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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 16.04.2015, 22:59 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure you updated your video card drivers. This may solve 99% of all isues.
  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help us to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing videocard-specific issues

    If you do not know which videocard do you have, open the system/se.log file in the text editor and read the Vendor information in the beginning:

    [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Then look for a solution for you:

    Nvidia: Major lag spikes

    Nvidia: Water missing on terras, clouds are below the surface

    ATI/AMD: Crash on approaching to the black hole, neutron star or white dwarf, on using ship's hyperdrive, or when enabling the Oculus Rift mode or the Fish Eye mode

    ATI/AMD: Crash on Startup on Windows 10

    Intel HD: Glitchy landscape and textures on planets

    Intel HD: Red clouds on Earth

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers

    2) Weak system

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)

    4) Artifacts on procedural planets

    5) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface

    6) Spaceship disappears when far from a star

    7) Blurry textures on Solar system planets

    8) Problems with very high resolution displays

    9) Problems in Windows 10 + AMD/ATI

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:

    Real bugs:
    the_nerervarineDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 02:49 | Message # 31
    Space Pilot
    Group: Users
    United States
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    Quote HarbingerDawn ()
    I've been using SE for almost 4 years now, and NEVER had a BSOD, nor has anyone else that I know. I can pretty well guarantee you that if that's happening, then the root cause is something else in your system. At most it may be SE that triggers the problem, but it can't be causing it.

    Funny because every other piece of software is perfectly stable on my system and it only BSOD when I quit the program not while using it. Also spent the last 2 hours doing a stress test on my system just to be sure. Also 9.72 never crashed on my system period. But thanks for your help.

    AMD FX-8320 8 core @4.0ghz , AMD R9 290 4GB, 8GB DDR3 @1866mhz, 1TB Hard Drive

    Edited by the_nerervarine - Saturday, 18.04.2015, 03:16
    parameciumkidDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 04:01 | Message # 32
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 277
    Status: Offline
    I had an acute case of sadface when I first tried to run 0.973 and it simply crashed on me every time. I tried to fix it by stepping down my graphics settings, but whenever I clicked "Planetarium" the game would hang for several seconds and then an "unhandled Win32 exception" would occur.
    I was only able to fix it by changing my "current location" in the save file to somewhere less crowded. My suspicion is that the default start location for this version, judging by the exitscreen image, is so full of planets and nebulae that it overloads my graphics memory or some such. Long story short, for future releases could you please move the ship to somewhere more processor-friendly for the initial load?

    P.S. Now I have a real bug to report. I followed all the directions regarding common issues, but 0.973 crashes every time a planet or moon starts to load. I have fine performance with no signs of trouble looking at ships and planets rendered as points, but as soon as I dare to go close enough for the sphere to appear the game up and quits.

    Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P

    Edited by parameciumkid - Saturday, 18.04.2015, 04:28
    the_nerervarineDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 04:39 | Message # 33
    Space Pilot
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    United States
    Messages: 106
    Status: Offline
    Okay. Everyone complaining about "lag" or frame rate issues I think I might have found a quick fix. Turning the bloom down to the good old 9.72 setting of 5 seems to help. Looks like I'm going to have to make a new performance configuration for people.

    AMD FX-8320 8 core @4.0ghz , AMD R9 290 4GB, 8GB DDR3 @1866mhz, 1TB Hard Drive
    QuontexDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 06:25 | Message # 34
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    Quote Donatelo200 ()
    Awesome update! Performance is much improved. However, the auroras seem to be causing massive frame drops. I get 5-10 Fps with the Aurora on and 30-40 with them turned off.

    Somewhat of an off topic post. I don't really care about frames, SE in it's current state with no "real" gameplay I just explore with the pretty visuals. As long as I fly in a strait line I'm fine with it. Though it's probably just personal preference/opinion.

    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 08:41 | Message # 35
    Cosmic Curator
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    United States
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    Quote the_nerervarine ()
    Turning the bloom down to the good old 9.72 setting of 5 seems to help.

    No, this has absolutely zero impact on performance, at least in every experiment I have performed, and given the way that bloom works it should not be possible for it to have any performance impact.

    Also, a message/plea to everyone posting in this thread:


    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    RockoRocksDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 09:25 | Message # 36
    World Builder
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    Messages: 674
    Status: Offline
    The first thing I'd like to post isn't really a bug, but just something I noticed:
    The camera clipping with spacecraft models, which was apparantly reduced in, seems to have increased again. Here are two screenshots of the cockpit of the Stardrifter to show what I mean:

    Stardrifter in

    Stardrifter in

    Note that both of these screenshots were taken with the same, default 45° FOV. The distance to Triton is obviously different though.

    I also seem to be having a similiar problem with lava as Joey_Penguin.

