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Challenge: Most Interesting Multi-Star System [HD-02]
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 04.04.2013, 04:43 | Message # 1
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Challenge #2

To make things more convenient for challenge-goers, and because the galaxy has already been proven compatible, this challenge shares the same galaxy as LiveLife42's current challenge. The goal of this challenge is to find the most interesting multiple-star system in that galaxy.

The galaxy to search in is RG 0-6-69455-197

You must make your submission by the time that 0.97 is released.

Your submission must contain the location code of the system and up to three screenshots of it. You may only submit one system. If you would like to change your submission after you have made it, simply edit your post to replace the old submission with the new one.

The winner of the challenge will be chosen by popular vote. As soon as the submission period ends, the voting period will begin. The voting period will last for exactly 3 days. I will announce the winners after the end of the voting period.

All forum members are encouraged to vote on the submissions made by the participants. To cast your vote, simply make a post saying whose entry/entries you're voting for (i.e. mention the person's username). You may cast up to five votes. You may cast more than one vote on a single entry if you wish (e.g. you can cast two votes for one and and three votes for another). Challenge participants may not vote for themselves. Challenge participants may abstain from voting if they want to (you don't have to vote).

Before you start the challenge, please verify that your universe is consistent with the one most others are using by visiting the test planet below and making sure it is the same one that is posted here. If it is not, then you might have modified your SpaceEngine galaxy models from their original state. In that case, you might want to install a separate for doing challenges with (you can skip the planet textures and spacecraft models to keep it small).

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Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM

Edited by HarbingerDawn - Sunday, 14.04.2013, 07:33
midtskogenDate: Sunday, 07.04.2013, 21:47 | Message # 2
Star Engineer
Group: Users
Messages: 1674
Status: Offline
I've surveyed nearly 400,000 systems looking for complex systems and I found a number of septuples (14), but no octuples. Anyway, one of the septuples was unusually rich with a nice mix of stars, planets and asteroids. Usually, system with many stars have few planets (the richest ones seem to be triples which can have more than 30 planets). My entry:

(This picture is just to give the basic data of the system. The three contest pictures follow below)

Here's its breakup:

The three pictures:

"Interesting" multi-star systems doesn't necessarily mean "most complex". Another interesting system is RS 0-6-69455-197-3584-8-4235209-323, which is a quadruple system with 4 worlds of life. Much to explore in that system, but I choose the above septuple as my entry nevertheless.

Added (08.04.2013, 00:47)
If anyone would like to search, feel free to use my database of this galaxy. It currently contains 364,688 star systems. Note that the information about life is incomplete due to SE stopping to generate life after a little while, and that there are some spelling mistakes. The database can be downloaded here:

Attachments: 6426712.jpg (256.9 Kb) · 1309299.jpg (576.1 Kb) · 5584926.jpg (298.5 Kb) · 4117622.jpg (548.8 Kb)


Edited by midtskogen - Sunday, 07.04.2013, 21:53
VoekoevakaDate: Tuesday, 09.04.2013, 08:31 | Message # 3
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
Status: Offline
My submission (I will probably change it before the end of the challenge) :

RS 0-6-69455-197-3147-9-53893060-925

This is a neutron star with three brown dwarves orbiting it :

Attachments: 3969471.jpg (210.3 Kb) · 4513585.jpg (239.9 Kb) · 4966553.jpg (169.9 Kb)

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HarbingerDawnDate: Wednesday, 10.04.2013, 13:21 | Message # 4
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Just a reminder that there are only 3 days left in this challenge, so remember to submit your finds. I would also like to say that the next challenge will be a little easier than this one smile

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
chromatic9Date: Thursday, 11.04.2013, 18:33 | Message # 5
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 166
Status: Offline
How do you survey 400000 galaxies, is there some search function?

i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 11.04.2013, 18:36 | Message # 6
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote (chromatic9)
How do you survey 400000 galaxies, is there some search function?

If you're talking about midtskogen's databases, he made a program a while ago that automatically clicks on stars and gathers information on them. A built in star browser will be in 0.97.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
midtskogenDate: Saturday, 13.04.2013, 17:55 | Message # 7
Star Engineer
Group: Users
Messages: 1674
Status: Offline
Just a few hours left. Some last minute entries?

HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 13.04.2013, 18:28 | Message # 8
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
I'm extending this challenge - the submission deadline is now whenever 0.97 is released. Upon the release of the new version, this challenge will be closed. Until then, find and submit some systems smile

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
chromatic9Date: Sunday, 14.04.2013, 00:41 | Message # 9
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 166
Status: Offline
Cool. I'll try find something, not going to use the database and get into all that right now if 0.97 will have something similar although I like the idea of just stumbling across something.

i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3

Edited by chromatic9 - Sunday, 14.04.2013, 01:16
WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 14.04.2013, 01:08 | Message # 10
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
I haven't yet found anything that I consider really interesting, but I'll keep looking. smile

HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 14.04.2013, 01:31 | Message # 11
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote (Watsisname)
I haven't yet found anything that I consider really interesting, but I'll keep looking.

You don't have to necessarily find some mind blowingly awesome system. Probably a large fraction of systems could be presented as being interesting in some way smile Any submission is preferable to no submission.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM

Edited by HarbingerDawn - Sunday, 14.04.2013, 01:33
PlanetExplorer12Date: Sunday, 14.04.2013, 03:31 | Message # 12
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 68
Status: Offline
A brown dwarf plus black hole binary system, with multiple blood red frozen planets.

You can see the brown dwarf's light being warped by the black hole.
Location: RS 0-6-69455-197-3161-9-132484574-590 A

Jupiter is Awesome!
DisasterpieceDate: Sunday, 14.04.2013, 07:13 | Message # 13
World Builder
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United States
Messages: 640
Status: Offline
Quote (HarbingerDawn)
You must make your submission by the time that 0.97 is released.

Quote (HarbingerDawn)
23:59 UTC on Tuesday 16 April

So 0.9.7 has a fixed release date now?

I play teh spase engien
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 14.04.2013, 07:33 | Message # 14
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote (Disasterpiece)
So 0.9.7 has a fixed release date now?

Of course not

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My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 02.05.2013, 01:41 | Message # 15
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Alright, this challenge is closed now. There will be no voting and no winner on account of the lack of submissions, but everyone who submitted will still get participation credit.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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