SpaceEngineer | Date: Thursday, 12.02.2015, 22:16 | Message # 1 |
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
| Last Updated: 2016/09/14 (version
Before continue, it is recommended to read these manuals: SE folders and pak files Introduction to SE scripts
The majority of stars in default SpaceEngine installation are stored in the csv file data/catalogs/Catalogs0980.pak/stars/HIPPARCOS.csv. This is the HIPPARCOS star catalog with about 110,000 stars. Other stars, including binary systems, are stored in multiple sc files in the same system pak file. These default files should not be modified or changed in any way. If you want to update a star, remove it, or add a new one, create your own sc or csv file in the addons/catalogs/stars/ folder. SpaceEngine have scripting options to modify and remove a stars or other objects from the default catalogs, or to add a new ones.
The csv format for catalogs is designed to create a large catalogs of objects with similar data. It is more compact and load faster than sc, but have limited types of data which can be specified in it. It is just a table with values separated by coma. The sc format is designed to specify any possible data what SE can use to describe an object. It is a script-like text with 'tags' used to describe an object (star or star system in this tutorial) and its various parameters. First we'll describe the sc file format.
The star catalog
Lets consider you want to create a new solitary star called "Mono", a black hole with accretion disk called "Hole", and a binary star system called "Bin", which contains two stars "Bin A" and "Bin B". Lets consider what stars "Bin A" and "Bin B" was described already in some catalog as a solitary stars, and you want to delete them to create a proper binary star system with orbits for each component. Go to the addons/catalogs/stars/ directory (create it if not exist) and create a new text document there. Rename it to (the file name doesn't matter, but make sure it doesn't match some existing file, otherwise you file will override it). Open it in the notepad and type this code:
Code // Create a new object - solitary star. Star "Mono" { RA 16 10 45 // right ascension Dec -25 12 11 // declination Dist 100.0 // distance from the Sun Class "G5V" // spectral class Lum 0.86 // luminosity, or //AbsMagn 5.31 // absolute magnitude, or //AppMagn 10.31 // visual magnitude RadSol 0.95 // radius in Solar radii MassSol 0.91 // mass in Solar masses Teff 5200 // surface temperature in Kelvins }
// Create a new object - solitary star (black hole) with extra // parameters (accretion disk) in the planets catalog. Note // what it's name here is "Hole system", read below why. StarBarycenter "Hole system" { RA 09 31 14 // right ascension Dec 64 16 38 // declination Dist 250.0 // distance from the Sun Class "X" // spectral class - black hole Lum 150 // luminosity of the whole system (accretion disk)
// That's enough, accretion disk will be described in the planets catalog (see below). }
// Remove solitary stars from the older catalogs. Remove "Bin A" Remove "Bin B"
// Create a new object - barycenter of a binary star system, // which components will be described in the planets catalog (see below). StarBarycenter "Bin" { RA 19 50 18 // right ascension Dec 28 18 47 // declination Dist 251.652 // distance from the Sun
// That's enough, StarBarycenter tag may not have other parameters (see below). }
To add a new star or modify a star which has been already described in the catalogs, simply define a new object (Star or StarBarycenter) with the same name in the star script. SpaceEngine will update the old star with the new data (it's also possible to changing its type - from Star or StarBarycenter and back).
To remove a star from the catalogs, use the Remove parameter with the name of that star. This is useful to upgrade some binary catalog stars, which was represented in SE as a two solitary stars, into a complete binary star system with each star on a correct orbit. Note: the Remove parameter seems to affect all catalog files, despite on their modification date. It is a bug in the current version (
Note what the star catalog does not describes the components of the binary or multiple star system. They must be described in the planets catalog and referring to the barycenter with the parameter ParentBody (see below). So, strictly speaking, the stars catalogs in SE are catalogs of star systems, not stars themselves (although they allows to describe a solitary stars without creating a planets catalogs for them). Visual parameters such as summary luminosity of the system will be calculated by SpaceEngine automatically, based on data for the system's components described in the planets catalog. Although they may be forced by defining parameters Luminosity, AppMagn etc in the StarBarycenter tag.
The star script details
The next parameters can be used inside the Star and StarBarycenter tags.
RA - right ascension in hours, in decimal format or formatted as HH MM SS.SSS Dec - declination in degrees, in decimal format or formatted as DD MM SS.SSS Dist - distance from the Sun in parsecs.
