the TR3BModel and TR3BTextures pak files


IXS Enterprise


1. Adjusted thrust
2. Uses new PAK system

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                            

And delete the IXSModel and IXSTextures pak files

Combined parts, added engine, and ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace


XVC engine by Luis Picolo and Raul Mamoru.                      


IXS Enterprise ported from OrbitHangar uploaded by kendo

Originally modeled by Zeontron (Ron L. Long) based on pictures by Mark Rademaker


Interstellar's Endurance

Addon comes with 4 models

1. Full Endurance with all shuttles attached
2. No shuttles attached Endurance
3. Lander
4. Ranger


1. Added behind cameras
2. Uses new PAK system

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                       

And delete the InterstellarModels and InterstellarTextures pak files                             


Model originally from Board the Endurance app


Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace, SHW, and Destructor1701

WebGL conversion by SHW

Single piece model and full texture mapping done by Destructor1701

OBJ conversion, texture and mesh adjustments, and configured for SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace

Black/White spot fix by Destructor1701



Halo Combat Evolved Ships

Addon comes with 3 models

1. Pillar of Autumn
2. Pelican
3. Longsword

All 3 ships come with behind and cockpit camera placement

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                      

And delete the HaloShipsModels and HaloShipsTextures pak files

Added engine emis and ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace


Ported to Orbiter by icarus at home

Original models from Halo Combat Evolved by Bungie and Microsoft Game Studios                          



Type 40 TARDIS


1. Adjusted size to be just over 2 meters instead of 20
2. Uses new PAK system


Ported from Skyrim TARDIS mod by DoctorOfSpace


How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to                     

And delete the TARDISModel and TARDISTextures pak files


White Hole Shader

Replaces the black hole, only made this for screenshot purposes. Shader is attached to the bottom of this post.

You will need to use the "noclip" cheat to get up close.

To use this shader you will need to rename it to blackhole_warp.

Alternatively you can extract the blackhole_warp.glsl shader from the shader pak file into system/shaders, open both whitehole and black hole in an editor like notepad++, then go in game and use debug mode(* on numpad), and F5 to reload specific black holes after copying the whitehole on top of the black hole shader. You will of course need to undo these changes every time or else every black hole on the next launch will be a white hole.

Hotter Shield Volcanoes Shader

This adjusts the shield volcano temperature settings to be slightly brighter by default instead of having to adjust the thermal emission settings which affects stars and hot rocks.

Shader is attached to the bottom of this post, goes in system/shaders directory. Shader is named tg_common.glsl

Hotter Hot Rocks Shaders

This adjusts the hot rocks temperature settings to be slightly brighter by default instead of having to adjust the thermal emission settings.

Shaders are attached to the bottom of this post, goes in system/shaders directory.

Shaders should be named tg_terra_glow, tg_selena_glow, and tg_asteroid_glow.

You do not need all 3, each is optional.

Colonized Solar System

This addon is a custom edit of the current Sol System. All light maps are created by me (DoctorOfSpace) but sourced from NASA Earth light images. I originally started this project in hopes of officially adding these as an easter egg for SolSys3000 but that didn't happen. This edit is simply custom light maps for Earth's Moon, Mars, Mercury, Mimas, Dione, and Titan. The catalog file has been edited to include the lights and life tags, no other changes are present besides an adjustment to Titan's clouds.

To install you need to put the catalog file in
SpaceEngine 0.972\catalogs\planets

It is the SolarSys.sc attached to this post.

The SolSysLights.pak file goes in
SpaceEngine 0.972\textures\planets
Download Light Textures

JJ Galileo Shuttlecraft


Texture/mesh adjustments and porting done by DoctorOfSpace for SpaceEngine v0.9.7.2

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to               

And delete the JJShutModel and JJShutTextures pak files           

Model ported from Star Trek video game created by Digital Extremes and Namco Bandai           
©2013 Paramount Pictures Corp. TM CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
NAMCO BANDAI Games logo is a trademark of NAMCO BANDAI. Published and distributed by NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. and NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe S.A.S.           


