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spacerDate: Thursday, 20.08.2015, 01:44 | Message # 511
Star Engineer
Group: Users
Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
Watsisname, god. you live in such beautiful place!

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
SonofStarsDate: Friday, 21.08.2015, 03:40 | Message # 512
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 11
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Earlier this year, I took a trip to the Grand Canyon and hiked down to the bottom and camped nearby Phantom Ranch for two nights. This was the first time I was able to take my DSLR to a dark sky area and was quite pleased with the results. A standard tripod and the DSLR were all I used in taking these pictures.

FireintheholeDate: Friday, 21.08.2015, 15:02 | Message # 513
Group: Translators
Messages: 356
Status: Offline
Very nice pictures SonofStars! If you look closely at the Pleiades in the first picture, you can see the Zodiacal light/band. If the brightness and contrast are enhanced the light is more prominent.

Love SpaceEngine!
SonofStarsDate: Friday, 28.08.2015, 04:35 | Message # 514
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 11
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Took the opportunity to look at the Sun this evening. Both images are the same, the first being the original, the second one a post edited version using an editing app on my phone. I hope to eventually get a tracking mount and a nicer image capture system going for higher resolution pictures but I am quite happy with the results the phone camera provides. Enjoy!

midtskogenDate: Monday, 31.08.2015, 05:06 | Message # 515
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1674
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A fireball last night from two different locations. At almost 30km/s it didn't survive the atmosphere, but it looks nice nevertheless. smile

astronikiDate: Monday, 21.09.2015, 16:40 | Message # 516
Space Pilot
Group: SE team
Messages: 115
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Another one taken with the remote telescope at itelescope.net.
This one is 8x5minutes R,G,B and Ha

Check out my astrophotography:
anonymousgamerDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 03:14 | Message # 517
World Builder
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United States
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Supermoon Eclipse in progress

Desktop: FX-8350 4.0 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW 8 GB, 2 TB HDD, 24 inch 1920x1080 screen
Laptop: Core i5 480M 2.66 GHz (turbo 2.93), 8 GB DDR3 RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6550m 1 GB, 640 GB HDD, 17.3 inch 1600x900 screen
midtskogenDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 03:22 | Message # 518
Star Engineer
Group: Users
Messages: 1674
Status: Offline
Clear skies here.

Attachments: 0444585.jpg (50.4 Kb)

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 03:26 | Message # 519
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
My beginning was fairly decent besides a thin layer of clouds and humidity fogging the lens

Then one long cloud decided it would drift in front of the moon for the entirety of it being red

Got this at the ending though sad

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
WatsisnameDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 05:02 | Message # 520
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
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Previous day:

Eclipse night:

HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 12:33 | Message # 521
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote astroniki ()
Another one taken with the remote telescope at itelescope.net.

Gorgeous photo!

Quote Watsisname ()
Eclipse night:

Wow, the mountain with the moon in the background is spectacular, excellent shot.

I took a few photos of my own of the eclipse.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
FireintheholeDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 17:13 | Message # 522
Group: Translators
Messages: 356
Status: Offline
Extraordinairy pictures by all! I myself haven't got much of a camera but at least I tried. wink

This is the first total Lunar eclipse I saw since 3rd March 2007. It was just as cool as I remembered!

Btw what is your ISO and shutter speed guys?

Love SpaceEngine!

Edited by Fireinthehole - Monday, 28.09.2015, 17:16
WatsisnameDate: Monday, 28.09.2015, 18:24 | Message # 523
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
Everyone took great photos! @Doc: Sucks for the clouds, but at least you saw a good portion of it, and your shot at the end of totality is really nice.

Quote Fireinthehole ()
Btw what is your ISO and shutter speed guys?

My settings varied a lot due to rapidly changing light conditions. From here, the Moon rose above the theoretical horizon 3 minutes before sunset, and then entered totality 15 minutes later, just before clearing the hills. So when it actually came up, the sky was still so bright that the eclipsed moon was completely invisible! It took an additional ~10 minutes for the sky to get dark enough to spot it, and even then it was only the brightest part (closest to the shadow edge) that could be seen. Another ~15-20 minutes beyond that to become fully visible.

For the early landscape shots, I was at ISO100 f/11 and 4s exposures, then raising to ISO400. Finally, taking close-ups with the dark sky, ISO800 f/5.6 at 1s.

CordaxDate: Saturday, 10.10.2015, 04:56 | Message # 524
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Impressive how close to these images it looks ingame
pzampellaDate: Tuesday, 20.10.2015, 23:45 | Message # 525
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 115
Status: Offline
Hi! I would like some advices about photographing The Pleiades. I have a DSLR camera and no tracking base, so I use DeepSpaceStacker to stack hundreds of images. I've read in several sites that some people uses different ISO to catch different aspects of the nebula, and then stack them together.
I would like to know what should I do? Is there any guide online you could indicate me?

This is my best so far:

As you can see, poorly colored and almost imposible to see the nebula.

Attachments: 3778122.jpg (225.0 Kb)

Edited by pzampella - Tuesday, 20.10.2015, 23:51