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MOD - Creating a star 0.980
JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 29.12.2015, 21:39 | Message # 31
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
The univers.cfg is okay.

Two questions:

Have you created for your system no Star or StarBarycenter? You have only one entry under PlanetsCatalogs made.

Have you made any changes to a .pak file?

Don't forget to look here.

iTzDate: Tuesday, 29.12.2015, 21:53 | Message # 32
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 49
Status: Offline
I changed the CatalogsSE.pak by adding RaSys.sc to the planets folder and by editing the Stars.sc file in the Stars folder.
Star "Ra"
RA 11 10 11.5
Dec -76 21 13
Dist 1.33
AppMagn -1.1
Class "G3V"
NoPlanets true
I added that as the first star under "Some nearest stars and brown dwarfs"

Attachments: RaSys.sc (182.0 Kb) · Stars.sc (8.7 Kb)
JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 29.12.2015, 22:56 | Message # 33
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Never change anything at the .pak files!
Quote SpaceEngineer ()
8) Never touch the default pak files

Make a folder 'planets' and a folder 'stars' under 'catalogs', if that do not exist. Put your 'RaSy.sc' in 'planets'. Make a script for your star and put it in 'stars'.
Do not forget to make an entry under 'StarCatalogs' in 'universe.cfg'.

Try to restore the original state of the .pak files. If this is not possible, reinstall Space Engine.

In addition, you should comment out in your script, the dividing lines. So.



Otherwise there will be a lot of error messages in the console.

Attachments: 7119664.jpg (169.5 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Tuesday, 29.12.2015, 23:02
iTzDate: Wednesday, 30.12.2015, 01:14 | Message # 34
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 49
Status: Offline
It seems to have worked, thank you very much.
cburrows243Date: Friday, 15.01.2016, 03:00 | Message # 35
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
Quote fb2ramajuanda ()
I'm tired to make more star in one system but i have no idea about placing the Right ascension and Declination for my star, how to see the RA and DEC if i want to put my stars into the center of SMC galaxy near blackhole. thanks

-If you still don't have it, here's the info for a star near the core of the SMC: RA 0h 49m 05s.98, Dec -72 25' 58".46, Dist 64384 Parsecs
connorneal2005Date: Thursday, 04.02.2016, 19:00 | Message # 36
Group: Users
Messages: 46
Status: Offline
I seemed to have come across a glitch making my own BH sad
Attachments: 6909978.jpg (210.6 Kb)

How big is the universe?
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 04.02.2016, 20:41 | Message # 37
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote connorneal2005 ()
I seemed to have come across a glitch making my own BH

Which version of SE are you using?
Maybe you should post the script.
Perhaps someone then can see where the problem lies.

Don't forget to look here.

connorneal2005Date: Tuesday, 09.02.2016, 20:00 | Message # 38
Group: Users
Messages: 46
Status: Offline
I am having trouble creating a star barycenter that will orbit the sun to fix a problem to go back to nemesis orbiting the sun sad

How big is the universe?
JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 09.02.2016, 20:46 | Message # 39
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
you can use this:

// This script removes the sun and created a barycenter for the solar system.
// It belongs in 'catalogs\stars'

// Add in the 'universe.cfg' under
// "StarsCatalogs     // stars catalogs"
// the line  "catalogs/stars/SolNemesis.sc"


RemoveStar "Sol"

StarBarycenter  "Sol-Nemesis"
    RA      0
    Dec     0
    Dist    0.0


Then you have to make a new sun:

// This script creates a binary star system with a new sun and a brown dwarf named Nemesis ..
// It belongs in 'catalogs\planets'

// Add in the 'universe.cfg' under
// "PlanetsCatalogs    // planets catalogs"
// the line  "catalogs/planets/SolNemesisSys.sc"


Star "Sol/The Sun"
    ParentBody      "Sol-Nemesis"
    Class           "G2 V"
    Luminosity      1
    MassSol         1
    RadiusSol       1
    Teff            5860

    Age             4.54

    InertiaMoment   0.0455791

    RotationPeriod  911.645
    Obliquity       100.284
    EqAscendNode    84.9845

    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      2
    Color          (1.000 0.876 0.835)