Smaller Ship Warp

An adjustment to the ship warp shader that makes it smaller.

Shader is attached to this post and named ship_warpSMALL.glsl, goes in system/shaders directory.

Shader should be named ship_warp.glsl.

Smaller Ship Warp Darkened Center

An adjustment to the ship warp shader that makes it smaller and adds dark regions to the center.

Shader is attached to this post and named ship_warpDarkSm.glsl, goes in system/shaders directory.

Shader should be named ship_warp.glsl.

DocRodv2 Clouds

An adjustment to the terra/desert clouds by DoctorOfSpace and Rodrigo that adjusts coverage, flow, cyclones, bump, noise, and softness.

Shader is attached to this post and named DocRodV2.glsl.

Shader needs to be named tg_clouds_height.glsl. Installs in SpaceEngine 0.972\system\shaders

Red/Blue Shifting Ship Warp

Not entirely scientifically accurate but adds a unique look to the ship warp.

Roughly based on how light would be seen inside a warp bubble.

An adjustment to the ship warp shader that makes it smaller, adds dark regions to the center, and shifts the screen color to red/blue.

Shader is attached to this post and named ship_warpRedBlu.glsl, goes in system/shaders directory.

Shader should be named ship_warp.glsl.

Voyager/Delta Flyer/Borg Pack

Finally got permission for Voyager and the Delta Flyer so I have included them with a 3 ship Borg pack.

Comes with Voyager, Delta Flyer, Borg Cube, Borg Sphere, and Tactical Borg Cube. All ships besides Tactical have my own adjustments to the Emis glows and other minor adjustments.

How to install:

Drag the models and textures folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.

How to uninstall:

Navigate to    

And delete the Star_Trek folders


All models ported to SpaceEngine and all Mesh and texture adjustments/tweaks/edits by DoctorOfSpace.

Voyager and Delta Flyer by JLStudios    

Textures: Jb06
Mesh tweaks: limey98
Mesh smoothing: Cordanilus
Slight mapping tweak: limey98 + Cordanilus


Textures: Jb06
Mesh: Redragon
Mesh smoothing: lint
Altered Meshes: limey98 + Jb06
Remapping: limey98 + Jb06


Borg Cube and Sphere Mesh by Activision

Original Textures by Activision / Cpt2xtreme / Captain D


Tactical Cube by CaptainRussell


Attachments: Whitehole_warp.glsl (1.1 Kb) · tg_common.glsl (73.9 Kb) · tg_terra_glow.glsl (5.2 Kb) · tg_selena_glow.glsl (2.2 Kb) · tg_asteroid_glo.glsl (1.1 Kb) · SolarSys.sc (47.9 Kb) · ship_warpSMALL.glsl (1.3 Kb) · ship_warpDarkSm.glsl (1.4 Kb) · DocRodV2.glsl (3.0 Kb) · ship_warpRedBlu.glsl (1.8 Kb)

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 06:15 | Message # 2
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Red/Blue Shifting Ship Warp Blue Glow

Not entirely scientifically accurate but adds a unique look to the ship warp.

Roughly based on how light would be seen inside a warp bubble.

An adjustment to the ship warp shader that makes it smaller, adds a dark region to the expansion center, compression region glows brighter as field strength increases, and shifts the screen color to red/blue.

Shader is attached to this post and named ship_warpGloBlu.glsl, goes in system/shaders directory.

Shader should be named ship_warp.glsl.

This section includes mods from that will still work in They will not take advantage of the new features of such as the "pak" system or alternate camera placement.
Ships that are converted to will be removed from this section.

If you are looking for my previous thread mods

Attachments: ship_warpGloBlu.glsl (1.8 Kb)

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Destructor1701Date: Saturday, 27.12.2014, 19:12 | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 533
Status: Offline
You work fast! tongue

ProteusDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 05:47 | Message # 4
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 173
Status: Offline
With the Enterprise pack, the 7z.00* files are confusing...

I downloaded 001, tried to open it but 7zip couldn't. I renamed it to just .7z, still no luck... then back to .001. I downloaded 002, and after that was downloaded, 001 was able to open and I was able to extract it where it needs to be. Then I tried to open 002 but now it cannot be opened either. Am I missing something about how this is meant to work?

