I first want to thank the developer for this outstanding and awesome piece of art! Thank you!!
I have managed to run this sim on my 2007 version of Mac Book Pro. My specs are: c2duo @ 2.2 4 GB RAM Geforce 8600GT w 128MB Ram (!!! yes 128!) which, although old, supports OPEN cl 3.2. Driver ver: 327.02 (!! I havent try to upgrade just yet)
When I first run the sim it crashed but after tweaking my system and sim setting everything is fine. Well I had to disable some of the settings but it runs quite ok. Im getting 15-30 fps in space and 8-15 on planet surfaces (actually it goes up to 30fps once it loads the textures)
Im very happy (!!!!) My virtually memory was set to custom up to 2192 and the configuration files are as follows in case someone finds them useful.
////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SpaceEngine main configuration file // //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// display settings WindowSizeX 1440 // window width WindowSizeY 900 // window height WindowPosX 0 // window x position WindowPosY 0 // window y position Maximized true // start with a maximized window FullScreen 2 // 0 - window mode, 1 - fullscreen window mode, 2 - hardware fullscreen mode ChangeMode true // use fullscreen mode with custom display resolution ScreenResX 1440 // screen resolution (width) in the hardware fullscreen mode ScreenResY 900 // screen resolution (height) in the hardware fullscreen mode DisplayRefresh 60 // refresh frequency in the fullscreen mode AspectRatio 1 // aspect ratio for displays with non-square pixels
// OpenGL settings InitInShutterMode false // when changing to the hardware shutter stereoscopic mode, the engine should be restarted with this key set to true VSync 2 // vertical synchronization (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - auto) AnisotropyLevel 0 // anisotropy filtering level (0 - disable anisotropy) LineWidth 2.0 // lines width DepthBufferMode 0 // Z-buffer mode (0 - standard, 1 - log in vertex shader, 2 - log in pixel shader) (remove cache to apply changes) ShipDrawMode 1 // use 1 for DepthBufferMode = 0, and 2 or 3 otherwise
// memory settings VideoMemoryStartupDetect true // detect size physical video memory (VRAM) at startup VideoMemoryDynamicDetect true // detect available amount of video memory (VRAM) in runtime VideoMemorySize 128 // video memory size to use if VideoMemoryStartupDetect = false VideoMemoryMaxPercent 100 // max video memory consumption (percent) CacheSizeLandNode 10000 // limit on the number of terrain nodes in the memory (0 for auto, at least 4000 for LOD 0, 10000 for LOD 2) CacheSizeStarNode 50000 // limit on the number of star nodes in the memory (0 for auto, at least 20000 for center regions of the galaxy) CacheSizeGalNode 10000 // limit on the number of galaxy nodes in the memory (0 for auto, at least 10000 for dense regions of the Universe) CacheSizeGalaxySysModel 20 // limit on the number of galaxy subsystem models in the memory CacheSizeClusterStarModel 1000 // limit on the number of star cluster models in the memory
// interface settings GUIMode 2 // text info mode GUIMessageTime 2000 // splash message duration (milliseconds) GUIPlanThumbSize 120 // size of solar system browser thumbnails GUIHardwareCursor true // use hardware cursor or rendered by engine GUICursorSize 16 // textured cursor size GUIJournalSize 100 // maximum size of autopilot journal GUIBottomInfoHUD false // draw bottom HUD
