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HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 13.10.2012, 23:28 | Message # 1
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (SpaceEngineer)
who of your guys ever seen an aurora?

I saw an aurora during the last solar maximum, but it was just a diffuse red one. Still a great sight. There were even more amazing aurorae at my part of the country around a year ago or so, but they happened at the exact same time as a rain storm, so I missed them sad

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apenpaapDate: Saturday, 13.10.2012, 23:35 | Message # 2
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52 degrees is sadly as good as always too far south to see aurora, so I haven't seen one ever. I hope I can see the aurora when I go on vacation in Sweden next year, though. I'll obviously have little chance to see much of the southern skies there, but I'm sure the low light pollution will easily make up for that.

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
SolarisDate: Saturday, 13.10.2012, 23:38 | Message # 3
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Quote (SpaceEngineer)
who of your guys ever seen an aurora?

I've never saw any of them, but I seriously think to take time off to go to Iceland specialy for see aurora..
smjjamesDate: Saturday, 13.10.2012, 23:53 | Message # 4
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Quote (Solaris)
Quote (SpaceEngineer)
who of your guys ever seen an aurora?

I've never saw any of them, but I seriously think to take time off to go to Iceland specialy for see aurora..

Or Alaska, or any point that far north.

SolarisDate: Sunday, 14.10.2012, 00:00 | Message # 5
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Quote (smjjames)
Or Alaska

Anywhere, but Alaska is really more further than Iceland for me smile
Also I've heard that Lapland region have pretty nice aurora + it pretty cloud-less at the good period.
WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 14.10.2012, 02:50 | Message # 6
Galaxy Architect
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I'm at 38°N so aurora here are almost unheard of, but on rare occasions with great solar activity they can come down this far. During the last solar max there was a pretty good geomagnetic storm so I drove out to dark skies and briefly saw it. Was just a very diffuse red glow on the northern horizon, but still pretty neat. Would love to take a trip far north and see a strong display over the whole sky. smile

One of my most memorable experiences was seeing the night sky from the southern hemisphere (Bolivia and Peru). I know very little of the southern constellations compared to the northern, so the stars seemed totally alien to me. Most impressive of all was being in the Andes -- 4km above sea level and far from any light pollution, the Milky Way just explodes with detail. After a bit of dark adaptation the dust lanes stand out in sharp contrast to the rest of the galaxy and you can even see the central bulge clearly, not to mention star clusters and nebulae. I almost felt like I could see the depth to the galaxy itself, and even got vertigo from it, as if afraid that I could fall upwards and just keep falling for eternity. Was a very surreal experience.

Sadly I didn't get to see the Magellanic Clouds (not sure if it was the wrong time of night/year or I just failed to notice them), though I did catch the Zodiacal Light. Was the only time I've ever been able to see it.

SpaceEngineerDate: Sunday, 14.10.2012, 13:31 | Message # 7
Author of Space Engine
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Maybe it's time to rename or split this thread

SolarisDate: Sunday, 14.10.2012, 16:32 | Message # 8
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Quote (SpaceEngineer)
Maybe it's time to rename or split this thread

Goat Aurora Over Greenland

Attachments: 2931396.jpg (65.8 Kb)
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 14.10.2012, 17:16 | Message # 9
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (Solaris)
Goat Aurora Over Greenland

It's a dragon! Or a really hairy goat XD

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Antza2Date: Sunday, 14.10.2012, 19:35 | Message # 10
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I have seen some very spectacular auroras, but sadly i have no way of recording them sad

Go to antza2.deviantart.com for cool photos!
SolarisDate: Saturday, 03.11.2012, 06:26 | Message # 11
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Attachments: 8041838.jpg (189.9 Kb)
HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 03.11.2012, 07:30 | Message # 12
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
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Splendid aurora shot by Oleg Kotov (my favorite cosmonaut smile )

All forum users, please read this!
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Edited by HarbingerDawn - Saturday, 03.11.2012, 07:32
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 17.03.2013, 17:50 | Message # 13
Cosmic Curator
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United States
Messages: 8717
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So. A sizable geomagnetic storm is underway, no doubt with fantastic auroral displays. And naturally it's the middle of the day. dry

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Antza2Date: Sunday, 17.03.2013, 21:43 | Message # 14
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Photos incoming. Prepare for awesome overload.

Go to antza2.deviantart.com for cool photos!
Antza2Date: Monday, 18.03.2013, 08:17 | Message # 15
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Go to antza2.deviantart.com for cool photos!