CenterOf - used to replace procedural supermassive black hole system in a center of galaxy or globular cluster. The parameter's value is a name of the galaxy or cluster, for example CenterOf "Milky Way". Only one supermassive black hole system can exist in a galaxy or cluster, if it is already defined in some catalog, it will be replaced/updated with this one. If this parameter is defined, procedural supermassive black hole system in the corresponding object will be disabled, but this one will be rendered as a usual star system. So RA, Dec and Dist parameters are still required. Typical system must contain the black hole, optional accretion disk and many stars orbiting it. All these must be described in the planets catalog, the star catalog only have coordinates of the system and it's class (Class "X" or Class "BLACKHOLE").
NoPlanets - disable generation of procedural planets, if specified as NoPlanets true.
Lum, Luminosity, AppMagn, AbsMagn - allows either of these options, or combination of them (see "star solver" below for details): Lum, Luminosity - star's luminosity in the units of Sun's luminosity, or AppMagn - star's visual (optical) magnitude, or AbsMagn - star's absolute (optical) magnitude. Advanced: AppMagnR, AppMagnr, AppMagnI, AppMagni, AppMagnJ, AppMagnH, AppMagnKs, AppMagnK, AppMagnW1, AppMagnW2, AppMagnW3 - star's visual magnitude in corresponding spectroscopic bands. Use these only for brown dwarves, if their visual magnitude in optical band is unknown. SpaceEngine performs simple computation of the optical visual magnitude assuming what star is a brown dwarf or late M dwarf. Don't use these parameters for other types of stars.
Class - a string with the spectral class of the star: Normal star classes: O, B, A, F, G, K, M Subdwarf classes: sdO, sdB, sdA, sdF, sdG, sdK, sdM (or O, B, A, F, G, K, M with luminosity class VI) Brown dwarf classes: L, T, Y White dwarf classes: DA, DB, DO, DQ, DZ, DC, DX, DAB, DAO, DAZ, DBZ or WD (general white dwarf class) Wolf-Rayet classes: WN, WN/C, WC, WO Zirconium and carbon classes: MS, S, SC, C-R, C-N, C-J, C-H, C-Hd, C, R, N Special classes: Q, NEUTRON - neutron star, X, BLACKHOLE - black hole, Z, WORMHOLE - wormhole, P - planemo (rogue planet) All classes listed above can have the subclass index - number 0 to 9 in decimal format (0 to 11 for Wolf-Rayet stars). SpaceEngine uses only up to one decimal, i.e. 3.25 will be rounded to 3.2. All classes except white dwarfs can have the luminosity class index: 0, Ia0, Ia+, Ia, Iab, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI Examples: Class "G2V", Class "M5.2III", Class "DB3.1", Class "sdB5" (equal to Class "B5VI"). Space is also allowed: Class "G2 V", Class "M5.2 III", Class "DB 3.1". Subclass or luminosity index could not be provided: Class "G2", Class "M III", Class "K". In this case SpaceEngine will try to calculate them based on available data (luminosity or visual magnitude and distance etc, see star solver), or assign default luminosity class "V" (the Main sequence star).
Mass - star mass in units of Earth's masses, or MassSol - star mass in units of Sun's masses. Have sense only for solitary stars (tag Star). If defined in the StarBarycenter tag, it can be used in the star solver (see below).
Radius - star radius in kilometers, or RadSol, RadiusSol - star radius in units of Sun's radii. Have sense only for solitary stars (tag Star). If defined in the StarBarycenter tag, it can be used in the star solver (see below).
Teff, Temperature - temperature of the star's photosphere ("surface") in Kelvins. Have sense only for solitary stars (tag Star). If defined in the StarBarycenter tag, it can be used in the star solver (see below).
FeH - star metalicity. Not used for now, but can be used in future, so it's worth to add it in the catalog if information is available.
You can use the star solver logging to detect some errors in the stars catalog (for details see Star solver and Checking for errors in the Introduction to SE scripts)..
The planets catalog
Lets continue creating our example addon. The star "Mono" don't need anything to be described in the planets catalog, all needed information was provided in the stars catalog. It must have the black hole "Hole" and binary components of the system "Bin": "Bin A" and "Bin B". Go to the addons/catalogs/planets/ directory (create it if not exist) and create a new text document there. Rename it to (as has been noted in "the star catalog" section, the file name doesn't matter, but make sure it doesn't match some existing file, otherwise you file will override it). Open it in the notepad and type this code:
Code // Create a new object - a solitary black hole with an accretion disk Star "Hole" { ParentBody "Hole system" // = name of StarBarycenter in the stars catalog Class "X" // black hole "spectral class" MassSol 15.0 // in solar units, radius will be computed automatically // Lum 0.0 // black hole itself have zero luminosity - simply don't specify it
// rotational parameters Obliquity 16 EqAscNode 64 RotationPeriod 1.0e-7 // black holes rotating really fast!
