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MOD - Creating a Star 0.95
HarbingerDawnDate: Tuesday, 07.05.2013, 01:58 | Message # 46
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (Darkcloak)
Do you know the technical reason behind why it occurs?


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EnkiDate: Friday, 12.07.2013, 19:22 | Message # 47
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I thought it'd be cool to have a catalog of known (currently available) data of extragalactic stars. I know the engine has trouble rendering stars at that distance, but considering the amount of information I've got to work with and the size of each star's data, it should be easily upgraded when the bug is fixed.

I found most were in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is good for accuracy even though it still does the jittery thing, but I noticed something else. Their solar luminosities are in the hundreds of thousands to millions! I checked the other stars and they seemed to be right around 1, I couldn't find any extremes(at least in the scripts). Is it bad to put stars in SE with these massive values though? I set them to 50, but then I can't see them like the stars in our quadrant of the galaxy and the one I put in Andromeda is huge in comparison to the stars around it.

I also tweaked around the dec and right ascension and I thought it should have made a huge difference at that distance, but the one I placed in Andromeda barely budged.

Another thing I noticed is that these stars are class LMV and the best I can do in SE is set them to B0II where B is the only part near accurate in something called the "quietess" state.

"If you arrive at a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand
"It may be that our purpose on Earth is not to find God, but to create him." - Arthur C. Clarke
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 12.07.2013, 21:29 | Message # 48
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (Enki)
Is it bad to put stars in SE with these massive values though?

...why would it be bad to put in a star with its real luminosity? All the stars in the LMC in the SE catalog are extremely bright stars, which is why they're included in the first place.

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Nutt007Date: Thursday, 15.08.2013, 20:05 | Message # 49
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I'm having an issue with my star. I'm trying to make an orange dwarf star, but ingame the info says it's a blue hypergiant and the star shows up as a black glitchy thing.

Here's the star code:
StarBarycenter    "Garen"  
                         RA       19 0 0    // Right ascention  
                         Dec     -5 0 0    // Declination  
                         Dist     15.0  // Distanse from our Sun  
                         Class   "K5V"  // Spectral class  
                         Lum      0.153  // Luminosity, or  
                         //AbsMagn  5.31  // absolute magnitude, or  
                         //AppMagn  10.31    // visual magnitude  

And the "planet" code:
Star    "Garen"  
                        ParentBody "Garen"  
                        Class      "K0 V"  
                        AppMagn     4.785  
                        Radius      0.53  
                        Mass        0.7  
                         Type   "Static"  
Asteroid    "Cernek"
  ParentBody     "Garen"
  Class        "Asteroid"

  Mass            7.671401e-009
  Radius          478
  InertiaMoment   0.3968714

  RotationPeriod  507.1561
  RotationOffset  211.253
  Obliquity       -86.74873
  EqAscendNode    137.8103

  Albedo          0.2
  Color          (0.379 0.284 0.207)

   Style           0.4794764
   Randomize      (-0.847, 0.625, 0.843)
   colorDistMagn   0.4056445
   colorDistFreq   5.579833
   detailScale     89.68858
   colorConversion true
   tropicLatitude  0.9983904
   icecapLatitude  1
   climatePole     1
   climateTropic   0.45
   climateEquator  0.625
   tropicWidth     0.07
   mainFreq        0.7553124
   terraceProb     0.7892321
   erosion         0
   montesMagn      0.07175712
   montesFreq      1.072577
   montesFraction  0.3666109
   dunesFraction   0
   hillsMagn       0.952485
   hillsFreq       20.19969
   hillsFraction   0.3682771
   hills2Fraction  -0.3682771
   canyonFraction  0
   craterMagn      0.2138927
   craterFreq      0.2043599
   craterDensity   0.862624
   craterOctaves   12
   colorSea       (0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400)
   colorShelf     (0.425, 0.425, 0.425, 0.425)
   colorBeach     (0.450, 0.450, 0.450, 0.450)
   colorDesert    (0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.475)
   colorLowland   (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
   colorUpland    (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
   colorRock      (0.550, 0.550, 0.550, 0.550)
   colorSnow      (0.575, 0.575, 0.575, 0.575)
   colorLowPlants (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
   colorUpPlants  (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
   BumpHeight      15.69167
   BumpOffset      3.138334
   SpecularPower   150
   DayAmbient      0.07
   Lommel          0.8
   Exposure        2

