This engine is a fantastic start to showing the possibilities of space. I am now interested in seeing the aspect of time included into the engine. For example, say the engine is capable of going forward in time 1000 million years; will galaxies collide forming new galaxies? Will stars explode forming new stars and systems of planets? This would be amazing to see in the engine. Now I realize that this would take an insane amount programming and math to pull off; basically you would have to project the path of every single object in the engine based on gravity and mass and size and speed etc., and program what would happen when objects get really close or collide or change each others gravitational pull or direction etc. But, just something to think about and shoot for in the future; this engine is good enough to add the aspect of time into 1 day.
(I just took a geology class in school and learned about the solar nebula hypothesis which states that our solar system was the result of a super nova. It would be fantastic to see billions of pieces of rock join together over millions of years of orbiting around a newly born star)
Just want to add that this engine is phenomenal, I just built a PC strictly to run this engine.Added (27.11.2011, 04:39)
this aspect of time would also suggest to start from the origin of our known universe, the big bang. now clearly the big bang isnt the beginning, the cosmos is an infinite unknowing process, but we know a lot about how the universe evolved from this point in time. This would take a truly insane amount of programming and computational power to do, but again just something to shoot for since seeing the evolution of the universe through this engine would melt my brain.