// accretion disk AccretionDisk { Radius 0.00002 // in AU Temperature 3000 // in Kelvins Luminosity 150 // in Solar luminosities Brightness 1 // render brightness scale Density 8 // some magic value TwistMagn 60 // some magic value }
// Orbit tag is skipped, equal to static position in the center of the system }
// Create a new object - first component of a binary star system Star "Bin A" { ParentBody "Bin" // = name of StarBarycenter in the stars catalog Class "G1V" Luminosity 1.02 MassSol 1.09 RadiusSol 1.1
// rotational parameters Obliquity 82.2 EqAscendNode 67.726 RotationPeriod 923.6 RotationOffset 64.7
// orbit around barycenter Orbit { // mutual semimajor axis is 23.52 AU, // but mass ratio 1.09:0.92 is taken into account! SemiMajorAxis 10.765 // in AU Period 79.914 // in years Eccentricity 0.5179 Inclination 82.986 AscendingNode 67.726 ArgOfPericenter 3.772 MeanAnomaly 200.119 } }
// Create a new object - second component of a binary star system Star "Bin B" { ParentBody "Bin" // = name of StarBarycenter in the stars catalog Class "K0V" Luminosity 0.29 MassSol 0.92 RadSol 0.90
// rotational parameters Obliquity 82.6 EqAscendNode 67.726 RotationPeriod 850.5 RotationOffset 127.4
// orbit around barycenter Orbit { // mutual semimajor axis is 23.52 AU, // but mass ratio 1.09:0.92 is taken into account! SemiMajorAxis 12.755 // in AU Period 79.914 // in years Eccentricity 0.5179 Inclination 82.986 AscendingNode 67.726 ArgOfPericenter 183.772 MeanAnomaly 200.119 } }
Lets take a closer look on this script. It is called "planets catalog" because it is designed for making a planets and moons in the first place. But "star body" itself, especially in binary systems, also should be described here. It's a common rule: any object that have an orbit must be described in the planets catalog. Components of a binary star do have orbits, so this is why they should be in the planets catalog. It also allows to describe much more parameters than stars catalog (rotation axis orientation and rotation period, star corona, accretion disk, surface textures, and orbit), this is why even solitary stars such as the Sun also may be described in the planets catalog. To learn more about parameters used in the planets catalog, and about creating the planets, read the Creating the planets guide.
In the example code above, we first described the solitary star "Hole" with additional parameters which cannot be described in the stars catalog (rotational parameters and accretion disk). To specify them, it's necessary to describe the star in the stars catalog as a StarBarycenter, despite on the star is solitary, and make a second description for it in the planets catalog with the tag Star. The ParentBody parameter in that Star tag must be set to the name of the StarBarycenter which you have described in the stars catalog. Important notice: the Star tag in the planets catalog and the StarBarycenter tag in the stars catalog must have different names. I.e. if the star have a name "Hole", then the barycenter should have a name "Hole system" or "Hole bar" or something like that. When creating an addon with some real star, which have multiple designations in the astronomical catalogs, it's a good practice to give one to the StarBarycenter, and the rest ones to the Star.
The planets catalog also allow to specify star's luminosity, absolute or apparent magnitude, spectral class, mass, radius and temperature - the same parameters as in the stars catalog. It's up to you where to specify these parameters: in the stars catalog or in the planets catalog, duplication in both is not necessary.
The Orbit tag must be skipped for solitary star, SpaceEngine will generate a static position in the center of the system for that star. You may use Orbit { Type "Static" } or StaticPosXYZ (0 0 0) with the same effect, but this is not necessary.
The barycenter is also could be used to create a binary and multiple stars. In the planets catalog, we have described two stars "Bin A" and "Bin B" with their orbits around the main barycenter of the system "Bin" (see description of the Orbit tag in the Creating the planets guide for details). To create a hierarchical multiple star system, create a secondary barycenter (using the Barycenter tag in the planet catalog script), which orbits the main barycenter of the system, then add two stars which are orbiting this secondary barycenter. You may repeat this scheme many times to create more complex systems. SpaceEngine unlimited hierarchy of objects, but in reality, star systems have no more than 3-4 levels of hierarchy.