// texture rendering settings TRMaxImpostors 8 // max number of impostors TRMaxSkyBoxes 1 // max number of skyboxes TRFloat true // use floating-point impostors (for HDR) TRImpResolution 0.500 // impostor resolution (fraction of window width) TRSkyResolution 0.750 // skybox resolution (fraction of window width) TRImpUpdateThreshold 0.005 // impostor update threshold TRSkyUpdateThreshold 0.0006 // skybox update threshold TRSkyMinFOV 20.0 // skybox min FOV TRSkyMaxStep 1e-7 // skybox max velocity (normalized on object's radius) TRFishEyeFaceResolution 1024 // fish eye skybox resolution TRLensFlareConvRadius 3 // "super" lens flare convolution radius
// atmosphere settings AtmoAnalyticTransm true // use analytic transmittance calculations (remove cache to apply changes) AtmoFixHorizon true // fixes artifacts at horizon (remove cache to apply changes) AtmoBottomOffset 0.0 // shift atmosphere down to fix artifacts at horizon (in units of atmosphere height)
// planets settings PlanetMipmaps true // use mipmapping for landscape textures PlanetTextureRes 128 // texture resolution (use only power of 2!) PlanetTextureBorder 1 // texture border PlanetSphereMeshLOD 5 // spherical mesh detail PlanetCubeMeshLOD 5 // landscape mesh detail PlanetRingsSubdiv 16 // planetary rings detail PlanetCloudsTerra 3 // max number of cloud layers for terrestrial planets PlanetCloudsGasGiant 7 // max number of cloud layers for gas giant planets PlanetDetailCraters 3.0 // approx. min radius of craters on terrestrial planets (kilometers) PlanetDetailTerra 0.01 // approx. per vertex detail on terrestrial planets (kilometers) PlanetDetailAsteroid 0.001 // approx. per vertex detail on asteroids (kilometers) PlanetDetailClouds 0.1 // approx. per vertex detail on clouds (kilometers) PlanetDetailGasGiant 1.0 // approx. per vertex detail on gas giant planets (kilometers) PlanetDetailSun 1.0 // approx. per vertex detail on stars surface (kilometers) PlanetDetailTexScale 16384 // scale of detail textures PlanetDetailTextures true // use detail noise textures (remove cache to apply changes)
// physics settings PhysicsTick 0.015 // physics iteration time (seconds)
// screenshots and other settings ScreenshotFormat "jpg" // screenshot format (jpg, png, dds, tga, tif) SkyBoxFormat "tga" // skybox export format (jpg, png, dds, tga, tif) JpegQuality 95 // jpeg compression quality RealTime true // use RealTime mode (velocity not depend on FPS) RealTimeFPS 24.0 // RealTime mode velocity calibration (FPS for video capture) ConvertRGBAtoPNG false // if true, any loaded RGBA or Grayscale images are saved in PNG format in the same directory NSplashImages 20 // number of splash window textures (data\textures\common\splash*.*)
// debug settings ShowGalaxiesOctree false // show catalog galaxies octree ShowCatStarsOctree false // show catalog stars octree ShowGalSysOctree false // show galaxy subsystems octree ShowPlanetsQuadtree false // show planets bounding boxes ShowGalaxiesBBoxes false // show galaxy model bounding boxes ShowNebulaeBBoxes false // show nebula model bounding boxes
// solution of the compatibility issues IgnoreCriticalCheck false // ignore checking of OpenGL version and support of critical extensions IgnoreShaderBinary true // disable binary shader cache IgnoreSyncObjects false // disable GL_ARB_sync PlanetHeightmapFormat 13 // format of the terrain heightmap textures: 13 - R32F, 16 - RGBA32F MipmapsMode 1 // mipmaps generation mode: 0 - disable, 1 - default OpenGL function, 2 - SpaceEngine function
