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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
SpaceEngineerDate: Saturday, 30.07.2016, 13:34 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure you updated your video card drivers. This may solve 99% of all issues.
  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help us to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing graphics card-specific issues

    If you do not know which graphics card (chip) do you have, open the system/se.log file in the text editor and read the Vendor information in the beginning:

    [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Then look for a solution for you:

    Nvidia: Major lag spikes

    Intel HD: Glitchy landscape and textures on planets

    Intel HD: Red clouds on Earth

    Intel HD: Black screen

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers

    2) Weak system

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)

    4) Artifacts on procedural planets

    5) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface

    6) Blurry textures on Solar system planets

    7) Problems with very high resolution displays

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:

    Real bugs:

    MosfetDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 11:37 | Message # 76
    World Builder
    Group: Users
    Messages: 754
    Status: Offline
    I do remember something similar happened some time ago and I was hoping someone else could answer, I'm afraid I don't remember if there was a solution.
    I don't have my computer right now and I don't remember what is the last Nvidia version, but I think you could update your graphic drivers. It could be useful if you shared also other data by capturing screenshots with GUI next time so everybody can visit the same coordinates in space and time, in order to check eventually driver related issues.

    "Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
    Douglas N. Adams
    My mods
    Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
    Spitfire7Date: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 13:05 | Message # 77
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 45
    Status: Offline
    Quote Mosfet ()
    I do remember something similar happened some time ago and I was hoping someone else could answer, I'm afraid I don't remember if there was a solution.
    I don't have my computer right now and I don't remember what is the last Nvidia version, but I think you could update your graphic drivers. It could be useful if you shared also other data by capturing screenshots with GUI next time so everybody can visit the same coordinates in space and time, in order to check eventually driver related issues.

    Very good idea. I will make another screen shot later today. I will also look into a new or different graphics driver.

    In the meantime can anyone else help me with this transparent mountain/terrain issue?
    RodrigoDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 16:21 | Message # 78
    Group: Local Moderators
    Messages: 285
    Status: Offline
    I found that coastal lines are much more imprecise while using 3d water in 0.9.8. Terrain appear out of nowere when approaching surface

    simonecinque1992Date: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 16:55 | Message # 79
    Group: Users
    Messages: 470
    Status: Offline
    Rodrigo, That chunk of land looks like Italy surprised

    My Mods and Addons

    Packard Bell
    Windows 10 Pro
    Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
    4 GB
    64 bit Operative System
    aimeilianDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 17:58 | Message # 80
    Group: Newbies
    United States
    Messages: 9
    Status: Offline

    First, congrats on a lot of work, @SpaceEngineer! It was a nice surprise to see SE jump into 0.9.8! I'm really liking what I see :)

    Second, I have two (possible) bugs that I want to report here.

    1) I went to look at some white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. While black holes are rendering very well, neutron stars and white dwarfs appear as solid white disks for me. Attached screen is a neutron star.

    2) I cannot seem to find any neutron stars or black holes with accretion disks. I tried a 1000-ly search area for those with "rings" and while I found a handful that matched the filter, no accretion disk was visible, and the Editor blanks out those fields (implying they are generated with accretionDisk "false" or whatever the exact tag is).

    Attached is my SE.log, which has shown no errors that I can spot.

    Windows 7 Pro SP1
    Dell Precision M3800
    Intel Core i7-4712HQ, 2 x 2.30 GHz
    12GB RAM

    NVidia Quadro K1100M
    2048 MB GDDR5
    Driver vers. 333.25 (AFAICT this is the latest)

    Not the greatest system any more, I'll admit, but so far it's been pretty solid for SE.

    Attachments: 8198310.jpg (39.0 Kb) · 4972455.log (52.4 Kb)
    ViktorDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 18:20 | Message # 81
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    Czech Republic
    Messages: 33
    Status: Offline
    Quote aimeilian ()
    2) I cannot seem to find any neutron stars or black holes with accretion disks. I tried a 1000-ly search area for those with "rings" and while I found a handful that matched the filter, no accretion disk was visible, and the Editor blanks out those fields (implying they are generated with accretionDisk "false" or whatever the exact tag is).

    Try Sagittarius A. A black hole in the center of Milky Way. That one has accretion disk.
    aimeilianDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 18:27 | Message # 82
    Group: Newbies
    United States
    Messages: 9
    Status: Offline
    Quote Viktor ()
    Try Sagittarius A. A black hole in the center of Milky Way. That one has accretion disk.

