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Idea for a community project
KvikiDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 18:46 | Message # 1
Group: SE team
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
We can create a thread on both russian and english forum. The idea is that we create a binary system. The users add the bodies onto each star and its planets. For example; the OP post on the english forum contains the first star's script. The users then write their own code of a single body they want to add to the system. We set a date until the users may submit their scripts, then combine the two star systems from both english and russain forum and add them into SE as a catalog.

For example:
#1 Post by SpaceEngineer:
Star    "SE - A"
    ParentBody     "RS 8403-224-8-8481420-23"
    Class        "K0 V"
    Luminosity      0.4829279
    Age             7.934204

    Mass            0.8336247
    Radius          588880.4
    RotationPeriod  516
    RotationOffset  44.08708
    Obliquity       0
    EqAscendNode    289.2884

    Albedo          0.3
    Color          (1.000, 0.808, 0.683)

     Randomize      (0.607, -0.459, 0.778)
     colorDistMagn   0.366502
     colorDistFreq   52.43415
     detailScale     3029267
     colorConversion true
     mainFreq        10.10982
     mareFreq        39.10195
     mareDensity     0.002739319
     terraceProb     -1e+038
     montesFraction  0
     hillsFraction   0
     hills2Fraction  0
     canyonFraction  0
     craterOctaves   0
     BumpHeight      16.92185
     BumpOffset      13.53748
     SpecularPower   150
     DayAmbient      0.07
     Lommel          0
     Exposure        1.5

     Model          "Sun"
     Height          5888.804
     Density         0
     Pressure        1
     Bright          5.717741
     Opacity         0
     SkyLight        0
     EclipseBright   100
     EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

     Type           "STATIC"
     SemiMajorAxis   0
     Period          0
     Eccentricity    0
     Inclination     97.34337
     AscendingNode   289.2884
     ArgOfPericenter 0
     MeanAnomaly     0
     RefPlane       "Ecliptic"



#2 Post by Kviki
Hey guys here's a planet I want to add to the system!
I'll call it 'Ravnalo':

Planet    "Ravnalo"
    ParentBody     "RS 8403-224-8-8481420-23"
    Class        "Desert"

    Mass            0.8841305
    Radius          5962.35
    Obliquity       -1.051135e-006
    EqAscendNode    287.6795

    Albedo          0.3
    Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

     Style           0.5107788
     Randomize      (-0.687, 0.556, 0.033)
     colorDistMagn   0.09163217
     colorDistFreq   595.8868
     detailScale     30671
     colorConversion true
     seaLevel        0.0987104
     snowLevel       0.9913865
     tropicLatitude  1.834576e-008
     icecapLatitude  1
     icecapHeight    0.0987104
     climatePole     1
     climateTropic   0.45
     climateEquator  0.625
     tropicWidth     0.07
     mainFreq        0.602903
     venusFreq       1.289737
     venusMagn       0.4039459
     mareFreq        2.271984
     mareDensity     0.2005869
     erosion         0
     montesMagn      0.2337178
     montesFreq      212.268
     montesFraction  0.5774024
     dunesMagn       0.03426467
     dunesFreq       57.39596
     dunesFraction   0.9583196
     hillsMagn       0.1212334
     hillsFreq       593.3416
     hillsFraction   -0.9583196
     hills2Fraction  0
     canyonsMagn     0.03824263
     canyonsFreq     145.7022
     canyonFraction  0
     cracksMagn      0.1102252
     cracksFreq      0.4222119
     cracksOctaves   0
     craterMagn      0.6007219
     craterFreq      19.41522
     craterDensity   0.6090803
     craterOctaves   8.745048
     craterRayedFactor 0
     colorSea       (0.320, 0.240, 0.210, 0.000)
     colorShelf     (0.290, 0.220, 0.200, 0.000)
     colorBeach     (0.820, 0.740, 0.570, 0.000)
     colorDesert    (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
     colorLowland   (0.770, 0.580, 0.400, 0.000)
     colorUpland    (0.620, 0.330, 0.170, 0.000)
     colorRock      (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.000)
     colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
     colorLowPlants (0.770, 0.580, 0.400, 0.000)
     colorUpPlants  (0.620, 0.330, 0.170, 0.000)
     BumpHeight      19.88361
     BumpOffset      3.976722
     DiffMapAlpha   "Ice"
     SpecularBright  0.3
     SpecularPower   150
     DayAmbient      0.07
     Lommel          0
     Exposure        2

     Model          "Earth"
     Height          298.1175
     Density         3.050165
     Pressure        0.009592062
     Bright          3
     Opacity         0.3
     SkyLight        1
     EclipseBright   100
     EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

     SemiMajorAxis   0.1507082
     Period          0.06407971
     Eccentricity    0.09816176
     Inclination     98.63635
     AscendingNode   287.6795
     ArgOfPericenter 85.55564
     MeanAnomaly     139.5062
     RefPlane       "Ecliptic"


Though because of the amount of users, only the scripts submitted on the first page should be planets.
There would be some rules regarding naming of planets (eg. avoiding names like XxmyplanetxX, WhatYouDoing, names from Avatar), a planet's orbit must be larger than the last planet submitted, and so on.

