Addon Development Thread
JackDole | Date: Tuesday, 13.10.2015, 15:44 | Message # 376 |
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
| I do not know where I can ask this question, but since I use a batch file to organize my addons (it's somewhat of an addon), I think maybe this is the right place.
Is there somewhere a thread where we can discuss the best way to organize addons?
Don't forget to look here.
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SpaceEngineer | Date: Tuesday, 13.10.2015, 16:14 | Message # 377 |
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
| Quote Logg ( ) and I guessed that since the first one always changes, the format in space engine might be (theta, x, y, z) And also maybe x, y, z are the same as you described for Pos.
No, quaternions is not an angle and vector. It's a uniform mathematics quantity.
Quote Logg ( ) It seems the quat in the debug menu is not exactly the same as the quat in places.cfg, or at least when loaded it converts invalid quats to a more sensible quat... For example, manually typing (0.5, 0, -0.5, 0) in places.cfg brings up (0.707, 0, -0.707,0) in the debug menu. I recognize 0.707 as sqrt(2)/2, but I don't know how to use that.
Because quaternions in SE are supposed to be of uniform length. After loading, it being normalized (each element is divided by quaternion's length), this is why 0.5 turned to 0.707.
Quote Logg ( ) I want to always be looking directly at the planet. Just use "track" command, followed by "untrack".
Quote Logg ( ) P.S. Is there a way to load locations from the console/scripting? No.
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SpaceEngineer | Date: Tuesday, 13.10.2015, 16:15 | Message # 378 |
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
| Quote JackDole ( ) Is there somewhere a thread where we can discuss the best way to organize addons? You may discuss it here. If the topic become large or important, it will be be split into a separate thread.
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JackDole | Date: Tuesday, 13.10.2015, 17:33 | Message # 379 |
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
| Okay.
How I organize my addons: --------------------------------- I have in the SpaceEngine folder a subfolder 'addons'. There I have this folder structure: \SpaceEngine0974\addons\catalogs\clusters ...................................................\galaxies ...................................................\nebulae ...................................................\planets ...................................................\stars
In this folders go my .sc scripts Now I have added to my universe.cfg some lines:
Code ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SpaceEngine Universe configuration file // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
StarsCatalogs // stars catalogs ( "catalogs/stars/Stars120k.csv" // main star catalog in csv format "catalogs/stars/" "catalogs/stars/" "catalogs/stars/" "catalogs/" // Add this line !!! )
GalaxiesCatalogs // galaxies catalogs ( "catalogs/galaxies/" "catalogs/" // Add this line !!! )
ClustersCatalogs // star clusters catalogs ( "catalogs/clusters/" "catalogs/clusters/" "catalogs/clusters/" //"catalogs/clusters/" "catalogs/" // Add this line !!! )
NebulaeCatalogs // nebulae catalogs ( "catalogs/nebulae/" //"catalogs/nebulae/" "catalogs/" // Add this line !!! )
PlanetsCatalogs // planets catalogs ( "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" //"catalogs/planets/" // Bonus:) Comment out and uncomment this //"catalogs/planets/" // Bonus2:) Comment out and uncomment this "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/planets/" "catalogs/" // Add this line !!! )
To start SpaceEngine I use a file called StartSE.bat. It belongs in the \system folder.
Code ECHO off REM -*- coding: utf-8 -*- REM SpaceEngine v 0.974 REM Spaceengine Starter REM Simplified version of my start script
REM START %SE_ROOT%\SEMouseKeyMapping.ahk
CD ..\models SET SE_MODELS=%CD% CD ..\catalogs SET SE_CATALOGS=%CD%
:Planets CD ..\addons\catalogs TYPE planets\*.sc > "%SE_CATALOGS%\"
:Stars TYPE stars\*.sc > "%SE_CATALOGS%\"
:Galaxies TYPE galaxies\*.sc > "%SE_CATALOGS%\"
:Clusters TYPE clusters\*.sc > "%SE_CATALOGS%\"
:Nebulae TYPE nebulae\*.sc > "%SE_CATALOGS%\"
:Models rem CD ..\models rem TYPE "%SE_MODELS%\nebulae\Models_def.cfg" > "%SE_MODELS%\nebulae\Models.cfg" rem Type nebulae\*.cfg >> "%SE_MODELS%\nebulae\Models.cfg"
:StartSE START /wait SpaceEngine.exe
:ende REM START %SE_ROOT%\SEMouseKeyMapping.ahk quit
This start file created from the scripts in my addon folders corresponding Addon*.sc files in the \catalogs folder and starts SpaceEngine.