// loading settings PreloadGalaxies true // preload nearby galaxy models PreloadShipTextures true // preload ship textures (do not render ship until all its textures get loaded) PreloadGenShaders 1 // preload procedural generator shaders: 0 - none, 1 - all PreloadDrawShaders 2 // preload renderer shaders: 0 - none, 1 - all, 2 - some LoaderBenchmark false // log loading/creating times LoaderMode 1 // loader mode: 0 - immediate, 1 - interleaved, 2 - asynchronous LoaderMulticontext true // use miltiple OpenGL contexts LoaderShadersAsync true // load shaders in asynchronous mode LoaderQueueSizeGPU 128 // size of loader request queue (landscape tiles) LoaderQueueSizeCPU 256 // size of loader request queue (all other resources) LoaderMaxTilesPF 2 // max landscape textures created per frame LoaderMaxTimePF 20.0 // max loading/creating time per frame (milliseconds) CleanMaxTimePF 20.0 // max memory cleaning time per frame (milliseconds) ReplaceDuplicateMat true // for import from OBJ: replace duplicate materials with existing ones LogTimeStamp false // print time stamp into se.log LogThreadStamp true // print thread ID into se.log
// renderer settings PlanetLOD -2 // planets surface level of detail (min = -2, max = +2) PlanetVSFetching false // planet mesh rendering mode StarScale 1 // point sources scale StarPartStyle 1 // star/galaxy point style: 0 - point sprites, 1 - sprites, 2 - sprites with motion blur, 3 - sprites with motion and rot. blur PlanetPartStyle 1 // planet points style: 0 - point sprites, 1 - sprites, 2 - sprites with motion blur, 3 - sprites with motion and rot. blur StarMotionBlurLength 0.05 // length of the motion blur trail, auto = 0 StarOverbright 2.51189 // point sources extra brightness StarGrayBright 0.1 // stars saturation value RealStarBrightness false // real brightness of star surface RealPlanetBrightness false // real brightness of planet surface EnableLensFlares true // lens flare EnableLensFlareGhosts false // lens flare ghosts LensFlareMode 0 // lens flare mode: 0 (simple), 1 (normal), 2 (super) EnablePlanetShine true // secondary lighting for planets PlanetShineMode 0 // secondary lighting color calculation mode: 0 (none), 1 (once), 2 (real time) EnableEclipses true // eclipse shadows EnableAtmoExtinction false // atmospheric extinction EnableAtmoAtSeaLevel false // atmosphere bottom at sea level EnableSkyRingsShadow true // rings shadow on sky Enable3DWater false // 3D water EnableNightSideLights true // Night side lights AutoExposureMode 0 // auto exposure mode: 0 (off), 1 (simple), 2 (normal) AutoGalaxyMagnitude true // auto increase galaxies magnitude BloomValue 0.25 // bloom effect value EnableTextureCompress false // use DXT texture compression AntialiasingMode 0 // scene antialiasing mode EnableLineSmooth false // lines antialiasing AuroraBrightness 0.0630957 // aurora brightness CometsBrightness 0.1 // comet brightness PlanetShineBright 0.177828 // planet shine brightness NightSideLightsBright 0.223872 // night side light brightness PlanetThermEmissShift -0.35 // thermal emission temperature shift EnableGalaxyFBO true // use framebuffer for galaxy rendering EnableGalaxySkybox false // use skybox for galaxy rendering EnableGalaxyImpostors false // use impostors for galaxy rendering EnableNebulaFBO false // use framebuffer for nebula rendering EnableNebulaSkybox false // use skybox for nebula rendering EnableNebulaImpostors false // use impostors for nebula rendering EnableCometFBO false // use framebuffer for comet rendering EnableCometImpostors false // use impostors for comet rendering EnableAuroraFBO false // use framebuffer for aurora rendering ShowFPS true // show FPS counter
// sound settings MusicVolume 0.25 // music player volume (0.0 - 1.0) SoundVolume 0.25 // sound effects volume (0.0 - 1.0) MusicRepeatMode 2 // music player repeat mode: 0 (no repeat), 1 (repeat track), 2 (repeat all) MusicOrderMode 2 // music player order mode: 0 (in order), 1 (random), 2 (context) MusicShowTitle true // show on-screen message when soundtrack changed
// solar system browser settings SSBDwarfPlanets true // show dwarf planets SSBDwarfMoons false // show dwarf moons SSBRealSizes false // real relative sizes of planets and stars SSBRealBright false // real brightness of planets SSBViewAngle 120 // preview angle
