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FastFourierTransformDate: Tuesday, 21.10.2014, 20:18 | Message # 256
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 542
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Thanks for answering me smile
stanmarsh67Date: Sunday, 02.11.2014, 00:08 | Message # 257
Group: Newbies
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I like to land on planets and look at the night sky, but I have to hold my finger down on the Middle Mouse Button to drag it towards looking at the sky, then once I let go it snaps down to the ground. This is incredibly annoying and I'd like to fix it ASAP.
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 02.11.2014, 00:37 | Message # 258
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
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Use left mouse button. Also, all of the control information is in the readme file. And please read the forum rules before posting in the future.

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Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Pericko08Date: Monday, 03.11.2014, 05:00 | Message # 259
Group: Users
Messages: 14
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1) ¿what is the date of the new spaceengine version release?
2) the money they are collecting donations online ¿in future can be used to release the game on ps4/xbox one?

thanks you by yoru anwers...
LiveLife42Date: Monday, 03.11.2014, 05:24 | Message # 260
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United States
Messages: 272
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1. It will be released when it's ready.
2. I don't really know you can look at the funding goals here though. http://en.spaceengine.org/index/funding_and_donations/0-26

PC: Intel Core i7-3770K o/c 4.6 Ghz Quad Core, 16GB DDR3 o/c 1866 Mhz, EVGA GeForce 980Ti with 6GB VRAM
WatsisnameDate: Monday, 03.11.2014, 13:23 | Message # 261
Galaxy Architect
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Pericko08, you already asked about release dates in the work progress thread, and your question was answered there. There was no reason for you to ask it again, let alone to create a new thread for either of these two questions. Pay attention to the forum rules; you've been warned about this from another moderator already.

GreatbiscuitlordDate: Thursday, 13.11.2014, 02:23 | Message # 262
Group: Newbies
United States
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hello,ive had this game for a long time now and when i wiped out my pc (becuase there was a lot of viruses and junk on it)and i re'downloaded space engine and the lens flars didn't work and now it just looks boring.please someone tell what i should do i deleted it and downloaded it again and still didn't work.i tested the all types of lens flares in the settings and didnt worked.i dont know what else to do please help.
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 13.11.2014, 05:26 | Message # 263
Cosmic Curator
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United States
Messages: 8717
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Greatbiscuitlord, this is a compatibility issues with recent Nvidia drivers, which was fixed in the latest driver release. Download the most recent Nvidia graphics drivers (344.65).

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Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
ZargabDate: Tuesday, 18.11.2014, 05:50 | Message # 264
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Messages: 13
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I hope I am not pushing too much, but I am really curious about the technical background of the different parts of SE, so I can optimize my system.

Quote Zargab ()
I would like to know what is calculated by what hardware for the purpose of optimizing my computer for SE. I know clouds of stars are generated on all threads of the CPU when flying through them and I read that terrain is generated on the GPU, though I am not sure of that.

Could anyone confirm and add to that list?

At the moment I am trying to find out whether upgrading my GPU would make much of a difference. The same goes for overclocking the CPU.

Edited by Zargab - Tuesday, 18.11.2014, 05:51
HarbingerDawnDate: Tuesday, 18.11.2014, 06:51 | Message # 265
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
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Quote Zargab ()
I know clouds of stars are generated on all threads of the CPU when flying through them and I read that terrain is generated on the GPU, though I am not sure of that.

Yes, that is how it works.

Quote Zargab ()
I am trying to find out whether upgrading my GPU would make much of a difference. The same goes for overclocking the CPU.

It depends on what you are trying to achieve and what issues you are currently having. In general, upgrading your hardware will always help with some aspect of SE. It also depends on how you use the program. For the most part though, GPU is more important.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
ZargabDate: Tuesday, 18.11.2014, 07:15 | Message # 266
Group: Users
Messages: 13
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Quote HarbingerDawn ()
It depends on what you are trying to achieve and what issues you are currently having. In general, upgrading your hardware will always help with some aspect of SE. It also depends on how you use the program. For the most part though, GPU is more important.

Currently I am experiencing slowdowns when entering a galaxy from the side, and when generating terrain at planet level. Terrain refreshes are also very visible and sluggish. Most of the PC has good specifications, but the GPU is comparatively underpowered. The confirmation that the GPU plays an important role in at least the second bit explains a lot.

There is also this issue where planets turn into a disc with one solid color sometimes, rather than the usual planet with details, but I am not too sure that is a performance matter. I can imagine that having to do with textures and video memory, but I could also imagine it being something else completely.

Edited by Zargab - Tuesday, 18.11.2014, 07:27
HarbingerDawnDate: Tuesday, 18.11.2014, 10:16 | Message # 267
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
GPU would give you the greatest improvement. But you could also overclock your CPU for a small improvement since that doesn't cost any money.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
ZargabDate: Wednesday, 19.11.2014, 03:48 | Message # 268
Group: Users
Messages: 13
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Quote HarbingerDawn ()
GPU would give you the greatest improvement.

Are there any benchmarks anywhere on what to expect with what hardware? I can't seem to find any.

I would think something like a 270X should suffice. A 280X is not that much more expensive, but I don't think I want to put up with the heat those things put out. It depends on performance though, and I guess it's off topic here.

Edited by Zargab - Wednesday, 19.11.2014, 03:51
giftDate: Monday, 24.11.2014, 16:04 | Message # 269
Space Pilot
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United States
Messages: 108
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Can I be a beta tester?
DeathStarDate: Monday, 24.11.2014, 16:23 | Message # 270
Group: Users
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Quote gift ()
Can I be a beta tester?

Do you really think that becoming a beta tester is just a matter of asking on the FAQ?