    With the atmosphere turned off it gets pretty surreal because you can see through the planet:

    se.log is in the attachment

    Attachments: 5285712.jpg (125.0 Kb) · 1691803.jpg (113.6 Kb) · 9628649.jpg (140.3 Kb) · 2870567.log (37.6 Kb) · 3387702.jpg (175.0 Kb)

    I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

    AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM

    Edited by RockoRocks - Saturday, 18.04.2015, 09:32
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 09:37 | Message # 37
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote RockoRocks ()
    The camera clipping with spacecraft models, which was apparantly reduced in, seems to have increased again.

    Quote Change Log
    - Bigger ClipZNear to reduce z-fighting

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    masterchief117kdDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 13:20 | Message # 38
    Group: Users
    Messages: 55
    Status: Offline
    i think i fixed the lag of the game i had to switch to VGA cable smile
    sinsforealDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 15:41 | Message # 39
    Space Pilot
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    United States
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    Yes there is definitely something wrong with the new aurora.

    You can restore the old rendering method. Open the pak file system/shaders.pak as a zip archive, find the file aurora.glsl and extract it into folder system/shaders (create this folder). Open it in the text editor, find these strings:

    //#define TEX_NOISE 1
    #define DETAIL 1

    And change them to this:

    #define TEX_NOISE 1
    //#define DETAIL 1

    Thank you i did what you said and it worked for me but i still don't know why the new aurora causes lag.

    "Man once looked up at the stars and wondered, Now all we do is look at our hands and hesitate"
    parameciumkidDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 18:26 | Message # 40
    Group: Users
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    Status: Offline
    I would have posted my SE.log but, unsurprisingly to me, it didn't say anything useful whatsoever. I don't mean it was unintelligible, rather it just said a bunch of normal things like "starting SE", "loading blah blah blah..." and then just ended when the game crashed.

    Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P
    HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 21:15 | Message # 41
    Cosmic Curator
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    United States
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    Quote parameciumkid ()
    I would have posted my SE.log but, unsurprisingly to me, it didn't say anything useful whatsoever.

    Why not let SpaceEngineer decide what information is useful... not to mention that it contains details about what hardware and drivers you're using - important information! - none of which you included in your post. So please, just post your log with your report. Don't assume that you don't need to just because you see nothing useful to you in it. Just include it and let SpaceEngineer/myself/others decide what to do with it.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    RockoRocksDate: Sunday, 19.04.2015, 08:59 | Message # 42
    World Builder
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    Quote HarbingerDawn ()
    Quote Change Log
    - Bigger ClipZNear to reduce z-fighting

    That's unfortunate, because I liked it better as it was in the previous release. (it worked better with cockpit views and such)

    I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

    AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM

    Edited by RockoRocks - Sunday, 19.04.2015, 10:11
    HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 19.04.2015, 10:36 | Message # 43
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
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    Quote RockoRocks ()
    That's unfortunate, because I liked it better as it was in the previous release.

    Just type set ClipZNear 0.002 in the console, or use whatever other values you want. You can also adjust it in the config, but console is easier.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    SpaceEngineerDate: Sunday, 19.04.2015, 13:44 | Message # 44
    Author of Space Engine
    Group: Administrators
    Russian Federation
    Messages: 4800
    Status: Offline
    Quote HarbingerDawn ()
    Just type set ClipZNear 0.002 in the console, or use whatever other values you want. You can also adjust it in the config, but console is easier.

    And be ready for z-fighting of clouds and water with planet surface (blinking polygons).

    Quote parameciumkid ()
    I would have posted my SE.log but, unsurprisingly to me, it didn't say anything useful whatsoever. I don't mean it was unintelligible, rather it just said a bunch of normal things like "starting SE", "loading blah blah blah..." and then just ended when the game crashed.

    Just give me the log after crashing. I guess you have AMD and it crashed on generating mipmaps, so changing MipmapsMode in main.cfg to 1 or even to 0 might fix that.

    Quote masterchief117kd ()
    i think i fixed the lag of the game i had to switch to VGA cable


    BlueDracheDate: Sunday, 19.04.2015, 19:20 | Message # 45
    Space Pilot
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    United States
    Messages: 87
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    So ... ran into this after leaving SE running while I had to supervise my horse's hooves being trimmed. Space Engine ran behind the screensaver for about an hour while I was away. Came back and went back into SE and toodled around the system listed, flying from the first planet to the last planet and then noodling around the planet's moon system. Flew out to the 10th moon to about half a LY out, turned on orbits, turned them off, then flew into the first moon and was looking for a place to land.

    NVIDIA didn't like it. :/

    Attached is a copy of my se.log and a screenshot of the specific error that popped up.

    (Edit: Fixed typo)

    Attachments: 5076997.log (49.5 Kb)

    Edited by BlueDrache - Sunday, 19.04.2015, 21:06