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MOD - Creating a Planet 0.95
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 25.01.2015, 14:49 | Message # 211
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
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Quote Spyro ()
And I haven't tried this yet, but can you make life on planets with super-eccentric orbits?

You can make anything you want I should think.

Quote Spyro ()
I decided to get creative and make a Scorched Desert with super-fast clouds with life on it, but no "With Life" tag showed up.

What code did you use?

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SpyroDate: Sunday, 25.01.2015, 15:09 | Message # 212
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United States
Messages: 162
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Here's my entire planet code:

Planet    "Stian"
   ParentBody    "Sovielda"
   Class    "Desert"

   Radius    4122

   Color    (1.0, 0.9, 0.9)

   RotationPeriod    87.9

   NoRings    true

    BumpHeight    21.22
    Life    true

    climatePole    0
    climateTropic    0.08
    climateEquator    0.92
    dunesMagn    0.19
    dunesFreq    1927
    colorDesert    (0.623, 0.487, 0.419, 0.000)
    colorLowland    (0.613, 0.489, 0.421, 0.000)
    colorUpland    (0.643, 0.467, 0.399, 0.000)
    colorRock    (0.090, 0.090, 0.090, 0.000)
    colorLowPlants    (0.010, 0.010, 0.006, 0.000)
    colorUpPlants    (0.200, 0.090, 0.003, 0.000)

    BumpHeight    3
    Height    17
    Velocity    969
    Color    (1.000, 0.800, 0.800)

    twistMagn    8.44

    Model    "Venus"
    Height    96
    Pressure    2.366

    SemiMajorAxis    0.402

The end result:

Attachments: 1811413.jpg (204.9 Kb)

I'm back, but am I here to stay? Hopefully!

Edited by Spyro - Sunday, 25.01.2015, 15:26
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 25.01.2015, 16:21 | Message # 213
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
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You're using outdated code, look at the default solarsys.sc catalog to see how to use the life tag.

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SpyroDate: Sunday, 25.01.2015, 19:06 | Message # 214
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 162
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Yes, thank you! I was looking at the first page of this thread to learn how to do it, and I saw a post from SpaceEngineer that the parameters were pretty much identical.
Also, has the parameters changed for the Rotation Period, too? Because another planet refuses to spin slower than 3h.

I'm back, but am I here to stay? Hopefully!
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 26.01.2015, 02:18 | Message # 215
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
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Quote Spyro ()
Also, has the parameters changed for the Rotation Period, too? Because another planet refuses to spin slower than 3h.

I don't know about that one. You'll just have to look at the script for Earth and other catalog planets as an example.

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Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
SpyroDate: Tuesday, 27.01.2015, 13:34 | Message # 216
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 162
Status: Offline
Alright, the rotation issue still refused to be fixed so I had to stop trying, even after I looked at Earth and then knew what I was doing. I know it can't be tidal locking...

Anyways, I now have a much worse problem: Barycenters hate me! I tried to make a planetary barycenter for binary planets, but it didn't work and all I got was two orbits around a barycenter that had a yellow (Moon) orbit and no planets in the three ghost orbits. I looked at Earth-Moon and tried to fix my script now that I knew what to look for, and eventually... it sort-of worked. Instead of having a Desert and a Terra I got a Gas Giant and a Terra, both of them scorched and first on the F2 mode even though they were the furthest away from their star.
But then I royally messed up: I tried to see what would happen if I gave the barycenter a static orbit; it then decided to retreat inside of the star! It wants to stay there apparently, and I don't know the code to Un-Static-Ify an orbit.
Any ideas?

I suddenly got smart and put "Ecliptic" into the Orbit Type, and it fixed itself back to the Yellow Orbit mode. So there's that fixed...

My code:

Barycenter    "Annwor-Raddyn"
   ParentBody    "Sovielda"
   Class    "Barycenter"

    Type    "Ecliptic"
    RefPlane    "Ecliptic"
    Eccentricity    0.001
    Inclination    0
    AscendingNode    0
    SemiMajorAxis    0.987
    ArgOfPericen    0
    MeanAnomaly    0

Moon    "Annwor"
   ParentBody    "Annwor-Raddyn"
   Class    "Desert"

    RefPlane    "Ecliptic"
    Period    0.01
    Eccentricity    0.001
    Inclination    0
    AscendingNode    0
    SemiMajorAxis    0.0009
    ArgOfPericen    0
    MeanAnomaly    0

Moon    "Raddyn"
   ParentBody    "Annwor-Raddyn"
   Class    "Terra"

    RefPlane    "Ecliptic"
    Period    0.01
    Eccentricity    0.001
    Inclination    0
    AscendingNode    0
    SemiMajorAxis    0.005
    ArgOfPericen    0
    MeanAnomaly    180

I'm back, but am I here to stay? Hopefully!

Edited by Spyro - Wednesday, 28.01.2015, 11:49
Noodlesxp34122Date: Wednesday, 04.02.2015, 22:22 | Message # 217
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 1
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when i open my system.cps it closes quicly help plese D:

Added (04.02.2015, 21:22)
when i open my system.cps it closes quicly help plese D:

HarbingerDawnDate: Wednesday, 04.02.2015, 23:15 | Message # 218
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote Noodlesxp34122 ()

What is this?

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SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 05.02.2015, 11:28 | Message # 219
Author of Space Engine
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Russian Federation
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Ok, here is updated manual: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/13-2789-1
This forum will be moved to archive soon.

superpeanut9Date: Sunday, 08.03.2015, 22:34 | Message # 220
Space Tourist
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surprised I can't FIND the folder ,data.Pkz help ! cry cry sad sad

ZefnolyDate: Monday, 24.08.2015, 13:48 | Message # 221
Space Tourist
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Messages: 38
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Need to try this out. Want to make a costum system where it is a planet with life close to a gas giant

A creature from a planet found far on the other side of Milkyway, found on a planet orbiting a gas giant.
SlamminKhanDate: Friday, 09.10.2015, 14:34 | Message # 222
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 12
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Very informative and helpful! I actually made a few extra planets in the solar system, along with terraforming some planets and moons.