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Greater universe customization on the solar system level
IdgeliosDate: Sunday, 26.07.2015, 03:38 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 77
Status: Offline
While I am aware space engine's meant to be a realistic simulator and all that, the customization options should allow for more in-depth editing of the universe.

So far it is great that star density, nebula occurance rates/dispersions and so forth can be modified, but when it comes to customization of procedural star systems there's still a lot of options that should be added to make star systems more custom.

1. Planet appearance propability for every world type.

So let's say you want gas giants to be less common. There's a option for that! But what about titans? You can modify terra occurrence rates to a extent, but titans there remains no option for. Neither is there a option for how often a desert world forms. Being able to customize planet types to a greater extent would be a great tool to add since than there is less upset for when titans spawn everywhere (despite there only being one titan in sol) they become less special. Similar sentiments may exist for other planet types as well!

2. Customizing which types of plkanets can generate around which types of star.

I admit it. I am celestialist. I am bigoted towards red and brown dwarves. They are dim stars that flood my star search screen and keep generating life bearing worlds despite being frozen cold and radiation filled! Being able to modify what planet types can appear around what type of star would be a great addition.

Here's a example of what I mean:

O-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World
B-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World, Desert, Terra, Titan, Oceania
A-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World, Desert, Terra, Titan, Oceania
F-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World, Desert, Terra, Titan, Oceania
G-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World, Desert, Terra, Titan, Oceania
K-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World, Desert, Terra, Titan, Oceania
M-Class; Gas Giant, Ice Giant, Selena, Ice World, Desert, Titan
Brown Dwarf; Selena, Ice World, Desert, Titan
White Dwarf; Selena
Black Dwarf; Selena, Gas Giant, Ice Giant

Note that this is a biased example- the idea being simply the ability for players to dictate what kinds of planets can spawn where in the universe.

A more advanced idea, however goes like this:

3. Planet occurrence rate by star type

Instead of going by simply type, which is way too rigid (after all, there have been gas giants found around red dwarves and there's no reason a large gas giant and a small brown dwarf couldn't form a binary system), being able to fine-tune where planet types can pop up in the universe would allow for the creation of a more diverse universe.

So let's say you want terras to spawn more around K-class stars while A-class stars have more desert worlds and less terras. Such tweaking is pretty unscientific, but would allow for greater player control of their universe. So let's bring up the mock option sheet again.

Like, let's say you want to pick where gas giants occur.

Gas Giant
O-Class: 9%
B-Class: 15%
A-Class: 20%
F-Class: 20%
G-Class: 20%
K-Class: 15%
M-Class: 5%
Brown Dwarf: .1%
White Dwarf: 3%
Black Hole: 0.01%
Neutron Star: 0.01%

4. Option to better dictate gas/ice giant life

Currently the probability option for gas giants treats ice and gas giants as the same, despite ice giants having arguably more life-friendly conditions than gas giants. Neptune, with its gravity not being much higher than earth and having a atmosphere than may support water-ice would be more likely to have life than per say, high gravity, near space-thin atmosphere jupiter (neptune's atmosphere is more dense than jupiter's). Being able to discriminate between gas giants and ice giants for life generation needs to be done since it's just too hard for me to imagine a gas giant hosting life. My brain crashes every time I find a gas giant with life somehow, at least with a ice giant I can rationalize it due to the ices and methane in the atmosphere.

5. Star Type probability

Along with modifying planet type probabilities, why not be able to modify the probability of each star type that's procedural generated as well?

While all the types would have to equal 100%, each type of star from black hole to red giant should be able to have modifiable spawn probabilities so that if I want to make a universe that is full of blue super giants (like the early universe) I can. Or being able to simulate a degenerate/black hole era universe by simply making it so the only star types that spawn are red dwarves, brown dwarves, neutron stars and black holes. Maybe even add black dwarf and blue dwarf (old red dwarves are hypothesized to turn blue) star types but put their probability at zero in the options menu. It wouldn't affect star density or galaxy placement, only what types of stars spawn and at what probabilities.

Simply put, you could make a old universe using the right configurations or make a extremely young one. The options having the ability to configure what types of planet and star can spawn would allow for simulating all sorts of universes without having to make a completely new one since the only difference is that the generation perimeters were tweaked. Like, by simply limiting planet gen to gas giants and star gen to super-luminous stars you could get a good simulation of what the early universe looked like.



All that I said above is probably not as easy to do as I think or is already on the list and I forgot to notice it. I believe that there is quite a ways to go with universe configuration and no doubt as more features get added the list of things perimeters to tweak will only increase the potential of space engine as a simulation program. After all, more options = more fun!
WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 26.07.2015, 08:35 | Message # 2
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
Sorry I'm way too tired right now to give more thoughtful feedback, but just wanted to say your ideas are well developed and clearly presented. smile Good post and I like this suggestion.

IdgeliosDate: Wednesday, 05.08.2015, 03:20 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 77
Status: Offline
Someone noticed my suggestion?


Anyhow, would being able to modify planet/life occurrence by star type be a feasible thing to do within space engine? I am not sure how feasible it actually is, just that i'd be very useful since like everyone has totally different ideas of what should be possible where.
AlekDate: Wednesday, 05.08.2015, 21:47 | Message # 4
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 326
Status: Offline
I agree to this 100%

Living among the stars, I find my way. I grow in strength through knowledge of the space I occupy, until I become the ruler of my own interstellar empire of sorts. Though The world was made for the day, I was made for the night, and thus, the universe itself is within my destiny.
sent808Date: Friday, 28.08.2015, 23:32 | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 55
Status: Offline
yea its seems interesting. I support this could work for some users for sure.
apcobeDate: Sunday, 06.09.2015, 12:33 | Message # 6
Group: Newbies
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Since for some reason I cannot make my own thread, I'll put my idea here. We need prpcedualley gnereated life. That includes trees and such.
WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 06.09.2015, 15:05 | Message # 7
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
apcobe, new users can't make new threads until after they've made a few posts. This helps prevent spam and such.

Anyway, for procedurally generated life, there have been a number of previous discussions about the idea which you can find through the forum search feature, e.g. here and here, if you'd like to check them out. General idea is that, yes, it'd be cool and will probably happen "eventually", but do not expect it in the near future. It'd take a lot of work and there are higher priority things to work on in the meantime. smile

Welcome to the forum btw, and if you haven't seen them please be sure to check out the forum rules. Cheers!

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