// universe map settings MapDrawGrid true // show grid MapDrawLines true // show lines from grid to objects MapDrawMarks true // show marks around objects and in the grid plane MapLabelsMode 1 // labels: 0 (off), 1 (brief), 2 (detail) MapCropOrbits true // crop out planets and orbits
// interface settings GUILanguage "eng" // localization LockShipPanel 0 // locking mode for the ship control panel LockMainPanel 0 // locking mode for the main panel LockViewPanel 0 // locking mode for the view panel LockNaviPanel 0 // locking mode for the navigation panel LockMagnPanel 0 // locking mode for the magnitude panel UnitDistLarge 1 // large distance unit: 0 - parsecs, 1 - light years UnitDistMedium 0 // medium distance unit: 0 - AU, 1 - light seconds UnitDistSmall 0 // small distance unit: 0 - km/m, 1 - miles/feet, 2 - nautical miles/feet UnitTemperature 1 // temperature unit: 0 - Kelvin, 1 - Celsius, 2 - Fahrenheit
// lens flare effect settings LensFlarePreset "textures/flares/Astroniki2 flares.cfg" // name of the script config file for lens flare effect LensGhostPreset "textures/flares/Eden ghosts.cfg" // name of the script config file for lens ghosts effect LensFlareScale 0.316228 // scale of the lens flare effect
// projection settings ProjectionMode 0 // projection mode: 0 - perspective, 1 - cubic, 2 - fish eye StereoscopicMode 0 // stereoscopic mode: 0 - no stereo, 1 - Oculus Rift, 2 - cross eye/parallel, 3 - vertical stereopair, 4 - horizontal stereopair, 5 - active (shutter), 6 - anaglyph StereoscopicModeLast 2 // last used stereoscopic mode StereoInterlaced true // interlace the anamorphic stereopair StereoSwapEyes false // swap left/right StereoConvergence 0.72 // stereoscopic convergence depth StereobaseOculus 1 // stereoscopic base for Oculus Rift Stereobase3DTV 1 // stereoscopic base for 3D TV GUIResolution 768 // resolution of the GUI texture in the Oculus Rift and fish eye mode OculusGUIDepth 1 // interface depth in Oculus Rift OculusGUISize 0.74 // interface scale in Oculus Rift OculusChroma true // correct chromatic aberration in Oculus Rift OculusChromaGUI true // correct chromatic aberration in Oculus Rift for GUI EnableMipmapsGUI true // use mipmapping for GUI FBO EnableMipmapsFrame true // use mipmapping for scene FBO EnableMipmapsWarp true // use mipmapping for warp effects rendering AnaglyphLeftHue 0 // left lens hue in anaglyph mode AnaglyphRightHue 0.5 // right lens hue in anaglyph mode FisheyeFOV 180 // lens angle FisheyeCrop 1 // circular crop of the field of view FisheyeAngleGUI 38.5 // angle of GUI center FisheyeOffset ( 0, 0, 0 ) // off-axis offset ShowBackground false // show background DistortInterface true // distort interface
// controls settings FOV 45.0 // startup field of view (degrees) ZoomFOV 20.0 // middle button click field of view DefaultFOV 45.0 // default field of view MinFOV 2.777778e-6 // min field of view (max zoom) MaxFOV 120.0 // max field of view (min zoom) ZoomAccel 0.3 // zoom change speed (mouse wheel sensitivity) MoveKeyAccel 200 // Movement keys acceleration time in ms MoveKeyDecel 500 // Movement keys deceleration time in ms TurnKeyAccel 200 // Rotation keys acceleration time in ms TurnKeyDecel 500 // Rotation keys deceleration time in ms LongGotoTime 20.0 // long travel time (seconds) FastGotoTime 3.0 // fast travel time (seconds) CenterTime 1.5 // center object time (seconds) ZoomTime 1.0 // zoom time (seconds) ClipHeight 2.000000094994903e-003 // collision detection height in kilometers ClipZNear 1.000000047497451e-003 // near plane clip distance (ignored in logarithmic z buffer mode) FlyMode 1 // Flying mode: 1 (Spectator), 2 (Spacecraft), 3 (Aircraft)