  NoClouds        true

  NoOcean         true

  NoAtmosphere    true

  NoAurora        true

  Norings         true

  NoCometTail     true

   SemiMajorAxis   0.029278492
   Period          1.713936
   Eccentricity    0.03470697
   Inclination     11.35602
   AscendingNode   303.9993
   ArgOfPericenter 309.3654
   MeanAnomaly     149.1272
   RefPlane       "Ecliptic"
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 15.08.2013, 20:47 | Message # 50
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
The biggest problem is that you have the two objects using the same name. You can't do that. Call the barycenter "Garen system" or something. Also, a few other things:

Why are you using a different star class in each script? And you're missing the space between K5 and V in the star script. And Why did you use Lum at the top, and AppMagn at the bottom? Also, radius should be expressed in kilometers, not Solar radii.

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Nutt007Date: Thursday, 12.09.2013, 14:54 | Message # 51
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 14
Status: Offline
Quote (HarbingerDawn)
The biggest problem is that you have the two objects using the same name. You can't do that. Call the barycenter "Garen system" or something. Also, a few other things:

Why are you using a different star class in each script? And you're missing the space between K5 and V in the star script. And Why did you use Lum at the top, and AppMagn at the bottom? Also, radius should be expressed in kilometers, not Solar radii.

So I went and changed some things like you asked, I'm still getting the same errors.

Star    "Garen"      
                            ParentBody "Garen System"      
                            Class      "K2V"      
                            AbsMagn  5.87
                            Radius      148880.5
                            Mass        0.7      
                             Type   "Static"      
Asteroid    "Cernek"
      ParentBody     "Garen"
      Class        "Asteroid"

      Mass            7.671401e-009
      Radius          478
      InertiaMoment   0.3968714

      RotationPeriod  507.1561
      RotationOffset  211.253
      Obliquity       -86.74873
      EqAscendNode    137.8103

      Albedo          0.2
      Color          (0.379 0.284 0.207)

       Style           0.4794764
       Randomize      (-0.847, 0.625, 0.843)
       colorDistMagn   0.4056445
       colorDistFreq   5.579833
       detailScale     89.68858
       colorConversion true
       tropicLatitude  0.9983904
       icecapLatitude  1
       climatePole     1
       climateTropic   0.45
       climateEquator  0.625
       tropicWidth     0.07
       mainFreq        0.7553124
       terraceProb     0.7892321
       erosion         0
       montesMagn      0.07175712
       montesFreq      1.072577
       montesFraction  0.3666109
       dunesFraction   0
       hillsMagn       0.952485
       hillsFreq       20.19969
       hillsFraction   0.3682771
       hills2Fraction  -0.3682771
       canyonFraction  0
       craterMagn      0.2138927
       craterFreq      0.2043599
       craterDensity   0.862624
       craterOctaves   12
       colorSea       (0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400)
       colorShelf     (0.425, 0.425, 0.425, 0.425)
       colorBeach     (0.450, 0.450, 0.450, 0.450)
       colorDesert    (0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.475)
       colorLowland   (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
       colorUpland    (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
       colorRock      (0.550, 0.550, 0.550, 0.550)
       colorSnow      (0.575, 0.575, 0.575, 0.575)
       colorLowPlants (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
       colorUpPlants  (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
       BumpHeight      15.69167
       BumpOffset      3.138334
       SpecularPower   150
       DayAmbient      0.07
       Lommel          0.8
       Exposure        2

      NoClouds        true

      NoOcean         true

      NoAtmosphere    true

      NoAurora        true

      Norings         true

      NoCometTail     true

       SemiMajorAxis   0.029278492
       Period          1.713936
       Eccentricity    0.03470697
       Inclination     11.35602
       AscendingNode   303.9993
       ArgOfPericenter 309.3654
       MeanAnomaly     149.1272
       RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

