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Bambusmans Nebulae 3.5!
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 15:43 | Message # 181
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Bambusman, I forgot to day about significant change in nebulae in 0.974. SE didn't save calculated parameters automatically to the models script file. It prints them into log, so you must manually copy/paste them into model script:

[00] Calculated values for the nebula model "hb12":
    clipRadius    0.911637
    sumColor    (1 0.493524 0.425739)

This is not much significant, but wrong values can lead to glitches, especially clipRadius - if it is smaller than real computed vale, nebula edges can be cut off. The sumColor parameter defines the color of the star-like particle, then nebula is far away.

HornblowerDate: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 15:45 | Message # 182
World Builder
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United States
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SpaceEngineer, could this fix the issue with the nebula disappearing when you go away from them a little bit?
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 16:19 | Message # 183
Author of Space Engine
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Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
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Quote Hornblower ()
SpaceEngineer, could this fix the issue with the nebula disappearing when you go away from them a little bit?

No. And it is not issue. Nebulas are really dark, most of them cannot be seen by a naked eye even if you are inside. SE shows model at 100% bright then close to nebula, but must fade it out then far away, to fit its real luminosity/magnitude value.

BambusmanDate: Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 18:24 | Message # 184
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
SpaceEngineer, i didnt knew that thanks for informing me, i also didnt play around with these settings, i just let them stay like that (don't know why)
FastFourierTransformDate: Saturday, 16.07.2016, 21:49 | Message # 185
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 542
Status: Offline
I like a lot how nebulas look. The false-color images are so awesome. And I have no problem with that at all. For example the image of the Egg Nebula I gave you the other day has false-color because they wanted to show the difference in polarization of light coding that with a rainbow colors. Like this:

But in fact the actual appearence of the nebula it's more close to this:

I like a lot the fact that you choose to go with the false-colors. I want to ask for the addition of a bunch of spectacular supernova remnants. The problem is that there are only false-colored images (a color for X-ray, another for infrared etc...) of some of them. I want to ask you before I make the petiton if you would prefer other nebulas (with optical real coloring) insteed (for the sake of realism and visual accuracy) or I can continue to send you nebulas in false color. smile

Thank you in advance my friend.
BambusmanDate: Sunday, 17.07.2016, 09:06 | Message # 186
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
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FastFourierTransform, i actually didnt find any true color image for the egg nebula so i used the false one, but where did you find that image? :D

for the ring nebula i thought it would be cool if you could also see the halo of it, but if anyone is bothered by this he can simply delete the lines for the "ringhalo" in the catalog and model file. then you only have the ring nebula.

one thing that would be awesome too add in SpaceEngine is changing textures from real color to false color to x ray and so on.

currently i'm not working on the mod anymore maybe next spaceengine release (not rc).

Edited by Bambusman - Sunday, 17.07.2016, 09:07
FastFourierTransformDate: Sunday, 17.07.2016, 10:27 | Message # 187
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 542
Status: Offline
Quote Bambusman ()
but where did you find that image? :D

From here smile
The guy that processed it says
There’s infrared represented by red so we can see the very thick dust wrapping around the nucleus and two optical wideband filters for the green and blue channels. So it’s sort of natural colors.

So it's not totally natural but quite a lot.

Quote Bambusman ()
for the ring nebula i thought it would be cool if you could also see the halo of it

I also think it's very very cool

Quote Bambusman ()

currently i'm not working on the mod anymore maybe next spaceengine release

Ooh no! now I'm so sad sad
BambusmanDate: Sunday, 17.07.2016, 12:15 | Message # 188
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
i realized that the lagoon nebula is not showing which can be fixed by changing the codes for the lagoon nebula with these.

this needs to be replaced in the catalog.sc:
Nebula    "Lagoon/M 8/NGC 6523"
    Galaxy  "Milky Way"
    Type    "Diffuse"
    RA       18 03 37
    Dec      -24 23 12
    Dist     1250.0
    Radius   16.0
    AppMagn  6.0
Quat   ( -0.1360755 -0.1996633 0.5628515 -0.7904531 )

this needs to be replaced in the models.cfg:
NebulaModel    "lagoon"
    UseForObject "Lagoon"
    UseForType   "Diffuse"

