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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 26.12.2014, 20:29 | Message # 1
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure you make a clean install of SpaceEngine and update your video card drivers. This may solve 99% of all isues.
  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help us to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing videocard-specific issues

    If you do not know which videocard do you have, open the system/se.log file in the text editor and read the Vendor information in the beginning:

    [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Then look for a solution for you:

    Nvidia: Major lag spikes

    ATI/AMD: Transparent or invisible planets, no landscape

    ATI/AMD: Crash on approaching to the black hole, neutron star or white dwarf, on using ship's hyperdrive, or when enabling the Oculus Rift mode or the Fish Eye mode

    Intel HD: Glitchy landscape and textures on planets

    Intel HD: Crash near planets

    Intel HD: Red clouds on Earth

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers or strange error message "(NULL) 2.1 (NULL)"

    2) Weak system

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)

    4) Artifacts on procedural planets

    5) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface

    6) Spaceship disappears when far from a star

    7) Blurry textures on Solar system planets

    8) Crash on entering the Display menu

    9) Problems with very high resolution displays

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:

    Real bugs:
    SpaceTravelDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 13:02 | Message # 436
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 2
    Status: Offline
    Hi every ones

    I have a news bug since today on galaxy external view.

    I have Nvidia, i turn of Threaded optimization
    Do you have a solution?

    Attachments: 7623999.jpg (340.1 Kb)
    HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 14:34 | Message # 437
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote SpaceTravel ()
    I have a news bug since today on galaxy external view.

    Turn texture compression off.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 14:38 | Message # 438
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote kadeshv ()
    i did everything you recomend but the problem persist

    According to your log you're using driver version 14.5, so no you didn't do everything that was recommended. Install driver version 14.4.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    kadeshvDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 14:52 | Message # 439
    Group: Users
    Messages: 10
    Status: Offline
    Quote HarbingerDawn ()
    According to your log you're using driver version 14.5, so no you didn't do everything that was recommended. Install driver version 14.4.

    i understand that you mean catalyst driver for my graphic card from amd? anyway if i go to my catalyst control centre panel i can see that i have 14.12 catalyst omega software... im very confused right now cry
    well i realized that you mean opengl version? could i reverse my version installing some software or something like this? cause i downloaded the atioglxx.dll file from your post and nothing changed...

    Edited by kadeshv - Monday, 02.02.2015, 14:59
    HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 15:21 | Message # 440
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Try the dll file in the OP and see if that helps, it should fix other issues with AMD drivers. And double check to make sure that you made the recommended config edit. And delete the cache folder.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    kadeshvDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 20:54 | Message # 441
    Group: Users
    Messages: 10
    Status: Offline
    Quote HarbingerDawn ()
    Try the dll file in the OP and see if that helps, it should fix other issues with AMD drivers. And double check to make sure that you made the recommended config edit. And delete the cache folder.

    sorry mate but i dont have idea of what you mean with all of this wacko what is OP? how i make the recommended config edit? at least i know how to delete folders XD
    HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 02.02.2015, 21:51 | Message # 442
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote kadeshv ()

    Opening/original post (the thing with all the suggestions and info in it)

    Quote kadeshv ()
    how i make the recommended config edit?

    Just follow the instructions (which you said you already did). But first, download the dll file (again, just follow the instructions).

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    cabrito_djDate: Tuesday, 03.02.2015, 01:38 | Message # 443
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    I`m Havving some black screen problem. I Start the game and after a few minutes all the screen goes black (Except the HUD). I read a old post about it but i dont find any fix for the problem.
    The only "Fix" is reinstall the game.

    I`m Sorry if somebody ask for this before but i can`t find any post related to this.

    Oh, yeah: Sorry for my english. Im suck writing in other language tongue
    MintyTwisterDate: Tuesday, 03.02.2015, 18:46 | Message # 444
    Group: Newbies
    United States
    Messages: 9
    Status: Offline
    So I recently reinstalled Space Engine because I learned of the new update and also got a new HD, but the problem is when I click a star, press G to zoom onto the star, the game usually has a 60% chance of crashing, I don't even get to view the star or render it yet, it's just when I get close enough to render the Star.

    The same goes for Black Holes, but this is a 100% chance of crashing, every time I go ANYWHERE with a black hole involved, instant crash. There was only ONE time it didn't crash, but the black hole was invisible.