    Indeed, I do find an accretion disk around Sgr A*--but not around any procedurally generated objects as far as I can find. Even if the Star Browser claims a match, it isn't actually.
    JonahrfDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 20:29 | Message # 83
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 39
    Status: Offline
    Do you know how to fix the annoying bug where the screen goes black when u visit stars like Alpha centauri?" I know it's not a graphics card issue. The bug wasn't in earlier versions

    attached is my log file

    Attachments: 6972710.log (47.0 Kb)

    Edited by Jonahrf - Saturday, 06.08.2016, 20:36
    aimeilianDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 21:47 | Message # 84
    Group: Newbies
    United States
    Messages: 9
    Status: Offline
    I'm also having difficulty figuring out how to use the /addons/ folder. I've tried just about everything from putting my .scs directly therein to (as the download page suggests) putting all the .scs for a custom system into one big .pak (.zip) with no further folder structure.

    Attached is my log for this last attempt. The file structure I'm attempting to use here looks something like...

    SpaceEngine /
    addons /
    custom-system.pak /

    Admittedly I have not tried =editing= said .scs yet to accommodate some of the new features, but I would expect to see errors coming up in se.log. Instead, SE seems to ignore the .pak file (or files) in /addons/ and goes on its merry way loading all the default catalogs.

    (Note that, if I put folders in /addons/, se.log reflects scanning each folder and subfolder therein... but still does nothing with any .pak or .sc files I've put there.)

    Please help! cry

    Attachments: 7629439.log (45.5 Kb)
    JackDoleDate: Saturday, 06.08.2016, 23:03 | Message # 85
    Star Engineer
    Group: Local Moderators
    Messages: 1742
    Status: Offline
    the folder structure must be:

    This folders you must create if they do not exist.

    In the folder 'addons\catalogs\stars' belong all the scripts for 'StarBarycenter', or single stars that are not tied to a 'StarBarycenter'. In your case, that's probably 'stars.sc'

    In the folders 'addons\catalogs\planets' belong the scripts with planets, asteroids, comets, and so on.
    And stars that belong to a 'StarBarycenter'. For example, double stars like Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B.

    The .pak files usually go in the folder 'addons'.
    But only if they contain the correct folder structure. So for example 'catalogs\planets' and 'catalogs\stars'.

    If there is no 'catalogs' folders in the .pak file, but only the folders 'planets' and 'stars', then the .pak file must in the 'addons\catalogs' folder.

    Don't forget to look here.

    aimeilianDate: Sunday, 07.08.2016, 00:30 | Message # 86
    Group: Newbies
    United States
    Messages: 9
    Status: Offline
    Ah, thank you @JackDole! That wasn't clear at all from the Downloads notes :)

    After a little bit of fussing (I had been using sub-folders for each planet, which appears not to work), I now have a custom system that features some utterly bizarre planets. Which is expected since this was an unedited port from biggrin
    JackDoleDate: Sunday, 07.08.2016, 01:08 | Message # 87
    Star Engineer
    Group: Local Moderators
    Messages: 1742
    Status: Offline
    You can make subfolders for each star system! But in these subfolders must again be the same folder structure!

    For example:

    Don't forget to look here.

    parameciumkidDate: Sunday, 07.08.2016, 01:55 | Message # 88
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 277
    Status: Offline
    I was about to post "pleased to report that everything seems to work fine for Intel HD Graphics 4000 on Windows 10..." but alas! While double-checking I did indeed find a problem.
    I have yet to pin it down exactly, but it seems as if something in star surface loading and rendering is causing CTDs.
    I was flying around looking for a new base when I found a cool more or less habitable terra orbiting a binary white and red dwarf system:

    ...and when I tried to go in close to the star SpaceEngine either crashed entirely or did an odd thing wherein the entire screen turned black, but based on what I could hear the menus, panning the camera, and presumably all the other controls worked fine (I of course ended up having to quit anyway since I couldn't see anything).
    At first I thought it might have to do with auroras or whatnot, since those have bugged me in the past, so I tried turning off auroras, comet trails, water, and even clouds and atmospheres. No luck.
    I noted the addition of procedural carbon stars in this version, so I investigated whether those were the problem by visiting a variety of different stars and zooming in on them. I tried a few random white dwarfs and had nothing bad happen (although I did notice that they still had plain white surfaces and no gravitational lensing, disappointingly); then some red dwarfs and still nothing; then I visited carbon star HIP 90709/HD 170495 and experienced the problem again.
    When far from the star, everything appears nominal, but when approaching it, even slowly, SE either goes all black or crashes.
    If it goes black, I can drag the camera to look away from the star, then restart SE and be able to play again; but if it crashes, predictably, I just have to keep restarting until it doesn't or turn off stars so I can escape to another system.
    Here's some additional data I've collected in the hopes it might help:
    - The distance at which the crash occurs seems to roughly coincide with when the star changes from a point sprite to a 3D model; in the case of HIP 90709/HD 170495 this happens at about 4550 AU.
    - Carbon stars, as well as all other stars, work just fine in the system "map" (F2) and in the Info window
    - Changing the loader mode between immediate, interleaved, and asynchronous seems to have no effect.
    - Changing "PreloadDrawShaders" to 1 also seems to have no effect.
    - I read something about an old bug with sprite rendering on Intel GPUs, so I tried changing the point sources style to "points;" still no dice.
    - On occasion, particularly when a system has more than 9 planets, the screen will go all black for a few frames when pulling up the F2 chart, but in this case it seems to recover fine on its own.

    I have attached my save file and se.log, although having skimmed through them I don't feel like they'll be very informative :\

    EDIT: Okay this is getting weird now.
    I tried going to Proxima Centauri and orbiting around the system using the right mouse button. At certain distances and angles, the screen goes all black, but returns if I orbit or zoom in or out enough to leave the "bug zone." Waiting for a few seconds does not appear to have an effect. I suspect the "bug zones" are related to areas where certain stars in the system are or not rendering as 3D models.
    EDIT EDIT: Wow, derp. All this time I'd thought Proxima was part of the Alpha Centauri system. Apparently what I was looking at wasn't stars at all but procedural planets around the star. I'm so lost!
    So I went to Alpha Centauri instead, and there I found the same problem again. The "bug zone" in this case seems to be where both stars (there's two, right? I saw two.) are at roughly the same distance from the camera, although orbiting and zooming didn't save me this time - the screen went black and stuck that way :C

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: After moving this to the correct thread (herp derp) and combing through it, this seems to be the same issue affecting Ostarisk and Jonahrf, and possibly also PlutonianEmpire. I too did not experience this problem in any of the "RC" versions.

    Increasing my VideoMemorySize to 2048 appears to have helped for now.
    Nope! It helped with Alpha Cen and some other stars, but when I tried going back to that interesting binary I'd found, the problem came right back. I tried increasing the memory size even further to 3072, but to no avail.
    What could it be that's causing SE 0.9.8 to need all that extra memory that didn't?

    Update: More information if it helps. Below is a screenshot from Debug Mode. The star in question renders normally from this angle near the equator, but orbiting to look at it from either pole causes the screen to go all black. Going back to this angle restores it.

    Another update (sorry for making this so long): I read through the entire changelog for both on the Downloads page and at http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/21-3022-218#69881 and didn't see anything related to terrain or star loading or rendering, so I double-checked with RC3. The red hypergiant I mentioned today did not exist, but the system mentioned above with the white dwarf did and everything worked perfectly. So I can say with confidence that the bug we're seeing was introduced in between RC3 and
    Also, I tried running SE with no catalogs to see if that would help by reducing the demand for video memory. No effect.

    Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P

    Edited by parameciumkid - Monday, 08.08.2016, 16:01
    TheRPGLPerDate: Monday, 08.08.2016, 14:55 | Message # 89
    Group: Newbies
    United States
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    I have a bug here with the star browser. When searching for stars, none of the text shows up, but the stars are definitely there as I can select them and go to them. Below is a link to the screenshot.

    And after some point in the star browser, it just crashes.

    quarior14Date: Monday, 08.08.2016, 15:42 | Message # 90
    World Builder
    Group: Users
    Messages: 649
    Status: Offline
    I found a bug where texture is transparent to my moon yet uses procedural textures, I capture with and without atmospheres and my se.log.

    Without atmosphere :

    Edit : After opening Space Engine, transparent texture has disappeared to be replaced with the procedural texture, giving the normal appearance of my moon.

    Attachments: 8527482.jpg (52.3 Kb) · 5439882.jpg (92.7 Kb) · 7602695.log (154.4 Kb)


    Edited by quarior14 - Monday, 08.08.2016, 15:47