    Method  "CubeMap"
    Position    (0, 0, 0)
    Radius  (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    BBoxRes  (4, 4, 4)

    useFBO  1    // 1 = true
    floatLOD    1    // 0 = false
    LODbase  50

    CubePosXImage    "lagoon.*"
    CubePosYImage    "lagoon.*"
    CubePosZImage    "lagoon.*"

    emParticleColor  (0.85, 1.4, 1.3)
    absParticleColor    (0.8, 1.0, 1.0)

    emDetailR    0.8
    emDetailZ    0.8
    absDetailR    0.5
    absDetailZ    0.1

    emParticleDispR  0.8
    emParticleDispZ  0.8
    absParticleDispR    1.8
    absParticleDispZ    1.8

    emParticleSizeCenter    1.5
    emParticleSizeEdge  3.0
    absParticleSizeCenter    1.0
    absParticleSizeEdge  0.1

    emParticleMinBrightCenter    0.05
    emParticleMinBrightEdge  0.05
    absParticleMinBrightCenter    0.05
    absParticleMinBrightEdge    0.05

    emParticleBrightnessCenter    0.4
    emParticleBrightnessEdge    0.8
    absParticleBrightnessCenter    0.3
    absParticleBrightnessEdge    0.6

    clipRadius    1.09827
    sumColor    (1 0.406944 0.179431)
BambusmanDate: Sunday, 17.07.2016, 13:10 | Message # 189
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
and here is the album of the nebulas.

Screenshots of Nebulas.

Attachments: 7296634.jpg (151.4 Kb) · 8735787.jpg (134.5 Kb) · 2997774.jpg (382.9 Kb)
simonecinque1992Date: Sunday, 17.07.2016, 13:22 | Message # 190
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
Bambusman, Beautiful Nebulas!

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
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SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 26.07.2016, 15:50 | Message # 191
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
I restored function of automatic updating of the clipRadius and sumColor parameters on the nebula model script. Each time you change the nebula model by tweaking parameters in the script, SE recalculates clipRadius and sumColor and saves them back to the script. These values are also updated automatically if nebula model is being generated first time, but values in the script are differs from the calculated values. This is the case for all all nebulas in this addon, because this function was disabled in some of 0.974 patches. So I deleted the cache and looked at each nebula in this addon, waiting until models are loaded and new correct parameters are written to the script.

If the script is located inside pak file, SE saves it's copy to addons/models/nebulae/ and works with it. So after all models are updated, you may pack it back to pak file (btw, Bambusman, why don't you distribute this addon as a pak file?)

BambusmanDate: Tuesday, 26.07.2016, 16:07 | Message # 192
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
SpaceEngineer, i'm going to work on it and hopefully i finish that tomorrow or today because i'm going on vacation tomorrow.

Quote SpaceEngineer ()
(btw, Bambusman, why don't you distribute this addon as a pak file?)

many people including me had problems with pak files so i put it in a zip file. but i can change that.

Quote SpaceEngineer ()
So I deleted the cache and looked at each nebula in this addon,

Thank you that you took your time to look at them and report this to me!
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 26.07.2016, 16:36 | Message # 193
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote Bambusman ()
SpaceEngineer, i'm going to work on it and hopefully i finish that tomorrow or today because i'm going on vacation tomorrow.

Wait, I will send you updated script file later today.

BambusmanDate: Tuesday, 26.07.2016, 16:49 | Message # 194
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
SpaceEngineer, ok im waiting smile
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 26.07.2016, 18:26 | Message # 195
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Gomez's Hamburger should be deleted imho, it is a protoplanetary disk, not a planetary nebula.

Abell 39 is invisible (didn't fix it)

Updated script morenebulae.cfg:

Attachments: 4156437.cfg (63.5 Kb)