The planets for each star or local barycenter could also be specified in the planets catalog. The parameter ParentBody for each planet/barycenter/star should be set to the name of the parent object which it is orbiting. If the star is solitary, and planets catalog does not have any children object (planet) for that star described, SpaceEngine will generate procedural planetary system. You can disable this by specifying NoPlanets true in the stars script.
The parameters of a star/barycenter in the star catalog determines the appearance of a star while looking from the interstellar space, i.e. when it is rendered as a point. For multiple star system, SpaceEngine needs some "average" spectral class to render the system from far away. For procedural systems, SpaceEngine chooses the spectral class of the most bright star of the system (see "star solver" for details). This is working very well in most cases, because luminosities of stars are differ by many orders of magnitude. So when creating a multiple star system, you can specify the same spectral class for StarBarycenter (in the stars catalog) as the class of the most bright star in that system. Otherwise SpaceEngine will do that automatically. The luminosity of the StarBarycenter should be equal to the summary luminosity of all stars in the system (including luminosity of the accretion disks), or ignored to force star solver to automatically calculate it.
Please pay attention to these features, otherwise the code will not work or will work incorrectly:
1) In the stars catalog, describe a star with the StarBarycenter, if you want to specify the custom rotation parameters, accretion disk etc, or if you creating a multiple star system. In that case you also must create a planets catalog and describe the star or multiple star components there. If you need only mass, radius and temperature for your star, or if you okay with those values generated/computed by SpaceEngine, describe it with the Star tag, and do not create a planets catalog. 2) The name of a star in the planets catalog must not be the same as the name of StarBarycenter. The name of StarBarycenter must be specified as the parent of the star in it's ParentBody parameter. 3) If the star is solitary, do not use the Orbit tag for it, or make its orbit static (Orbit { Type "Static" } or StaticPosXYZ (0 0 0)), so it coincides with the barycenter. 4) If the star is binary, describe the two stars with name of the StarBarycenter in their ParentBody parameter, and make proper orbits around the barycenter for them.
You can use the star solver logging to detect some errors in the planets catalog, as well as for the stars catalog (for details see Star solver and Checking for errors in the Introduction to SE scripts).
The star solver
The star solver is a code what tries to compute or generate missing data for a star based on the provided data. It's often situation in astronomy when some data is provided in catalogs, but some does not. SpaceEngine requires at these parameters to correctly render a star (star system):
- Full 3D coordinates of a star (RA, Dec, Dist). If the star catalog does not provide distance, star solver may try to compute it based on apparent and absolute magnitude (or luminosity) of a star. If RA and Dec are not provided, star solver will generate random values for them, because there is no way to calculate them. Random value for distance is also generated if star solver failed to compute it (see about error logging below).
- Star's spectral class. Without it, SpaceEngine will have no idea what this star is, and cannot render it. Star solver can try to determine the spectral class by looking at radius, mass and temperature, if they are provided. For the multiple star system, star solver takes the spectral class of the most bright component (either computed or taken from the planets catalog), and assigns it as the "class" of the whole system (if it was not specified in the StarBarycenter tag directly).
- Star's brightness. It can be computed from luminosity, absolute magnitude or visual magnitude and distance. If neither are provided, spectral class can be used to roughly determine the luminosity. If even spectral class is not provided, star solver may try to use radius and temperature to calculate luminosity using the Stefan–Boltzmann equation. For the multiple star system, star solver sums up the luminosity of each component, and assigns it as the luminosity of the whole system (if it was not specified in the StarBarycenter tag directly).
- Star's physical properties: mass, radius and temperature. If not provided, star solver will compute them based on spectral class (typically). Temperature can be derived from the spectral class directly, then radius is computed based on temperature and luminosity using the Stefan–Boltzmann equation. So if you run into incorrect or unrealistic size of a star, try to find it's real radius data and specify it in the catalog.
As has been noted, the star catalog cannot be used to define rotational parameters of a star (i.e. rotation period, axial tilt and oblateness), as well as surface appearance (granulation cells size, etc), corona, accretion disk and orbit: the planets catalog is used for this. Some parameters can be generated procedurally if missing in the planets catalog. The planets are also can be described in the planets catalog or generated procedurally (if the planets catalog does not have any children objects for the star described, and the star script does not have NoPlanets true specified).
The star solver can write notifications about performed calculations, warnings and errors to the log file system/se.log at SpaceEngine startup. See Introduction to SE scripts for details about error checking in scripts.
