I have the saitek x52 pro flight stick, and space engine recognizes it in game, and it allows me to set binds for actions like engines and such, however when i switch to space/air craft mode and try to move the stick, nothing happens in game. Is there an option i have to to turn on?
I was trying to use my PS4 Controller to use as Joystick in SE, but I am having problems setting the control to it. I am using the current Version 9.7.2 (beta), the PS4 Controller gets recognized by my computer and the testing itself worked just fine.
The other thing is that I am using Windows 8 but to run SE in a Windows 7 compability mode.
The former shown control center of camera-control in the post above does look different on my system. I'm german, but that shouldn't result in less options.
I've put my view of the controller options in the attachment
EDIT: Well it is now visible. Twice restart of SE helped somehow.