You can just disable the procedural star generation changing some values in the universe.cfg file inside the config folder. Look for the comment inside the archive named "//star settings" and below it and change:
StarMaxAppMagn 10.0
StarRelicMinDist 3.0
StarMaxAppMagn 60
StarRelicMinDist 200
I also change other values below the commented line "// planetary system generator probabilities settings":
ProbBinaryStar 0.50
ProbTripleStar 0.11
ProbQuadrupleStar 0.22
ProbStellarRemnantSys 0.02
ProbStellarRemnantBin 0.05
ProbBrownDwarf 0.025
ProbBinaryStar 0
ProbTripleStar 0
ProbQuadrupleStar 0
ProbStellarRemnantSys 0
ProbStellarRemnantBin 0
ProbBrownDwarf 0
so I can know if the star is a real binary/multiple system or there are other real substellar companions. Notice this changes DONT DISABLE the procedural planet generation :P .
Using now the star browser tool should be now a lot of more realistic.