So.. What do you think?

Edited by Kviki - Saturday, 05.01.2013, 18:49
SalvoDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 19:23 | Message # 2
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
So.. What do you think?

Sorry, but i'm not sure i understood well biggrin

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)
KvikiDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 19:54 | Message # 3
Group: SE team
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
Sorry, but i'm not sure i understood well biggrin

People post a script of an object to add into the star system. One object per person. We compile all the scripts from english and russian forum into a binary star system and add it into SE.

Edited by Kviki - Saturday, 05.01.2013, 19:59
TimDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 20:12 | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 296
Status: Offline
I would like it to be around 300 K on that planet, so if it's too hot or too cold, please adjust its semimajor accordingly. Thanks wink
Planet    "Tim's Planet/Pottillius"
  ParentBody     "SE-A"
  Class        "Terra"

  Mass            0.7491011
  Radius          5672.232
  RotationPeriod  25.83377
  RotationOffset  296.2508
  Obliquity       -140.9879
  EqAscendNode    322.8366

  Albedo          0.3
  Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

   Life            true
   Style           0.8259141
   Randomize      (-0.081, 0.735, -0.792)
   colorDistMagn   0.04947803
   colorDistFreq   747.9014
   detailScale     29178.6
   colorConversion true
   seaLevel        0.4855224
   snowLevel       0.9884695
   tropicLatitude  0.6294847
   icecapLatitude  10
   icecapHeight    0.1738309
   climatePole     0.45
   climateTropic   0.45
   climateEquator  0.45
   tropicWidth     0.07
   mainFreq        0.9016543
   venusFreq       0.850856
   venusMagn       0
   mareFreq        6.943272
   mareDensity     0.05513669
   erosion         0.1211996
   montesMagn      0.2569288
   montesFreq      220.5379
   montesFraction  -0.4413483
   dunesMagn       0.0573862
   dunesFreq       66.55798
   dunesFraction   0.2175645
   hillsMagn       0.1039272
   hillsFreq       549.4746
   hillsFraction   0.5340441
   hills2Fraction  -0.3053404
   canyonsMagn     0.06371468
   canyonsFreq     166.747
   canyonFraction  0.2424559
   cracksMagn      0.1178587
   cracksFreq      0.3798838
   cracksOctaves   0
   craterMagn      0.6144686
   craterFreq      15.38703
   craterDensity   0
   craterOctaves   0
   craterRayedFactor 0
   twistZones      5.494825
   twistMagn       0
   cycloneMagn     3.364818
   cycloneFreq     0.8580543
   cycloneDensity  0.05043227
   colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000)
   colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000)
   colorBeach     (0.690, 0.470, 0.320, 0.000)
   colorDesert    (0.610, 0.380, 0.270, 0.000)
   colorLowland   (0.510, 0.320, 0.230, 0.000)
   colorUpland    (0.730, 0.530, 0.370, 0.000)
   colorRock      (0.730, 0.550, 0.390, 0.000)
   colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
   colorLowPlants (0.100, 0.160, 0.070, 0.000)
   colorUpPlants  (0.090, 0.110, 0.040, 0.000)
   BumpHeight      20
   BumpOffset      4
   DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
   SpecularBright  20
   SpecularPower   150
   DayAmbient      0.07
   Lommel          0
   Exposure        2

   Height          22.95557
   DayAmbient      2
   Lommel          0.2
   Exposure        2
   Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
   mainFreq        1.512274
   mainOctaves     10
   Coverage        0.1
   twistZones      5.494825
   twistMagn       0

   Height          9.710449
   DayAmbient      2
   Lommel          0
   Exposure        2
   Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

   Model          "Earth"
   Height          283.6116
   Density         394880
   Pressure        1.2385
   Greenhouse      52.02706
   Bright          10
   Opacity         1
   SkyLight        3.333333
   EclipseBright   100
   EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

   InnerRadius     8607.986
   OuterRadius     13791.12
   RotationPeriod  3.794145
   RotationOffset  314.6989
   FrontBright     1
   BackBright      1
   Density         1
   Exposure        1

   SemiMajorAxis   1.77753
   Period          22.56393
   Eccentricity    0.07983082
   Inclination     163.934
   AscendingNode   320.9625
   ArgOfPericenter 93.71095
   MeanAnomaly     55.53196
   RefPlane       "Ecliptic"

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 20:50 | Message # 5
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
I had this idea with Harb. He told me good luck making it work. I'll definitely add my planet to this system. biggrin

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
SalvoDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 21:00 | Message # 6
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
I't my turn smile

