DoctorOfSpace's Mod Emporium
DoctorOfSpace | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 09:01 | Message # 1 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
| Remember to uncheck this box before downloading.
Milky Way tweak Before After
This code goes in the models\galaxies\models.cfg Always make a backup. You will need to delete the cache folder or the Milky Way model
I highly recommend going into main.cfg and changing GlowMagnLimit 4.0 // galaxies and nebulae sprites limiting magnitude to GlowMagnLimit 3.5 // galaxies and nebulae sprites limiting magnitude
Code GalaxyModel "MilkyWay" { UseForObject "Milky Way" UseForType "SBb"
Method "SpiralGalaxy" Position (0, 0, 0) Radius (1.1, 0.15, 0.07) // (disk radius, bulge radius, bulge thickness) BBoxRes (8, 8, 8)
floatLOD 0 // 0 = false LODbase 1
FrontTexture "MilkyWay.*" SysTexture "MilkyWay_sys.*" FrontImage "MilkyWay_small.*" SideImage "Sc_side.*"
emParticleColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) absParticleColor (0.08, 0.24, 0.48) bParticleColor (1.0, 0.9, 0.7) BulgeRadius (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
emDetailR 1.0 emDetailZ 0.5 absDetailR 1.25 absDetailZ 0.0 bDetailR 1.0 bDetailZ 1.0
emParticleDispR 0.3 emParticleDispZ 0.3 absParticleDispR 0.0 absParticleDispZ 0.25 bParticleDispR 0.3 bParticleDispZ 0.3
emParticleSizeCenter 1.2 emParticleSizeEdge 1.1 absParticleSizeCenter 1.1 absParticleSizeEdge 1.2 bParticleSizeCenter 1.7 bParticleSizeEdge 1.7
emParticleMinBrightCenter 0.001 emParticleMinBrightEdge 0.001 absParticleMinBrightCenter 0.03 absParticleMinBrightEdge 0.075 bParticleMinBrightCenter 0.05 bParticleMinBrightEdge 0.05
emParticleBrightnessCenter 0.1 emParticleBrightnessEdge 0.3 absParticleBrightnessCenter 8.0 absParticleBrightnessEdge 5.0 bParticleBrightnessCenter 0.3 bParticleBrightnessEdge 0.0 }
WileyCoyote's JJ Abrams Bridge Commander pack Code All meshes by WileyCoyote;17941
Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace. This addon is only compatible with v0.9.7.1
Just drag the 2 folders into the SpaceEngine directory.
This pack includes
1. JJprise 2. Koerner Enterprise 3. USS Kelvin 4. USS Enterprise(ProtoJJ) 5. USS Constitution 6. USS Mayflower 7. USS Walcott 8. USS Truman 9. USS Farragut 10.USS Hood
WileyCoyote's Bridge Commander Enterprise pack Code All meshes by WileyCoyote;17941
Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace. This addon is only compatible with v0.9.7.1
Just drag the 2 folders into the SpaceEngine directory.
This pack includes
1. TOS Enterprise 2. Enterprise-D 3. Enterprise-E (Nemesis) 4. NX-01 Enterprise 5. NX-01 Refit
Type 40 TARDIS Just in time for the Christmas special
The size is 20 meters, it should be around 2 however for approximate real life size Code Ported from Skyrim TARDIS mod by DoctorOfSpace Just drag and drop the textures and models folders into the main SpaceEngine directory.
WileyCoyote's Independence Day Bridge Commander pack Code All meshes by WileyCoyote;17941
Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace. This addon is only compatible with v0.9.7.1
Just drag the 2 folders into the SpaceEngine directory.
This pack includes
1. Alien Attacker 2. Alien Attacker Captured 3. City Destroyer(Closed) 4. City Destroyer(Open)
Modified Clouds
Just my old cloud edit for, it is attached to the bottom of this post ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP
it installs in system/shaders
Stronger ship warp effect
Just increases the warping effect for a stronger effect in lower factors.
installs in system/shaders
ship_warp is attached to the bottom of this post
XCV - 330 Declaration Class Enterprise Code Ship is by Luis Picolo and Raul Mamoru.