The csv format for star catalogs
SpaceEngine supports the csv ("Comma-Separated Values") format for massive stars and galaxies catalogs. It is a plain text format with one star described per line, with values separated with comma. Default SpaceEngine installation have one csv stars catalog - data/catalogs/stars/HIPPARCOS.csv, which have 112,523 stars, and have a size (unpacked) of only 7.5 MB. The csv format is more compact than sc, but have some limitation: 1) Only solitary stars can be described, analog of the StarBarycenter tag is impossible. 2) Only these parameters are allowed: Name, RA, Dec, Dist, AppMagn, SpecClass, MassSol, RadSol, Temperature.
The file format is simple: the first line is header describing the names of parameters (separated by comma), the rest lines are stars data - values of corresponding parameters (also separated by comma). Here is the example of the first 4 lines of the HIPPARCOS.csv file:
Code Name,RA,Dec,Dist,AppMagn,SpecClass,MassSol,RadSol,Temperature HIP 14066/HD 18665,3.02094205,36.1179219,487.804884,7.24999999,K2V,,, HIP 14775/HD 278329,3.17876994,36.5130485,505.050497,10.1093756,K0V,,, HIP 12888,2.76132567,32.8238759,476.190497,9.64843834,K0V,,,
Note what star name and its spectral class does not enclosed in quotes, and missing parameters (MassSol, RadSol and Temperature) are just blank, but commas separated them are still necessary.
The csv catalogs have a priority over sc catalogs, i.e. they are loaded first. But then star solver takes the file/pak modification date to perform star data merging or updating. The config-file parameter CsvLogLevel in the config/main-user.cfg file controls the star solver's logging level for all the csv files.
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quarior14 | Date: Wednesday, 20.05.2015, 13:21 | Message # 8 |
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
| I have a problem, my galaxy is created and I did a star system and planet. All these bodies are shown but my custom black hole in the Milky Way instead of Sanctgalaxy, I even made its orbit around the black hole at the center and generated yet. Can you help me? Attached is the code of my creations. : Code Galaxy "Sanctgalaxy" // The name of the galaxy { Type "SBb" // Hubble classification type RA 13.4978 // Right ascension in hours Dec 47.1956 // Declination in degrees Dist 750478532452.78 // Distance in parsecs Radius 12220.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs AbsMagn -20.47 // Absolute magnitude, or AppMagn 8.7 // visual magnitude Yaw -157 // \ Pitch -47 // > Euler angles of orientation of the model Roll -100 // / Quat (116.2348, 0.7458, -0.6548, 0.1229) // orientation quaternion SolFade true // ajout of star generation near the Sun : Code Star "Sanctblackeshel" { ParentBody "RSC 10668-252-0-0-0 S*" Class "X" AppMagn 7.9607 Radius 1.8e+3 Mass 100 Orbit { Period 79.914 SemiMajorAxis 8339.556364 // mass ratio 1.09:0.92 Eccentricity 0.5179 Inclination 82.986 AscendingNode 67.726 ArgOfPericenter 3.772 MeanAnomaly 200.119 } NoPlanets true }
Star "Sanctsun" { ParentBody "Sanctblackeshel" Class "DA" AppMagn 7.9607 Radius 1.8e+9 Mass 20 Orbit { Period 79.914 SemiMajorAxis 0.1041622257 // mass ratio 1.09:0.92 Eccentricity 0.5179 Inclination 82.986 AscendingNode 67.726 ArgOfPericenter 3.772 MeanAnomaly 0.119 } NoPlanets true } :
Code Planet "Sanctworld" { ParentBody "Sanctsun" Class "Terra"
Mass 4 Radius 5686.924 InertiaMoment 0.3305233
Oblateness 0.007005362
RotationPeriod 16.01295 Obliquity 0.2955218 EqAscendNode 269.6856