StarBarycenter    "Garen System"      
                             RA       19 0 0    // Right ascention      
                             Dec     -5 0 0    // Declination      
                             Dist     15.0  // Distanse from our Sun      
                             Class   "K2V"  // Spectral class      
                             //Lum      0.153  // Luminosity, or      
                             AbsMagn  5.87  // absolute magnitude, or      
                             //AppMagn  10.31    // visual magnitude      

EDIT: I figured it out. It turns out I had a second Garen barycenter in Stars.sc. Though I still have problems. Now the star doesn't show up at all.

EDIT2: I'm an idiot. I forgot to add them to the universe.cfg. Thanks for all your help. It works now!

Edited by Nutt007 - Thursday, 12.09.2013, 15:31
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 12.09.2013, 23:58 | Message # 52
Author of Space Engine
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Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (HarbingerDawn)
And you're missing the space between K5 and V in the star script

SE allow to use or not use a space in the star class string.

Chris94Date: Tuesday, 29.10.2013, 23:39 | Message # 53
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 118
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I have trouble adding a binary star. I don't know what the problems are, but it would be really helpful if somebody could figure it out. Below are the parameters.

Barycenter located in: catalogs/stars/Stars.sc

StarBarycenter    "Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii"   
                             RA 266.41683333
                             Dec -29.00780556
                             Dist     459.902087919
                             NoPlanets true

Stars located in: catalogs/planets/Stars.sc

Star    "Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii A"
          ParentBody "Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii"
   AppMagn 17.0
   Class     "G V"
          NoPlanets true      // disable generation of procedural planetary system
          Type               "Static"    
          Period             0.000001       // Orbital period in years
          SemiMajorAxis      0.0           // Semimajor axis in astronomical units

Star    "Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii B"
          ParentBody "Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii A"
          AppMagn 17.5
          Class     "G V"
          NoPlanets true      // disable generation of procedural planetary system
          Type              "Static"    
          Period            79.914      // Orbital period in years
          SemiMajorAxis     6300.0     // Semimajor axis in astronomical units

I am not gonna replace some stars. I am adding new stars. But the problem is that the binary star a.k.a Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii B is located inside the main-star Boliverius Alvera Sagittarii A. I want the binary star to be located 6300 AU from the main-star.

Edited by Chris94 - Tuesday, 29.10.2013, 23:40
VoekoevakaDate: Wednesday, 30.10.2013, 00:19 | Message # 54
World Builder
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Messages: 1016
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Change the orbitd. They are in the static mode, so the stars are placed in the barycenter. Look at Toliman's code for an example.

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Chris94Date: Sunday, 03.11.2013, 03:12 | Message # 55
Space Pilot
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I planning to add some stars to the Andromeda Galaxy. I am not familiar of how i do that. Do i just add the Declination and the Right ascension and the distance to place a star there?
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 03.11.2013, 03:21 | Message # 56
Cosmic Curator
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United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote Chris94 ()
Do i just add the Declination and the Right ascension and the distance to place a star there?

Yes. That is the only way to place a star.

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Chris94Date: Sunday, 03.11.2013, 03:38 | Message # 57
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Quote HarbingerDawn ()
Yes. That is the only way to place a star.

Thanks, i appreciate of your help smile
giftDate: Wednesday, 27.11.2013, 18:37 | Message # 58
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Messages: 108
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when ever i wanna add a new binary star system it always spawns a star that is O0 0.
Attachments: 1748254.png (363.2 Kb)

Edited by gift - Wednesday, 27.11.2013, 18:50
giftDate: Wednesday, 27.11.2013, 19:00 | Message # 59
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Attachments: 5795421.png (168.0 Kb)
RockoRocksDate: Wednesday, 27.11.2013, 21:40 | Message # 60
World Builder
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Messages: 674
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gift, could you please post the codes for your star here? Then we could help (from your .sc file it is located in)

I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

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