Added (28.12.2014, 04:47)
I'm assuming extracting 001 is all that was needed, after having tested everything out. All the ships seem there and functional.

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 16:06 | Message # 5
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Quote Proteus ()
I'm assuming extracting 001 is all that was needed, after having tested everything out. All the ships seem there and functional.

You download both parts then extract from the first part. It may require having 7z installed, I haven't tested it with winrar or any other program.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 16:13 | Message # 6
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
It may require having 7z installed, I haven't tested it with winrar or any other program.

And this is precisely why I distribute my mods in zip format smile

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Sunday, 28.12.2014, 19:04 | Message # 7
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Added some shaders.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
FastFourierTransformDate: Monday, 29.12.2014, 05:08 | Message # 8
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 542
Status: Offline
WOW the white hole shadder!!!!! does it have some theoretical background supporting those distortions? that is trully beautifull
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Tuesday, 30.12.2014, 06:05 | Message # 9
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Quote FastFourierTransform ()
does it have some theoretical background supporting those distortions?

Not really. The anti gravity distortion maybe but the rest is just mirrored from the warp shader update.

Added the Colonized Solar System.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Joey_PenguinDate: Tuesday, 30.12.2014, 23:19 | Message # 10
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 311
Status: Offline
Beautiful thermal shifts. I'm assuming there'll be a hotter hot gas giants mod? cool

Careful. The PLATT Collective has spurs.

Edited by Joey_Penguin - Tuesday, 30.12.2014, 23:19
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 09.01.2015, 06:49 | Message # 11
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
There was a hotter gas giant mod already, just never looked right. I thought the default look was nicer so I never bothered with fixing the adjustments.

Added the JJverse Galileo Shuttlecraft from the Star Trek video game.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Tangle10Date: Saturday, 10.01.2015, 00:18 | Message # 12
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 129
Status: Offline
Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
Added the Colonized Solar System.

Did I do something horribly wrong? No city lights at all. I installed the .sc- do I have to put it in its own /planets/ folder?

Tips for finding Earth-Like planets: Look for F, G, or K Class stars. M class habitables will almost always be tidelocked. Oceanias can, of course, also be habitable, they just have tiny amounts of land.

Edited by Tangle10 - Saturday, 10.01.2015, 00:22
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Sunday, 11.01.2015, 13:20 | Message # 13
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Quote Tangle10 ()
I have to put it in its own /planets/ folder?

All I can say is

Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
To install you need to put the catalog file in
SpaceEngine 0.972\catalogs\planets

Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
The SolSysLights.pak file goes in
SpaceEngine 0.972\textures\planets

Added two modified ship warp shaders.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
RetsofDate: Monday, 12.01.2015, 05:32 | Message # 14
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 56
Status: Offline
Saw your post with the red/blue shifting for warps you're working on. Would you be able to take that to its conclusion for the "dark circles" as the light shifts into infrared and ultraviolet? Less of a hard cutoff I guess?

Edited by Retsof - Monday, 12.01.2015, 05:33
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Tuesday, 13.01.2015, 13:52 | Message # 15
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Quote Retsof ()
Would you be able to take that to its conclusion for the "dark circles" as the light shifts into infrared and ultraviolet?

I am not sure how that could be pulled off realistically in SE. I don't even think that the red and blue shifting can be pulled off properly at this time.

here is how I have it right now viewed from different angles

Some angles look nice and some look bad. I can add glows to those inner circles that get brighter as field strength increases but it doesn't look very good. I may experiment more with this but I don't think it will get anywhere.

I've sent it to a couple people so they can try it out and mess around with it. I don't know if I will ever post it.

Due to the way the warp is rendered it is also impossible to get a realistic view. When you fly a ship and view from behind you get a red shifted view instead of the compressed blue and if you reposition the camera to the front the effect moves out of sight.

How it should look

If enough people wanted me to post what I have now so they can mess around with it I wouldn't have a problem with that.

Added a custom clouds shader.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
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