        Randomize      (0.647, -0.213, -0.353)
        colorDistMagn   0.498222
        colorDistFreq   11.7314
        detailScale     1.79015e+06
        colorConversion true
        tropicLatitude  0.5
        icecapLatitude  1
        mareFreq        47.0639
        mareDensity     0.0108637
        erosion         1
        montesFreq      537
        dunesMagn       0.5
        hillsMagn       0.03
        hillsFreq       4760.11
        craterOctaves   0
        BumpHeight      599.055
        BumpOffset      599.055
        SpecularPower   55
        Hapke           1
        SpotBright      4
        SpotWidth       0.05
        DayAmbient      1

    NoClouds        true
    NoOcean         true
    NoLava          true

        Model          "Sun"
        Height          6960
        Density         0
        Pressure        1
        Bright          10
        Opacity         0
        SkyLight        0

    NoAurora        true
    NoRings         true
    NoAccretionDisk true

        Radius      3.91854e+06
        Period      0.0240859
        Brightness  0.5
        RayDensity  3.34731
        RayCurv     15.5941

    NoCometTail     true

        Epoch           2455563
        SemiMajorAxis   9296.438331
        Period          26000000
        Eccentricity    0.8
        Inclination     81
        AscendingNode   0
        ArgOfPericenter 0
        MeanAnomaly     333
        RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

Star "Sol B/Nemesis"
    ParentBody  "Sol-Nemesis"
    Class       "L0.8 V"
    RadSol      0.06
    MassSol     0.07
    RotationPeriod  911.645
        Epoch           2455563
        PericenterDist  15810
        Period          26000000
        Eccentricity    0.8
        Inclination     81
        AscendingNode   0
        ArgOfPericenter 180
        MeanAnomaly     333
        RefPlane       "Ecliptic"


This looks like this:

Attachments: 8574678.jpg (199.0 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Tuesday, 09.02.2016, 20:47
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 13:14 | Message # 40
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Hello, I would like to know from this site so I can place a star that is not yet in Space Engine, GJ 1211, how you find information for
according to this site ?
It is for a mod Les mondes d'Aldébaran.
Over there is a problem between reality and this book because the period if I put up the planets they are overheating so I commented them.
Thank you.

Also what is weird though I'm near Antares for a test, the light of that ci does not reflect on the planets (they are in another system, here GJ 1211), is this a bug ? Here's a screenshot :

Attachments: 5548225.jpg (41.5 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 13:29
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 14:23 | Message # 41
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
The data for 'Gj 1211' is:

// GJ 1211

Star "GJ 1211"
    RA      17 08 07.96
    Dec     02 57 37.0
    Dist    17.5438597
    Class   "DZ7"

This can be seen here:

The value for Parallax must be converted.
Conversion Parallax in Parsec:
1000/Parallaxes = 1000/57 = 17.543859649123 Parsec

Attachments: 5197139.jpg (151.9 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

quarior14Date: Wednesday, 10.02.2016, 14:41 | Message # 42
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Thanks !

cburrows243Date: Saturday, 13.02.2016, 04:54 | Message # 43
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
How can I remove an object that already exists, like Alpha Centauri B b?
JackDoleDate: Saturday, 13.02.2016, 11:43 | Message # 44
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote cburrows243 ()
How can I remove an object that already exists, like Alpha Centauri B b?

Alf Cen B b is in the Exoplanets.sc file.
Extract this file from Catalogs0974.pak, and put it into the folder 'catalogs\planets'. If this folder does not exist, you must create it.
Then open the file Exoplanets.sc in an editor and search for "ALF Cen B b". Disable this section by commenting:

Planet    "ALF Cen B b"
    ParentBody     "ALF Cen B"
    Msini           1.14552
    DiscMethod     "RadVel"
    DiscDate       "2012"
  Period          0.008859053225
  SemiMajorAxis   0.04
  Eccentricity    0

SpaceEngine will now use this file, not the one that is located in 'Catalogs0974.pak'. SpaceEngine always uses the newest file.

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Saturday, 13.02.2016, 11:45
ZefnolyDate: Monday, 15.02.2016, 16:36 | Message # 45
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 38
Status: Offline
I want to make a own system. But i'm not sure how to handle the destination for it to be created in milkyway. Is it possible to like move your camera in space engine and get the cordinates from the camera location and use them when you make the system?

A creature from a planet found far on the other side of Milkyway, found on a planet orbiting a gas giant.