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DoctorOfSpace's Mod Emporium
Buddy_McFlurryDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 22:32 | Message # 16
Space Tourist
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Czech Republic
Messages: 26
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Amazing models! Really great job, I'll try them tomorrow, when I'll have some time, can't wait happy

And I do have a request: would it be possible to make a main ship from a DarkStar One game? The only trouble is, that the ship changes its shape as you progress in the game, so there are lots of variations. I was thinking something like these: http://static7.fore.4pcdn.de/premium....ild.jpg
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 22:45 | Message # 17
Galaxy Architect
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Messages: 3600
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Quote (Buddy_McFlurry)
would it be possible to make a main ship from a DarkStar One game?

From what I can see it would require getting a bunch of model files and piecing them together. It would be possible I am sure but might take a lot of time. I will look into it once I finish working on a ton of other models people have requested.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
kairunotabiDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 22:49 | Message # 18
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Can I have a copy of your 0.96 Sonny White's Warp drive?

Buddy_McFlurryDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 23:00 | Message # 19
Space Tourist
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Czech Republic
Messages: 26
Status: Offline
Quote (DoctorOfSpace)
From what I can see it would require getting a bunch of model files and piecing them together. It would be possible I am sure but might take a lot of time. I will look into it once I finish working on a ton of other models people have requested.

Alright, take any time you need. I'm looking forward to you other models as well.
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 23:18 | Message # 20
Galaxy Architect
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Quote (kairunotabi)
Can I have a copy of your 0.96 Sonny White's Warp drive?

I will have to remake it as I lost the files, it wasn't anything complex though luckily. When I finish it up I will add it to this thread.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
kairunotabiDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 23:35 | Message # 21
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Great! Thanks DoctorOfSpace!

DarkcloakDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 23:40 | Message # 22
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United States
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Quote (DoctorOfSpace)
So would I but I haven't found any good models for it. I did my own little tweaks to different ships and their parts and made some mockups but nothing ever came out right.

Hey, that's what I'm talking about! That's pretty awesome. I'd love to see something like the bottom image, but that first one is great. By the time they build one (here's to hoping), I bet it doesn't turn out at all like the models.
neutronium76Date: Friday, 03.05.2013, 20:03 | Message # 23
World Builder
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Messages: 718
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Excellent models! Any chance for the Independence Day ships?

PC1:Core i7 970@3.34GHz, 6 cores/12 threads, 12GB DDR3 RAM@1.34GHz, 2x(SLI) GTX-580 GPUs 3GB VRAM(GDDR5)@1GHz, OS:Win7x64SP1
PC2:Core2Quad X9770@3.2GHz, 2 cores/4 threads 4GB DDR2 RAM@1GHz, GTX-285 GPU 1GB VRAM(DDR3)@1.24GHz, OS:WinVistax64SP2
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 03.05.2013, 20:36 | Message # 24
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
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Quote (neutronium76)
Any chance for the Independence Day ships?

Only ones I could find were 3 models done for Bridge Commander. The large saucer ship seems to have a ton of issues in SE though.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
Joey_PenguinDate: Friday, 03.05.2013, 23:49 | Message # 25
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United States
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A Stardrifter would be nice.

Careful. The PLATT Collective has spurs.
werdnaforeverDate: Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 04:17 | Message # 26
World Builder
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What about Larry Niven's ringworld?

Edit: Those who read all four books may recall what happened at the end of the fourth one- its massive spoiler, but the point is that a ring world, or at least Mr.Niven's,

Edited by werdnaforever - Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 04:31
HarbingerDawnDate: Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 04:27 | Message # 27
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote (werdnaforever)
Those who read all four books may recall what happened at the end of the fourth one

I only read the first two, Engineers didn't leave me wanting to continue the story any farther.

All forum users, please read this!
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werdnaforeverDate: Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 04:40 | Message # 28
World Builder
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Quote (HarbingerDawn)
I only read the first two, Engineers didn't leave me wanting to continue the story any farther.

Well, it gets interesting, especially in the fourth (the very last part of the ending was very brief yet said so much).

Also, the idea of luck as an actual phenotypic trait is the most unusual and unique topic I've ever come across in science fiction.
HarbingerDawnDate: Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 04:46 | Message # 29
Cosmic Curator
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United States
Messages: 8717
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Quote (werdnaforever)
Also, the idea of luck as an actual phenotypic trait is the most unusual and unique topic I've ever come across in science fiction.

It's also complete nonsense. I rolled my eyes so hard at that I think one of them got lost in my head somewhere.

I'd say the most interesting idea I'd seen in a sci-fi novel was in the end of Contact, if you know what I'm talking about. I won't even put it in a spoiler because it's too awesome to spoil, but if you've read it then you know what I mean.

Speaking of which, Doc, you should make a dodecahedron so Ellie (and company if you do the book version) can go wormhole surfing smile

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM

Edited by HarbingerDawn - Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 04:47
ZackGDate: Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 10:30 | Message # 30
Space Pilot
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United States
Messages: 113
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Is it possible to make the Tet from the Oblivion Movie?

MOBO:ASUS Sabertooth Mark I
CPU:Intel I7 4790 3.6Ghz
Memory:32GB 1600Mhz (Corsair 4x8GB)