<6/13/2011> Click the image below for Unknown Places I... (imgur.com album) No locations on this album, sorry. They will be present in the future.
<6/14/2011> Click the link below for a Space Engine Timelapse video...
Click the image below for my wanderings of the day... (imgur.com album)
<6/15/2011> Today I visited the Large Magellanic Cloud. I found a system of four terras, among many other treasures. I only visited a few stars on the outskirts.
They're unknown, I did not bother to record their coordinates or anything :P Most of them are in a very distant galaxy. Next time I do a gallery I'll keep better track of the subject (and since the navigation log records it all, I'll just remember to check on that every once in awhile).
Nice veiws You can just type a description under each picture - RS xxx-xxx-xxx, and version (SE 0.94), so all people can fly there. (Rememner that in new version all these places might be changed - due to changes in generation algorithm).
I really need to make network system where users can share their places with each other, like in Noctis, despite the fact that there is no networking in the Noctis, but static database of places that users send to author via email. BTW, we can do the same - send me coordinates, and I'll include them in the places menu (F6 key) in the next release, assuming I do not change planet generation algorithms
That would be great! Right now there is already a catalog, right? Until you get networking implemented, maybe we could do something in the Noctis style and distribute an updated catalog that you can send your explorations to. I can help with that. Also, are you planning on making the locations nameable?
Also, I'm taking some new screenshots and a video. This has the locations recorded.
Sounds great... Vova, definitely would love to see what others discovered. Is the journey log kept in a text file somewhere?
Another idea very simple at the moment, is an option to open a panel, and just record some notes & possibly a name of a planet. Then when it is networked, there's already alot of info to share
Yes, this is a good idea. It is already partly implemented with location browser (F6 key). Save a nice location in F6 browser by clicking on 'Add' button, type in a short description for it to save it then exit. Then go to config folder and open the places.cfg file in notepad. Then go find the place that you've saved in there. Then copy/past the code here:
Place "Nice desert" { Body "RS 8404-1133-7-1480665-107 5" Parent "" Pos (-5.499040858979766e-011, 6.542405681193211e-011, -6.028409310184691e-011) Rot (-0.004700984548818598, -0.2674292520678755, 0.919011746854572, -0.2896150980629232) Date "2012.01.04 09:02:38.61" Vel 7.0930772e-015 Mode 1 }
When this is done, anyone can copy this text from the forum and paste it in their own 'journal.cfg,' So when they open F6 menu in, they too can find where you saved your exact location. Try this out with the code I 've posted here. This is the desert planet in Scorpius
Another way is to do the same with the autopilot journal log (click the Tab key). It is saved to config/journal.cfg, but it cannot save precise location of the camera, only the name of the object and the visitation date.
Update: So, the next step is to implement sharing of locations via internet, directly from within SpaceEngine, but I will have to upgrade F6 menu first by adding grouping and filters by 'user name,' 'object type' etc.
Okay cool, I'll start including that info. Will there be an "official" catalog for this? For instance, would we be able to name our own planets and stars? (Instead of just having a name in the places window)
I always look forward to seeing your latest journeys Thurs. You have such a great eye. Stunningly beautiful images & the video was gorgeous. Just wish I could've toggled fullscreen on it.
Right now I'm exploring the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud. I found a system with four Terras in it, took lots of pictures. Looking for one with five...
Four? Wow... I've ever only found one. I've just finished exploring the planets in the Omega Nebula. I've not really looked too much into other galaxies yet. Sooo much to see lol.
Keep up ur images etc, I look forward to those... going to have to lift my game lol