Planet    "Infensus"
   ParentBody     "SE-A"
   Class        "Terra"

   Mass            0.5532649
   Radius          5173.311
   Obliquity       8.207728e-009
   EqAscendNode    278.43

   Albedo          0.3
   Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

    Life            true
    Style           0.8431634
    Randomize      (-0.507, -0.307, 0.623)
    colorDistMagn   0.05504006
    colorDistFreq   798.1989
    detailScale     26612.09
    colorConversion true
    seaLevel        0.4594727
    snowLevel       0.9884666
    tropicLatitude  0.9988889
    icecapLatitude  10
    icecapHeight    0.1299342
    climatePole     0.6516517
    climateTropic   0.45
    climateEquator  0.4558869
    tropicWidth     0.07
    mainFreq        0.734438
    venusFreq       0.5769298
    venusMagn       0
    mareFreq        5.503211
    mareDensity     0.04322382
    erosion         0.1036075
    montesMagn      0.2369887
    montesFreq      183.4322
    montesFraction  -0.5079377
    dunesMagn       0.05068467
    dunesFreq       47.29477
    dunesFraction   0.3506233
    hillsMagn       0.1082718
    hillsFreq       609.159
    hillsFraction   0.08786866
    hills2Fraction  -0.3807501
    canyonsMagn     0.00456057
    canyonsFreq     170.4748
    canyonFraction  0.8399829
    cracksMagn      0.1242669
    cracksFreq      0.5070345
    cracksOctaves   0
    craterMagn      0.5507867
    craterFreq      18.35076
    craterDensity   0
    craterOctaves   0
    craterRayedFactor 0
    twistZones      4.744645
    twistMagn       1.267462
    cycloneMagn     2.330267
    cycloneFreq     0.6024522
    cycloneDensity  0.04747839
    colorSea       (0.040, 0.200, 0.100, 1.000)
    colorShelf     (0.150, 0.460, 0.280, 1.000)
    colorBeach     (0.690, 0.470, 0.320, 0.000)
    colorDesert    (0.610, 0.380, 0.270, 0.000)
    colorLowland   (0.510, 0.320, 0.230, 0.000)
    colorUpland    (0.730, 0.530, 0.370, 0.000)
    colorRock      (0.730, 0.550, 0.390, 0.000)
    colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
    colorLowPlants (0.110, 0.157, 0.078, 0.000)
    colorUpPlants  (0.094, 0.107, 0.049, 0.000)
    BumpHeight      20
    BumpOffset      4
    DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
    SpecularBright  20
    SpecularPower   150
    DayAmbient      0.07
    Lommel          0
    Exposure        2

    Height          20.37988
    DayAmbient      2
    Lommel          0.2
    Exposure        2
    Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
    mainFreq        2.049189
    mainOctaves     10
    Coverage        0.1
    twistZones      4.744645
    twistMagn       1.267462

    Height          9.189453
    DayAmbient      2
    Lommel          0
    Exposure        2
    Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

    Model          "Venus"
    Height          195.5157
    Density         11022.25
    Pressure        85.64874
    Greenhouse      74.72961
    Bright          10
    Opacity         1
    SkyLight        3.333333
    EclipseBright   100
    EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

    SemiMajorAxis   2.3489
    Eccentricity    0.0267791
    Inclination     1.250488
    AscendingNode   278.43
    ArgOfPericenter 314.4321
    MeanAnomaly     243.6833
    RefPlane       "Equator"


People post a script of an object to add into the star system. One object per person. We compile all the scripts from english and russian forum into a binary star system and add it into SE.

Now is clearer biggrin

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

Edited by Salvo - Saturday, 05.01.2013, 21:11
KvikiDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 21:51 | Message # 7
Group: SE team
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
I had this idea with Harb. He told me good luck making it work. I'll definitely add my planet to this system. biggrin

Why'd he say that? I currently see no issues with this not to work.
Btw guys, this is not the thread in which we post the scripts, this is only the expressed idea (seems it existed before).
There will have to be rules. The first page will have to be planets assigned to the star.
Before the users submit their script, they'll have to edit their script and assign which object they want their object to orbit. If it is a planet, the radius should be larger than the planet submitted before.
If a script doesn't meet the requirements it will be discarded and the user may be asked to edit their script.
I don't think a 100% stable, realistic system is needed. The system would be some sort of an easter egg in the game.

I wonder if we'll be able to add custom comets in 0.97.

Edited by Kviki - Saturday, 05.01.2013, 21:57
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Saturday, 05.01.2013, 22:05 | Message # 8
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Why'd he say that? I currently see no issues with this not to work.

I guess getting people to work together on something is difficult. Especially when its doing scripts for something like a system. I still think this could work really well.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 06.01.2013, 04:49 | Message # 9
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
I wonder if we'll be able to add custom comets in 0.97

I'm sure you can, I think that a few of the shots that SpaceEngineer showed off were comet Halley.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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