Ported to Space Engine by DoctorOfSpace
Drag both folders into the main SpaceEngine directory
Although it is not a Star Trek ship, for simplicity's sake, I put it in the "Star_Trek" folder. This is the same as the one for 0.9.7 but with lights added to the rings, windows, and engines.
Deep Space 9 Code Ported from Celestia install by dropping the folders into the default SpaceEngine directory Copyright Info -------------- Original design and name copyright by Paramount Communications/Viacom. Mesh and texture copyright by Joerg Gerlach 1999. Distribution of the mesh or the textures only with this README.TXT included. All contents of this zip file copyrighted under german law. You are allowed to change, rework or reassemble the mesh or the textures if you include a copyright link to Joerg Gerlach, Germany 1999. ANY commercial use is NOT allowed!!! Joerg Gerlach Member of the WolfPak359
Alcubierre Warp Ship Code Mesh porting and combination by DoctorOfSpace for SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1 Install by placing the textures and models folder into the default SpaceEngine directory. Ship will be listed under the name Alcubierre Warp Ship in build menu. -------- Base Warp Ring by bmckain -------- RS Shuttle X-2010 NASA Original Author Unknown CelestiaMotherlode Authors: Rob Sanders Nick: RHAS E-mail:
Loosely based on Harold White's view on how a warp ship would look.
Millennium Falcon
Same ship from 97, now with engine glow
Code Ported from Celestia with mesh fixes due to conversion errors
Compatible with SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1 only
drag the folders into the primary Space Engine directory
Original authors Falcon: Iven Connery with textures by Sebastian Hirsch/Martin Charest
Extravehicular Mobility Unit
Size is 2 meters, will not be visible up close or when in control unless you use a lower fov. Code Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace with minor texture and mesh adjustments
Author/Origin: Michael Carbajal NASA Headquarters
UMmu Astronauts
They are listed as ESA Astronaut (Standing/Floating) and NASA Astronaut (Standing/Floating) Code Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace for
To install drop the 2 folders in main SpaceEngine directory
From UMmu 2.5 Gold release by Daniel Polli (aka Dansteph)
Terraformed Mars
A fixed version of my previous Mars edit. Didn't come out quite as nice as before but it is decent enough. If anyone wants to make it look nicer or post an edited version you are more than welcome to.
Goes in catalogs\planets\
Find the entry for Mars, and comment it out by placing /* before it begins and */ after it ends
You will need Rodrigo's color distortion mod for the above results Code Planet "Mars" { ParentBody "Sol" Class "Terra"
Mass 0.10745 Radius 3396 Oblateness 0.0069
RotationPeriod 24.622962 RotationOffset 136.005 Obliquity 26.72 EqAscendNode 82.91
Color ( 1.000 0.750 0.700 ) Albedo 0.15
Life { Class "Organic" Type "Multicellular" Biome "Marine/Terrestrial" } Surface { DiffMapAlpha "Water" BumpMap "Mars/Bump" BumpTileSize 514 BumpTileBorder 1 BumpHeight 29.457 // 21249 + 8208 BumpOffset 8.208 Exposure 1.9 colorSea (0.020, 0.050, 0.100, 1.000) colorShelf (0.15, 0.48, 0.46, 1.00) colorBeach (0.82, 0.73, 0.57, 0.00) colorDesert (0.42, 0.36, 0.22, 0.00) colorLowland (0.34, 0.29, 0.18, 0.00) colorUpland (0.57, 0.54, 0.42, 0.00) colorRock (0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00) colorSnow (1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.50) colorLowPlants (0.18, 0.24, 0.09, 0.00) colorUpPlants (0.15, 0.17, 0.07, 0.00) climateEquator 0.642 climateTropic 0.1422 climatePole 0.9 tropicWidth 0.21 cycloneMagn 0.0 cycloneFreq 0.056 cycloneDensity 0.0 cycloneOctaves 12 }