In this way I can have as many .sc scripts as I want and have not to insert each new file manually in the universe.cfg.
Concerning nebula models
In this folder I put my .cfg scripts for nebulae.
I have renamed the original Models.cfg in \models\nebulae in Models_def.cfg In the StartSE.bat I can create the Models.cfg for SpaceEngine from these files, but I have this out commented, because it can cause problems.
Hopefully this is usefull.
Don't forget to look here.
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tylercshear | Date: Wednesday, 03.02.2016, 01:48 | Message # 380 |
Group: Newbies
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| I am currently working on a music mod that replaces the current music with music from interstellar. Anyone have any ideas of what tracks i should put for the different types of planets? I'm definitely putting "Mountains" ( ) for all of the Oceania planet types. For the ice planets, i think i will use "Afraid Of Time" ( ) As for the others, i'm still yet to decide, as many of the classifications are gas giants, and we don't really see those in the movie.[other than Saturn] Other than that, the soundtrack tends to become very loud sometimes. Anyways, i will keep posted on its progress.
Also, it should be noted, i have never made a mod before. In the music folder of space engine there is a context folder with classifications and a bunch of things i don't completely understand. I get the gist of whats going on in there, but i'm not too sure where to place the {'&'}'s and ['&']'s, or if it even matters. I could use some clarification on that if anyone knows how. I think i understand that i put the .ogg sound files names in quotes inside the brackets and such but i know code is touchy about placement of anything.
Edited by tylercshear - Wednesday, 03.02.2016, 02:09 |
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Watsisname | Date: Wednesday, 03.02.2016, 02:37 | Message # 381 |
Galaxy Architect
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United States
Messages: 2613
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| Quote tylercshear ( ) As for the others, i'm still yet to decide, as many of the classifications are gas giants, and we don't really see those in the movie.[other than Saturn]
'Message From Home'? It plays during the scene showing Saturn, and I think works very well for setting a vast, ambient space around a planet. It is a bit shorter than the other tracks, though.
Agree with 'Afraid of Time' for ice worlds. I always visualize a wintry setting when listening to it.
I might consider 'Dust' for Deserts. 'Running Out' might be nice somewhere, too, though it's more apocalyptic. The rest of the tracks are either too dynamic in volume or otherwise too thematic for my taste in SpaceEngine. I wouldn't even use 'Mountains' for Oceania's, personally. Unless you only use the first part, it gets way too loud, and I think it speaks more to the tension in the film than to the water world setting itself. In SE I think I'd find it immersion breaking.
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tylercshear | Date: Thursday, 04.02.2016, 01:15 | Message # 382 |
Group: Newbies
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| Quote Watsisname ( ) 'Running Out' might be nice somewhere, too, though it's more apocalyptic. I don't think its that apocalyptic, and i actually think it would work well as an alternate ice world song.Added (04.02.2016, 01:15) --------------------------------------------- I think i will be using S.T.A.Y for the main menu
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PlutonianEmpire | Date: Friday, 05.02.2016, 01:03 | Message # 383 |
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
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| Right now, I have made a few systems for my personal world-building project, based on my namesake. It involves a heavily modified Solar System, a few fictional elements to existing stars, and a few fictional systems. It is essentially Space Fantasy; space opera with fantasy elements, like Star Trek or Star Wars, but with paranormal stuff being the "norm", rather than pseudoscience in the "TPE" universe. It is also one of those "author avatar" or "author insert" kind of things, which I do understand some people don't like to begin with.
While I already have story/background elements of it on other websites, how well or how poorly might my work be received if I released my project as visitable SE systems here on the SE forums, given the narrative? (Tl:dr, micronation from Earth takes over the Universe. I'm conflicted between having it take 5 millenia, or 50 millenia.)
Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Friday, 05.02.2016, 07:40 |
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quarior14 | Date: Saturday, 06.02.2016, 10:46 | Message # 384 |
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
| @tylercshear I found this playlist and music seem to be in chronological order of the film Interstellar Original Motion Picture Soundtrack [Full]. I also had an idea like that in mind, here is already what I put but is for the moment that for the Interstellar object.
Code //Object //Interstellar Object "Saturn Wormhole" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 06 Message From Home by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 07 The Wormhole by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Gargantua Wormhole" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 07 The Wormhole by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Gargantua" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 14 Detach by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 15 S.T.A.Y. by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 16 Where We're Going by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Miller" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 08 Mountains by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 09 Afraid Of Time by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Pantagruel" { Files ( "Interstellar OST Bonus Track Day One Dark by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Gargantuas" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 14 Detach by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST Bonus Track Day One Dark by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Badebec" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 17 First Step by Hans Zimmerogg" "Interstellar OST 18 Flying Drone by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 23 What Happens Now by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 24 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.ogg" "Interstellar OST Bonus Track Day One Dark by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Edmund" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 17 First Step by Hans Zimmerogg" "Interstellar OST 18 Flying Drone by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 23 What Happens Now by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 24 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.ogg" "Interstellar OST Bonus Track Day One Dark by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } Object "Mann" { Files ( "Interstellar OST 10 A Place Among The Stars by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 11 Running Out by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 12 I'm Going Home by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 13 Coward by Hans Zimmer.ogg" "Interstellar OST 14 Detach by Hans Zimmer.ogg" ) } In fact, why not just add music instead of replacing all the music by default? I also love the original music spaceengine so I have not replaced them, just added the music. Each to his opinion. Otherwise good luck on your musical mod.
Edited by quarior14 - Saturday, 06.02.2016, 10:47 |
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Lucas0231 | Date: Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 20:49 | Message # 385 |
Group: Users
Messages: 150
Status: Offline
| I create a fictious system around a binary star. The first star, Alendi is a K1V dwarf, the second star, Rardes is a K9V dwarf. Alendi and Rardes will have 20 planets (some of which with moons), and few dwarf planets, comets and asteroids.
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kham132 | Date: Saturday, 27.02.2016, 04:05 | Message # 386 |
Space Pilot
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United States
Messages: 114
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| I'm currently planning on making the alien home planet/system from the movie District 9. I've gathered all the info on the system I could get, whether it'd be screenshots from the movie, articles, the wiki, etc. here's what I could get: - Located in Andromeda - Inside a globular cluster - More than 5 planets - Alien homeworld has 7 moons & is larger than Earth I'm using these photos for reference.
So far, I only made the homeworld, no moons, no other planets.
I have a LOT of work to do.
"Fancy and inspirational quote." - Famous Person
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dalekkhan00 | Date: Thursday, 31.03.2016, 13:22 | Message # 387 |
Group: Users
Messages: 19
Status: Offline
| so, as everyone knows, The Martian came out, and if you ask me, that movie wass an awesome movie. what do you guys think about me or someone else creating the MAV and Hermes spacecraft. [spoiler] i would also like to add the hab
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dudefinal | Date: Monday, 11.04.2016, 18:35 | Message # 388 |
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 37
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| I am currently working on a solar system called Hyphae System...
There is also a purple, red and black and teal green gas giant. I have released an early version of my system in Space Journeys. The download doesn't work right now thought.
"Its impossible" - CASE "No, It's necessary" - Cooper
Piece of crap Toshiba AIO...
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Tethys | Date: Tuesday, 12.04.2016, 03:24 | Message # 389 |
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
| Hello everyone, does anyone have any tips for creating a new functional button on the GUI? I would like to see if I can add a periodic table of elements to the game, but since I cant post new threads, I am not sure where I should start. Does anyone have any suggestions in this area please? Thank you.
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Tuesday, 12.04.2016, 04:20 | Message # 390 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| Quote Tethys ( ) Hello everyone, does anyone have any tips for creating a new functional button on the GUI? It's impossible. Sorry.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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