Albedo 0.364203 Brightness 2 Color (0.628 0.770 0.965)
Life { Class "Organic" Type "Multicellular" Biome "Marine/Terrestrial" }
Surface { SurfStyle 0.8403217 OceanStyle 0.6980184 Randomize (0.821, 0.773, 0.265) colorDistMagn 0.06326475 colorDistFreq 539.2089 detailScale 14627.09 colorConversion true seaLevel 0.5365109 snowLevel 1.254496 tropicLatitude 0.6138869 icecapLatitude 10 icecapHeight 0.5971111 climatePole 0.4375 climateTropic 0.5625 climateEquator 0.6875 heightTempGrad 0.375 tropicWidth 0.5 mainFreq 0.911526 venusFreq 0.8090283 venusMagn 0 mareFreq 4.641472 mareDensity 0.05478813 terraceProb 0.1985548 erosion 0.1128344 montesMagn 0.1893867 montesFreq 271.6358 montesFraction 0.1136514 dunesMagn 0.05388568 dunesFreq 49.85895 dunesFraction 0.7690501 hillsMagn 0.148195 hillsFreq 567.8041 hillsFraction -0.5185567 hills2Fraction 0.4440532 riversMagn 62.89393 riversFreq 2.00364 riversSin 5.445934 riversOctaves 2 canyonsMagn 0.06033302 canyonsFreq 128.6714 canyonFraction -0.4250456 cracksMagn 0.09150869 cracksFreq 0.4752765 cracksOctaves 0 craterMagn 0.6224079 craterFreq 13.18756 craterDensity 0 craterOctaves 0 craterRayedFactor 0 volcanoMagn 0.6909308 volcanoFreq 1.006979 volcanoDensity 0.2827401 volcanoOctaves 1 volcanoActivity 0.82055 volcanoFlows 0.5329998 volcanoRadius 0.2576416 volcanoTemp 1504.39 lavaCoverTidal 0 lavaCoverSun 0 lavaCoverYoung 0 twistZones 2.916299 twistMagn 0 cycloneMagn 3.20791 cycloneFreq 0.7109172 cycloneDensity 0.0513425 colorSea (0.040, 0.200, 0.200, 1.000) colorShelf (0.150, 0.370, 0.370, 1.000) colorBeach (0.480, 0.380, 0.280, 0.000) colorDesert (0.410, 0.280, 0.180, 0.000) colorLowland (0.310, 0.230, 0.170, 0.000) colorUpland (0.510, 0.330, 0.190, 0.000) colorRock (0.220, 0.210, 0.210, 0.000) colorSnow (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.308) colorLowPlants (0.230, 0.200, 0.020, 0.000) colorUpPlants (0.500, 0.470, 0.050, 0.000) BumpHeight 20 BumpOffset 10.73022 DiffMapAlpha "Water" SpecBrightWater 0.65 SpecBrightIce 0.85 SpecularPower 55 Hapke 0 SpotBright 4 SpotWidth 0.05 DayAmbient 0.07 }
Clouds { Height 3.824219 BumpHeight 6.348739 Hapke 0.2 SpotBright 2 SpotWidth 0.15 DayAmbient 2 mainFreq 0.8913006 mainOctaves 10 Coverage 0.2736716 twistZones 2.916299 twistMagn 0 }
Clouds { Height 7.648438 BumpHeight 6.82754 Hapke 0.2 SpotBright 2 SpotWidth 0.15 DayAmbient 2 mainFreq 0.8913006 mainOctaves 10 Coverage 0.2736716 twistZones 2.916299 twistMagn 0 }
Clouds { Height 11.47266 BumpHeight 5.6053 Hapke 0.2 SpotBright 2 SpotWidth 0.15 DayAmbient 2 mainFreq 0.8913006 mainOctaves 10 Coverage 0.2736716 twistZones 2.916299 twistMagn 0 }
Ocean { Height 10.73022 Hapke 0 SpotBright 2 SpotWidth 0.15 DayAmbient 2 }
NoLava true
Atmosphere { Model "Neptune" Height 43.65793 Density 87.61157 Pressure 63.65869 Greenhouse 109.2423 Bright 20 Opacity 1 SkyLight 6.666667 }
Aurora { Height 123.9201 NorthLat 53.18896 NorthLon -167.5458 NorthRadius 1118.825 NorthWidth 1176.729 NorthRings 7 NorthBright 0.3 NorthParticles 50000 SouthLat -41.98408 SouthLon 39.52285 SouthRadius 1319.203 SouthWidth 1648.906 SouthRings 7 SouthBright 0.3 SouthParticles 50000 TopColor (1.000 1.000 1.000) BottomColor (0.000 1.000 0.000) }
NoRings true
NoCometTail true
Orbit { SemiMajorAxis 1 Eccentricity 0.2051206 Inclination 0.88393 AscendingNode 235.7359 ArgOfPericenter 17.83281 MeanAnomaly 288.614 RefPlane "Ecliptic" } }
Edited by quarior14 - Wednesday, 20.05.2015, 13:27 |
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