Ocean { Height 6.0 DayAmbient 2 Lommel 0 Exposure 3.5 Color (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000) }
Clouds { DiffMap "Earth/Clouds" DiffTileSize 514 DiffTileBorder 1 BumpMap "Earth/Clouds" BumpTileSize 514 BumpTileBorder 1 BumpHeight 2.0 BumpOffset 0.0 Exposure 0.75 DayAmbient 2.75 Lommel 0.2 Coverage 0.159 Height 19.9 //3.5 Velocity 42.0 // km/h }
Atmosphere { Height 95 // km Pressure 0.94 // atm Greenhouse 66 // degrees K Density 0.9846 // kg/m^3 Model "Earth" Bright 4.0 Opacity 0.825 SkyLight 0.875 EclipseBright 10.0 EclipseColor ( 0.500 0.700 0.800 ) } Aurora { Height 100 // km TopColor (0.0 0.6 1.5) BottomColor (0.0 0.8 1.0)
NorthLat 82 // degrees NorthLon -113 // degrees NorthRadius 2500 // km NorthWidth 600 // km NorthRings 3 // number of rings NorthBright 0.3
SouthLat -88 // degrees SouthLon 142 // degrees SouthRadius 2000 // km SouthWidth 600 // km SouthRings 3 // number of rings SouthBright 0.3 }
Orbit { Period 1.8809 SemiMajorAxis 1.5237 Eccentricity 0.0934 Inclination 1.8506 AscendingNode 49.479 LongOfPericen 336.041 MeanLongitude 355.453 } }
Orbiter 2001 A Space Odyssey/2010 Astronaut pack
Code Ported to SpaceEngine 0.9.7 by DoctorOfSpace Ported as an example for by SpaceEngineer, minor adjustments by DoctorOfSpace
Meshes and Textures based on the original work of the following authors & artists: Erik Anderson aka Sputnik, Alain Hosking aka 80MilesHigh, Wolfgang Schwarz (Nautilus), Computerrex, Dave Bartles, Mauro Biolo, Michael Evans, Max Grueter, Abraham Katase, kultch, Chris Moon, Michael Powell, Sputnik, Dan Steph, tblaxland, B.J. West, & Vinka.
Install by placing the two folders into the default SE directory.
Heart of Gold Code Ported to SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1 by DoctorOfSpace
Originally by lumpiluk for Orbiter
install by placing the two folders into the primary SE directory
Softer custom clouds
Similar to the other ones in this post, but softer and with other minor adjustments. Rodrigo was helpful on these, they're attached to this post and named "DocRod_common". They install in system/shaders and must be renamed to tg_common.
WileyCoyote's Enterprise Connie Refit Bridge Commander pack
Specular map adjustments by Destructor1701 Code All meshes by WileyCoyote;17941
Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace. This addon is only compatible with v0.9.7.1
Just drag the 2 folders into the SpaceEngine directory.
This pack includes
1. Enterprise TMP (The Motion Picture) 2. Enterprise Refit (Enterprise-A)
By default I have enabled the Enterprise-A nacelle glows. If you want to disable the nacelle glow navigate to textures\spacecrafts\Addons\Star_Trek
Open EntRefit.sml
Change this //EmisMap "Addons/Star_Trek/EnterpAgrill_emis.*" EmisMap "Addons/Star_Trek/EnterpAgrill2_emis.*"
EmisMap "Addons/Star_Trek/EnterpAgrill_emis.*" //EmisMap "Addons/Star_Trek/EnterpAgrill2_emis.*"
Currently SpaceEngine does not support dynamic textures
Also includes an extra folder with adjusted specular maps by Destructor1701, original specular by WileyCoyote is default.
I have only setup the custom specular maps for the TMP Enterprise, to install them you need only rename the ALTSPECtexture folder to textures or place the textures into the Star_Trek folder.
