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OstariskDate: Friday, 13.05.2016, 04:03 | Message # 496
Group: Users
Messages: 451
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Well, chances are, he was using <
and the chances of that version still being downloadable are highly unlikely.

My mods
JackDoleDate: Friday, 13.05.2016, 12:06 | Message # 497
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1742
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the system is from SE 0.95.

I exported it, and adapted it for SE 0.974 RC2.


I have called the system 'Ddargan'.
However, it can also be found with the label 'FRS 8404-141-8-10854396-166'.
'F' is for 'Fake'.

Coincidentally, there is a system called 'RS 8404-141-8-10854396-166' in SE 0.974 RC2. However, it is a completely different system.

Put the .pak file in the 'addons' folder.

Attachments: 0019913.jpg (139.5 Kb) · 0510620.jpg (277.6 Kb) · 9175651.jpg (348.7 Kb) · Ddargan.pak (19.2 Kb)

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HornblowerDate: Thursday, 19.05.2016, 20:05 | Message # 498
World Builder
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United States
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It appears rocks/planets on planets has won the pole. Will they be implemented into the next update?
MosfetDate: Friday, 20.05.2016, 00:25 | Message # 499
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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I doubt it. I think that poll it's useful to see what is considered a priority by people, but I suspect that rocks on planets need serious work to be implemented. Not that other goals are less formidable :).
Since it's on the list, probably SpaceEngineer has started gathering what he needs, but there could be many features to implement in the engine first in order to reach that specific goal.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
usermh2345Date: Saturday, 04.06.2016, 16:57 | Message # 500
Group: Newbies
Messages: 1
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Hey Space Engineer, Please add the ability to add rings to a planet, that would save you time looking for planets with rings and and stuff. And BTW also add a Star/moon/planet/dwarf planet/dwarf moon creator, that would be so cool, if you add this, thanks! happy
LookAtDatDakkaDate: Monday, 06.06.2016, 00:26 | Message # 501
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 156
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Can SpaceEngine run without any catalogs?

OstariskDate: Monday, 06.06.2016, 00:33 | Message # 502
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Messages: 451
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usermh2345, that would go into the suggestions thread.

My mods
6EQUJ5Date: Tuesday, 07.06.2016, 19:19 | Message # 503
Group: Newbies
United Kingdom
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Just wondering, I'm new to space engine so how would I move to one of the procedurally generated stars/galaxies? They dont appear on the f3 menu when I type in their names, Is there something else I have to do?

JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 07.06.2016, 20:49 | Message # 504
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Quote 6EQUJ5 ()
Just wondering, I'm new to space engine so how would I move to one of the procedurally generated stars/galaxies? They dont appear on the f3 menu when I type in their names, Is there something else I have to do?

You have to type in the entire identification number, for example 'RG 0-8-12883494-1095'.
It appears no list in the F3 Menu.

Don't forget to look here.

6EQUJ5Date: Wednesday, 08.06.2016, 12:00 | Message # 505
Group: Newbies
United Kingdom
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Quote JackDole ()
You have to type in the entire identification number, for example 'RG 0-8-12883494-1095'.
It appears no list in the F3 Menu.

I still don't understand, I've typed the entire number into the f3 menu and it says object not found. Do I need to type it into somewhere else?

MosfetDate: Wednesday, 08.06.2016, 12:32 | Message # 506
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
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6EQUJ5, if you're sure you've typed correctly, then it could be that your SE version is different from that one from where that name came from.
Due to SE procedural generation characteristics, at the moment those procedural objects may change the name from a Space Engine version to another, or not exist at all.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 08.06.2016, 14:35 | Message # 507
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
The identification number that I have cited as an example, comes from SpaceEngine version 0.974 RC2.

Don't forget to look here.

skywalker66Date: Thursday, 09.06.2016, 23:52 | Message # 508
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 11
Status: Offline
Will the S.E. be comparable or fully operable in either one of Mircosoft Windows 8.1 or 10? I am keeping Windows 7 for much longer time because it is best for S.E. cool

MosfetDate: Friday, 10.06.2016, 01:02 | Message # 509
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
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I'm using SE version RC2 with no problems on a laptop with Windows 10 64bit, with 4GB ram and an Nvidia 940M with 2GB vram. Others as well.
Sooner or later you'll have no choice anyway biggrin

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
JackDoleDate: Friday, 10.06.2016, 08:29 | Message # 510
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote Mosfet ()
Sooner or later you'll have no choice anyway biggrin

How so? Do you think that SpaceEngine one day runs no longer on Windows 7? As it no longer runs under XP? I hope this still takes a couple years!

I want as long as possible avoid to use this spyware program called Windows 10!

Don't forget to look here.