    What gives?
    My specs are:
    R9 270x
    8GBs RAM G.Skill Sniper
    1,000 Watt Corsair PSU (I know, overkill, but it's efficient with its power thankfully, it's there because working on getting my PC much more rigged, going to sell 270x and possibly work on dual 980s)
    2 TB Western Digital Black
    Z97 GAMING 7 MSI Motherboard

    Edited by MintyTwister - Tuesday, 03.02.2015, 18:54
    MarkroseDate: Wednesday, 04.02.2015, 15:21 | Message # 445
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    Hey, I just installed the game and i cant open it. Right after the installation it says "Spaceengine has stopped working". Same when i try to open the .exe file. It's installed in C:/programfiles.
    I have AMD Radeon HD 6450
    Quad core 2.33 ghz
    4Gb memory
    Windows 7

    I have installed multiple games before, not sure why this isnt working
    azmondDate: Wednesday, 04.02.2015, 16:09 | Message # 446
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    HI! Regarding the black hole and stars in its near vicinity... I tried all the fixes and at first only pasting 14.4 ati drivers dll in system folder did the trick, but on occasion its still crashed the engine. after fiddling around I now managed it to work with only changes to cfg files as suggested in OP, but after all those fixes one problem still persists for me. Stars around black hole and black hole itself are not visible until I get really close, then they suddenly appear. When they get "loaded" the stay there even if I move out from the cluster though they disappear at certain distance, but when I move closer they appear again, but at much distant level then when I approach black hole for the first time. When I go to different galaxy same occurs. Its only immersion breaking, and could very well be on my side. And sorry if this has already been resolved. I tried searching with search on forum but it gave me 404 error
    chromatic9Date: Thursday, 05.02.2015, 01:25 | Message # 447
    Group: Users
    United Kingdom
    Messages: 166
    Status: Offline
    EDIT: I think I've found that .97 has some vram issue.

    Please note this is nothing to do with the GTX 970 3.5 GB thing recently. It's not my card.

    My issue with heavy HDD activity started with .97 long ago when I was using a GTX 580 (best GPU back then). My GTX 580 and 970 run SE .96 - 96.2 very well, I can even have max vram or 95% in main.cfg, no issues. I don't have any issues with other games.

    My tests show that I have to use 50% vram in .97 onwards to make it useable. This doesn't actually half it though, more like knock it down to 20-25%. Setting it to 70-80-90% seems to allow more than it should and causes issues. Please note again I don't have to do this in .96. I've been using SE for a long time and setting to 85-90-95-98% in .96 versions hasn't been a problem. .96 just works. I've done many high detailed videos and screenshots, it was a joy to use.

    .97 has brought me untold performance problems, knocking the setting down to 70% didn't cure it. I thought what the hell, see if 50% does anything and indeed it does, no more HDD chugging. .97 seems skewed in vram management somehow. Anything higher the game gets bogged down quickly and becomes unusable like its going way beyond and possibly what software can report and resorting to HDD after a few minutes of play.

    Maybe even windows heuristics on my end but please note I can use .96 without issues as with every other game or app.

    Please don't quote talking about 0.5Gb on the GTX 970. I've posted many times using my GTX 580 when 0.97 released 1-2 years ago about excessive HDD activity and poor performance. 0.96 is silent even when vram is maxed out. SE .97.0 onwards is resorting to using my HDD even when set at 70-80% vram in the settings what ever GPU is used. This is posted more towards Space Engineer or Harbingerdawn.

    i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3

    Edited by chromatic9 - Thursday, 05.02.2015, 12:20
    kaue4arp10Date: Thursday, 05.02.2015, 15:57 | Message # 448
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    Messages: 34
    Status: Offline
    Did you guys look at the se.log i posted? i'm in real need of help!
    Thomas988Date: Thursday, 05.02.2015, 16:01 | Message # 449
    Space Pilot
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 125
    Status: Offline
    My question is one that has been asked before, however there appears to be no reply to them. I apologize if I am inconveniencing anyone.

    What is happening is that every time I enter our solar system (Sol) the software crashes. Sol was fine in, but now it is not in What's wrong?

    All you need in life are space games and typhlosions.
    HetmentDate: Friday, 06.02.2015, 16:12 | Message # 450
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    Hello guys, I am new to this forum and in dire need of help..
    Just as I click the planetarium... the game crashes... everytime... I dont even load any planet or anything, it just crashes... As I click Planetarium, it loads but the message of crash occurs... Please help..
    Sys specification-
    Intel Core i3 Cpu 540 3.6 GHZ
    RAM - 4 GB
    64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1
    AMD Radeon HD 6670

    If you want se log file or whatever the name is-

    Attachments: 4433855.log (38.1 Kb)