You will also have to open the EntTMP.sml file with a program such as notepad++ and edit
SpecMap "Addons/Star_Trek/EnterpID_diff.*"
SpecMap "Addons/Star_Trek/EnterpID_spec.*"
This wouldn't have been finished without the help and input of Destructor1701 so you should thank him. Download
Flying Saucer
Code Ported to SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1, textures, and mesh fixes by DoctorOfSpace
Base saucer by Kenny Mitchell of Foundation3d
install by placing the two folders into the primary SE directory Download
Serenity This took me hours to get working in 971 with added specular, normals, and emis maps. Performance may be low when viewing this model, it is the combination of 2 shuttles and Serenity with normals and specular applied to nearly all surfaces. I really hope this is appreciated after how long it has taken me.
Code mesh adjustments, texture additions, attached shuttles, optimizations, and ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace
Original models by darthviper107 of Foundation3D
Install by placing the two folders into the primary SpaceEngine directory
Razer Hydra Config for MotionCreator 2
This is obviously only for people with the Razer Hydra, or possibly, if you are from the future or have the early devices, the STEM system. You will need MotionCreator 2 and the Razer Hydra to use this, it isn't perfect and has some kinks but it works pretty nicely for navigation and flying in free flight mode.
Config is the attached mce file
WileyCoyote's NX-02 Columbia
Code All meshes by WileyCoyote;17941
Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace. This addon is only compatible with v0.9.7.1
Just drag the 2 folders into the SpaceEngine directory.
This pack includes
1. NX-02 Columbia Download
Code Model by christophert of the Orbiter mod community
Texture/mesh adjustments and porting done by DoctorOfSpace for SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1
Install by placing the textures and models folder into the default SpaceEngine directory.
IXS Enterprise Code To install drag the models and texture folder into the main SpaceEngine directory
Combined parts, added engine, and ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace
XVC engine by Luis Picolo and Raul Mamoru.
IXS Enterprise ported from OrbitHangar uploaded by kendo
Originally modeled by Zeontron (Ron L. Long) based on pictures by Mark Rademaker
Please note if the acceleration is still too high for your liking you can open the .sss file and adjust it there. Download
Small texture update that adds a proper emis for the blue and red lights on the nacelles texture patch Interstellar's Endurance
Addon comes with 4 models
1. Full Endurance with all shuttles attached 2. No shuttles attached Endurance 3. Lander 4. Ranger Code Model originally from Board the Endurance app
Ported to SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace, SHW, and Destructor1701
WebGL conversion by SHW
Single piece model and full texture mapping done by Destructor1701
OBJ conversion, texture and mesh adjustments, and configured for SpaceEngine by DoctorOfSpace
To install drag and drop the materials and models folder into your primary SpaceEngine directory Download
Black/White spot fix by Destructor1701 Patch Download
Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC 6GB
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Watsisname | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 09:26 | Message # 2 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
| Very nice! The Serenity is actually the first thing I was hoping to see.
I'd offer requests but I have no idea what would be easy or difficult, other than perhaps the Vipers from BSG, for which the models should be abundant and relatively simple.
Thanks for your work on this.
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DoctorOfSpace | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 10:20 | Message # 3 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
| Quote (Watsisname) perhaps the Vipers from BSG
Those I already have done and will be posted soon along with the rest of the ships from BSG that I ported to 96.
Expect plenty of ships for the next little while.
Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC 6GB
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 16:23 | Message # 4 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| We need some Star Wars ships up in here, Doc.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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DoctorOfSpace | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 16:43 | Message # 5 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
| Done there ya go. Added in the Death Star II though it has some issues. Will do others if I find high enough quality models.
Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC 6GB
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Spacejockey | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 20:45 | Message # 6 |
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 7
Status: Offline
| WOW they all look amazing.........Maybe some ships from Prometheus or Alien(s)...Would love to Fly around "seeding" the galaxy in a juggernaut
Anyway keep up the amazing work (virtual chestbump)
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anonymousgamer | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 21:28 | Message # 7 |
World Builder
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 1011
Status: Offline
| Did you upload the J.J.Prise?
Desktop: FX-8350 4.0 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW 8 GB, 2 TB HDD, 24 inch 1920x1080 screen Laptop: Core i5 480M 2.66 GHz (turbo 2.93), 8 GB DDR3 RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6550m 1 GB, 640 GB HDD, 17.3 inch 1600x900 screen
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DoctorOfSpace | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 21:31 | Message # 8 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
| Quote (anonymousgamer) Did you upload the J.J.Prise?
You have it and if you look how the new structure is done you can easily drop in the SM from before. However this time around I am not going to upload/publicly share Bridge Commander files until I hear from authors of the files so I may as well not bother with working on Star Trek ships at this time.
Quote (Spacejockey) Maybe some ships from Prometheus or Alien(s).
I have one ship from Alien but the rest I haven't found anything decent.
Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC 6GB
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Disasterpiece | Date: Wednesday, 01.05.2013, 22:38 | Message # 9 |
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 640
Status: Offline
| Doc, you promised you would make a ship flying YOLO SWAG. What happened?
I play teh spase engien
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 04:47 | Message # 10 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| Quote (DoctorOfSpace) ships on demand
demanding a ship be ported is a great way for it not to be done. So more like ships not on demand.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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Orgymeyer | Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 06:00 | Message # 11 |
Group: Users
Messages: 19
Status: Offline
| EDIT: this was due to having the download manager link clicked by default... doh!
Tried to download serenity and got massive virus scanner warnings when I ran the *.exe file that was downloaded....
I'll try again, since I've downloaded your ships before with no issues.
Also would like to respectfully request the Enterprise D from your star trek ships pack. That's all I'm missing for a perfect space engine experience!
Do we have lights and engine effects for warp drives now?
Edited by Orgymeyer - Thursday, 02.05.2013, 06:01 |
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DoctorOfSpace | Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 11:22 | Message # 12 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
| Quote (HarbingerDawn) So more like ships not on demand.
Quote (Disasterpiece) you promised you would make a ship flying YOLO SWAG. What happened?
Only when the full game is done.
Quote (Orgymeyer) request the Enterprise D from your star trek ships pack
Quote (DoctorOfSpace) this time around I am not going to upload/publicly share Bridge Commander files until I hear from authors of the files so I may as well not bother with working on Star Trek ships at this time.
I could however port a CG render model and share that. I have a few star trek models that I do have permission to share though so those I will add over the next few days.
Quote (Orgymeyer) Do we have lights and engine effects for warp drives now?
No lights yet
Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC 6GB
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ogggrez | Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 16:28 | Message # 13 |
Group: Users
Messages: 60
Status: Offline
| Thank you for this! I Love the serenity!
"You can't take the skies from me"
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Darkcloak | Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 20:31 | Message # 14 |
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 73
Status: Offline
| You know, I would absolutely LOVE to see a theoretical model of Sonny White's warp ship. I live practically in the backyard of where they're working on the micro warp bubble experiments, and I see all these variations on it.. it'd be pretty sweet to see what yours would look like!
[EDIT] And holy cow, thanks for the models! Amazing! Keep up the awesome work, yo!
Edited by Darkcloak - Thursday, 02.05.2013, 20:32 |
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DoctorOfSpace | Date: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 21:39 | Message # 15 |
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
| Quote (Darkcloak) I would absolutely LOVE to see a theoretical model of Sonny White's warp ship.
So would I but I haven't found any good models for it. I did my own little tweaks to different ships and their parts and made some mockups but nothing ever came out right.
This was from 96, haven't tried it in 97
Personally I would love to get a model that looks something like
Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory EVGA GTX 980 Ti SC 6GB
Edited by DoctorOfSpace - Thursday, 02.05.2013, 21:39 |
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